Tuesday, July 7, 2020



  Indigenous people have their accused run the gauntlet. The mob had their “gauntlet” as well!
  So far nothing had worked. The mob had already judged Jesus when he was arrested in the Kidron Valley. The multitude were persuaded that Jesus was a fraud, even after glorifying Him on the previous Sunday. They had seen His miracles that only God could do, but there was something instinctual in most of them that made them the beasts they were. Some were more docile, but others most rabid. Just as Seth’s righteous seed years before had watched Cain’s line sin, and joined in, thenceforth, docile creatures had become feral beasts — a lower animal who is contemptible.
  The only difference between the beasts and mankind was that God had breathed life unto mankind and had not the other animals. His “breath” was His Spirit, and the animals did not have that. When the Serpent turned man decadent, the “beast” in him was revealed. The “blood” of the beastly Serpent turned Adam and Eve into lesser creatures, lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5). Sin lowered them further. There was a sort of “evolution” since the beginning, a “devolution” as mankind gets a little lower and lower. They were at the lowest when the mob surrounded Jesus. They were as feral as any wild beast. Nothing would quench their thirst except for blood. Indeed, the blood of Jesus was the living water that made them thirst, not for righteousness but vengeance.
  Then Jesus was taken to the high priest that had been forsaken. He was priest of the Deep State. Annas further incited the mob, attempting to legitimatize their scheme, Annas turned to his son, Caiaphas. Then when no guilt was found, Jesus could not be found spiritually guilty, so the mob turned to a possible civil infraction and took Jesus to the governor, Pontius Pilate. Pilate found no fault in Jesus; He was innocent of all charges, spiritual and civil.  Only the mob had found cause to punish Jesus and it was created. Emotional distortion of the Law was all they had. They wanted Jesus’s blood and nothing else would do! They wanted to do away with awful Christianity and the One in the way was Jesus. He must die! There was no other way.
  Is that scenario not resounding in your mind? Knowing that God either does not exist or is too powerful to die, can you not see that Christians are the real target? That they are the only obstacle between civility and chaos; between unity and anarchy; between love and hatred? Without Jesus everyone is free to hate without fear of reprisal. They can persecute with impunity. They can establish Satan’s kingdom of Earth.
  Look in the mirror. If you are a Christian, you are in the way. The world is in transition. In the year 2020, the age is in transition from Pisces to Aquarius, from the Christian Era to the era of the Antichrist. Adam looked at the Beast and failed to see Satan. The mob looked at Judas and failed to see Satan. In the end, the world will look at the Beast but still fail to see Satan. His will be done, not the will of God.
  No confidence can be given to the signs of the Zodiac except that is a real phenomenon. It is not to guide anyone’s path, but merely to point to the Way. Jesus was born when Pisces was ascendant and that 2000-year period is the Christian Age, lasting until Pisces is descendant and Aquarius ascendant. Thereafter, Great Tribulation awaits. The Antichrist, perhaps Isa, will replace Jesus as “god.” Vengeance will belong to Isa, according to the Koran, and the target will be Christians and converted Jews.
  The Great Tribulation will ascend as slowly as the Age of Aquarius. The exact date of Aquarius ascending is not known in that the constellations are of different dimensions. Only God knows when the Age of the Antichrist will be, but He has given signs to all those who are cognizant enough to see them. There will be a change in society. It will devolve until the conditions at the time of Noah arrives again. Like the flood which did not seem very threatening when the rain commenced — a rain they had never seen before — gradually the waters got deeper until the old creatures were destroyed as the water reached a crescendo. The flood of Noah’s time gives clues to the end of days.
  The Age of Aries was from approximately 2160 BC until 0 BC when the Christian era began. The Noahic Flood commenced at the estimated date of 2166 BC (Brian 2018). “Aries” represents the ram. The highlight of Aries was the Abrahamic Covenant, instituted at the dawn of the Age of Aries. At that time, God provided a ram for the sacrfice in His stead. The Age of Aries is the age of hope, and the Age of Pisces, the age of Hope revealed with Jesus Christ.
  The age of Taurus the bull commenced around 4400 BC and lasted until Noah’s time (estimated by astrologers as 2200 BC). Of course, the age of Taurus would spiritually represent Baal (aka El in the Hebrew). That was a time when El and Elohim were confused. According to the Jewish Calendar, the beginning of the world would have commenced with the age of Taurus. The point is that the Age of Aquarius means “the age of water” and as such will be as in the days of the Noahic Flood. It will end when the water is “extinguished,” and the heaven and the earth cleansed by fire.
  Is the world like it was in the time of Noah when God’s only alternative was to start over? Sacred Literature describes that age: Imagine a primitive version of Woodstock where everyone does as they wish, or as scripture says, “What is right in their own eyes” (Deut 12:8) and did again when there was no law (Jud 17:6). In the days of Noah, the people were the law, and their “autonomous zone” was much like the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHOP) in Seattle. Jesus’s mob had created an autonomous zone which went wherever they went because in each place the law was disregarded.
Gradually, like an ocean wave, more and more autonomous zones with mob rule will arise until the Antichrist joins the fray. Then it will be too late. The mob will realize that they have been had. There are no autonomous zones and people cannot do “What they wilt!” (from the Satanic Motto.) They can only do what Satan wills for them to do. Soon after, they will discover that their autonomous socialistic government is really a one world dictatorship wherein everyone must do whatever the governing Beast demands they do! That is always the outcome of socialism, and it will be the outcome in the end. People, unbeknownst to them are already accepting the Mark of the Beast with the acceptance of Islam. [1]
  The mob, taunting Jesus in each phase of His persecution became “fierce” when Pilate found no wrong in Him (Luke 23:5). By “coincidence,” Herod was in Jerusalem and since Jesus was a Galilean and was in Herod’s jurisdiction, Pilate sought to wash his hands of the travesty by sending Jesus to Herod (Luke 23:6-7). Just as Jesus was passed from one judge to another, hoping that someone would find evidence, Mr. Trump suffered the same fate. The mob, in Jesus’s case, had already determined His guilt, and all that remained was to find causation for judgment, and if no crime was found, to create a criminal offense. They were not searching for justice, but cause for their injustice.
  The mob manufactured evidence: this man is crazy, he ate with sinners, he is a drunkard, Mary got close to Him, and finally, this man claims to be God. Just like that… Jesus was never God but was a Narcissist.
  What is the chief accusation against Donald Trump? The masses think that he is a Narcissist. They hate him for his works just as with Jesus. Jesus did great spiritual things, and Mr. Trump great social and economic things. Both were hated for what they did and what they stand for! Both had to run the gauntlet as each judge whipped them fiercely. What will Herod do? Next the reader will see the “justice” that Herod rendered.

[1] The author Googled® “666” and “Islam” and the result was that the Qu’ran (Koran) is represented by the number “666” and that makes sense as the root verb of “Iscariot” in Judas’s (the Satanic Beast) is the same as for Qu’ran. Furthermore, that many Muslims recognize Judas, and not Jesus.

(picture credit: AZ Snakepit "Running the Gauntlet")

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