Sunday, April 29, 2018

Killing God - Prelude

It was a cool evening in the Garden. Adam listened to God who spoke with His Voice. Adam did not call Him God but merely: “Father”, “the Word” or “Immanuel” for God was with him. Eve walked silently by Adam’s side. She and Adam were not only one in the flesh but in the Spirit too.

                God said, “I want to show you a place of great significance.” As God walked peacefully up the rugged path to the top of the hill, His Light led the way. Adam and Even could both see God because their eyes were undimmed by sin. They were made in His image and God was just as they were. As God walked, the animals shied away; they sensed His Presence but without bright eyes, they could not see God.

                Part of the way to the destination God stumbled. Not by accident but for a reason. He marked the spot. It was not rock nor weakness that caused his stumbling but this exact spot had spiritual significance. God stepped on a snake, whose short little legs scurried it quickly away. God looked thereon with remorse, as He spoke softly, “My will be done.”

                Adam was in awe, but nonetheless, reached for God to lift Him up. Instead, God stretched out His hands widely and lifted Adam up with no need to even touch him. Both Adam and Eve rose slowly as they looked down at the beautiful Garden – the very foundation of peace. Adam spoke softly in God’s language – שלום כאן (peace is here). As they gently settled back down, they continued the Way, treading steadfastly so as not to trip. They could not trip because that would mean pain, and pain had not yet to be! God kept them safe at all times. Even the lions nor snakes could harm them because around them was a spiritual hedge. It was the Spirit of God which kept them safe.

                Soon, they were at the top of the hill. From somewhere a reed arose from the soil. God poured the fruit of the vine into it. It was fresh wine for fermentation had no purpose in the Garden. Everything was always fresh with not impurities. God made it that way.

                God handed them some manna to be washed down by the grape. “Take and eat”, God said. “Do this in remembrance of me.”

Adam asked of God, “Where are you going. Please don’t leave us!”

God replied, “I will be with you always, even unto the end. But for a short time, we will be separated, and My will is that you will always remember the fellowship in the Garden. To it, you shall return after doing your will for a time.”

God shed Holy tears as if remembering what had yet to come. His Plan was set in place and nothing in Heaven nor Hell could disrupt His Plan.

                Adam sensed God’s distress. “We are in Paradise but where is Hell?” Adam asked.

“In the Third Heaven outside Paradise,” responded the Word. “There is a chasm between the two and egress from Hell into Heaven is impossible because it will be guarded. There is one Way back into the Garden and entry is by my Name.”

                “But we call you Father, what is your Name?” queried Adam.

                “I will be called many things but by one Name will you find the Way back home.”

                Adam was confused but he would ponder on that because he had all the time in the world for time is endless.

                They continued their walk on the “Way of Grief” but there was no grief. Grief had yet to come!

                God stopped and considered Adam. “What are you Adam?”

                “Well, Father, I am your son – I am man. My mother is the dust from which I was formed. You created me by your Spirit. I have no mother to be exact.”

                “Well, said, son.” God replied, “but soon you will choose death. I will never, however, leave nor forsake you but you must feel the sting of death.”

                “Why, so, Father? What is death?”

                “Death is isolation from me. It lies outside the Garden in whence you stand. There is a Tree on the summit which will restore you from death but you must eat of that tree.”

                “What will I do to deserve death?” asked Adam.

                God looked sternly at Adam. “I told you not to eat of that beautiful tree right there,” God said as he pointed to the midst of the Garden. There was a tree standing a little lower than the other Tree. “You will eat of that tree even though I commanded that you not.”

                Adam felt insecure. “I will never do that because I respect you so!”

                God said nothing more because it has to be.

                Adam asked, “How will I regain life?”

God pointed to the summit. He said, “By the Tree of Life you shall be saved. You may freely eat of it’s fruit. Until then Adam, after you die, you will be buried there where I stepped on the snake. The Tree of Life will return you to life in five-and-one-half days in spiritual time.”

                Adam considered the Word and what the Voice said. “How will that Tree restore my life?”

                God, speaking in truth responded, “It will bleed and die so that you can live again.”

                Adam understood. He didn’t cry because there are no tears to be shed in the Garden. Adam somehow knew he would be responsible. He would kill his own Father. “Don’t die, Father!” God said, “You will kill me but you’ll not know what you do!” God planned His own death so that Adam – mankind – would live. This is the story of Killing God.

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