Friday, June 1, 2018

Useful Idiots and Insidious Death

     I heard the warning so many times in my youth, They are going to Hell in a hand-basket," in reference to many people. That notion is sad but true. The world seems destined to self-destruction! I'm not referring to atomic bombs nor global warming but insidiousness. In the early 1960s the term "creeping socialism" was in vogue. Socialists, we were warned, would change us a little at a time - insidiously. They have done that to perfection!
     Of course, socialism is just one ideology of many. Atheism is the paramount ideology destroying the world a little more each day as theory takes precedence over truth. It seems that at the present, nearly all institutions are galvanized with the alloy of deception brought on so gradually that those bonded in falsehood hardly know they are spiritually chained to false premises.
     An example is socialism. Socialism is extremism. In one day a government cannot go from capitalism to socialism. The latter proposes preposterous measures then settles on somewhat less. They use catastrophes to advance their agenda. There is much truth to what Rahm Emanuel said: "Never let a serious crisis go to waste." Those crises provide an excuse for rabid change. At the present, the crises are people shooting other people. The goal is the elimination of the second amendment, and the strategy is one gun control measure at a time with each crisis.
     Gun control is indeed an initiative of socialism because that ideology has a history of gun confiscation! Why would that be important? As more profound measures are instituted, many will be forced to comply. To silence their dissidence, revolution must be stymied before it starts. It is extremely difficult to have a revolution without an arsenal. Hence, the guns of enlightened people must be removed because they are a threat to autocratic rule! Socialists know that revolution won't be peaceful when naïve people come to the realization that they have been "had". Of course, socialism supplants freedom with serfdom, and society is put in chains without realizing until it's too late because they have already been chained!
     Another, even better tactic of socialism or any autocratic endeavor is to allow what appears to be unlimited freedom for a time before the creeping regulation is implemented. People always are willing to do what is right in their own eyes. Socialism, as with any other ideology, allows the people to do what they want to do as long as it does not interfere with the government agenda. Hence, socialism seems to provide more freedom! How so? Their primary targets are institutions. Foremost among them are the first and second "estates" - the clergy (the Church leaders) and the nobility (those who have). Of course, the clergy in the western world represents Christ. Christians adhere to the Law of God. God has rules and finds many things of the world disgusting. It is people's behaviors which God finds disgusting, Because of God's authority, people align against Him. Socialism depends on people rejecting God and capitalistic institutions.
     The Wall Street protests are a good example of the latter. They protested to initiate hatred for those who have money without regard to how honest their investments were. (On the other hand they turned their heads to the riches of their entertainers and sports people because they were allied against the Church). Ultimately, with any autocratic ideology, Christians become public enemies number one, and for awhile they will tolerate anyone. For instance, homosexuals were a tool to power in creating the Third Reich but as soon as they could, the National Socialists eliminated them from power. Many were killed on the night of the Long Knives. They were the "useful idiots" socialists use until they are no longer needed!
     Republics and monarchies seem to die from within! The best example is Rome. The malady which destroyed their existence is laxity in morality and its associated Epicureanism. When Marie-Antoinette attempted to disregard the French Revolution, even the monarchy died as she suggested "let them eat cake"; implying that as longs as things were seemingly good, they were easy to control!
     Israel and Judah were not destroyed by socialism or any-ism. They destroyed themselves by neglecting God. They made themselves ripe for destruction because they ignored their Protector. God allowed His people to be overwhelmed and warned them in advance:
Isaiah 1:4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. 6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.
     In the last century, America has been increasingly more corrupt as insidiousness becomes the normative. Look at the warning: iniquity, rebellious youth, and reverting to barbarism. This is not a campaign for Republicanism but people do desire to "make America great again". For many of us, that means a return to Judeo-Christianity. With God in authority, the Abrahamic Covenant promises prosperity. Prosperity doesn't come before obedience but as a result of it! It's time that America return to prosperity. God is the Way for that to come about. Socialism is a slight of hand. As long as people get the crumbs, they are fooled into believing they are sharing the wealth!
     Socialism makes nobles of the most dangerous serfs. A new ruling class as bad as the Caesars, Kaisars, and Czars are rewarded. Rather than for the good of the masses, socialism is for the enrichment and power of the few. God warned mankind, "eat of the forbidden tree and you will surely die!" People continue to eat of that tree and die. Eve didn't seem to die but die she did! Adam didn't believe she died but she did! Adam "died" because Eve was deceived and he wanted what Eve had! They both died, going from immortality to mortality, and would have died forever had not God stepped in and covered their sins!
     The Hebrews were warned but did not heed. Their same thoughts were "We cannot die, we're God's people!" They nearly died out but a few were saved by grace. Americans think, "We're too big to die!" General Motors thought that but they still died. No one is too big or important to die, and America has been gradually dying by the insidiousness of sin under the disguise of progressivism. Marx would be proud of his "useful idiots". God is ashamed of those fools!

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