Saturday, January 13, 2024

Heaven: Paradise and Hell and the Soul of Man

This commentary is about heaven, hell, and Paradise and how I see it from scripture. I may be wrong, but I would rather be wrong and safe than in Torments!

Mankind has always sought eternal life. The explorer, Ponce de León sought the fountain of youth in the ‘new world’ during the age of exploration. He was not the first… the Horn of Africa was one of the first places civilization reported mysterious waters that would give the Macrobians extreme longevity. In fact, most religions believe in eternal life. Macrobians even went as far as to embalm some of their people attempting to have their bodies last forever, according to the writer, Herodotus, over 500 years before Christ.

In the same timeframe, Hanno the Adventurer found in his travels to the Horn of Africa a new type of ‘human being’ whose hides he took back to civilization. The indigenous people of the area called them ‘gorillas,’ although Hanno believed them to be a kind of humans.

The Egyptians had already for millennia embalmed their dead royalty in preparation for the afterlife beyond their kingdoms in another realm. They even placed their most valued possessions in the tomb for further use in ‘Aaru’ — their heaven of reeds wherein there was ka, a heavenly force. Within their heaven was a paradise, a real place on the Nile River. Their monotheistic God, ‘Ra,’ in some ages, and at some times among a pantheon of gods at other times. Ra is the Sun God.

Obviously, Ra emanated light from it in the form of ka to provide eternal life. Perhaps the realm of reeds, as they explained it, were rays of light. That may never be known. What is known is that the royalty expected eternal life so intensely that they built temples to ‘harvest’ the light from Ra.

They were not the only ones. The Terracotta army of Qin Shi Huang of China was discovered in 1974. The first emperor of China from whose name, China was derived, had an obvious fear of the afterlife, so afraid that he made images of people, horses, chariots, and weapons to protect himself from something in another realm. He surely believed that his images would have life breathed into them, and indeed some movies (e.g. The Terra-cotta Warrier) they did just that. Qin died ca BC 200; two-hundred years before Christ Qin feared the wicked ones that he would encounter in ‘heaven’ (Tian).

Nearly everybody has sought heaven. The Roman ‘heaven’ were the Elysian Fields, where the blessed go after death for the virtuous to dwell. The Greeks called that field, ‘Pedion,’ whereon people could walk on the ground.

That notion corresponds well with the Judeo-Christian ‘Garden of Eden’ whose ‘ground’ was Adam in the Hebrew language.  It may be that the idea of heaven was mutated along with the depravity. They would make heaven fit their own ideas of a place.

Perhaps all the ‘heavens’ of the various peoples and religions originated from the proto-heaven that we still call ‘heaven,’ but still fail to understand.

Regardless, for nearly all people of all times, ‘heaven’ is where souls or bodies live forever. For some, it is the souls of men and for others, it is for the bodies of men. In Christian doctrine, heaven is a realm that has substance on which the body and soul are entangled.

Adam was entangled by God who breathed life into him. That life was breathed, not actually into the ground from which he was made, but apparently into the entirety of the nuclear cells of his body. That is my concept of the human soul. It is not a separate being, but the Image of God imbued unto man. Science now calls that ‘engenderment.’ Hence, Adam was not born of the Spirit of God but genned by the ‘Father.’

I think of the soul in this fashion: ignore the flesh and focus on the substance within each nuclear cell. Imagine the soul to be an almost invisible body of some thing. In the Hebrew that thing is the Image of God. God is the “Thing” — the ‘awful thing’ that is holy. Holy from the Greek, agios, means that ‘awful thing.’

The psalmist David wrote, “Cast me not away from your presence; and take not your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalm 51:11).

What was in David? In the Hebrew ‘qodes ruah’ — the ‘sacred thing’ which is obviously the breath or wind of God (i.e., His Spirit.) That ‘Sacred Thing’ was the Image of God, and the dynamics were as the wind. It was not the wind at all, but its motion like the wind, or as Luke wrote, “The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon Him (Jesus)” (Luke 3:22).

The Image of God when Adam was breathed into, is ‘Selem’ in the Hebrew, meaning a ‘Shadow,’ or ‘Phantom.’

Again, imagine the genes of God, like a dove in the wind, flowing as if a phantom body into Jesus. (No wonder, Jesus is the ‘Last Adam’ for he was enhanced in the same manner as Adam.)

Solomon surely saw the soul of mankind and recognized it for what it was, to wit: speaking of death, Solomon wrote, “Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern” (Ecc 12:6).

That statement is both poetic and esoteric. Solomon was not writing about loosening ropes, breaking bowls, and such. His poetry symbolized some things.

First consider the ‘silver cord.’ Without mention of the exact Hebrew words, that was a ‘pale twisted thread.’ [1] To me, that aptly describes the double-helix of carbon, called ‘DNA.’ Unless stained the chromosomes appear transparent. Therefore, the silver cord, on the whole, would appear to be a shadow or phantom-like being.

Many were “made whole” in scripture. Take for instance the woman with the “blood issue;” she was made whole. She was missing something! Her soul was broken, and it appears that it was in her blood.

One small blood sample defines genetically from whom you came and exactly who you are. Genes are your very identity that God encoded without every nuclear cell of your body. As such, perhaps Jesus repaired her damaged genes. Not only was her blood fluid cleansed but fixed as well, or her fix would be incomplete. “Made whole” are the Word of Jesus and means exactly what He said!

I believe her “golden bowl” as Solom called it was made new again. God gave that hunch to me, so now let me check that to the Hebrew: “Zahab gulla rasas,” which literally means several things but among them the shimmering fountain cracked.

Men lose chromosomes as they age. They wither away. Think of one person that you can think of who withered 930 years before he died. I think of Adam, so for a man, somehow alien Y-chromosomes must have gotten into him. (That may sound farfetched, but YY-chromosomes do not exist in people except those with XYY syndrome, and for females the XXY Syndrome.)


Figure 1" Men Lose Y-chromosomes (Science)


I submit that the “golden bowl broken” may mean the entire genome of the woman was diseased or mutated as time suggests. (See the damaged chromosomes in the photo above.)

Yes, there is much speculation there, but I go where God leads me to go; pray that it is not the wicked ones who mess with my mind!

So far, I have endeavored to define just what is the ‘soul.’ It appears to be the spiritual identity of the person.

Science has found “God” in the DNA of His creatures (Weigmann 2004). In that publication, the Name of God appears in genetic code and the words written in that code is the language of God. In other words, God spoke to mankind using a genetic code and in this modern age, mankind is gradually cracking the code of God, ostensibly for good health and longevity, but also for some (the Chinese) for nefarious purposes like ‘Super-soldiers’ in the manner of Qing.

‘Herrin’s Theory of the Soul’ is that our individual genomes are the shadowy Image (Selem) with which God endowed mankind. Sin, therefore, would have cracked the ‘golden bowl’ of Eve. In the beginning, both the Adam’s ‘bowls’ were “very good,” glorious even, and sin cracked the bowl of the female and she had something beyond the chromosomal sacks.

Mitochondria came from somewhere. I propose that was the ‘leakage’ of the cracked “golden bowl” — the amalgam of chromosomes — the ‘bowl’ of the genome.

Neglecting Adam’s progeny, Eve was a new kind. Her genome was altered according to the language of science. Eve became the “mother of all living,” in contrast to God or Adam (Gen 3:20). Apparently, Eve acquired some thing that Adam did not have, nor even God. She may have been the first person to have mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrion are literally “threads of granules” (Oxford Languages 2023). Certainly, that was the ‘pale twisted thread’ of which Solomon wrote!

Men do not pass along mitochondrial DNA, hence that, indeed, would make Eve the mother of our depraved kind. No wonder the female is no longer the dominant gene but portends to be in a very domineering way.

So, what has genetics to do with spirits? The word, ‘Genesis,’ reveals very much! Jesus is the visible Image of God, not his biological son, but the genetic Son of God; in other words, the Genome of Jesus would be the very Genome of God, hence when Jesus is observed, it is not the Son that is seen but the very Image, or invisible phantom-like DNA of God walking and speaking. God was encoded in the genetics of Jesus and rather than only visible, His Spirit was revealed as well, under special Lighting of course, at the Transfiguration and Crucifixion.

Jesus leaked the DNA of God at the Crucifixion, and God put on a ‘Light show’ — the blood of Christ revealed the Living Waters flowing from the belly of Jesus and sure enough, Jesus was indeed God within, ‘Emanuel.’ His “golden bowl” had been broken and the Spirit of God leaked out as if both water and wind — water to the ground (Adam) that was cracked and as a wind to the heaven.

The Holy Ghost of Jesus did not go only up but way out. Jesus had said, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36), and where Jesus went Christians shall follow.

So, Jesus went to another realm (a kingdom not of this world), but He not only went elsewhere in time but specifically to Paradise that very day for He said to the repentant thief, “Today shall you be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). That place was not way out there someplace but right there. It was already approaching the beginning of the Sabbath, so Paradise was the place that Jesus took Jesus to Paradise in heaven without spending much time getting there. Death opened the door, or portal, to heaven leading the Way to Paradise.

Two things are learned with that: (1) Paradise is only for those who repent and see Jesus as God, (2) Paradise is in another unseen realm, and (3) Paradise is the Real Estate belonging to the King,  and (4) it is as near as death. [2]

Without a doubt, the body of the thief was there until after dark — the beginning of the Sabbath. However, his soul was already in Paradise.

Jesus ‘untangled’ the pale twisted thread and loosed the thief from his decadent identity. His body remained on Earth in the ground to decay, but his soul — the ‘phantom’ that looked like him — went to heaven to a place called “Paradise.’ If my theory is correct, the genome of the man went to a place where the flesh never dies, and it remains his identity, his precious God-given genome that is glorified by death where the ‘golden bowl’ has its crack repaired never again to be broken!

In the beginning, God made the heaven, followed by the Earth. What is heaven like? In the paradisiacal Garden, it was “very good” (Gen 1:31); in fact perfect and glorious. Read Genesis chapter one and Paradise in heaven is described. It is occupied not by men and women with flesh, but some invisible substance (Selem; a ‘skeleton’ of genes, perhaps); perfect — glorious genes — because of glorification. Therefore, the invisible genetic structure of humans who have their genes ‘corrected’ by rebirth is the being that shall reside in heaven; specifically in their ‘room’ in Paradise. Room is archaic for ‘space.’ It is not specifically a building for them, but a invisible Garden that with bright eyes can be seen as the Real Estate of God!

The Garden Paradise had rules. Basically, what God says, goes. When God was speaking of the Tree of Life, it had twelve manner of fruits, all good, nine of the twelve which are written (Gal 5:23-24). However, the fruit of the demonic spirit are many:

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal 5:19-21)

Those who do those things will not go to Paradise, but they will still go to ‘heaven,’ not to Paradise, but a much different place in another realm (Luke 16).

To be continued tomorrow.











[1] All the language meanings and such are taken from Strong’s Dictionary unless stated otherwise (Strong 2006).

[2] See my book, To Die is Gain, to understand why the gain.

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