Friday, January 26, 2024


Jesus and the disciples were about to leave Jericho when the latter spoke to Jesus. A great number of people followed Jesus but two, although blind, delineated just which Person was Jesus. They picked Jesus out of the crowd with no problem. One of the blind men, “heard that it was Jesus” (Mark 10:47) and believed.

Jesus, a little earlier, had told the multitude that followed him, “Having eyes, see you not? and having ears, hear you not? and do you not remember?” (Mark 8:18). What was it that they would so soon forget? The recent miracles of the increases in bread and fish. So, what would Jesus demonstrate to the blind? Beginning with an unnamed blind man, after being blind, he could see.

That brings the reader to the two other blind men, one named Bartimaeus (Mark 10:26) and the other unnamed: 

And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, “What will you that I shall do unto you?” They say unto Him, “Lord, that our eyes may be opened.” So, Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him. (Mat 20:32-34)

 Their eyes were already open, but they had seen nothing. However, they wanted their open eyes to see Him. Somehow, even without seeing Jesus visually, they could see Him in their mind’s eye. There was something about Jesus that was so obvious that even two blind men could see, but that same feature could not be seen by the multitude.

Jesus touched them both and they could see. When Jesus touched anything, He lost virtue (e.g., the woman with the blood issue): “Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that virtue had gone out of Him” (Mark 5:30). Somehow, the blind men had a sixth sense; they could sense virtue around Jesus. Literally, from the Greek word ‘dynamis,’ virtue is ‘dynamics’ in English — a force or power.

As such, Jesus had a force field around Him that emanated the Goodness of God. There is a doctrine, called ‘Procession’ that was one of the major issues that split the Church into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox. Since, Jesus is God in the Flesh it should be obvious that the Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son, but since they are One, then their Dynamics cannot be divided. As God, it makes sense that the two blind men sensed the Holy Spirit indwelling in the Person of God. They would have seen God within Jesus!

That was what the crucifixion was all about; two ‘blind’ men seeing or not seeing God within Jesus.

Now back to the ‘God Coin’ example of my video [1] wherein when any coin is spun, it is neither heads nor tails but a ‘ghost’ of both. Only when the coin spins are the frontside or backside revealed. As such, the Dynamics is from the Godhead, meaning that it always emanates from God in whatever Substance He is at that time.

Jesus was just the Holy Spirit of God stopped at that moment. Stopping the Dynamis in the Temple revealed Father God, Yahweh. After Jesus ascended and the Holy Spirit returned, the ‘God Coin’ resumed its Dynamics. Essentially, the Holy Spirit is the activity of either God or Jesus in the world. It is Him in whatever Substance revealing Himself.

The blind men may have sensed Jesus with insight that even the highest technology machines can finally detect. Maybe it was the brainwaves of Jesus or neutrons passing right through Him. Either way, the blind men received Goodness from God, even at a distance, and “So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him” (Mat 20:34).

The eyes are no more than moving cameras. Eyes take pictures of sunlight reflected from objects. Jesus was the Objective God, and the Light of God was reflected off the Person, Jesus. Perhaps they did not sense the Presence of the Spirit of God — His Dynamis, but did sense the Light, or Phos (Greek) of God, radiating from Jesus. Or it could be that since God is All-knowing Mind, that the two blind men could detect the Thoughts of God. Or it could be all three that they sensed.

Light is interesting. It consists of photons that move in a wave but when stopped, are seen much like particles.

Light can be detected by the eyes in one of two ways: indirectly by reflection or directly by absorption. Either way their eyes must be the target. Jesus targeted them! He knew what they knew. Since God is Light, not the Sunray-type, it makes sense that when Jesus was near, God reflected off Jesus, but as Jesus got directly in front of them, the Light of God was focused, and they received their sight. They could then see clearly.

Now consider Jesus: After He was glorified, He disappeared in Emmaus and reappeared in a closed room to the eleven apostles. In His newly glorious flesh (John 7:39), Jesus was impervious to objects. He was Dynamic in that His most elementary particle — neutrons — could pass through material objects.

What did the blind men see? The Glory of God emanating from Jesus. His Glory passed through the divide between the world and their brains, and they could see. That is not a medical diagnosis by any means, but it makes sense.

Remember what Jesus had said earlier? “Having eyes, see you not? and having ears, hear you not?” Jesus was not giving them a physical diagnosis but a Spiritual one.

Now consider the malady of tinnitus. Those afflicted with that have an incessant ringing in their ears. After years of diagnosing the auditory nerves, finally I am told, that even with the nerves cut, the ringing still exists. The sense of noise is thought even without a source. It is an effect without a cause, as it seems. (I am writing with that experience.)

Even with ears, the spiritually dimwitted could not hear. Of course, Jesus was speaking of the Thoughts of God. Jesus may have been speaking to them not with the tongue but with His Spirit.

Jesus even healed the deaf, so that without ‘ears,’ so to speak, they could hear.

In this case, even without eyes, the two could see that Jesus IS God! Do you not remember the miracles of the fishes and loaves? Well, this is the miracle of making the blind to see. It is beyond the science and from a realm that few understand.

The Word opens the ears for the deaf to hear and the eyes for the blind to see. It also opens the mind so that we can understand the Thoughts of God. Jesus not only opened their eyes for them to see but opened their minds to follow Him!

The problem with mankind is that we can see and hear but the minds are closed. My bet is that many of you Christians do not believe in miracles. With that said, with you thinking that you are a ‘freethinker,’ your mind is bound in chains.

God communicates with me any time I open my mind to change my way of thinking. My thoughts, much of the time, are from the Prince of the Power of the Air — the Devil — I hate to admit, but when I read the Word, I sense safety until my mind strays again.

As the two formerly blind men followed Jesus, they obtained a new way of thinking. No longer would they sit there in pity but go down in history as two blind men who could see well enough to know that Jesus IS God in the flesh. Can you see that? It does not take eyes, as Jesus demonstrated, but a passage between your cranium (Latin; Calvariae Locus) and the world.

Reference: While many people have a 'vivid' mind's eye, others have none at all (







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