Sunday, April 22, 2018

Killing God - Part 36 Unitarian-Universalism


                Sin is anything which separates man from God. Iniquity is having a lifestyle of sin and reprobation is so entrenched in unwillingness to change that the person is damned. Grace is the antidote for iniquity. Rather than the commission of the sin which damns, it is the willingness to displease God. If one looks back to the original sin again, Eve entered into temptation – on her own – and ate of the fruit. She was deceived. Adam ate because he was willing to disobey knowing it was sinful. He believed the serpent over God. God said that eating of the tree would result in death. Eve ate and didn’t die, so Adam ate. Sin is willingly believing the lie over truth. It is knowing better but not caring! It is knowing that God will be jealous but flirting with Satan anyhow. In fact, living in sin is spiritual fornication. 675 Revolting against God is fornication with other gods; the worst of which is self-worship.

                All sins are not equal in severity. That is a ploy of Satan to mislead. For instance, if someone lies, then the thought occurs, I have sinned already; I may as well sin in worse matters.  People are entrapped with in their own faulty reasoning! Satan does not make anyone sin! His is the law of sin. Mankind always chooses whether to sin or not. Some preface their excuse with, the devil got into me, or the devil made me do it. Those thoughts bestow power on Satan which he does not have! Essentially, that is elevating Satan to godhood; he smiles at that. Satan is not omnipotent, omnipresent, nor omniscient. His only powers are invisibility, manifesting, and subtly! He must go to and fro to communicate; quite limiting especially since he must walk in the world, not fly around freely! 676

As weak individuals, Satan would not waste his time on us. He would send one of his contemporaries if need be but would spend his time where it counts. It would seem that Satan attends many ecumenical councils because that’s where he is most effective!

All repented has the same outcome if not born-again. That is eternal damnation. On the other hand, there are degrees of sin. Stealing a loaf of bread is likely not as severe to God as is killing someone out of convenience. Murdering an innocent baby would be more obnoxious to God than punishing a murderer with a death sentence. When Christ was crucified, he told Pilate that the Jews sinned greater than him by delivering him to his death. Thus, the instigator of sin may be more guilty that the facilitator. 677 People defiling themselves are abominations – disgusting – to God. 678 The unpardonable or greatest sin is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost – denying the efficacy of Jesus’s death. 679

Unity in Christianity is excellent! Paul admonished his contemporaries to be one in Christ, and to put away personal contentions: 680 Of course, the unity must be in the doctrine of Christ: 681

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

Thus, the uniting doctrine is not only God but God incarnate – Jesus the Christ – who is the Way to salvation; faith makes on whole and is going the Way of Jesus.  682 By no other person than Jesus can anyone be saved! 683 That straight gate is what makes Christians peculiar people: faith is the right Way which path is narrow. Unitarianism is the wide gate, and Universalism is the broad way to destruction. 684 Unitarian-Universalism (UU) is the epitome of New Age doctrine but hide in plain view within the ecumenical movement. Notice that anytime community worship is held, UU is always there, and of course nearly interviewed by the media.

Unitarianism in practice is that all “gods” are the same God. Universalism is that everyone will enter into their heaven. That doctrine is blasphemy and damning! Originally, Unitarianism was believing in monotheism which is truthful but rejected the notion of the Holy Trinity. Jesus was a normal human being and not God incarnated. It has grown to mean that all gods are God. This heretical doctrine denies original sin and the infallibility of Holy Scripture. 685 As such, it is not Christian Doctrine but antichristian.

Universalism is that most religions have universal principles and is inclusive and that in the end all religions will enjoy the same reward. 686 Univeralism seems to be an outcome of eastern thought; the Rig Veda (one canon of Hinduism) says, "Truth is one; sages call it by various names." 687

                Hinduism seems so much like early Gnosticism that possibly it may be one form of it! Likewise, UU has its commonality. Of course, the schools of comparative religions may argue that but common sense would reveal their biasness.

                UU and eastern thought are indeed great threat to Christianity. Eastern religion has already entered the doors of Christianity through UU and the New Age. It has entered academia through immigration, philosophy, and psychology, and now even medicine. Holistic medicine incorporates harmonization of the forces within (yin-yang) and “natural” healing. Much of what seems natural to them is the god/goddesses who are in everything.

                My own daughter who practices yoga shared a conversation with me. When she went to a yoga session, their priestess – disguised as a Yoga instructor – chastised her for not removing her shoes. She was told it was disrespectful. My daughter asked, “to whom?” That is an intelligent question because Yoga is more than an exercise program; it is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice in Hinduism. Buddhism, and Jainism. 688 This ritual is UU in practice, hiding behind the misconception of “natural” health. 

                Some have told me, “I don’t do the spiritual part, I just do the exercises.” Tell that to God. How many Hindus do you see stretching for Jehovah? Obviously, they balance their forces for Vishnu! Christians are easily deceived. On he other hand, other hand the others are more intolerant, even refusing to consider Christ. Christians are called to convert the world with the Great Commission. It is the world converting Christianity by perverting the Doctrine of Christ.

                Just look at some of the eastern religious practices. The focus is on whom? On the surface it seems that their practices are for self-improvement, which to a large extent can be wrong. However, in reality, eastern religious practice is syncretism – having other gods besides God. Imagine the indignation which God feels when people pose to Vishnu or stretch for Buddha!

                Of course, syncretism is widespread. Even the martial arts are spiritually focused, and even government sanctioned in the U.S. for military training. 689 It is hard to separate UU from theosophy from New Age from eastern religions and so on because they are all part of the same religious philosophy. They are doing what is right in one’s own eyes, and that is a greater sin, perhaps a cornucopia of more than one cardinal sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and slothfulness. 690

675 Holy Bible; 2 Chron 10-12.
676 ibid; Job 1:7.
677 ibid; John 19:10-12.
678 ibid; Lev 18:30.
679 ibid; Mat 12:31
680 ibid; 1 Cor 1:11-13.
681 ibid; 2 John 1:9.
682 ibid; Mark 10:52.
683 ibid; Acts 4:12.
684 ibid; Mat 7:12-14.
685 Wikipedia; “Unitarianism”.
686 Wikipdia; “Universalism”.
687 Harmony of Religions; Vedanta Society of Southern California.
688 Wikipedia; “Yoga”.
689 Letters between the author and Congressman Ron Lewis of Kentucky.
690 Summa Theologica; Aquinas, Thomas.

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