Monday, July 6, 2020



  Judea was the client state and paid tribute to the Roman Empire. It was a Roman colony much as the Americans were before independence. Herod the Great, when Jesus was born, feared that Jesus came to replace his Herodians. Herodians had been out to get Jesus since He was born. They only awaited a reason to justify His death. Herod was king by the grace of Julius Caesar, but he was not truly a king, but a puppet of Rome. Herod did whatever the Romans allowed him to do. Since wars determine the victor and who rules, Rome was the legitimate government of all of “Syria” in that Judea was nothing more to the Romans than Syrians.
  The Jews, then and now, had great faith in the Maccabees who had fought for Jewish independence from the Greek Seleucids and had ruled for over one-hundred years. The Maccabees were descendants of Hasmoneus (Hasmonean Dynasty). Herod was not a true Maccabean as he was only half Jew and half Idumean. Herod feared everyone and depended on Caesar for protection from all his enemies.  To further complicate matters, one brother, Mattathias Maccabee became totally independent of the high priest as the religious ruler. Zealots had hidden in the mountains and were in insurrection against the system. Barabbas was one of the insurrectionists, as can be seen from Scripture:
6 Now at that feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired. 7 And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection. (Mark 15:6-7)
  Barabbas, as Joe Biden would say, was a “really bad dude.” Of course, Biden threatened to scourge Corn Pop with a chain, but in the end had mercy and released him from his authority as lifeguard. Barabbas was Pilate’s “really bad dude” but here he was, afraid of the crowd as politicians are wont to be! Pilate did not fear Jesus because He had exhibited nothing but love. He did, however, fear Barabbas because he had murdered wantonly. Pilate feared the vengeful mob more than he feared civil Jesus or the criminal Barabbas.
  Is that not the problem in today’s situation? Do not the politicians and even the crony capitalists fear the mob more than Jesus and the more civil people? Why does the left and the technical giants fear the mob so intensely? Because mobs strike fear in the hearts of men!
  “But the chief priests stirred up the crowd” (Mark 15:11). Clerics were the very ones who demanded that Barabbas be released, and Jesus crucified. Indeed, the church is the very ones that incite the mob today with their socialist ideology of “social justice” and “liberation theology.”  The chief priest and his father should have been vindictive against Barabbas, remembering that his mentor was the one that had stolen their power under Mattathias. But here they were, shouting “release Barabbas.” This is again the situation that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  Barabbas, a Maccabean, would not want Jesus as High Priest because the Maccabeans had assumed that role. The high priest would not want Jesus to fulfill that role because they saw Jesus as a higher priest like Melchizedek had been centuries before. On this occasion, suddenly the high priest became friends with his adversary (Barabbas) because the goal of both was to undermine Jesus.
  Why have liberal socialist Democrats allied themselves with Muslim immigrants? Because both groups want Jesus dead. Democrats now openly advocate taking God out of both public and private influence, and Muslims want Jesus dead to the world for when their Isa comes. [1] The two ideologies have allied themselves based on their common hatred of Jesus Christ. Jesus is a threat to socialism who Marx saw as an obstacle, and to Mohammad, who saw him as a secondary prophet in competition with himself for the souls of men. The enemy of their enemy is their friend just as always.
  In the case of Barabbas, who won the day? Was it the chief priests or Barabbas? Neither — Jesus had won the day and the future as well, but it took both several years to understand that. When Jesus died, Judas, hanging nearby, gave up his own Satanic “ghost” and was the loser. Satan was a “loser” because Judas’s death was to no avail. He had died in vain! Perhaps that is why the command to not take God’s Name in vain is so important — because Jesus’s Purpose was not in vain, but Judas’s was.
  The crowd shouted to free Barabbas, the enemy of both the State and of the “church.” Barabbas was the enemy of Herod and of Pilate; of the high priest and his father; and of Jesus. Yet Barabbas was freed because the mob wanted it. The Man who loved them so much that He was willing to die that they not perish (John 3:16), was killed by the very mob for which He was facing death. At that time, everyone was the enemy of everyone, but their common purpose was that Jesus must die!
  Historically, the Democrat Party has been the enemy in chronological order of the Muslims under Jefferson, American Indians under Jackson, Negroes, northerners, Jews, foreigners, and even Catholics under the Ku Klux Klan. Until the 1960s, Democrats openly admitted “white supremacy.” Now they accuse conservatives and Christians of the same thing they have done. The Democrats, although in denial, cheer on the mob. They incite all those without regard to who they are to call for the President’s impeachment and even death! The Democrats have allied with all their enemies for two purposes: (1) For power to run their own modern version of the plantation, and (2) to diminish God.
  The Democrats want God out, but the black Christians stand in their way. Blacks who are Christians must be taken very seriously. They are doing what they think is right. However, Democrats incite them to demand that the guilty remain free, but the innocent, or better said, “less guilty” be crucified. Why is there so much division today? Because the left-wing Democrats incite the peaceful into mobs who must have someone’s blood. That was the case then and now, and those who were merely there for the show in Jesus’s time, or perhaps even to support Jesus, were incited to scream for Barabbas and against Jesus. The mob wanted Jesus gone, but Barabbas stood in the way. Custom was to release one prisoner to satisfy the Jews, but the mob wanted the insurrectionist freed.
  Why did the Romans have that custom? Because there were fewer Romans in Judea than Jews. That was the way of placating the Jewish mob because the Romans knew that they would rebel. The Romans would release one prisoner out of fear there would be an uprising by the multitude of Jews. Barabbas was freed, not out of mercy, but Gentile fear of the Jewish mob. Civil authority was dismissed in favor of chaos. That is what civil authorities always do in the face of a mob. Why do mobs threaten violence? To cause fear in the hearts of men. Plantation owners always feared their slaves, and did much to appease them, and to scare them for that matter! Why were so many mean-spirited with their slaves? To keep them in line. Why were others so ameliorating to their slaves? To keep them appeased.
  Why did Democrats use the Klan? To intimidate blacks. Why do they author legislation for blacks? To appease them because of their fear of them. Fear of what? The loss of power that they hold over them. In the same old ways, they still intimidate the easy ones or placate the tougher ones.
In the case of Jesus, they yelled, “Crucify Him!” Pilate began to fear for his own safety, so, “To gratify the crowd, (he) released Barabbas to them” (Mark 15:15). Like it or not; the governors, politicians, educators, entertainers, and Congress yield to mobs to gratify them. Why would it be necessary to gratify the mob? Remember the socialist motto… From/to? The mob demands things, and those with power bow to their demands. In the case of Jesus and Barabbas, From the authorities, to those who need placated. Is that not how socialism works? It takes from those who can provide and gives to them who demand. The mob demanded, and Pilate relented.
  Why mobs? They intimidate. Mobs are not there to protest peacefully because they would not be heard. The mob shouted, “CRUCIFY HIM!” They wasted no time protesting to save Barabbas because most of the multitudes did not care if Barabbas was saved, but only that Jesus was destroyed.
The shout in these perilous times is, “Justice for George Floyd.” Blacks are murdered by blacks about every day. If black lives mattered, would they not care that black lives are lost in the big cities every day? Why is George Floyd so special? Like Barabbas long ago, Floyd had a criminal history.  Would they not care that blacks are murdered in the womb by Democrats in white gowns? Face it; George Floyd’s black life did not matter to the mob any more than Barabbas’s life mattered. What matters? That their emotions be placated. They cannot stand the thought that blacks are not in power just as the mob could not stand the idea that Jesus would not only be King of the Jews but King of kings!
  The struggle is not about “white privilege” at all but “black power.” Unfortunately, Democrats, as usual, offer some advancement. In antebellum times, some slaves were promoted to house servants and were treated like one of the family… except they had to serve their masters. Is that not how the Democrat Party works to this day? Many are wooed by the promise of advancement, but the time never comes except for a few who look much like their masters. As Joe Biden said about candidate Obama, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man.” In effect Joe was saying, You other blacks mumble, are dull, dirty, and unattractive. Democrats, even on the plantation, favored those who best emulated them or slept with them. Sleepy “Creepy Joe” is “sleeping” with Obama.  At the present, black leaders are sleeping with the enemies!
  In the case of Jesus, it was about power. Too many Jews and Gentiles were following Jesus, and the Jewish establishment felt threatened. If that new sect became great, then the elite in Judea would be diminished. The high priests, Herodians, Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, and even the multitudes of Jewish citizens were out to get Jesus because he threatened their way of life! Is that not the same with Mr. Trump who they fear because he has the power and authority to expose corruption? Jesus “asked” for it when he called those merchants in the Temple, “a den of robbers” (Mat 10:31). The Jews thought that Jesus was out to expose their usury and hypocrisy, but more so, their religiosity as a ploy for power. They thought that they could gain favor by doing good things (social justice) rather than loving God and their fellow men. Trump made the same mistake my revealing why he was running for president.
  “Love” is not an emotion or Jesus would not have commanded it. It is wanting that “none should perish” and is a requirement. The mob wanted Jesus to perish so that they could continue with their own plan to diminish others. The mobs, just as Adam and Eve, perceived themselves as gods to control others. Can you imagine the thrill they had when even the Prelate, Pilate, caved into their irrational demands? Who would have thought that people would prefer a thug to a loving Jesus? Well, the mob did just that, and still do. They want the thugs alive and well, but Jesus dead. Even modern churches have chimed in and legitimized the Black Lives Matter organization.
  That black lives matters is contrary to Jesus’s Purpose in dying — that all lives matter, the “whosoever” in John 3:16. It is as if Jesus came to save merely black lives. It would be racist to think that Jesus came because Jewish lives only matter. It is racist to think that black lives matter; but Jewish, Chinese, Latino, and white lives do not matter. To the mob, neither did Pilate’s life matter because they would have attacked him if he had not relented. They would have battled the Roman “cops” (Centurions) because their lives did not matter to them. In fact, that day, only Jesus’s life mattered, and they wanted it intensely. The mob is still out to crucify Jesus although long ago He defeated death!

[1] Isa, in the opinion of the author, based on the Koran is the Antichrist, and the same Satan who entered Judas will be the same Satan who enters Isa. The first “Beast” was the Serpent, the second Judas, and the third Isa.

(picture credit: "Barabbas" Wikipedia)

Barabbas - Wikipedia

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