Friday, June 15, 2018


     There are many conspiracy theories. One of the most durable is the Illuminati and its tie to Freemasonry. Although the latter is well-known but secretive, the former has always been well concealed. Conspiracy is always of those who desire to destroy what exists and replace it with something else. Few who conspire do so to return to what once was. Those who do that are the resistance to the conspiracy.
     Right now in the United States there are those who believe Trump's Make America Great Again pledge is conspiratorial. Ron Howard, who we all know as Opie, asked something dopey: "When was America ever great?" America was always great but imperfect until progressivism began to eat away at its fabric. Progressivism sounds positive. It is moving forward with new ideas. The problem lies in whether forward is toward good or bad and whether the ideas are honest and truthful or not. Progressivism is a policy of change. Obama ran on change. Most believed his change was toward betterment but the resistance believed it to be for the worse. Trump was the resistance and Clinton the conspirator. Any honest person should by now know that indeed there was a indeed a conspiracy to circumvent democratic rule by a plan to defeat Trump and now to impeach him.
     Conspiracies are generally not well-organized. A few people in higher places decide what is good for them and find that there are always those on the fringe who are ready to do their bidding. Those who conspire need only use deceptive tactics and wild accusations which no one seems motivated enough to fact-check. Look at this example:
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people..." (June 2015),
     Truth hurts. It is offensive to some. What is the offensive word therein? "Some". Progressives don't like the idea that many Mexicans are not considered "good people". In progressive tainted eyes, tolerance is their idea of "good". With that idea, those who say anything against their teachings, the accusation becomes "racist". Trump did say that. However, it is merely the truth. Criminal indictments in the newspaper are disproportionately those of Latinos. Those crimes were not caused by Trump. They were there long before him. Pointing out what is truth is not racist. Those who believe it is have been "had" by those who would deceive you!
     Scripture is indeed about God's tolerance which is called grace. On the other hand God commands obedience, and those who don't obey are punished severely. Progressives don't like Christianity because they have changed the notion of a graceful God who forgives seventy times seventy times into a vindictive God who like Trump is promoted as intolerant. In other words, for propaganda's sake, the progressives have created a false Jesus, turning the Jesus of Truth into one with a mean streak. Progressives are always against the biblical Jesus and have created "positive Christianity" with a super-tolerant God who never condemns!
     Propaganda's purpose is to create new (sic) truths. (Perversions of the truth in reality). Masters of propaganda were of course the Nazis of the Third Reich. Oddly enough, progressives use their propaganda tactics while at the same time use "Nazi" as the eipithet against those who are most patriotic to democracy! Thus, the very notion of Make America Great Again is Nazi-like just because the Germans wanted to make Germany great again. Progressives use deception and half-truths to propagate their ideas while at the same time fact-checking the resistance's statements using their own criteria.
     There was never an organized conspiracy against Trump!  No one likely consciously usurped the Constitution by being seditious. Do those statements surprise the reader? Surely so! People in high places were merely doing what mankind is inclined to do - be evil. That is the human nature of those not born-again. Thus, the conspiracies are not by people but Satan. The Devil's vocation is conspiring against God to defeat Him. God's realm is the Kingdom of God, it's capitol is the City of God, and the world was created to be a tributary to Him. Satan now owns the world as its Prince but will never pay tribute to God. Neither will his children - those who have not been adopted by God. Satan's children merely do what he deceives them into doing - doing evil. 
     Israel, Judah, and even Jerusalem were destroyed by conspiracy. Assyria and Babylonia were the army but Satan was the conspirator. Sin was within the invisible horse who was Trojan-like in entering the Promised Land. God knew of the conspiracy and let it conflagrate to teach His people a stern lesson. Satan deceived the people because they believed God's Land was too great to fail.
     America was indeed once great. People still believe it's too great to fail. Without God, however, America can never be great again! The conspirators will conflagrate the United States. Bill Maher, a progressive, recently said, "One way to get rid of Trump is crashing the economy, so please, bring on the recession." That's the progressive way of saying, we never want America to be great again because it was never great!" He and Ron Howard were saying the same thing. Neither one of them ever considered America great even thought their riches flowed from America's greatness. Both would cut off their noses to spite their face, as the saying goes!
     However, neither of them conspire to defeat America. They merely hope America is destroyed, and depend on their unknown god to destroy it. That god who even they fail to recognize is Satan! They are tools in their master's hand yet "know not what they do," as Jesus noted on the occasion of his death, when ignorance and naivete killed God!

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