Saturday, April 14, 2018

Killing God - Part 29 Withering of the Dominant Church

               Gradually, over the millennia, the catholic Church became the Catholic denomination. Admittedly, it represented the true Church even with its shortcomings. For instance, within a few hundred years at least one bishop, Cyril of Jerusalem, was baptizing naked people naked. 519 Of course he rationalized it but that’s exactly what it is. Holy Scripture teaches modesty without exception! Why else would God have covered “their shame” with original sin?

                As Satan knows “good” and uses it for his evil purposes, nothing is entirely evil! As such, total depravity does not make theological sense. It is more a conclusion than a legitimate doctrine. Totally depraved people would do no good at all! Depravity is more selective than totality; it applies only to the choice of salvation. Mankind does not have a will to choose right because they are totally depraved, they submit. With the Calvinistic doctrines of irresistible grace and election, then mankind never need make choices. Hence, depravity would be extraneous to salvation. It seems that TULIP is less grace and more philosophy than the sola gratia to which they adhere. (Note: TULIP is the acronym for Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, and Preservation of the Saints – aka eternal security). 520 With that doctrine, salvation is mere existence, and damnation is merely random. That is not God’s Plan! This is one of the many doctrines which withers the Church.

                Fortunately, most people, when they are called, answer in the affirmative even if they don’t need to answer. Many reformed – Calvinistic - churches have had great leaders in spite of questionable doctrine. One of the most convicting is Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God read by Jonathan Edwards during the Great Awakening. On the other hand, the misuse of Calvinism can be catastrophic. Some even fail to have missions (the Great Commission), and don’t attend church because with election, those things serve no purpose! Grace is having wrong doctrine and still be “safe”, both for the individual and the Church. If one examines the seven Churches, and apparently Jerusalem was not worth including, each had wrong doctrine; none were orthodox scripturally.

                Imagine, if you will, if every Christian were required to be doctrinally pure. Then doctrine would enslave just as obsessive-compulsive obedience to the Law did for the Jews. It’s not that God expects total comprehension. Then mankind would be as God. He understands our inability to understand because of the bewildered look which was surely Eve’s when she failed to understand death. Paul understood doctrinal differences and chastised his fellow believers. Christians are to follow the one Christ and put aside the doctrines of others.

                There is one doctrine, one faith, one baptism, and one Lord. As mentioned earlier. Doctrine divides! There are thirty-five Christian denominations in just the United States. 521 That is a good thing, and a bad one! The good is that from one wrong-doxy came other wrong-doxies (sic). No Church is truly orthodox, each failing the Doctrine of Christ in some respects. Doctrine is good in that it identifies the belief system of the church body. However, doctrine is to be tested against the Doctrine of Christ – perfect doctrine because Christ wrote the mystery! 522 In truth, most in the Old Testament understood the mystery! The patriarchs did. Most today fail to understand the same mystery. Some denominations teach that only they are orthodox – of right doctrine. It seems that since they exclude others who are born-again, perhaps they are wrong-dox (sic)!

                While denominations proliferated, dissension increased. At Jerusalem the Holy Ghost revealed Himself because of concordance. Denominations are discordance. At the same time, denominations are a blessing and a curse. That is enough to fuel even more cognitive dissonance. True Christians desire ecumenicalism, but alas, that inclusiveness is evil in practice. Why so? Imagine the seven churches of Asia all of one mind. Philadelphia would be diminished, and Laodicea elevated. Concordance, if done with mankind’s own devices is catastrophic. Satan knows that! If all denominations unite according the Doctrine of Christ, then the Holy Ghost would bless the Church more.

The Dominant Church:

                The Roman Catholic Church dominated Christianity for centuries. Constantine made a new Rome in Constantinople, and the empire was divided. Not too long afterward, the Church was divided, and still is to this day. Although separate, the two divisions retain “catholic” in their formal names, thus each claiming to be the universal Church. The Roman Catholic Church was the church of the western world, and the Orthodox of the eastern world. At times, the division of the Church was the source of wars and at other times, wars were the source of Church division. Division is of Satan. It is imperative that if division is toward chaos, it is evil. On the other hand, if division is toward order, it is God correcting the chaos created by Satan. God often restores the withering Church by separating the good Churches from the wicked ones.

                Before, the “Catholic” churches are criticized, let me acknowledge that protestant Churches should be as well! Holy Scripture was written for a purpose: 523

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.


                My wish is that the Roman and Orthodox Catholic Churches do self-examinations using Holy Scripture. Look at the nature of Scripture: (1) inspired by God, (2) right doctrine (orthodoxy), (3) to criticize faults, (4) to correct the wrong doctrine, (5) and to rightly instruct! I’m not the first to do that! Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses and nailed them to the door of the Wittenburg Church. 524 Did that harm the true Church or did it help? It certainly divided but was the division to wither the Church or to correct the withered Church. Of course, that may differ from the perspective of the viewer but not from God’s view. It seems from a Scriptural standpoint that God corrected a withering Church.

                Catholic doctrine is that the Pope has authority greater than Scripture! 525 That one doctrine alone can be tested by Scripture and rejected. Only Jesus, is infallible, and the Word is Jesus. By claiming papal authority places the pope as a god who claims power supreme to the Word! Papal infallibility withered the Church. Like the Church at Smyrna which was the Synagogue of Satan. Likewise, that same Church had riches but claimed to be concerned with the poor, and many there claimed to be “Jews” but were not. The Catholic faith has many who claim to be Christians but are not!

                The Roman Catholic Church does not hold the doctrine of the rebirth. Being born-again, in their doctrine is accomplished at baptism by grace. 526 That sounds great, but Catholics perform pedobaptism. Infants cannot believe in the blood of Christ because of their mental capacity.  Most evangelical churches have a doctrine of “believers baptism”. Protestants accept the Scripture that, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 527 Jesus went on to explain the doctrine using Moses lifting up the bronze serpent. Nicodemus had to understand that symbolism to know what born-again means. Infants have no idea!

                Marianism is really offensive to most non-Catholics. Because Mary was the “mother of God” Catholics revere her to the extent that it is worship, 528 although of course, they deny that. Veneration in theory is honoring but in practice is taken to the extent that it is worshiping! Praying the Rosary often takes the form of “Hail Mary’s” and is asking for intercession from the virgin Mary. 529  When Mary is revered, God is not! Holy Scripture claims Jesus as the Intercessor to God; not Mary! 530 Likewise, Christians are not to have repetitive prayers as the pagans do. 531

                Historically the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation has been the most obtrusive to reformers. That is “the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, only the appearances of bread and wine still remaining.” 532 The early reformers considered that idol worship. Many reformers were burned at the stake because they would not blaspheme God by this act. Most protestants do not and will not take Mass because of transubstantiation.  Burning at the stake was not ever a biblical way of proselytizing either!  Some were converted through the threat of that just as most Muslims are Muslims because a sword was held to the throat of an ancestor.

                With Christianity, the spear in the side of the Savior was the Way to salvation. With early Catholicism, their cross was the burning pyre with a so-called heretic praising God as he or she was baptized with fire. Islam proselytized with a sword to the throat, and a threat of beheading! Christ doesn’t convert by force. He convinces through the Word and transforms by his own blood!

                Referring to the 95 Theses, Luther had a problem with indulgences. Scripture does as well! Protestants rejected usury and any payment of sins. The Church at Smyrna had the sin of Balaam. Indulgences are a similar sin.

                On a positive note, at least until Pope Frances came along, the Catholic Church were fine defenders of the faith. It does seem with the advent of ecumenicalism, that the Catholic Church has accepted universalism and unitarianism as efficacious. One pope referred to them as a way to salvation but Christ as the Super-Way. (I’m sorry, I can’t locate my source for that but remember it from several years previous).

                Like the Church at Smyrna which was withering in the same fashion, Roman Catholicism, at least by doctrine, still holds the Doctrines of Christ. They are heretical, but because “they know not what they do,” 533 are forgiven for their misunderstanding.

                Many fundamentalists hold that the Roman Catholic Church is the antichurch and that the Pope is the antichrist. Those against God are antichrists but the antichrist is one specific person who is likely to come from the church-type of Laodicea. I believe that is the general condition of the global Church. It would be a leader accepted by most; hence the disgust with the ecumenical movement.

                The Smyrna-type Church was given reprieve even in deference to their heresies: They will be tested by tribulation but remain faithful. They will receive “the crown of life” which is salvation, and a reward for those who overcome; for those who remain faithful. In spite of Roman Catholic doctrine, there are many within that denomination who were born-again in spite of their church teachings. I have known many orthodox Roman Catholics who have been born again! Specifically, it seems that Sean Hannity has a personal relationship which can’t be denied!

                Church typology includes the “good” and the “bad”. Don’t be offended, Catholics, if others don’t accept your doctrines. That is nothing new. Any Christian should and must test their church doctrines using Holy Scripture. Papal authority and infallibility is a hindrance to that. Ask yourself the question: do you believe Christ or do you believe Frances? Discerning people with wisdom will accept the Way, the Truth, 534 and the Life before fallible man! The Roman Catholic Church, no different from the protestant, are part of the withering Church. It is inevitable that the organized “Church” will continue to suffer heresies as time goes on for apocalyptic truths to come about. Eschatologically speaking, the future of the Church is the withered fig tree. The once dominant “fig tree” is falling first and fastest it seems – the Roman Catholic faith.

519 Lectures on the Mysteries II; “Sacraments of Baptism”; Cyril of Jerusalem.
521 Wikipedia; “Christianity in the United States”.
522 Holy Bible; Rom 16:25.
523 ibid; 2 Tim 3:16.
527 Holy Bible; John 3:3.
528 Wikipedia; “Veneration of Mary in the Catholic Church”.
529 Wikipedia; “Rosary”.
530 Holy Bible; 1 Tim 2:5.
531 ibid; Mat 6:7.
532 Wikipedia; “Transubstantiation”.
533 Holy Bible; Luke 23:34.
534 ibid; John 4:34.

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