Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Killing God - Part 39: Narcissism


                Narcissus was a mythological Greek god known for his beauty and vanity. Because of who he was, he had excessive pride. When Narcissus saw his reflection in a pool of water, he fell in love with it, not realizing it was just himself. 733 It is obvious that narcissism is vanity, egotism, and admiring one’s own attributes. Taken to the extreme it is narcissistic personality disorder, 734 historically called megalomania.  Few desire friendship with those vain people because they are always manipulating for attention or appeasement. Life, for them, is all about them. Because they so love themselves, they are difficult to love.

                In spiritual terms narcissists have been made in the image of Lucifer whose name means “bright and morning star” and is associated with the planet Venus. 735  In Scripture, the ultimate “narcissist” is the fallen angel Lucifer. 736  

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.


                This passage is the only place in the Bible that Lucifer is mentioned by that name. He is “the son of the morning”, is proud, and self-exalting. Lucifer, if not Narcissus, is narcissistic. (I use the present tense here because Lucifer is still alive.) Narcissism is being like Lucifer, who not by accident, is father of narcissists – “ye are of your father the Devil”. 737 The implication made here is that Lucifer is the Devil.  Modern theology denies that Lucifer, the Devil, and Satan are names of the same narcissistic angel.

                On the television program Brad Meltzer’s Decoded, the statue of Liberty was investigated. 738 Believing that secrets are hidden within the statue, Meltzer’s team Decoded them. The conclusion was that Liberty (Latin for the Roman goddess Libertas) was likely the goddess Isis – the Egyptian Queen of Heaven”. 739 The final conclusion on the program was that Liberty is a statue of Lucifer. At the conclusion, a theologian was brought in who tempered the finding. He emphatically said that Lucifer and Satan are not the same!

                Without going into all the theology which shows their commonality, they are scripturally the same vain identity. The most obvious commonality is their destination: Lucifer, just as Satan, will be brought down to Hell: 740

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him.

                Scripture establishes several identities as the same being: the dragon, the serpent, the Devil, and Satan. Satan’s destination identifies him as the fallen angel Lucifer. Satan doesn’t want anyone to know his identity. His plan to destroy God is incognito. If Satan doesn’t exist, then how could he kill God? Of course, the angel Lucifer would be too nice to do such a thing (sic)!

                The idea herein is to identify the killer. He has several identities from dragon to an angel. He can be what he wants to be. Angels can morph. Sometimes in scripture, as at the tomb, they appeared as men. In other places as scary-type “monsters”. The killer has a multitude of disguises, and most of them are unseen. His most repulsive disguise is that he does not exist. That’s what the world wants everyone to believe. Christians have an invisible Father and the world has an invisible father as well!

                Libertas – the Statue of Liberty – represents freedom. “Her” statue was placed in France’s church buildings during the time of the French Revolution. She was called “the Goddess of Reason”. 741 In France, she was the goddess of those who did what was right in their own eyes. America accepted her statue without question, when she was gifted to this nation by France. Liberty is honored now in the nation that once honored God!

                The intent herein is not to indict the Statue of Liberty but to demonstrate how easily Satan can conceal himself and his law of sin. Americans take for granted, for instance, that democracy is all good. It is not. It of course, contains much good but much evil as well. For instance, since democracy is based on the will of the majority, then most want independence from authority. They desire to “do what is right in their own eyes” as mentioned several times before. Democracy can lead to destruction, if not tempered by republicanism and God because so many are narcissists.

                Narcissism is more than appearance-centered. As the serpent warned back in Genesis, mankind would be as gods. Narcissism is that, and there are many. Socialism is an example of a government of narcissists: people deserve appeasement. What do people deserve in truth? Death! 742 On the other hand, God doesn’t deserve death but his killers screamed that he should die. 743 Look at the folly in this type of thinking: you deserve appeasement but God deserves death! No wonder mankind is so deserving of death.

                Narcissus should have died on the cross but Yahweh did. Narcissists should have died on the cross but Yeshua did.

                There are two worldviews in people: (1) some believe that the world is for them, and (20 Christians believe that heaven is their home and that this world is temporary. Narcissists focus on the world, their world, and what it can give to them. Ironically, Christians looks at Heaven and what it can provide? Escape from the destruction of the world.

                Most of my commentary is about who are the gods of whom God is jealous. Gods are not of stone, wood, or even gold. Those are idols. It’s what they represent that God detests. In reality there are no other gods but there are those who think they are gods. That is Narcissism. God is jealous of Narcissists; they who will die but God will live on!

                The modern world is full of narcissists. In the beginning they were two but they multiplied. God knew what when multiplication was ordained the ordination was for trillions of gods; mankind who would have as idols their flesh. Narcissists highly esteem themselves. In order to be saved, the narcissism must be relinquished. That is being born-again! The nature of Narcissus is given up in favor of the righteousness of God.  Mankind was made in the image of Jesus and are to be Christlike. 744

                Narcissus must be crucified! 745 For God’s death to be meritorious, as many of those trillions of narcissists must be crucified with Him! Narcissism kills God. Just look at Christmas: it’s no longer about Christ but the consumer. Many think, what’s in it for me?  The notion of gifting at Christmas is pagan in nature, and for many narcissistic. People even train their children in narcissism! Christmas and Easter are more to appease the kids than to glorify God! People despise my thoughts on the holidays – “Holy days” – but they are no longer holy.

                The world is a place for narcissists. Most people are Epicurean in philosophy. Even Christianity has become all positive: all the good things “I” can get! “I” has become a god. The many “I’s” are many gods. All mankind contends for God’s glory – his beauty and grace. Satan even wants his throne so that he can be worshiped. The earth is God’s footstool 746 but mankind acts as if it is our throne! People war with God because he is in charge. Little gods can’t do as they please so the mob rebels. Even churchgoers kill God!

                I dress casually for church although I have many suits. When I was young oftentimes my family didn’t go to church because we were too poor to have church attire. I have a friend who won’t attend churches where the people overdress. He walks out because he senses that the focus is on them. Some say that for church Christians must wear their best. Look what John the Baptists wore when he was threshing out the Church with baptism for the remission of sins. He wore camel hair attire. 747 He was wearing his best because what he wore diminished him.  His type of Church was not about him but all about Jesus.

                I laugh sometimes at church because we are so pitiful. Some dress as if it’s a fashion show. Even the preachers primp up for preaching in their finest suits. They spit-shine their shoes, get fresh haircuts, and swagger to the pulpit. The sermon becomes more about them. I laugh at the pretense but am not sure that God does. I know that they are think they are doing right but if those who live in poverty step in, do they?

                Even the author is narcissistic. I must ask myself as I write, “Am I writing for me or to glorify God?” Sadly, at many times I feel guilty as I conclude that I want to leave a legacy so that I’ll be remembered, as if that even matters! Realizing that, I figure, if it’s for me, at least I can write about God!

                If one thinks on salvation, even that is narcissistic: Christians so love themselves that we desire that we not perish. Salvation is all about saving us! Gladly, the way to save “us” is to trust God, knowing that us narcissists are not really the gods that we think!

                My worst childhood memory is when I said out loud: “I wish Daddy was dead so that I can do what I want!” I said that. That was narcissistic. If I was still that person, I would say, “I wish my Father in Heaven was dead so that I could do as I please.” People want God dead for that reason – to do as they please. That’s what Satanism is all about with their creed, “Do what thou wilt!”

                Unfortunately, our will more often aligns with Satan’s will because mankind’s flesh is of the world. The flesh of men are their idols. Of course, “the flesh” is mankind’s desires – what’s important to us. Transformation is when God becomes more important than our pleasure. Narcissus is hung on the cross.

734 Wikipedia; “Narcissism”.
735 Wikipedia; “Lucifer”.
736 Holy Bible (KJV); Isa 14:12-15.
737 ibid; John 8:44-45.
738 Decoded, Season 1: Episode 3, “Statue of Liberty”; Meltzer, Brad; 2012.
740 Holy Bible (KJV); Rev 20:2-3.
741 Wikipedia; “Cult of Reason”.
742 Holy Bible; Rom 1:32.
743 ibid; Mat 26:66.
744 ibid; Rom 15:5.
745 ibid; Gal 5:24.
746 ibid; Isa 66:1.
747 ibid; Mat 3:4.

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