Thursday, July 2, 2020



  The spiritual “war” was waged from the beginning. Before Adam sinned, the Serpent’s plan was made. It was simple and uncomplicated. Satan, in disguise as a mild-mannered liberal creature, used the “stupidity” of the first people against them. Adam and Eve had only the knowledge of “good.” For that reason, they were gullible. Satan was about to use their ignorance of evil against them.
  Secular humanism (liberalism) proposes that all people, even criminals, are basically good and deserve respect. The entire idea behind defunding the police is that people are good, and the police cause them to do wrong. Racial injustice is based on the premise that minority races are good and only white privilege makes them do wrong things. In other words, minorities do not break the law, the law breaks them! Liberal Christian denominations also espouse the idea that mankind is basically good, and all they need is to be treated with generosity and respect. In truth, many who receive the most charity expect more charity, and when it is not forthcoming, they show no respect.
  Secular humanism, “Is the belief that humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without belief in God” (Merriam-Webster 2003). That leaves open the questions (1) Who decides morality? (2) What satisfies a person’s estimation of themselves? and (3) If there is no God, who fulfills the selves? Secular humanism is each person deciding what is right, what makes them happy, and justify taking from others to satisfy themselves. As you may have perceived, “secular humanism” is basically socialism, and is contrary to Judeo-Christian doctrine.
  Why are secular humanists against God? He decides morality, He fulfills as He Wills, and God is real and the Grantor of all things. Satanism is “doing what thou wilt.” So, it should be obvious that secular humanism is not good but is the epitome of evil. Socialism does have a religion; it is an anti-religion, and especially anti-Christianity. “Social justice” is a tenet of secular humanism, meaning that liberal churches who pursue that ruse practice Satanism without even knowing it. “Satanism!” you exclaim. “I am appalled. I would never worship Satan.” Back to Satan: He was cunning enough to use the Serpent, knowing that “rational” people would not believe in demons. On the other hand, stupid people did not question why and how a snake could talk.
  Satan likes the idea that people do not believe in demons. Demon-belief makes Christians sound crazy. Likewise, Satan likes the idea that people disbelief in the Deep State. If they do not see things, for spiritually blind people, they do not exist. Atheism itself is disbelief in God because He cannot be sensed. God solved that problem when He manifested Himself for the human senses. Jesus, as God’s Flesh, did things that only a god could do, yet the people still rejected that tangible evidence.
To the public, demons are mere myth. Likewise, to them, the Deep State is merely a conspiracy propagated by delusional people. Jesus came and showed people demon activity, but they still rejected the idea of demons. Now that the socialists have revealed the Deep State, gullible people still disbelieve. Because something cannot be seen, does not make it non-existent. The very idea that disbelief can cancel out reality is irrational. [1] God said that there are things unseen; things that are out to get you: “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:12).
  There is a celestial sphere. It appears to be a dome way out there. For all practical purposes it is a flat screen, or as Isaiah called it, a “curtain.” Within the celestial sphere, Enoch saw celestial beings: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim. Those unseen existences have a hierarchy. “Principalities” are extremely powerful unseen existences; they are “princes” of the netherworld, and they control the learning of groups of people. They are the demonic influences behind wrong education. They are why people believe the lie as they make lies seem palatable.
  “Powers,” as the name suggests, are even more powerful. Powers are Satan’s soldiers that wear his armor. They have the authority to supervise the movements of the Cosmos. “Rulers of Darkness” are those with the power to distort the truth. They substitute Satan’s dark reasoning for God’s Light. They make wrong things seem right, and right things seem wrong. They cast a shadow over the demonic world so that their existence is concealed. They also conceal the Deep State that exists in both the physical and spiritual world.
  Eve warred with them. Satan was in the Serpent, but Rulers of Darkness were in her mind. As soon as she was deceived, Powers displaced God’s Holy Spirit in her. Then Principalities surely came into her soul and convinced her that she had not died. They convinced Eve that she was okay, the Serpent was okay, and that Adam was okay. None of them were “okay” but both Adam and Eve had died a spiritual death and soon felt that and were guilty. God had mercy on their gullibility and saved the day!
  With that background, there has always been spiritual warfare and there has always been a spiritual “Deep State.” King David’s “Deep State” used Bathsheba to get to him. If you have fornicated or committed adultery, the spiritual “Deep State” provided an attractive person to impassion you. Samson’s Deep State sponsored Delilah, but it was not her that benefitted, but those who used her for their nefarious purposes. Samson was the strongest man who ever lived but Powers defeated him as Rulers of Darkness made his sins seem palatable.
  Satan unleashes the same angels of darkness on everyone. Few blame Samson for falling for Delilah. She was extremely beautiful and enticing. What Samson did was because his flesh was weak, albeit the Spirit of God which was in him since birth was willing. Even Paul had a “thorn in his side,” but many Christians are castigated because they have sinned. The Rulers of Darkness makes the sins of others greater than one’s own sins, and subsequently, Christians judge harshly. They condemn others but fail to condemn themselves. Christians rationalize their sins by diminishing them in comparison to others. Many marriages are ruined because of minor infractions and jealousy. Satan smiles at the ease of that!
  Nearly everyone, even Christians, have experienced crises in their marriages and among family members as well. Satan, using his Powerful forces, easily destroys families, yet Christians think they can wrestle with evil forces without God. God died on the behalf of everyone foolish. “All have sinned” could have been said, “All have been foolish,” because they have been persuaded by forces unseen to do things that they would not otherwise do. Demonic forces have convinced most that there is no spiritual warfare in progress. That is why it is so easy for nefarious forces to do their damage.
Liberals and the media see people who destroy cities as picnickers on holiday. Cops and civil people see them as lawbreakers and gangs. Minorities see them as fighters for social justice. Conservatives see them as the Deep State, but Christians should see behind the scenes; that it is spiritual warfare. People are not basically “good,” they are intrinsically “bad.” Everyone has the virus and its root cause was not from Chiiiiiinaaaah; it was from the Foundation Stone sitting beneath the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem! That is where the spiritual Deep State was founded, and nearby on Calvary where it was defeated.
  The Sanhedrin was the spiritual “mafia” working in the shadow of darkness. Whatever they ruled was the Law. Note that God made the Law, Moses wrote it down, scribes made copies, but the Sanhedrin was the assembly that interpreted the Law and judged. Judaism was more of a legislative and judicial body than a religious organization. The government had become the religion, and at the end-of-time (the Apocalypse) that same Deep State will rule, not just Judea, but the entire world. The shadow government behind legitimate governments are guided by the Rulers of Darkness. Like it or not, Presidents Obama and Trump were anointed by God for His Purposes, just as evil Babylon was created to punish Judah, so that the Jews would desire God’s Law again.
However, just as when God anointed David in Saul’s place, David became the legitimate ruler and Saul the Deep State. What do those who are princes in the Deep State do? They endeavor to kill legitimate governments. That was what Saul did to David until God was through with him. Saul made David a godlier man. In like manner, Obama seems to have made Trump a more righteous man as well.
  Think of the trial with the Sanhedrin as Jesus’s “impeachment” process. All those who had judged Jesus before had found no infractions small or large. None of the multitude, even the mob, had any evidence of wrongdoing. The same was true with Donald Trump. Examine the case against Jesus: 
The chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death; and found none. For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together. (Mark 14:55-56)
  It was the same as with the “Judge Lynch” mob, Annas, and Caiaphas; whoever they found to testify were presenting false evidence. They were made out to be the liars who deserved punishment. Was it not the same was with Trump’s impeachment? “Impeachment” does not infer guilt. It means that the facts will be examined, and judgment made. That Jesus appeared before the Sanhedrin by no means makes Jesus guilty of anything. Likewise, the impeachment of Donald Trump did not convict him, but further proceedings vindicated him. And through it all, Trump, as Jesus long before, remained silent. He did not appear at his impeachment to address the scurrilous charges.
  The Sanhedrin asked Jesus if He did those things. What things? Things only God could do. Did Trump do those things that they brought up in his Ukrainian conversation? He sure did; he provided the telephone conversation which proved his innocence. But alas, the impeachment mob could not deal with factual evidence, so chairman Schiff made up his own “facts.” Are you not beginning to see it? Jesus was Trumped, or better said, Trump was treated wrongly just as Jesus was. Not that Trump was like Jesus, but that the Deep State then and now has the same way of doing evil.
  The Sanhedrin, after condemning Jesus for no wrongdoing, asked, “What further testimony do we need? For we heard it ourselves from His own mouth” (Luke 22:71). What had they heard? The truth. What is truth in that case? That Jesus was who He claimed to be and did what a god would do. What did Trump’s defense say? That Trump is president and he only did what any president is authorized to do. They found no wrong in the case, the world against Jesus, nor the people against Trump.
  The Sanhedrin rubber-stamped the mobs’ contention. The Sanhedrin were misled by both the fake High Priest and the legitimate one. Both the Deep State and the legitimate state were against Him. The same goes for Trump. Behind the scenes there seems to be shady characters guiding and directing, and legitimate characters following their scheme to a “T.” No one knows for sure who the Powers in the darkness were; but Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and Shumer were their stooges.
  What happened at the fake trial of Jesus? All the lackies were convinced, but none of the others. There was no viable evidence against Jesus, but they moved forward with the trial anyway. The Sanhedrin had no power to crucify and had to pressure the Romans to do the evil deed for them. The Romans did not recognize Mosaic Law, so there was a legal bind. Something had to give. In the case of Jesus, the Romans bent the law of the Romans to fit Jewish Law. The Sanhedrin revised Roman Law without them even blinking an eye. In the case of Donald Trump, although he did only what was allowed by law, the US “Sanhedrin” bent it to their advantage and the public never caught on.
That is how the Deep State works. Somehow Eve saw the Law of God a little differently than it was. She added, “or do not touch” (Gen 3:3). Eve had no authority to change the law, but somehow the Deep State, like the Serpent, can cunningly convince that the law is different than what it seems. Who would ever dream that vandals destroying statues would be acceptable behavior? Rowdy people ignoring the law and getting away with it cancels the law. Politicians like Hillary Clinton getting away with breaking the law, nullifies the law.
  In antebellum times, whenever the Supreme Court ruled on a law, South Carolina or Georgia would merely “nullify” it by failure to obey the Court’s ruling. That is what mobs do; they either ignore laws or make their own laws to suit their purposes. Why is enforcement needed? Because everyone must obey the law, even those with which they disagree. People are revisionists in that they fit the law to their false perceptions.
  Democrat John C. Calhoun nullified the law before the Civil War and that was one of the reasons there was a war. The law can never be changed because of disagreement; it must be legislated and approved. Nullification is emancipating peoples from civil jurisprudence. The secession of southern states was an “emancipation proclamation” in itself. When the South resigned itself from the Union, that was the proclamation that northern laws do not apply to southern states. It was fitting that those states seceded because if they had not, then there would have been chaos within the Union much as there is today. History should not be rewritten, but just maybe secession, if it had been accepted by the North, would have led to more civility. Like it or not, the racial problem today stems from the Civil War. Perhaps the South would have seen that their socialist economy was an impedance to capitalism and human rights without them looking at Samuel Colt in the eye.
  The Confederacy socialistic? No, the plantation system was. That system was a government within a government. Not that they were secretive or vigilante, but that the socialist plantation system functioned within the Union. What’s more, the old plantation socialism still exists in metropolitan areas today. “Forget, Hell?” was the cry. The Democrats’ legacy was using blacks for their purposes. What has changed? Only recently have Democrats quit using God as justification for keeping their human property as they did in days of long ago. Or maybe they have all along and merely kept it under their white hoods.
  The South did the right thing. They withdrew. Like it or not, secession was Constitutional. Even the colonies had seceded from a government that infringed on their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Secession is a civil way, and that could have been contested through the judicial system, but the Union skipped over the Constitution as radicals always do.
  What is the implication? That the Civil War was unjust. It could have been avoided if done according to the law. Likewise, the implication is that civil people, if they are less radical, could settle whose lives matter. Mobs cannot do that because just as sin begets sin, violence begets violence. The Civil War never resolved anything, and therein lies the problem. Lincoln was shot by a zealot before civility was given a chance for the new nation.
  Before the War, the US was a nation of independent states. Afterwards, the US was a union consisting of the several states. It was indeed a new nation. Unfortunately, the new nation had the same people. There remained civil war in their hearts because hearts had not been mellowed but hardened. The US to this day is a nation of hardened hearts. As rebellious as they ever were, people still institute their own laws among men. Mob law is the law of those with herd mentality, or herd irrationality.
  Burger King® may let you have it your way, but the law must be for all the people, not special people. The problem remains that the US remains a nation of peculiar people who perceive themselves as special. In modern times there is a nation within nation with different laws for each. Black Lives Matter means that laws for them are their own beliefs.
  Some people believe in white supremacy, and others black power. Where is the difference? The solution for hatred requires that God be unnailed from His Holy Cross that the white supremacists and black power bullies have kept Him nailed. Pull out those nails! Let God bleed His love on you. Let us all be red with the blood of Jesus. What can save the nation? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! That is scriptural.
  Bullies nullify the law. That caused the not so “civil” war and continues the uncivility that is evident today. The movement, Black Lives Matter, is as bad as their confederate mentors. The Democrats have taught them the plantation system very well, and now they are using the same nullification that the South did before the War. CHOP, CHAZ, or whatever was an autonomous zone. It was soon evident that it was a chaotic zone. “CHOP” was quite fitting for their name.
Autonomous zones are the rebuilding of the plantation system. “Autonomous” is paradoxical. It was a crowd of egotistical people hurting others in the name of tolerance. The government in the autonomous zone was the most intolerant of the intolerant. They put Popper’s Paradox to good use. That paradoxical thought is the absurdity that it is acceptable to hate haters to rid the world of hatred.
  Within the Roman Empire were numerous autonomous zones. With each Roman client state, they were had their own laws and were autonomous in the administration of them. The Jewish grandees were brave when accusing, bullying, and persecuting; but when it came time to drive the nails and pierce the side of an innocent man, the cowards depended on the Roman “cops” to implement their silly and hypocritical laws.
  The autonomous Jewish multitude were confused people who did not even understand their own Law. They knew the details well, used it against others, but did what they personally wanted to do. They failed to even see that it was the finger of Jesus who wrote their own Law (Exod 31:18). The Jews still cannot see that their “Ten Words” were the Words of Jesus and were the Ten Prescriptions for eternal health! Neither does today’s mobs understand that civility is for their own good. What good does it do to tear down when love means to lift-up?

[1] The author has written a book, On the Origin of Man and the Universe, wherein he theorizes how the invisible universe has been revealed by science.

(picture credit: US House of Photography)

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