Friday, July 3, 2020



  Pontius Pilate was a “prefect” of the Roman province of Judea. The purpose of the prefect was not so much as govern but enforce Roman law. In other words, Pilate was the “FBI” of the Roman government. Unlike the FBI, Pilate could judge and punish whereas the FBI seeks evidence, and lets the judicial system determine guilt and the penal system to punish. As such, a prefect was more like the Russian KGB than the US FBI. Unlike the KGB, though, prefects investigated true evidence and if the accused was a Roman citizen, it was a fair process. Rome had been a republic up until 27 BC, but during the time of Jesus, the Roman Empire was a monarchy. The Caesars, cruel as they were, still had a senate and the citizens were represented and respected for the most part.
  Pilate’s background was not from nobility. His own Samnite people had been defeated by the Romans and he was an ordinary man who was just doing his job. He was not Caesar but gave unto Caesar what was his. In this case, it was enforcing the Law of Caesar. Roman monarchs were of the imperial cult. Julius Caesar was honored as a god, as was his son, Augustus. Tiberius would also have been considered a Roman god. As such, statues of any of the Caesars would be images of false gods.
  Generally, Rome was tolerant of religions and allowed conquered nations to keep their gods. Pilate would have no problem if Jesus had been a statue of a god, but here He was, a “god” in the flesh just like the Caesars! Pilate’s god in God’s Face would not be Jesus but would include Caesar in the Roman pantheon of gods and goddesses. That Jesus considered Himself “God” would not have caused consternation with Pilate, but the claim to kingship might have been disturbing. Herod himself was a tetrarch but considered himself a Hasmonean “king.”
  The Herodians supported that notion and they too were out to get this new King. Herod would be more offended at Jesus than Pilate, but Herod’s people would lose popular support if they killed an innocent man. Therefore, Pilate was used as a “tool” for the prosecution to carryout the public execution. The Jews would surely blame Roman justice and the Herodians would get revenge without blame. Pontius Pilate may have been savvy to their scheme and feel as if he was being used. Unknown to Annas, Caiaphas, the mob, or Pilate; they were all useful tools for Satan so that he would be king.
  Lucifer knew that he would never truly be king. He had tried that mutiny before when He endeavored to have God abdicate His throne to him. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, think on that; Satan had all mankind on his side. In his own eyes, he perceived himself as “King” because God had been diminished. Can you imagine Satan’s consternation when God came to save the day with his coats of flesh? Satan had been king for the day but would quickly be demoted to a mere “prince” and still a “pretender to the throne” of God.
  Those who pretend to monarchial thrones are the imperial “Deep States.” Nearly all kings and emperors had pretenders to their thrones. In the background, some claim to be in line for the highest office and in effect, pretend to already be that higher authority. Usually the heir to the thrones were ambitious and impatient, and they would be in a hurry to be king. David’s son, Absalom, would be king. He revolted against David, God’s ordained future king. Absalom pretended to David’s throne, and unlike David who patiently awaited his reign, Absalom hurried the process, fearing that he would never be king. In typology, Absalom was a “Satan” figure.
  It may be that the Jewish Sanhedrin considered Jesus a Satan figure as well. The Pharisees accused Jesus after he had cast out devils, “This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils” (Mat 12:24). Rather than seeing Jesus as the true King and heir to God, the Pharisees saw Him the heir to Satan and feared Him. Fear ruled over the entire Jewish nation, but for different reasons: the Herodians feared he would displace Antipas Herod, the chief priest feared that Jesus would be a Higher Priest (He was; on the order of Melchizedek), the Pharisees feared that he would do away with their Law, the scribes feared that their transcriptions would be discarded, and the Jewish people feared that their precious Temple would be torn down. Fear of Jesus created the spiritual Deep State.
  With all that fear, and they should have known better, Jesus was not to be feared because He was the promised Messiah. Perhaps few wanted a Messiah. That would change things and they had become comfortable as they were. Jesus never let them be at ease. Each and everyone of those against Him were certainly convicted. Conviction has two alternatives: change or rejection. Most who call themselves “Christians” are convicted and feel guilt, but they reject change. That is what Bonnhoeffer considered “cheap grace.” The majority outright rejected conviction and guilt, leaving the alternative to reject grace. Jesus death was a rejection of grace. Grace is reprieve from deserved punishment, but the multitude did not want reformation and pardon, but continuation in their comfort zone.
  Living in sin is not only pleasurable but comfortable. However, to feel comfortable, either the laws must be discarded, or the punisher eliminated. The Jews would not change the Law, so they chose to destroy the Punisher.
  In the United States, the law is hard to change. It takes years and impatient people are like Absalom. They take the law into their own hands and become “kings” themselves. Whoever is behind the Black Lives Matters movement and Antifa are more like Absalom. They want to kill the President, but that would be rejected by the people. President Trump is in the same situation as Jesus was. The Jewish Deep State wanted Jesus dead but did not want to lose the peaceful multitude. They enlisted the “cops” to kill Jesus. The American Deep State will not murder President Trump but will diminish him given any serious crises. Given the pandemic, it is a huge crisis and now the Deep State has made him the root cause of the pandemic. Trump is not God! He could not do that, but the Deep State has basically accused him of being a demon. He had to be to cause a plague! How else could he have sent the coronavirus?
  Given that the Deep State, after failing to successfully convict Trump after impeachment, there remained two choices: (1) diminish him, or (2) remove his authority. The Deep State will not shoot the President (right now), but they will diminish him by removing his authority. Their only hope is for a defeat in the 2020 election. Hence, what people are seeing is the Deep State diminishing Trump so profoundly that inept Joe Biden, the pretender to the presidency, actually becomes the president. Old Joe is their tool for power. Biden thinks that he us useful, but he is the Deep State’s fool, or court jester, if you prefer.
  Who will truly be president if Trump loses the election? The chief demon himself, the “Power” George Soros. He will be the invisible Deep State president along with his own “Sanhedrin” led by the Squad of Four. But what about Jesus?
  Coming out of the dark unto the light,  “When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death: And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor” (Mat 27:1-2). Somehow the verdict was death. He was never sentenced by anyone in authority, but the mob yelled “Crucify him! Crucify Him!” Pilate was faced with a dilemma; he either had to satisfy the law or the mob. The easier thing to do was satisfy the mob. However, Pilate gets some credit; he endeavored to placate the mob by releasing one prisoner. Would it be Barabbas, or would it be Jesus?
  In honor of their “feast” the custom was to release a prisoner (Mark 15:16). For the Jews, the occasion was not a feast in the “summer of love” as in Seattle, but a seven-day Passover Feast. Ironically, the Jews were celebrating the Death Angel passing over them during the Exodus, but there they were, passing over the Messiah who saved them from the Death Angel. The Jews were confused about the purpose of the feast that they were celebrating. Were they celebrating the death of Pharaoh’s son or were they glorifying God for saving them? They thought they were glorifying God by killing God because they failed to understand God. God is not as you understand Him, but who He IS. They killed Jesus because they failed to understand God!
  Pilate found Jesus without any faults at all. What was left for Him to be crucified? Excuses! “And they were the more fierce, saying, ‘He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place’” (Luke 23:5). Who was really stirring up the people? The mob and the Jewish aristocracy, the spiritual Deep State. They were accusing Jesus of stirring up the nation, but that is what they were doing.
  In the United States, the daily accusation is that Trump’s Tweets® are stirring up the people for division and hatred. The President has even been blamed for George Floyd’s death because he sets the demeanor for the nation. As Jesus before him, Mr. Trump is the chief demon who stirs-up everyone’s demons. Notwithstanding that, hatred has been extant since Cain murdered Abel. President Trump has taken the place of Cain in this modern age. Not only that, Mr. Trump has been accused of being an “Absalom” who forced his way into the presidency. For the mob, Hillary Clinton was ordained to be president and Mr. Trump was a mere pretender to the position. Thus, for Trump to abdicate or be removed from office, in the feeble minds of liberals, is justifiable because he was not in line to be president. It was Hillary’s turn!
  Everything is the President’s fault, they say. He is stirring up the nation just as Jesus was. That is the Democrat’s excuse for impeachment but that is not an impeachable offense. The “Swamp” needed stirred-up and turned over to prepare it to be smoothly drained! Stirring-up people was Jesus’s Purpose. He was to give the Jews a chance to change before He died. He was sent to stir up the iniquitous to a state of righteousness. That did not happen, so he died in their place.
  Of course, Mr. Trump is not Jesus, but he is a David. Think on that; David was a sinful man after God’s own heart. David, even a sinner, had a perfect heart (1 Kings 11:4). The same seems to be the case with Mr. Trump. His heart is on what is right. America has gone wrong, and “Make America Great Again” is not Germanic Nazism but Jewish Spiritualism. God endeavored time after time to make Israel great again, but each time the spiritual Deep State rebelled. The chronicles of the kings are repetitive with greatness and iniquity. “Great” means different things to different people. For the Nazis and KKK, it meant white supremacy and nationalism. To rational Americans, it means to allow God to increase His people.
  Jesus came to make the earth great again — a return to Paradise. It happened in the hearts of Christian people, but it is not the mob that will inherit Paradise in earth, but the meek. The mob mentality seeks peace and Utopia in the world by rebellious arrogance, but in the end, they will perish.
  Jesus looked at the mob and sweated blood in agony. He was not agonizing for Himself but for their rebelliousness. How could His creatures be so mean and chaotic? The agony of Jesus was not about His death but His people’s.
  What should Christians think about the conditions in the world today? Should they despise the mob or love them? Jesus loved them so intensely that He died that they would not. Christians should pray for the mob, especially the rebellious millennials who know not what they do because they have never experienced socialism. But neither have they ever truly experienced Jesus! The mob should experience Jesus. They did when Jesus was crucified, and Jesus gave them a chance to become “great” again. Few did. Until the end, however, everyone should have the chance. That is “spiritual justice” (John 3:16).

(picture credit: "Themis Blind Justice" Wayfair)

Themis Blind Justice Cast Bronze Statue

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