Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Killing God - Part 32 Pride


                Eugenics is the process of improving the genetics of human beings. That phrase was coined by Frances Galton in 1883 when at the same time as western civilization was becoming aware of racial differences. Of course, eugenics preceded National Socialism whose adherents greatly effected racial thought. Many “enlightened” elite propagated racial purity. 591 Diversity makes racial differences obvious. Japan, for instance, a homogeneous nation, pays little heed to race. Toyoda, years ago, credited Toyota’s success to the homogeneity of the Japanese people. 592 Indeed, alikeness is an asset in standardized work because the deviation if the workforce is close to the mean. Of course, it is desired that the mean be optimized for efficiency. Thus, even standardization of the workforce is eugenics in practice!
                Part of mankind’s problem is pride. 593 

For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
                Because sin is inherited, pride is devilish and is evil. 594 Esteeming oneself too highly is sinful, being as gods. Mankind has an inborn genetic inclination to be better than others. Any type of supremacy is prideful. Usually, because of racial differences are so extreme, the most obvious is the idea of racial supremacy. Everyone has the notion that their race is the best. That is not a Caucasian malady but an Adamic one; not that Adam thought he was supreme to others but that his will was supreme to God’s will! Vying for supremacy is the problem – not the color, for even if everyone was alike, there would be hatred and division. That is the work of Satan. 
                In America, history teaches that Abraham Lincoln was the great emancipator who propagated racial justice. As in all cases, the victor writes history. Before modern times, racial supremacy was the normative in the United States and the western world. While even the radicals sought to free others from slavery, the thought was still to a large degree that charity was being shown to inferior peoples. In a moment of truth, let Lincoln’s own words speak for themselves: “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races.” 595 In many debates, Lincoln argued against slavery, and in his most notable speech said, “all men are created equal”. 596 
                This information is shared, not to use against anyone but to make it clear that racial bias is inherent in even the most noble! The author believes that Lincoln also had dualism in his thinking; the same cognitive dissonance many have. It’s obvious that Lincoln had little racial hatred, and that all men were in God’s eyes of equal spiritual value. That is absolutely correct; God is no respecter of persons!  597 Those who respect their “person” or race are ethnocentric – the attitude of superiority based on their own group. Most people seem to share that attitude, and to some degree that is fine. However, when it is pronounced, hatred ensues. Hatred is the virus carried by Satan, no one is immune, and everybody has hatred, for “all have sinned”. 598 
Those who scream “hater” consequently exhibit intensely the same hatred they despise; another instance of cognitive dissonance or doublethink! Accusing others of hatred is hypocritical because everyone hates! People hate others for not being like them, not thinking like them, not looking like them, and not submitting to their whims. Mankind’s disease is superiority. No one is immune unless inoculated. Inoculation is a washing clean by the propitiated blood of Jesus as one submits to the Supremacy of God. With pride defeated and replaced by meekness, the reborn babe crowns and becomes a changed person, having even more worth to God because he or she is His!
People always hate others. Without regard to psychologists, no one hates themselves! 599 Hatred, then, is man’s method of diminishing the value of others including God. Hatred is spiritual murder! 600 Hatred is how haters vicariously kill others and God. They don’t kill the flesh but hang their enemies’ souls on crosses, so to speak. That is the method Satan uses to kill God but mankind does the actual killing. The greatest sin is hating God. The one like unto it is hating others. Those are the converse of the Greatest Commandment and the one like unto it, as mentioned before.
Lincoln, in his debate with Stephen Douglass, remarked that the black race was too different, meaning different from the rest of the nation. The color of the skin is indeed a recognizable and marked difference, and easy to bully. People by nature seem to always knit-pick differences to use to their own advantage. 
Back in the early 1990s, a Klan group came to Bowling Green, Kentucky. I went there because I was curious; not sympathetic, but in wonderment of what makes people tick. Of course, because I am a Christian, I stood in the area roped off for the Christians. The Klan had their place against the backdrop of the justice building, ironically. Before the speech, a very young skinhead with a Nazi flag sat on the grass beside me, doing whatever. I felt sorry for him! He was pitiful, and gullible. I still feel the pangs of guilt today because I did not rebuke him in a gentle manner. He may be destined for Hell and I did nothing about it!
When the Klan leaders began to speak, the Christians in my group began to scream hateful things and name-call. I would not feel comfortable with Klan members but neither was I was comfortable with the Christian group. I left the roped off area and stood by myself under a tree. (Sometimes the safest pace is alone with God!) The point to this is that Christians must be careful when we hate those who are sinners. One of my friends posted on Facebook, something to the effect, “I hate to tell you but there is no verse in the Bible which says we are to hate the sin but love the sinner.” That Christian man was well-meaning but the context of the entire Bible is hating sin but loving sinners!  Christians often misuse Scripture for their own purposes. It is okay to hate sin! That Christian was tacitly approving sinful behavior. 
Why have the Bible at all if it cannot be used for anything? It’s for, “doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 601 Instruction is positive. To learn doctrine is positive. However, reproof and correction have negative connotations. People read Matthew 7:1 “ judge not lest you be judged” without noticing Matthew 7:2-5! (This is where the reader should find out what these passages say by looking them up.) Modern theology excludes “negative Christianity”. Removing correction and reproofing from teaching the Doctrine of Christ is half the gospel!
Therefore, I say, “Christians, quit hating but better yet, quit your name-calling!” The tongue is the voice of the heart. If it’s unclear, there is wrongful pride in being a mean-spirited Christian. Paul was proud that he was a Christian and bragged about it. 602 I too am proud that I am Christian. However, neither Paul nor I are proud that others are not! Ultimate (agape) love is desiring that none should perish. The Christian’s desire is that blacks not perish, the enemy not perish, Jews not perish and certainly that pagans not perish! Hating any is thus, murdering their souls, desiring that they perish in Hell.
The Jews are God’s chosen people. 603 People don’t like that idea! Jews take pride in that position and Gentiles are jealous. Pride and jealousy are seeds of the same fruit. In a spiritual sense, everyone desires to be as gods, and when others get undue attention or accomplish much, jealousy ensues. This is one place mankind does mimic God, for God is a jealous God. 604 
Socialism evolved from a sense of fairness to be honest. As a conservative, it is difficult to admit that socialism is a response to irresponsible conservatism, what today would be called “crony capitalism”. Albeit, that is true because if one opposes wrong that does not make them right. Scripture would refer to social justice as charitableness. However, when charity is enforced, it is no longer charity. Socialism’s intent became polluted because of power. Some sought dominance over others. Marxist socialism propagated mutual cooperation with its for the good of the masses, but to enforce that “goodness”, elite and dangerous leaders were required. Socialism, even with the intent to be good, is evil. When “national” was added to the ideology, even more pride was introduced. The Third Reich was a regime based on pride to the point it was a religion. Nazism killed God from much of Europe. Hitler’s initiative, just as Marx’s, was to kill God by changing the Church.

591 Wikipedia; “eugenics”.
592 Note: The author remembers this article in news magazine from years ago but after much time searching, the source cannot be found. It may have been Eija Toyoda or his grandson  Akio from the early 1990s.
593 Holy Bible (KJV) ; Gal 6:3.
594 ibid; John 8:44.
595 Lincoln-Douglass 4th Debate; Charleston, Illinois; Sep 18, 1858.
596 Gettysburg Address; Lincoln, Abraham; Gettysburg, PA; Nov 19, 1863.
597 Holy Bible; Acts 10:34.
598 ibid; Rom 3:23.
599 ibid; Ephes 5:29.
600 ibid; 1 John 3:15.
601 ibid; 2 Tim 3:16.
602 ibid; 2 Cor 7:4.
603 ibid; Deut 14:2.
604 ibid; Exod 20:5.

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