Friday, April 20, 2018

Killing God - Part 34: Psychology and the New Age


                Because therapy seemed to helped my son with his addiction issues, I developed somewhat of a dependence on them. They gave me hope, albeit it was false hope. As it turned out, my son was cleverer than the therapists were wise. He gave them the outward appearance of sobriety because, according to him, that was their barometer of change. With a sigh of relief, as a middle-age parent, I enrolled in a psychology class at Western Kentucky University. Before long, I was a regular student majoring in family counseling. My idea of psychology was that they had secret knowledge above the normative. I put my trust in psychology.  Fortunately, for me, as I worked on my graduate degree in counseling, I read my Bible cover to cover. Sublimely, my mind was constantly comparing. One day in class I blurted out, “Psychology seems to be just another religion!” Dr. Fong smiled, and replied, “Are you just now figuring that out?” Later on, she mentioned, “it’s not only our job to teach but to remold.” Dr. Fong is an honest lady.
                Psychology means “study of the soul”. 629 The psyche is the Greek term for soul or spirit. 630 It seems that I was studying the unknown god without even realizing it! Hence, psychology, posing as a science, lacks transparency. It belongs in the Religious Studies Department. That is not to say that psychologists never do “good” things because they do just as humanists also do “good”. It’s just from a spiritual stand point “goodness” without hope is an effort in futility! 
                Why psychology? To provide hope to messed up people. Why Christ? To provide hope to messed up people. At best for psychology, hope is a fiction.  Since all people face death, and psychology has no solution for death, their hope can never be fulfilled. On the other hand, guilty people who have been spiritually enlightened have the hope of salvation, 631 and if the faith is firm enough, the assurance of it! 632    
                Psychology, like Christianity, seeks to change cognition and behavior. Unlike Christianity, psychology has no solution to genetic predispositions. Thus, with reluctance, they submit: they are born this way, and have no solution. The Doctrine of Christ is that mankind only has a genetic propensity to do wrong, and that the desire can be controlled. 633 Christianity is behavior therapy. Like the cripple who can learn to walk with the aid of the nurse, the spiritual cripple is aided by the Holy Spirit. 
                Cognitive therapy is the tool for both neurotic or psychotic patients. Those terms are psychological jargon for those unhappy with distress and severe mental disorders, respectively. In spiritual terms, they are the ordinary people dissatisfied with their lives, and those who are reprobate. The former can experience guilt and desire change. The latter is satisfied and often unconcerned with their malicious behaviors and thoughts.
                From a psychological standpoint, guilt as a disorder, is a bad thing from which to seek relief. Counseling is usually to not feel guilty for “bad” behaviors. For instance, if one is promiscuous, just act on the impulse rather than restrain oneself and feel relief from stress. From that standpoint, the only law against behavior is one imposed on oneself. Scripture, on the other hand, teaches that sin leads to death. 634 That refers to spiritual death but can be physical as well. Those who remain in guilt, ironically, walk deathlike throughout life. Such people need to change. Behavior therapy may help with life but it is worthless for the afterlife. Most people can never truly be joyful knowing that this life will end someday. The religion of psychology offers no eternal hope, hence it’s a band-aid when healing is available! If one desires merely a less stressful life, and contentment with bad behaviors, perhaps psychology can satisfy that. If they want a cure, it cannot, and does not even claim to be the cure!
                My own text book on abnormal psychology said that there is no evidence that those with counseling had any improvement over those without counseling. That is an honest assessment. With the cornucopia of tools in their psychological bags, accountability is difficult. If a patient gets worse, was it because of the malady or from the therapy. Christianity has one “tool” and He is reliable and trustworthy. He is the Doctor and the Cure! 
                Psychologists can change non-productive or abnormal thinking or behaviors by merely changing the diagnosis. The Law of God is immutable. Before one is saved, the sickness must be cured. Changing the rules is not effective. Unless there is change, the sickness remains! In regard to the abnormal behavior of homosexuality, the American Psychological Association (APA) merely changed the diagnosis. In DSM-I and II  (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), it was an abnormality. In DSM-III (1973) it changed to normality, and homophobia became he abnormality! 635 God’s Word doesn’t do that! God has expectations: he desires that the old person become new. 636 The DSM rationalizes one’s sickness as incurable. In fact, some laws exist making it illegal to treat homosexuality as a disorder.
                The attack is on psychology, not the persons.  Psychology is not what it appears to be. There is no mystical knowledge at all. Any ethical psychologist will warn that they can’t “fix”anyone. The person is responsible for their own mental well-being. On the other hand, efforts to change oneself is fruitless according to the Doctrine of Christ. He will do the changing for you! With God, all things are possible. With psychology, you must make it possible and change yourself. As scripture warns, curing yourself assigns you as the healer. God is the Healer; mankind is the sick! 637  
                Psychology is an offshoot of philosophy. The latter is based on observation and the former on scientific analysis. Both are studies of human thought and behavior. Psychology’s start is generally recognized as 1879. William James, a philosopher, is recognized as the father of psychology. Within a short time, Sigmund Freud entered the picture with the new field of psychoanalysis. 638   
                It is wise to examine the religious origins of those in new fields and ideologies. For James, his background was Swedenborgian, 639 which is that the old Church with its three persons be replaced with a new church which worshiped God in a single person. 640 For those not into theology, from a Christian perspective, that is heretical. Not only that, but Swedenborg’s clairvoyance had an influence on Carl Jung’s analytical psychology which is based on Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Taoism, and others. Analytical psychology is the venture of meeting the divine in the self. 641 
                Allow me to take a moment for explanation. Much of what is written herein relative to psychology is from memory. Although my training was from recognized textbooks, they are long gone. Wikipedia entries are merely summaries, essentially commentary, of these specialists and their field. Each is much more comprehensive than what Wikipedia or I present. I never practiced family counseling as a profession, but many times conducted family counseling as a friend. Because I am a nouthetic counselor, when I do, I would use very little of psychology; only the commonsensical ideas available without training in the field. I can no longer rattle off all the eclectic and opposing ideas of the theorists because I am apathetic to their ideas. All my counseling is scriptural based. Who better to consul than the Counselor Himself, 642  who “shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I (Jesus) have said unto you.” 
                Several years back I went to a revival meeting at an evangelical church. The guest speaker was identified as a psychologist. Afterward, the minister was to present a message. Before the service started, those in attendance were given instructions: those needing spiritual help were to gather at the right altar for help, and those seeking psychological help were to gather at the left side for counseling. I was astounded! This meeting was syncretism at its worst. I left but not before leaving about three handwritten pages of scripture in my pew. I never went back!
                We are to go to God in all things! 642 That includes problems within the psyche – the soul! When a relative of mine was faced with a broken marriage, I suggested nouthetic or even Christian counseling. He responded, “this one is too hard for God.” Of course, God is Almighty. His marriage was broken, and men could not fix it. God could have! 
                A huge problem with psychology is that therapy is not based on Christianity or even morality. The troubled people establish their own values. The therapist only suggests that they not feel guilty for violating their own code of conduct; perhaps establishing a new code without guilt. In a class, which we referred to as “Porno 101” (Sex Therapy), those who were inhibited in their sexual encounters with their mate were to have a sex therapist free them from their inhibitions with actual coitus! I never ceased to be astounded. When I was asked to join group therapy, obviously because of my perceived Puritanism, my response was, “if it aint broke don’t fix it!” God is my Fixer and I counsel with Him continually.
                If each field of psychology was examined in light of Scripture, one would not find a good fit. Personally, I consider “Christian Psychology” as oxymoronic. All fields of psychology require the patients to "fix" themselves, oftentimes guided by psychologists who have neuroses themselves! What’s more, metrics for fixed don’t exist because there is no way of knowing if the problem is fixed. The patient self-determines whether the fix was effective or not. Time may show that it was not!
                Satan’s way is chaos. He throws in enough “good” and partial truth to confuse the person. Like most secular doctrines, many can help. Of course, “help” is abstract. They may begin to function better but real help is happiness and hope. Those are difficult to measure. Psychology is by definition not even secular as it’s the study of the soul. Theology is not required to be a psychotherapist. How can they know the soul unless they have studied God?
                Eastern religions have had a strong influence on psychology, particularly Carl Jung who seemed to have successfully made Vishnu scientific. The west has accepted many of the precepts of the oriental philosophies as healthy. Of course, Christian living is healthy but few would dare to equate righteousness with good health! Honoring parents is a command with a promise – to live a long life. 643 Practicing reverence is serene, and serenity is spiritually refreshing. Stress can and does kill. Mankind bargains for stress with the amount of rebellion in their hearts. When my own parents died, with each there was a kind of peace which came on me because I honored my parents. There was no need to rush home to make amends because there had never been discord.
                Because harmony is an attribute of eastern religions – balancing the forces in oneself and to be in balance with others, is an attractive thing. Harmony, however, is not just a Buddhist goal; it is a Christian responsibility. In the former, it’s the person who is the source of harmony, but in Christianity it is God! There are some parallels between the religions. “Cosmic consciousness” is something beyond simple self-consciousness and is attributed to God. It does sound very much like the Mind of God but is much different. God is so much more than Mind!  People can attempt to be at one with the universe but they miss the mark! One must be at peace with Jesus and comforted by the Holy Spirit. 
                Even many Christians blend in eastern religious practices, not really abandoning God, but taking another in His face which is contrary to the first commandment. It is done subtly. That is the way the serpent works. The thought is, as long as I am a Christian, this (activity) is just for fun, interest, health, or whatever. Revering God is serious business! It leads to an eternal life just as having reverence for one’s parents increases longevity on this earth. There is peace in revering God and parents, and should not be interrupted by practicing pagan rituals.
                Scripture commands that God’s people not do what the pagans do: “you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations” with which you associate. 644 What first comes to mind is yoga. When one is mellowing out balancing their non-existent forces, that pagan religious ritual stresses God! I’ve heard many say, “I don’t do it because of that; its just for fun!” Fun things which distress God is sinful. It’s taking God’s godhood in vain.
                Of course, there are many more sublime things which have been incorporated into psychology from the philosophies of the east which originated with Vishnu – the Supreme Being of eastern religions. The doctrines of Vishnu have been written down and are extremely meticulous. If one does all these things the doing leads to inner peace. Ironically, Brahmanism is complex but Christianity simple. Psychologists are too wise in their own eyes to accept the simple way to peace! Mediating on the navel or even nothingness has no efficacy for eternal life. Opening one’s mind to whatever comes in is a recipe for someone or some thing to control. Much of psychology, specifically through Jungian doctrine, has operationalized Brahmanism. No longer is Vishnu a god but a philosophy for healthy living. Christians don’t need Vishnu and don’t need much of analytical psychology! 

The New Age Movement:

                Carl Jung is revered by New Agers. As Jesus is the face of God, Jung is one of the several faces of the New Age. When a “religion” is thought of, usually there is a god associated with that faith. The New Age has the “unknown god” which Paul rebuked in Acts 17. Their God is any God but Yahweh. Thus, the New Age religion is unitarian-universalism in practice. Although the latter doctrine claims to be the most tolerant, intolerance of Christian peculiarism is their hallmark. The New Age has condemned the Doctrine of Christ as intolerant. 
                Christians indeed are “peculiar people” because of the Doctrine of Christ. 645 Jesus is the one who gave himself to redeem us from all iniquity and to purify us, to paraphrase what peculiar people are. No other religion has a god who sacrificed himself. Christianity does! He is called Jesus, and he and he alone is the Way to salvation. 646 

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.                

                This one passage is why Christianity is hated so intensely! Of course, those in the New Age movement profess love. Christians are God’s “elect”, 647 and God will use His angels to gather us from “the four winds” to take us to Heaven. That is called rapture, and is the promise to God’s special people: 648 

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

                Because Christians are special people others are jealous. All the other “tribes of the earth mourn”. Those are all the other religions. Christianity is anathema to the New Age movement. They see Christ as intolerant. Truly, Jesus – God – is the most tolerant of all! Because he admonishes others to forgive seventy-times seven times, 649 he sets the example by being willing to forgive until the end!
                I was told by one in the New Age movement that Christianity must die. I asked him why. He said, “Christ was too intolerant”. Using “was” in his response, was a clue that for him, Christ is dead and was only a bigoted man! 
                In a similar incident my psychology professor was asked by another student, “To what church do you belong?” He said, “I am a Unitarian-Universalist but was a member of the Church of Christ.” When queried why he switched, Dr. McFarland responded, “because the Church of Christ is too dogmatic”. 
                True, Christianity is dogmatic. It is only the Doctrine of Christ which leads to salvation. Dogmatism is orthodoxy – right doctrine! Why would anyone waste their time with wrong doctrine?
                Self-esteem is the essential doctrine of psychology. That’s not surprising since Christ-esteem is the Doctrine of Christ. I was tempted the write, the doctrine of the Church, but that would be wrong because the liberal Church has added to that: the doctrine of the self. For some reason, theologians accept the premise that people despise themselves even though most of their worship is of and for themselves!
                A friend of mine was narcissistic. Even a greeting such as how ya doin’ would summon fifteen minutes about her personal accomplishments. She would bore people and drive them away with her self-absorption. Much to my amazement, one after the other would say, “she must have low self-esteem.” On the contrary, she esteemed herself highly!
                Abraham Maslow developed the “need pyramid” the hierarchy of needs from the most basic to the more abstract: physiological, safety, loved/belongingness, esteemed, self-actualization, with an apex of a peak experience. 650 Most of what’s there is obviously true up to a point. That level is the need to be esteemed. God’s have that “need”. People are not gods! What’s worse than the need to be esteemed by others is the need for the person to esteem themselves. Of course, we all want respect from others, so there can be levity there, but to focus on oneself at a conscious and conspicuous level is prideful! In fact, the theme of God’s Doctrine is self-sacrifice to lift up Christ! 651 

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

                As with loving ourselves, God knows how much mankind esteems themselves! He calls man’s attention to others and are to give them the esteem. That attribute is called “meekness”. The meek are to be lowly in heart (desires) and find peace. 652 Life is not all about us. However, if we live life to God’s standards, we receive the benefits. The next is one of the most pertinent passages in the New Testament: 653 

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

                This Scripture should make it clear: esteem of ourselves is mankind’s problem, not the lack thereof! If mankind lifts up the Lord as Moses did in the wilderness, the Lord will lift man up from the snakes! When the poisonous snakes were killing the Israelites, when they quit elevating themselves to protector level, the Lord lifted them up as they looked up to the Lord. The born-again experience is when one humbles themselves and lifts up the Lord! Self-esteem dies right there in the dust along with the self-aggrandizing!
                Self-esteem is a psychological fruit put on the forbidden tree which naïve people consume. The Church has hung that fruit on the Tree of Life, and doubters, it is not to be there! Charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity are all fruits of the Spirit. Where is self-esteem? Obviously, it’s not there but modesty and self-control are! 654 Immediately preceding those fruits in Scripture are the “works of the flesh”. 655 The former attributes – virtues - are mostly others-centered while the latter disconnects are self-centered.
                Unfortunately, the what’s in it for me attitude is a detriment to the Church! Self-esteem is for you. The ritual is for you. Now even the music and the doctrine are for you. All you kill the Church. We all kill God because nearly everyone stands under the other tree! I keep thinking of the rock concert of antiquity which was featured earlier in this book; the big party back in the days of Noah. Even the Church on God’s Holy Mountain looked down on sin, and desired to have what the world had! That desire killed the world but it didn’t kill God! God will destroy the world before he lies down as if dead.
                Psychology, in general, is all about us: how to make us happy, how to placate us, how to esteem ourselves, how to have pleasure, how to cope, and what to think. Putting the focus on ourselves is our problem! Mankind’s priorities are all wrong! Listen to the Word: 656  

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

That means do God’s will and all “these things” will come about. What things? All your needs! Scripture flips the need pyramid upside down. Rather than having some psychological peak experience after you self-actualize, be spiritually enlightened, and those needs in the hierarchy will be met! God will lift you up! Who else do we need to esteem us other than God? Esteeming oneself is as futile as trying to kill the poisonous vipers when we are unable to do that!
The New Age is an outcome of ancient pagan religions and modern philosophy/psychology. The New Age Movement is the reincarnated old time false religions. It is the Age of Aquarius, thus of the same astrological background as those who babbled in Babel! The New Age is focused on the mind, body, and spirit but not from God’s image. The mind is the cosmic consciousness, the body is mankind not Jesus, and the spirit is fallen angels. Many people describe themselves when asked as, spiritual but not religious. That is New Age thinking! The New Age Thinking is summed up very clearly in Wikipedia: 657 

As a form of Western esotericism, the New Age drew heavily upon a number of older esoteric traditions, in particular those that emerged from the occultist current that developed in the eighteenth century. Such prominent occult influences include the work of Emanuel Swedenborg and Franz Mesmer, as well as the ideas of Spiritualism, New Thought, and Theosophy. A number of mid-twentieth century influences, such as the UFO religions of the 1950s, the Counterculture of the 1960s, and the Human Potential Movement, also exerted a strong influence on the early development of the New Age.

Clearly, it is obvious that cultic thought, mysticism, Theosophy and the positive thinking crowd resuscitated the old pagan religion. Some of these had a hefty influence on the Third Reich’s German version of Christianity, and the mysticism and paganism of the Third Reich.

630 Wikipedia; “psyche”.
631 Holy Bible; Jer 29:11.
632 ibid; James 1:12.
633 ibid; Gal 5:1.
634 ibid; Rom 6:23.
636 Holy Bible; 2 Cor 5:17.
637 ibid; Isa 3:7.
639 Wikipedia; “William James”.
640 ibid; “Swedenborgian”.
641 ibid; “Carl Jung”.
642 Holy Bible; John 14:26 (parenthesis the author’s).
643 ibid; Exod 20:12.
644 ibid; Deut 18:9.
645 ibid; Titus 2:14.
646 ibid; Acts 2:12.
647 ibid; Mat 24:31.
648 ibid; Mat 24:30-31.
649 ibid; Mat 18:22.
650 Wikipedia; “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”.
651 Holy Bible; Phil 2:3-4.
652 ibid; Mat 11:29.
653 ibid; James 4:7-10.
654 ibid (Latin Vulgate); Gal 5:22-23.
655 ibid; Gal 5:19-21.
656 ibid; Mat 6:33.
657 Wikipedia; “New Age”.

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