Friday, July 10, 2020



 Who deserved to die? First off, Judas got his just deserves. Satan killed him by suicide. Judas surely did not want to die, but he had to die to save the spiritual Deep State. What if the Romans had learned that Judas had taken a bribe to fabricate the lie about Jesus — that He indeed is God. That was no lie but was so absurd that even the Romans would have thrown Judas into jail for quite some time or perhaps crucified him. Judas’s flesh had been weak, and his spirit weaker. He took the easy way out and chose suicide out of guilt.
  It may ever be known for certain because they are dead, but the Clinton’s associates for some reason, committed suicide. Perhaps many of them were like Judas. Perhaps they could not stand the intense guilt of being Hillary’s, or even Bill’s, accomplices. They deserved punishment but could not face the humiliation and perhaps mockery because of what they had done. They may have caused their own demise.
  Did Judas really commit suicide? His flesh was his, but his spirit belonged to Satan. Satan influenced Judas to hang himself. That would be much easier than to live with that guilt. Satan caused Judas to die despite he was losing his own “temple.” It was not people’s Temple built by Herod that would be torn down, but the one that Satan built for thirty-pieces of silver. Judas’s soul had become the “Temple of the Unholy Ghost.” Satan, the Antichrist, was the one who would tear down the temple in three days, but it would not be “rebuilt” until the Age of Aquarius. Why is Satan in anhyone today wreaking havoc? Why are his demons going to and fro causing chaos in all the cities? It is the Age of Satan, the Age of Aquarius.
  Pilate had a fresh idea: Why not crucify a guilty man? That makes much more sense, does it not? That would be the rational thing to do, but mobs do not listen to reason. The irony of it all is that sin has its roots in the Wisdom Tree, and there is one thing mobs are not guilty of and that is wisdom!   Wisdom is the mere beneficial application of knowledge. Now examine the George Floyd situation whose death was a pretense for the mob’s demands.
  Someone had to be punished for George Floyd’s death just as someone in apostolic times had to be punished for the accusation that Jesus killed their concept of God. Their “God” had no Flesh, but the Man, Jesus, had flesh. He, therefore, could not be God. God is up there somewhere. Jesus was a crazy man “out there” somewhere — out of His Mind. Of course, The ”Mind” of Jesus is God’s Mind but the mob could not see it that way, although their prophets wrote of the Messiah for centuries. God would experience death on the Cross in Mind, Body, and Spirit. When Jesus cried out that His Father had forsaken Him, He had not, but He felt the isolation that all people in Hell will feel. God, unable to bear seeing His Son die, perhaps turned away for His death as any good parent would do.
  As for the Holy Spirit, “He” experienced the suffering of death along with God’s Mind and Flesh, but when it was finished, Jesus “gave up the Ghost” (Mark 15:37). Jesus had been filled with the “Spirit” of God, but after God’s Spirit had experienced life as a Man, “it” transitioned from Man to Ghost. Indeed, the Holy Ghost is the Spirit who had lived in Jesus and had experienced death with Him.
  The Spirit, to live, was Christ, and for Jesus to die was gain (Phil 1:21). Why so? Rather than aboding in One Person, the Holy Spirit can now reside in all those who belong to Christ. The gain? Rather than One Temple in Jesus, there are many “Temples” in His disciples. Jesus, after three days, would not only “rebuild”” His Temple (the Holy Ghost) but Temples for anyone who would accept His blood for the propitiation of their sins.
  Jesus was accused of the absurd idea that He would destroy the Temple built by the hands of men, but all the while Jesus’s mysterious talk was that Judea would abound with Temples. Soon after Jesus arose in the Flesh as a Man, He reappeared immediately in the form of the Holy Ghost (Acts 1 & 2). He actually did the thing of which the Jews accused Him. How absurd was that? Jesus made God great again but with Gentiles. He will soon change the “harlot” Babylon (Jerusalem) into New Jerusalem. Jesus will accomplish His objectives and as a bonus, Jerusalem will be made great again:
1 I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. (Rev 21:1-2)
  Note that Jesus did not make Judea great again. Just as Adam and Eve died, but not immediately, they thought that they had not died. The Word, out of grace, made Adam and Eve alive again, but their flesh would not be restored until Jesus comes to gather them from their graves. God had to die to prepare a place for Adam and all mankind, and He died to provide a Paradise for mankind again. Not a “Garden” because there will be many, but a great “City of God” for all His disciples.
  The Hebrew people thought that God was preparing a place for them in earth, as is written, “Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared” (Exod 23:20). God, they thought, was preparing a Utopia in the Kingdom of David. (That was a very socialist idea they had!) They thought that the “land of milk and honey” (Exod 3:17) would be their Paradise in earth. Their hope was in material things. What was God talking about all along?
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:2-3)
  Again, like the Hebrews long ago, perhaps the apostles misunderstood. Perhaps they thought that Judea would be their Paradise with Jesus as King of the Jews! That was not to be. Judea (now Israel) remains a decadent place. It is certainly not a Paradise, but perhaps the Jewish “Utopia” is in another realm that cannot be seen… but is right there! God is in the process of making Israel great again, but not in earth, but in heaven. The “place” which God is preparing for those who “vote” for His Kingship is not in the physical realm but the heavenly. If only they knew what He had been speaking about!
  Of course, Mr. Trump’s campaign slogan is, “Make America Great Again.” All leaders endeavor to do that. Even Hitler, to be honest, wanted to “Make Germany Great Again.” Mr. Trump’s initiative implies that America can only be great again when it turns back to God; only if the nation looks at Jesus who died so that He could be in His realm to build a “Great City” beyond the eyes of men.
Jesus’s motto could have been, “Make the World Great Again” as it was in the beginning. Remember, it was “entirely good” (Gen 1:31) but mankind despoiled it. New Jerusalem will replace Old Jerusalem when God is finished preparing a place for mankind. Scriptural evidence points to Jerusalem as the middle of the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:9).
  Why would evangelical Christians turn to Donald Trump to guide the “big ship” Earth? Like Noah long before, Trump is God’s co-pilot like it or not. Noah became drunken, perhaps with power. He was, after all, the new king of the entire world. Like it or not, President Trump is the most powerful leader in the entire world. What is it that Christians think he can do? Bring God back, not in the Flesh but in Spirit. America can only be great again if God is accepted as the Ruler. Trump is merely His “Noah” until his commission expires, then there will come an “Abraham” but only if the people follow that man wherever he may go!
  But back to the trial of Jesus in the Court of Pilate. In a vain attempt to appease the mob, Pilate offered to free Barabbas. Scripture does not go into detail, but the Roman government which controlled Judea had a “thorn in their side.” Members of the Secarii Sect of Jews had used their impregnable fortress on Masada to harangue the Romans in hopes of creating a new government. The Secarii are called that because they carried sicae (small daggers) in their clothing. Think of them as Rome’s version of “Antifa.” The Secarii were the most zealous of the Jewish zealots. They had created their own government outside Rome’s and even Herod’s.
  Not long after, those radical extremists became so zealous that their autonomous zone (Masada) was not only in danger but all Judea. Rome tore down the Jewish Temple, but it was really Satan acting through the Romans. And as usual, Satan and his deceived people thought they were in charge, but their actions was part of God’s Plan. Herod’s Temple needed to go because God never needed any building. His “House” would be in His people; those who call Him by Name, Jesus.
  The mob still perceives themselves as the martyrs. They are doing what they think is right just as the people did before there were kings. They are the law in themselves and have no use for either the law of the government or the Law of God. As they think they are in charge, they merely are following orders, much like Hitler’s staff were doing during the Third Reich. The Germans were following the law of sin, thinking they were doing what was right. They perverted the law of Germans and of God.
Ironically, Antifa is doing what the Nazis and Fascists did, and cannot even see how deceived they are! Why is that? Because Satan is directing them to violence and chaos. Like the zealots of apostolic times, the modern-day zealots are destroying their own country.
  When they became fed up with the zealots, Rome crushed them. The old “harlot” Jerusalem was put down and her “fornicators” were dispersed all over eastern and western Europe. The zealots destroyed their nation because they were not marching in God’s “Army” but their own. God allowed the nation and the people to be destroyed because they were not His people. Gentile people were His and ironically, lived in the tents of the Shemites just as God ordained back in Noah’s Day (Gen 9:27). That had been His first experiment to Make the World Great Again.
  The zealot mob nowadays is in the process of destroying their own nation just as the Secarii did. Like them, they do it with good intentions, but like them as well, they do it without God. Socialism is the ideology that leads to Secariism — a communist zone that ends up in destruction as socialism always does. Communists use socialist ideology to have a government that does whatever it wants to do. Not by chance, what communism always does is govern without God. Socialism is destructive “Secariism.”
  The mob could have kept Jesus alive by sacrificing Barabbas. If Barabbas had been hung on the Cross instead of Jesus, perhaps Judea and the Jews would have been saved from perishing. But that was not God’s Plan. Jesus had to die, not only to save the Jews from perishing, but all mankind. The arrogant mob did not reject Barabbas as an unacceptable sacrifice, but God did. The mob did what God planned, urged on by Satan. Sure, Barabbas was a robber, not so much that he stole things, but that he would rob the people of a pure sacrifice without spot or blemish.
  The mob has made another “robber” their “god.” George Floyd — a mere man of humble means and a thief — was perceived as the sacrifice for the black race. He is the “face” of Black Lives Matters (organization) just as Jesus is the Face of God. Perhaps he was not their “Barabbas” since he was not freed, but symbolic of Judas whose personal sacrifice caused the mob. [1]
  Who then is Barabbas in today’s contemporary world? Barabbas, in Scripture, represents all mankind who all deserve to die for their sins. The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23), and Barabbas deserved to die, But the Man without sin died in His and everyone’s place. George Floyd did not deserve to die in that killing is a sin. Officer Chauvin judged him harshly if that turns out to be the verdict. Chauvin’s sin was perhaps like the centurions who failed to know what they were doing but were guilty of not knowing.
  Not only do All Lives Matter, but All Deaths Matter. The point is that Barabbas deserved to die but did not. The choice was the mobs’.
  All deserve to die, but because of God’s grace, everyone has a choice. The choice is Judas, Satan’s new “Serpent;” dead in his tree or the “Second Adam” alive despite the “Tree.” Jesus’s death matters. It matters because Barabbas should have died but Jesus did because all lives matter (John 3:16). Like Barabbas, everyone deserves death, but God is more gracious than the mob. His death freed all mankind from death because All Lives Matter.

[1] That comparison is not meant to degrade Mr. Floyd or say that his life did not matter, but that he was the focus of attention that caused the mob to organize.

(picture credit: Fine Art America)

Eternity New Jerusalem Acrylic Print by The Decree to Restore ...

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