Sunday, July 9, 2023


 Why should anyone worry about what they eat? Because that opens the door of opportunity for others to feed you poisons. Of course, synthetic foods are meant to be good for animals and humans, but too much of any “good” thing is poisonous. For instance, natural sugars are not as harmful as processed sugars, and some say that synthetic sugars cause cancer. Sweeteners are good, but too much are not good for you, and each person is susceptible according to their own sensitivities.

So, whatever is eaten, if too much, can cause maladies, and perhaps death, and so slowly that death stealthily comes without the person even knowing it.

Adam and Eve died, for instance, because they ate of a tree that carried a warning — “DO NOT EAT.” Any amount from the forbidden tree would cause death.

Two human beings partook of the fruit. Three “alien” beings were generated by it. Yes, they were generated because their genes, their DNA, were altered.

Adam and Eve were the first attempt at trans-beings; their natures changed from the Image, or Genome of God, to the image of Lucifer, called the “Serpent.” They ate something that they should not have and it was not the figs from that tree, as the Books of Adam and Eve reveal.

God had made the figs. (It was not an apple tree, as some say. The evidence of that is in the same books.) God gave the two a fig the size of a watermelon for them to eat, but they were still afraid to eat of God’s fruit. Hence, the poison was not in the fruit but something synthetic and not of God. As it turns out, the Serpent’s poison, that looked so good, was added to the fruit. The two ate something synthesized by Satan, and they changed to be more like the “old creature” — the rebellious angel, Lucifer. Their DNA had been altered without them even being aware of it.

Soon, they perceived that they had changed, and God as much as said, I told you so… that you would die! To wit: 

1 Then Adam wept and said, "O God, when we dwelt in the garden, and our hearts were lifted up, we saw the angels that sang praises in heaven, but now we do not see as we were used to do; nay, when we entered the cave, all creation became hidden from us." 2 Then God the Lord said unto Adam, "When thou wast under subjection to Me, thou hadst a bright nature within thee, and for that reason couldst thou see things afar off. But after thy transgression thy bright nature was withdrawn from thee; and it was not left to thee to see things afar off, but only near at hand; after the ability of the flesh; for it is brutish." (1 A & E 8:1-2)

 The two beings went from glorious, like God, to inglorious like Satan. Their images had been altered and their natures had changed. After sin, the two were brutish as the Beast. It does not take too much imagination to assume that they gained the knowledge of evil — carnal knowledge. Whatever they had consumed changed their genomes. Implied therein is that both Adam and Eve acted as if they were of an alien gender and engaged in intercourse with the Wicked One. They had not only become trans-beings alien to God but perhaps transexuals, not caring that who they had intercourse with because it was a beautiful non-binary being, or so they thought.

Angels are not sexual beings in heaven (Mark 12:25) and do not marry, or literally in the Greek, “to take a wife.” Wife therein means coupling. They do not marry wives because angels have different DNA. Cross-breeding is unnatural!

Science proposes that X and Y DNA can be shut off using genetic editing — CRISPR — a synthetic gene-altering tool (Lawry 2012-2013). Using gene-editing, the author says the following: 

In 2009, researchers were able to turn the ovaries of adult female mice into testes by blocking the action of just one gene, known as FoxL2. The treated mice did not produce sperm but had the same amount of circulating testosterone normally found in male mice, which contributed to whole-body masculinization. Except for their infertility, the females had become males.8 More recently, a similar experiment with mice caused males to turn into females, again by the blockage of one “master switch” gene, Dmrt1. (ibid)

 Then the author continues: “If it is possible to make these changes in adult humans, it may

eventually remove the need for surgery in gender-reassignment treatment,” she says, referring to Dr. Lovell-Badge of the National Institute of Medical Research in London.

So, quit worrying about hormones and scalpels, all those mutations can be done painlessly with the “knife” of genetics (Cas9) to alter the gender identity of human beings. What, then, is the problem?

“The first recorded death from gene therapy treatment occurred in 1999, during a University of Pennsylvania clinical trial… Another possible danger of gene therapy is cancer… If the novel gene were to recombine with a non-target section of DNA, it could cause mutations leading to cancer” (ibid).

If DNA editing is a “good” thing at best, that good thing may cause cancer because of mutated genes. The good thing becomes the evil thing, and hence the moniker, “Knowledge of Good and Evil.” After carnally corresponding with an alien being from another realm, Eve somehow imbued the DNA of Lucifer. How is that known?  John revealed the past as well as the future: 

11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. (1 John 3:11-12)

 We all have missed something therein. John classified love. “Love is love,” as the LBGT community says it is. is not true — love is agapao, according to John’s reminder. It is not good sex but “goodwill” (Strong 2006). Then John reminded what occurred in the beginning — that Cain was of that Wicked One — Lucifer.

How could that be? By carnal knowledge between the cunning Beast and Eve. With original sin, brutish men and women already have the depravity (iniquity; Psalm 51:5) in which they were shaped. The Image of God in the beginning became a depraved and brutish beast, Cain.

It may be that Cain was different than other men because God marked him (Gen 4:15) with an obvious identifier. Perhaps he was mutated by giantism, as hinted in Genesis chapter six. Cain perhaps resembled the Grigori angels from the Fifth Heaven as revealed in the Book of the Secrets of Enoch. It must have been his size because it was to prevent Cain from being killed. Finally, Cain was killed by the hands of a blind man, as Enoch states.

Cain was a transhuman and that gene was carried down in the mitochondrial DNA of Eve who was the “mother of all living” (Gen 3:20), implying that Adam was not the father of all living, or it would have said so. With a new genome, Cain could go as he pleased and his germline — the daughters of men — would engage in sex with even more “sons of God” — Grigori angels to further mutate mankind — making them even more brutish. To this day, so called “Humane beings” do what animals would not do, and that is about every kind of deviate sex that is alien to both the first Adam and last Adam — Jesus.

Mankind is no longer glorious because we are no longer of the adami-kind. The father of all, for all have sinned, is the Devil, Lucifer. Not that IT sired anyone other than Cain, but because as the “son of the Devil” and the “bitch” wife, we are of the gens, or genetics, of them both, and woman still carries that gene in her mitochondria.

The reader may not like this, but we all have a cancer of sorts. Cancer is death and is when the flesh all dies. Why can we not fix ourselves? Because our deficiency is genetics. Why fear gene-editing? Because mankind still endeavors to fix the cancer induced by the Serpent without the help of God.

Unwittingly, itinerant preachers all along have got it right; that sin is a cancer that has only one cure — the Divine Blood of God that was regenerated in the His gens into the genome of Jesus. He is not the conventional “son” of God but has the genetics of the supposed Father of us all — the LORD GOD.

Adam was the first chance and Jesus the last chance. Chance of what? Glorious and divine genetics. Sin is in our genes and only the living Adam, Jesus, has the Power to re-engender mankind back to the Image intended for us.

Jesus, as God, is the Tekton. He is the “Craftsman” of all trades. He is the one all-knowing “Scientist” that everyone should trust, but few do! Are we, therefore, basically good or are we debased beings?

Scientology depends on their own goodness to save themselves! Adam knew better than that, so God stepped in to shield the delusional beings with coats of skins (Gen 3:21) to keep them safe from the fiery darts of the wicked ones (Ephes 6:16).

(picture credit: Merriam-Webster)

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