Monday, September 16, 2024


Today’s commentary is not political, but it is about politics. Nobody is really one thing or another. There are shades of gray in about anything. For instance, the German Workers Party is called “right wing.” It was the parent party of the National Socialists that was said to be even more right wing.

“Politic is characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing” (Merriam-Webster 2023). Yes, you ask what something is all about because it may not be what you think it is.

Shrewdness is cleverness. It is using intelligence for an advantage. Politics is a contest about who is most effectively the cleverest. However, shrewdness in politics has direction: it is “in managing, contriving, or dealing” (ibid) ostensibly with other people.

The first, or “original sin,” was political. The cunning snake in the paradisical garden manipulated the entire population. Because a clever device — deception — was used, the only woman in the world fell, due to the shrewdness of another being. A snake did not persuade her that the truth was a lie; it was a cunning being, posing as something he was not. In that case, inwardly the being was serpent-like in his dealings but outwardly angelic — Lucifer — “The Bringer of Light.” As such, the image that the woman saw was truth but inwardly, the creature was a liar from the beginning (John 8:44).

So, the original sin was a political act. It is okay to be shrewd, but shrewdness for wrong motives is the root-cause of sin.

Perhaps, the idea of politically “left” and “right” was introduced into the world right then! The rule of the Law was rightness, and the Law of sin was wrongness. God’s command was right — do not eat or you shall die, whereas Lucifer’s rule was, “no you won’t.” God’s Law was truth and Lucifer’s deception. Deception is making wrongful things appear to be right and right things appear to be wrong. Does that sound familiar?

Isaiah revealed the thoughts of God down for posterity, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa 5:20). “Woe to them” is the death of the soul in Hell. Those who do such things would be of the Devil in the manner of the “Serpent” of old.

In my lifetime, right and wrong has been confused time after time to the point that it is hard to discern the truth at all. However, Christians have Christ in them (if they are truly Christians). Christians can discern good from evil for they test all things and hang onto what is good (1 Thes 5:21).

The first sin included the woman’s failure to test the premise of the Wicked One, and the male’s first sin was falling for a façade. He accepted the evidence that since the woman did not seem to die, the Law was wrong. God’s thesis was that they would die of they ate. The Wicked One countered that with no you will not. The deception was based on two things: (1) What is death in truth? and (2) when will death occur?

The great politician, Lucifer, was not what he seemed to be. He was not even human nor a god; he was just a shrew! Adam and his mate fell for the narrative of some being they did not even know. Politicians depend on people not knowing who they are within and present to the public a false persona to hide who they really are. Many, although left, want you to believe they are right, and so forth.

In practice, honest Christians are not political. They should use their wisdom to do what is right transparently with not hidden motives. They admit they are imperfect but endeavor to improve their image by doing right things. That is true “transparency.”

When two candidates present themselves as the best, citizens should use some type of metric to reveal who is just a politician and who is not; or at least who is the least political. (Generally, to be where they are requires some degree of politics.)

Christians use the standards of God for they are right.

How do parties reveal their inner selves? Party platforms; they are the “constitutions” of the parties. Which party platform when measured is the best, not for you alone, but for the most?

Adam and Eve sought what was best for them, or so they thought, but never considered what was the best for all of mankind. Due to their failure to use the Word of God, all of mankind became lost.

To be honest, all politicians are “lost” outside the Garden, and it amounts to who is wise enough to want a way back. Therein comes the concept of Utopia. Christians want to go back to glory by the hand of God to His place and non-Christians are satisfied with a place that governments build. The Garden is “Paradise;” whereas Utopia is a copy of Paradise without a God to “ruin” the place.

“Right” is desiring what is best. Is Utopia truly better than the real thing? Christians should realize that making things great again or building back better are merely dreams. Only God can do that. The best candidate would be those who understand that men cannot make us great again and that mankind has a history; even with good intentions, they seldom build back better.

So, Christian must turn to the one of two imperfect candidates that should more than promise but have a record of performance. Anyone can perform, but do they perform the will of God or what they themselves think is right.

There is a lesson from Israelite history: “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Jud 17:6). Israel was lawless; neither good nor evil but whatever each person wanted to do. Chaos ensued; they needed a king because they failed to perceive what the real King in heaven desired for them to do.

Christians are called, “right wing” because they desire that proven institutions should remain extant because “imaginations” are just that. In Israel, even those who knew God, just like those who did not, “neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Rom 1:21).

If a candidate promises, but knows it cannot happen, unless by deception, then that is politic. Whoever it is who promises good things without hurting others is political.

The origin of left and right, like I said, was in the beginning; the Wicked One in the Garden was the “Politic” that sneaked in.

Dismus and Gestus were the two thieves on the cross. Dismus was believed to be on the right and Gestus to the left side of Christ. Dismus was the repentant thief who perceived the truth before the Truth was revealed. He was to the right of God.

 Gestus, as it turned out, died. He saw the same event — that God was in Jesus — but never accepted the truth and he died because of a myth. He died, died. He suffered physical death, and unlike Dismus, that day the soul of Gestus went to Hell. His lack of perception about what is truth killed, killed him; he “surely died” in all respects just as scripture says about the fruit of the wrong tree (Gen 2:7).

Christians should want to do what is right. God used a crooked man, Dismus, to demonstrate that doing the hard thing in the face of death is the right thing to do. God uses crooked men, like King David, to make things happen.

So, what is “right wing” in reality? It is the pursuit of truth and rightness. Rightness is not subjective; Jesus laid out the case for rightness very clearly; it is essentially denying things for yourselves to sacrifice for God and others. It is a thing of the heart, not a mandate. God does not desire your dollars but your hearts. With that said, Christians are expected to be “right wing” because the standards of God are the “Constitution” of God written on stone for perpetuity. Desiring things that have worked so well is “right wing.” That is reasonable and to risk what works for promises is insane! So, we test all candidates, not for the best promises, but for the will of God be done, as Jesus indicates we should pray.

Ask yourselves questions:


·         Are the promises the will of God?

·         Does the candidate overpromise?

·         Can you really afford to pay for their promises?

·         Is the person or party good stewards of your money?

·         Are the promises what the voters need or what the candidate or party wants?

·         Does the candidate hold the metrics of God as priority?

·         Is the candidate focused on all the people or just divisions of people?

·         And my own first standard, Does the candidate respect all lives?


Those are just a few of the many questions about how to test all things and hang onto what is good. It seems that “right wing” Christians are despised and ridiculed because the standards that we promote are not our own, but the very metrics of God. Being accused of “right wing” is a badge of courage because standing for what is right reveals character.

So, let’s end where we started; Is Nazism right wing? Is even communism left wing? No, they are both crazy people with their own version of a Utopian world that both groups know cannot be achieved without war and taxing the populace to death. Nazism and communism are so identical that it is nearly impossible to distinguish between them; they just have different names for their Utopia on Earth — The Fourth Reich and a New World Order, respectively.

The crazy French people coined the notion of right and left in their own war of independence. The left wing was the “Mountain” in the Estates General of the first French republic. They were initially led by the Jacobians who had a great idea in theory but a disastrous one in practice. Anybody, even their own leader, Robespierre, who either differed with their approach, or even spoke their own minds were targeted. Millions of dissident heads floated in the river because they did not go along with the flow. Left wingers were originally arrogant, murdering politicians that schemed, they thought shrewdly, to have things their way. Rather than build back better, they ended up destroying their own republic.

Benjamin Franklin knew that the left had not learned their lesson, when he described our new government as “a republic, if we can keep it.” He knew that republics such as our own protect the minority from the cruelty of the majority. He knew that the mob of the masses would prevail over individualism. The United States Constitution is a “right wing” Christian document, because our government, unlike France’s, was founded upon the tenets of God; whereas the French Republic created their own God, “The God of Reason” — the Roman Goddess Libertas.

Most of our patriots were right wingers. However, Thomas Paine was the left wing of the revolution. He imbued within so many a new “god” when he wrote the pamphlet, “The Age of Reason.”

The left is always those with a different idea of who God is and those who fail to imbue the tenets of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

In practice a Christian cannot be left wing, what is deceptively called “progressive.” Change has direction and in France, the change was stupidity; they worshipped the God of Reason in the Cathedral of Notre Dame and made their God alive by dressing up a whore to look the part of a goddess!

The most idiotic thing the left did was to recreate time, even renaming the months and days of the week in pursuit of tearing down everything to build back better, or so they thought.

According to the Russian Opera star, Galina Veshnevskaya, the Stalinist Soviet government had an “insane ideology.” [1] Indeed, Marx was in pursuit of Utopia, but both Germany and Russia had to sacrifice millions for the benefit of a few, just as Marx encouraged: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” so both Nazism and Communism did just that… by force.

Neither beheaded in the manner of the left wing of the French Republic, but they had their holocaust and holodmor, respectively, wherein they sacrificed human beings as if they were parasites! The left, by definition, has little if any respect for human life. Ask yourselves before you vote, Which person or party respects life?

So, who were the “right wing” of the French Republic?  The Girondons; “They consisted of the right-wing of the Jacobins and were staunch defenders of the rights of man and popular sovereignty against a centralized state governed from Paris” (Wikipedia 2024). That is the very identification of “right wing;” they favor the rights of mankind. Why is that so offensive to the people? Defending what is right and wrong?

The way to confuse is to redefine right and wrong. The modern concept of that is to “reimagine” things that may be better… but better to whom?

The Estates General, as the name infers, united everybody, but everybody ended up divided into classifications: Jacobian, Girondon, royalist, Montagnard (The left wing “Mountain” that arrogantly sat higher in the Estates General), the “Plain” or “Marsh Dwellers” (Maraisards) who sat lower and had less status, Society of 1789, Dantons (right wingers of the Mountain), Cordeliers (radical leftist religionists), Feuillants (center right — centrists) that favored their Constitution, et al.

So, a government was formed for their people, and what did they do? Divided the people until none could get along with the others. As it turned out, whoever was in power guillotined everyone else. They had created chaos because of their good intentions.

The point is that many well-meaning people divide human beings into sub-beings or factions. French politicians used the thoughts of men to divide and conquer. The Roman Republic divided by religion and sub-groups of the white race. The Germans divided their republic into two parts based on nationality and religion. They took the Jewish Christ out of Christianity while the communists took any concept out of God from their government.

Dividing the nation in any manner is a construct of Satan. Because Ishmael and Esau were divided from the progeny of Abraham and Israel favored, still leads to war.

How does the Wicked One work? By division.

Wickedness most often copies God who divided the world into two groups: the righteous and unrighteous. The righteous have standards: to love (goodwill) God and others. Goodwill is not favor toward some and disdain or even neglect of others; it is always doing what is right, not for yourselves, but for all who do right. And if they do not do right, to govern in a manner that changes hearts.

I confess it: I am a “right wing Christian” because right is better than left or wrong. The left is permissive; they call it “progressive,” but as Adam and Eve proved, permissiveness leads to death, and it was so slowly that neither even knew they were dying!

How to kill humanely?


1.      For the victims to have no anticipation of death.

2.      Killers distance themselves from the killing.

3.      The dying having a peaceful and even gentle death..

4.      That death is instant, obviously to lessen the pain of it.


The Nazis tried to do that. They did have humane intentions, but human nature is misunderstood. The Nazis most often used deception and gas (holocaust) to murder whereas the communists used starvation (holodomor). They both were left wings of Marxism, only their methods were different. Now the left wants us to believe that the communists are humane and call them “left” and the Nazis were inhumane and called them “right.” They changed the nature of the ideologies for their purposes!

Remember that the “right” of the French Republic were “liberal” — they truly desired human rights. Remember that the left’s actions were decapitation, regardless of what they said.

Liberals have flipped the ideological coin; they have made the left, right and the right, left. They have taken out the center and divided the nation. As it turns out the center was the “right wing” in the Estates General.

In this day, the center has been made the right wing and the extreme left have been made the centrists. How insane is division!

If doing what is right in the sight of God and that makes a “right wing Christian,” so be it!




[1] For more on that see my book, Galina; An American Story.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


A hard thing to understand about the name Adam: “And so it is written, ‘The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit’” (! Cor 15:45).

It is written points to scripture. At the time of this writing, the Old Testament was the only Holy Scripture. There were many writings by Hebrews, gentiles, and even pagans; but Paul was referring to the Word of God wherein that was written.

Therefore, It is written should be found in the five books of the Law, the prophets, or even the psalms and other sayings. Where is what written? “The first man, Adam, was made a living soul”? That comes from Gen 2:7, to wit: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

In the Hebrew, It was ‘adam (an upright man); not ‘is but ‘adam. There is a difference. God created an ‘adam whereas Eve said that she created an ‘ish (Gen 4:1) which is wrongly translated as “man” in the English. So, in context what is the difference between an ‘adam and an ‘is (pronounced eesh).

Adam was created by God. However, the woman said that she had erected (qana) an ‘is for the Lord (Yehova). Not for the LORD GOD (Yehova ‘elohim; Gen 2:4), but just the lord (yehova).

Who pretended to lordship? Lucifer (Isa 14:13-14). It appears that the woman, only recently  had she been reclassified in kind to Eve (Haua; Gen 3:20), having been only a “woman” (‘issa) before then. (Note that ‘issa is only the feminine of ‘is.) Hence, the new man that Eve brought forth was not an ‘adam at all but a product of her unusual encounter with another kind.

Whereas ‘issa is for a female of ‘adam kind, ‘is derives from ‘issa and the so-called “man” that Eve presented to Adam as his own was not. Cain was a mutant — another kind of existence, as the word ‘is indicates; it means “extant” (Strong 2006). “Extant” means still an existence  (Merriam-Webster 2023). Cain was not an ‘adam but according to Eve, Cain (qayin) was still an existence. Of course, God is the Existence who had created them both, and Eve was apparently deceiving Adam who saw (knew; yada) what she was doing.

Eve was trying to convince Adam that Cain was of God like both the male and herself were. Lucifer had beguiled her, and shortly the woman became as cunning as the so-call “Serpent” who was not viperous at all but just another cunning being.

Cain was of the Wicked One (1 John 3:12), according to John, who somehow was revealed the creation (John 1).

Adam, Eve, and Cain were not the names of the new creatures, but only their kinds, or species. Adam was an anthropoid. That is known from the Greek word anthropos, used for “man.” Adam was upright man without a tail whereas vipers are creatures with no body but only a tail that is upright in neither mobility nor moral status.

The other being was not a snake at all but a cunning deceiver with no moral standards. The provocateur under the Tree of Knowledge was not animal kind, but the dark angel, Lucifer, a being alien to God.

Stop now and get it; we think of ourselves as humans — Adam’s kind — but what are we really? Because Eve is the mother of all living (Gen 3:20, we are half her kind and half the kind of the Wicked One. Our kind is “qayin” which means “possession.”

We are all of ‘issa and the Wicked One who is called “Lucifer.” We are not “humans” (belonging to man, Adam) at all, but qayins possessed, with guile (Gen 3:13) in us from the Wicked One. We are possessed, even genetically, and as such infant baptism (pedobaptism) is an exorcism of the Wicked One, according to Catholic catechism wherein Satan is renounced before the water is applied to wash the flesh clean. That perhaps is meant to drive the Devil out of the soul before the body is washed.

Catholics believe that Satan is in newborn babies. Not in their person, but their souls. That implies that the genome of a child has the genetics of the Serpent within them. However, that would also imply that because the first woman was of God, that children are worth saving; they are not totally depraved but mostly so due to the many cases of miscegenation between dark angels and Qayins (Kenites) throughout the history in the Bible. (For example, in the time of Noah; Gen 6).

So, the first Adam would be the “last Adam” if it had not been for Jesus. The purpose for God coming in the flesh was for God to pass His own Image — His Divine Genetics — to Cain’s kind to make them “whole again” (sozo) as in Matthew 9:22. Note that the Greek word “sozo” is used for making whole, making safe, and saved. Context matters! Wholeness is replenishing the lost genetics that was in Adam. That process is “born again” which literally means to be engendered from above.

The question is, when is the regeneration completed? I submit that regeneration begins at rebirth and ends when it is finished with the second coming of Christ when, “the dead in Christ shall rise first” (1 Thes 4:16). The quickening Spirit of God will come to regen those who are dead and in Christ and they will be made new creatures. No longer will so-called “mankind” be Cain’s kind with the genetics of both God and man but the ‘is gene in Christians will be replaced wholly with the Image (Selem or maybe Genome) of God.

I have interpolated the substance of the Invisible God. The Image of God is metaphorically a “Phantom” (Strong 2006). If God engenders from above, that Phantom, or Spirit, is the Genome of God. Think of that Image as the translucent chromosomal-DNA, whatever it is, of God, and in the shape of a man just as Luke wrote (Luke 3:22). The first Adam was given the Genome of God in the shape of a man, and then flesh was put onto him.

Jesus was the “last Adam” and in Him was a “quickening spirit.” He carried the Image of God within His person with the Power to engender Cain’s kind to make us Adam’s kind again. That is the entire process of “regeneration,” and I believe it is done over time just as in the generation of Adam’s kind. Jesus was there in Spirit then and will be there again to regen those who are kept safe from the wicked ones (1 Pet 5:8) until that occurs.

 Credit Bible Art, "Quickening Spirit"




Saturday, September 14, 2024


Many things always seem wrong because many things are wrong. You get in the car in the morning, turn the key, or place your remote key near, and nothing happens. What could be wrong? The key, the battery, the solenoid, the wiring, or a cornucopia of many possibilities, A mechanic would go to the most likely cause rather than correct all possibilities at once. Sometimes people fix too many unneeded things to make sure they have it right.

For instance, my engine light came on. The garage manager gave me a price to fix both the transducer and the controller, because, he said, “Both might be bad.” As it turned out, I fixed it myself by simply replacing the transducer. It cost me $103 for the part and 45 minutes to install. His solutions, he said, would be $1750. In other words, “shot-gunning” problem/solution analysis is an expensive method. There was one “root cause” not two, or even many. The “root cause” is the real cause. The problem was not that the engine would not start, that was the effect, but that one thing was wrong.

Too be truthful at General Motors where I worked, the typical method was to fix all the things that might be wrong. We even had training classes in brainstorming — discovery of all the things that might be wrong.

What is wrong with the automobile that the doors don’t fit well? Well let’s list all the things it might be. By the time the list is even created, any skilled person in root-cause analysis could have found the one thing that was the problem.

What is the problem now? Nobody knows, but they do seem to know the fix — world peace. Or maybe hope and change will do the trick!

 If everybody could just be peaceful, then the world would be a place of peace? So, what would humanists do? They would fix everything that the people of the world brainstormed. You name it; add it to the list. Paramount right now is that women are not free to prowl like men because pregnancy might ensue. How to fix that? Let’s brainstorm: Re-education, birth control pills, prophylactics, abortion, and if none of those things work, Hitler’s solution; just say it is the fault of Jews, devout Christians, capitalists, foreigners, and even other ideologies.

Hitler’s regime had too many solutions, so the National Socialists root-caused the collapse of all the problems of Germany and concluded that Germany had a Jewish problem so all that was required was a “Final Solution.”

They had tried abortion, euthanasia of the insane and infirm, planned Nazi parenthood and such, but had still missed the real problem.

Hitler defined the root cause of all their ills by brainstorming. Jews were obviously the biggest problem because they were getting wealthier while everyone else was getting poorer. They used Marxism to define the problem.

The problem, to Hitler, was easily defined. He only looked at who was prosperous and who was not, and voila; problem solved! He root-caused the problems of Germany while he was bored in prison. Jews were the root cause, and it was so obvious because they were the most successful. Somehow the “playing field” required leveling. Equity must come about.

Hitler could have endeavored to make the economy good for all Germans, but that was just too sane. What he did, and the results was the collapse of Germany, was to make the system bad for everyone. By the time of the end of the war, Hitler had achieved equity for the Germans; Germany was bad for every German without regard to race, color, creed, our place of origin!

The pursuit of equity destroyed the newly formed nation of Germany. They wanted change from the Weimer Republic of post-WWI and collapse was their hope and change.

Rather than fix the problem, the Germans did accomplish their goal. By the end of the war, equity had been achieved. Not only were the Jews destroyed but the Aryan Germans with them.

The final solution, for Hitler, was insane. The objective was parity for all Germans if everyone must be destroyed to level the playing field.

The allies, in 1945, leveled the playing field and finally German equity was achieved. Socialism had destroyed Germany and only the Marshal Planned restored the playing field. Now, Germany is as prosperous as the United States because capitalism saved the Germans from socialism. Charity finally buried the long dead Karl Marx and that was never to happen again.

Marx just won’t stay dead. He is like Jason of the Halloween movie fame. Right now, Marx has arisen from the grave to repair the world a better away, As the WEF and our own VP say it, we only need to “reimagine” it. We need only do what Hitler did nearly a hundred years ago. Hitler’s solution was “Mein Kampf” — “My Struggle” in English. He reimagined a world with Germans as the superior race. He and only him had hope and change for the best solution for Germany. His struggle would be tackling all the world at once, and he did that with a world war. His way to get at the parasitic Jews was to destroy every nation that caused him any trouble getting to them. He literally leveled all of Europe for an equitable solution. His brainstorming saw that the problem was everyone else.

Even Christ and the Church were part of the problem, so what did the Nazis do? They removed Judaism and the Jewish Christ from the Nazi-version of Christianity as if Judeo-Christianity was never Jewish! Paul had a different idea: 

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Rom 2:28-29) 

Hitler’s goal was noble; to remake the Holy Roman Empire even without holiness. Strangely, it was already unholy, so said Voltaire: “This agglomeration which was called, and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire, was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.”

The German problem was unholiness, so what would they do? Create an unholy German empire — The Third Reich. They would rebuild Rome and call it Germany while retaining all the ugliness of the Roman Empire.

As it turned out, Nero leveled the playing field even for them by burning Rome and Hitler would do so by burning all of Europe.

Nero, to get at the Christians, made things bad for the Romans. He is believed to be the madman that burned Rome while blaming it on the Christians. Christian, according to Nero Caesar, was the “root cause,” so let’s just destroy everybody to get at them!

Hitler root-caused the Jews, and when some Christians sided with the Jews, what did Hitler do? He destroyed the German Church by changing it. He made the Church Socialists just like them “normal volk.”

He leveled the playing field in another way; he leveled the Church. The new leader of their changed church was not Christ, nor even the Antichrist, but a National Socialist bureaucrat. Whatever it was that was wrong, just destroy it and Marxism will build it back better.

“Meinf Kampf” was really Marx’s Kampf! Whatever it is as wrong, Marxism will fix it. We will destroy everything that Marx says is wrong: Property ownership (but just fix that as a Jewish problem), the family system (we will create Nazi families by re-genesis and re-education and by putting mothers to work by terminating mixed race births along with German family planning where the State plans the family.) Oh, by the way, children do not need their mothers, the Party will educate and care for them while mothers work for the good of the people.

Hitler and his depraved legions had good things in mind, but obviously “good” has directions. It was for the good of the Germans but for the rest of the world it was evil. “The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” is named that for a reason; good things can be used for evil purposes!

Democrats fail to realize who they truly are! Perhaps they do want a better world, so what do they do? They brainstorm: what is wrong with the world? Their list is comprehensive; all things are wrong with the world, and foremost it is despicable people like Trump and MAGA. They think, even with good intentions, if only we can rid the world of Republicans, Christians, conservatives, capitalism, colonialism, guns, and even Bibles; the world would be a better place. They are doing what Hitler would do when he leveled the playing field in Germany by making things worse for everybody to get at the many, many problems.

What did Hitler do? Destroy all the sane people and make all Germans insane with them. The children, even at an early age, were awakened from their sleep and taken to government schools to be indoctrinated with socialist thought. By the end of the war, those young children became Germany’s “super-soldiers” that would do anything for Nazism. They all became zombie children of Karl Marx who somehow rebirthed them from the grave.

There are various versions of Marxism but one thing they all have in common is equity, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” (Karl Marx). What could go wrong with that? It is the “from” that is the problem. To each means from some. Therein, Communism is the bastard child of well-meaning socialism. How does anyone convince another to give what they have worked so hard to obtain? Guns. for them. come in handy, as well as no guns for those who want to keep what belongs to them.

Socialism sees everyone and everything as a problem. The environment — mother nature — is a problem and because Christians do not believe in mother nature, God is a problem. Just what is the problem? Socialism by trying to manufacture equity.

Christianity is equitable: “God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Paradise is available to everyone; the “whosoever” who believes in Jesus. It is a free thing from a vast list of many free things. Paradise is a place of equity wherein everyone is equal because God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). Because you are wealthy will neither get you to heaven nor prevent it, and neither will be the color of your skin. As Martin Luther King said it is “the content of your character.”

What is the difference between equality and equity? Equality is opportunity based whereas equity is forcing equal outcomes even if opportunity does not knock.

There are two ways to obtain equity: (1) carry the load of the oppressed, or (2) reduce the gain of those who make the gain. Progressives care little how they obtain their goal; they can ether carry others up or bog others down. Regulations are more prone to make the masses less capable and there is less prosperity to share. To them, whether it lifts people up or brings the successful down is not matter, just so the playing-field is leveled.

Tired of a white male dominated society? No problem… just carry immigrants from all over the world to here, and equity goals are achieved, at the expense of citizens already here. The playing field is leveled but it is destroyed as it is leveled.

So, how to achieve world peace? Socialism? No! It pits the able against the needy.

The nature of socialism is regressive. While they call themselves “progressives” they achieve their goals by regression. Taxation is regressive by nature. It taxes others to bring them down to lift others up. Whether you see it as progressive or regressive depends on whether you are on the giving or receiving end of the pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow.

We the people are the problem. The world was just fine without mankind until Adam and Eve were punished and placed in this huge “prison.”

 Sin is the root cause of all the problems of the world, and it is mankind that sinned. The Serpent (Lucifer) did not even sin. We sinned so that he remained free from sin. Even the Wicked One knows how to get others to do the wicked things.

If we are the problem, there exists many solutions. Mankind was removed from the face of the Earth but eight remained. That would not suffice because all have sinned, according to God. Removing people from the Earth did not even work for God, yet people think abortion will work for them.

Killing is not the final solution for anything, so anything that causes death is a criminal act according to the standards of God. Killing is not the solution to anything other than to reduce murders. That makes sense, and war helps control the numbers that could be killed.

So, what is the root cause of the problems of the world?

Lucifer sought equity with God, not just equality: 

How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Yet you shall be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isa 14:12-15) 

How is that working out for ya, Lucifer? You have no ability to reign on High, so what shall you do? Diminish God! How will Lucifer do that? He began with Adam and the woman; they diminished God with the original sin (Gen 3). Lucifer got Eve to do was he was incapable of doing from his position outside the world. Lucifer made slaves of the people to do his will, yet they still fail to realize that they are under control of Lucifer via their genetics.

He is in everyone from birth. We are the problem for none are without sin (Rom 3:23). God, at one time, solved the problem by ridding the world of sinners, but one got through — Ham. Ridding the world of people was not the solution, so what was? Jesus was the solution to the root cause of all the problems of the world, even world peace!

Note that desiring equity for himself brought everyone down to the level of Lucifer. We all became like him and only God can lift us up according to James, the brother of Jesus.

Rather than ridding the world of people or even sin, He became sin for us and delivered it to Hell (2 Cor 5:21). Sin came into the world, and it was gone from the world in 33 A.D. However, it is retained in the hearts of men. We are still the root cause; at least those who have not had sin removed from their genetics by rebirth (John 3:7).

Until a sinner realizes that he is the problem (or she), then there is no solution. The root-cause must always be identified, and repentance is the first step to rebirth. If we are not the problem in our own minds, then How could God persuade us to be in Him — in Christ?

Simply stated, Satan is not the root cause. He never made anyone sin. Mankind chose to sin and now it is genetic, and we all are born in sin (Psalm 51:5) in the manner of King David.

Human beings have a mind of their own. Neither Satan nor Jesus forces themselves on us. Each sin that we do makes us the problem unless we have laid our sins on the back of Jesus.

We must die, to be born again. Death is easier than we think. It is to die to the things of the world in favor to the things of God, specifically Jesus the One who probated the Will of God.

So, you think you are saved, but don’t feel that you are? It may be because you may fail to understand that you are the root cause of your problem!

PDCflow Blog picture credit

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Years ago, I registered people to vote. Our obligation was to register voters to any party. Many did not even know the names of the parties! Other’s either did not know the current president nor even his party. Basically, Jonathan Gruber was right when he said, “We depended on the stupidity of the American voter.”

Voters need not be stupid. Rather than to vote stupidly, I challenge you to consider, even people you hate, intelligently. Put your antipathy aside of a change and consider doing what is right, not for you alone, but for our country and its people.

Never vote just because of the opinions of the majorities or those who you admire, but for what is right for the nation and its people. If you are not informed it is unfair to yourself and others to even vote! I will not discourage you from voting but encourage you to vote informed and with wisdom.

Election day is nearing. Although I have my own preference among the two, this commentary is not about candidates who do not even know my name as the propaganda machine claims; it is about what is right and what is wrong.

What most people do not know is that Judeo-Christianity throughout is political. It is about who would be king. You see, there was one king but many, many pretenders. Regardless of how many contenders to the throne there was, there was only one “Pretender” — the Devil.

Everyone wanting to rule was the way to usurp God’s rule.

To be honest, there is corruption in all political parties, leaving voters left to vote for the least offensive or the most right. However, even some Christians have cognitive dissonance: “a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time” (Villines 2024).

For instance, a Christian who accepts the command, “You shall not murder” and yet supports the party whose main platform is murdering the most innocent. If they are truly Christians, if guilt does not ensue, them they suffer from cognitive dissonance and they are not right in the head. Their thoughts are not the Thoughts of God (Isa 55:8).

Christians are encouraged, or even measured, by how much their thoughts parallel the divine Thoughts of God. That activity is what Paul called, “In Christ” wherein the thoughts of Christians are symbiotic with the Thoughts of God. Christians must be in unity with God and with each other… “in accord” (Acts 2:1).

Why, then, do Christians vote differently. Are both party platforms the same, are both candidates the same; or are Christians different. Neither Democrat nor Republican Platforms are perfect. However, they can be tested by scripture. I could do that for you, but only you can get your mind is order with the precepts of God. “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thes 5:22-23). You have the responsibility to inquire, not just to accept promises as if they were already done!

Proving to yourself to the standards of God is testing your own myths. You have a predisposition (bias) within your mind that is natural due to original sin. That is the “scotoma” that blocks you from the truth that is the genetics of the Wicked One in you.

As the “Serpent” indicated, “God knows that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:5). In fact, due to sin, people think they know more than God.

Not that abortion is my own litmus test for politics, it is for many. Now, even Christians accept abortion because so many, even church leaders, think that mankind cannot not live without freedom from the precepts of God. Somehow, many have worked into the commandments that you must not kill has exceptions. Abortion essentially punishes the child for the offenses of the mother and father.

Even more examples can be used to excuse people from following the Law of God. For instance, homosexuality is an abomination to God.

The excuse is that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, so the absence of condemnation rationalizes the sickness of the mind. Many Christians think that they can diminish God yet belong to God. That is not only cognitive dissonance — not right in the head — but spiritual dissonance — not right in the soul. The psyche of the person who thinks that they can have things both ways may cause their own demise in that they are spiritually sick and in need of wholeness with the flesh subject to the spirit.

God calls homosexual behavior “disgusting,” but people condone it. Condoning what God condemns, makes your authority greater than God’s.

The way to hang onto what is good from the body of knowledge (and behaviors) is to test it to scripture (the Old Testament wherein the Law is found.)

There is a cause for both your cognitive and spiritual dissonances; you have two sets of laws in your mind. You must always accept one or the other to be normal, but so many accept conflicting thoughts. Jesus said, “He that is not with Me is against Me” (Mat 12:30). Added to that, Jesus also said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other” (Mat 6:24).

People must make up their minds and go with what is most right. The Word of God is ALL right, but again I write, we are not God. Political parties all come short of the glory of God; and it is up to us to go with the one that comes less short of the glory of God.

One idea that should be examined closely is division. The purpose of Christianity is commanded: to love God and others: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself” (Luke 10:27). That is the greatest commandment. It is for us to avoid division and do what is best from everyone. It is putting selfish interests aside and having empathy, not sympathy, for those less prosperous. Equality is empathetic while equity is just guilt ridden sympathy.

Divine love is not emotional; it is having goodwill for God and others. Having goodwill for others is having good laws.

Defying God in any manner at all, as it turns out in scripture, is not good law because mankind is inherently evil.

Admit it; what goes on in your minds would impress the demons. Even if you are a Christian, demonic thoughts enter your mind. That is not for me to say, but Jesus referred to “your father, the Devil” (John 8:44) That is not biological but the content of your thoughts. You think like Satan and the only correction from cognitive dissonance is the Word of God — the “helmet” that shields our minds from deception from anything that can get into our minds. Our minds are our own worst enemies; for so many, it is not so important what God thinks, but what we think, according to the law of sin.

What is it that Satan (Lucifer) thinks? “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High (God)” (Isa 14:14). His thoughts are not the Thoughts of God. When we elevate our own internal moral code above the standards of God, then that is prideful and even arrogant. However, that is the way so many think! For them, it matters not what God thinks but what they think. They have within their foolish minds the fantasy that the world is egocentric wherein it is the people that everything revolves around. Egocentricity is that we are the true God and that the “Ego Eimi” (I AM) is not.

People often ask, “What do you think about whatever?” It matters not what we think but what God said about any topic. Our minds are not the Bible; the Mind of God is the Bible!

Remember that it is not what people say they will do, but what people have done. With the first sin, the Serpent did not sin himself; he got others to sin at his suggestion. He deceived two naïve people, and they took the bait and essentially “voted” for Lucifer to be their “King” over God Himself.

Their sin was violation of the first commandment: literally to have no other gods with my face (Exod 20:3). Lucifer as the “Bringer of Light” had the “face” of God who is Light.

The point therein is that things are not what they appear to be. Lucifer may have appeared to be a star but inwardly he was a creepy, crawly worm. So many politicians wear the face of good, but inwardly, it is power that they want just like the creepy, crawly Serpent.

You must never look at the outward man or woman, but the inward person. You must look into their souls to see who they really are.

King David looked into his own soul and did not like what he saw. He was a murderer like his “father” the Devil and an adulterer like Eve (I believe; Gen 4:1), but as God left the flesh intact He changed the nature of the man within. David became a new person with the same ugly exterior (to God) and so it should be with any political leader.

Voter, you must see into the soul of the candidate. There is a “window” of sorts to see within a person. You cannot look only at outward appearances and status, or even gender or the color of the skin. As Martin Luther King put it, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” It is not the skin, the clothing, the smile, the beauty, the age, or even the status of the person that should be examined. The standard of fairness is the content of their character!

What is character? “It's their motivations, desires, fears, quirks, and personal history that dictate their actions and reactions” (Greene 2023).

Consider two choices; and ask yourself:


·         Why do they want the office? Is it for their own empowerment or for the people?

·         What do they want to accomplish? To elevate themselves, or to elevate the lifestyles of the general public?

·         Who or what do they fear? Competition? The Constitution? The other party proving themselves better, or is it the fear of change that may turn out to be downward? Do they really fear the people, or do they fear just the loss of their own power?

·         About quirks: Are they consistent in their ideologies, or do they change when people notice how weird they are to the rest of us?

·         About personal history: Have they done things beneficial for the people or things that constrain them? Do they protect freedoms or regulate behaviors, or even thoughts? Do they want to lead or do they seek to control? Is their history what is best for them or best for the people? Do they always go with the party or with the people?

·         Do they seem rational or are they crazy? Do they behave normally or artificially? Would you want to be like them?

·         How do they react to questions or policies? Do they laugh at good ideas and denigrate the idealist, or do they thoughtfully consider what is best for the most, not forgetting that we are all in this together?

·         Are their actions consistent with their promises? Do they promise prosperity while proposing regressive policies?

·         Is the candidate genuine” Are they able to admit that their party has sometimes failed the people? Do they twist the truth or admit what is true? Do they claim success in the midst of failure? Can they really obtain what they propose? Will they even try to be who they say they are?


Hopefully, you get the idea. Elections are not popularity contests or ways to obtain equity. We are not to break glass, or any other ceilings, but do what is right for the most people.

Some need not suffer for the gain of others! There must be ways around that wherein all can prosper without hurting anyone. Does the candidate propose to grow the economy or rather to commit usury by taking away from one to advance the other?

Test all things. Use their history. Which party has ALWAYS been on the side of good?

Hopefully you get the idea, and if you are not motivated to test the candidates, perhaps you should not vote because of a name or any other outward characteristic.

“Ask not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country” (John F. Kennedy). Do you not love your country? Or do you despise it so intensely that you would risk the loss of our republic? If you think an amateur can do the hardest job in the country, perhaps you have cognitive dissonance yourselves.

If you test those things and prefer one over the other, then good for you. In your test, test by asking, “Is this only good for me, and people like me, or is it best for everyone.”

Nowadays politicians forget “we the people” and see America as a conglomeration of diverse people wherein each segment of the population must get more for them to prosper.

People deserve to keep what they have worked so hard to obtain… “Know you not that they which run in a race run all, but one receives the prize? So run, that you may obtain,” just as Paul said. (1 Cor 9:24). So many do not run the race, but expect others to run the race for them to get the rewards.

The best candidate has a plan for all to run, not just stand there at the finish line with their hands out to receive what the others have worked so hard to obtain. Paul was speaking against Marxism long before Marx was ever born.

With that said, don’t vote your minds but your conscience. The mind can be easily deceived but the conscious is more genuine. Good voters vote with God. Since God is not running this year, or any year, then we must vote for those who best manifest his principles.

Imgflip; "Eddie Murphy"

Monday, September 9, 2024


When I began reading the book of Ezekiel, it was hard reading and hard to understand. I was about to skip all that esoteric stuff — the mystery of God — and go to simpler things. However, usually the hard to read stuff is where much of the future lies. The Word revealed the destiny of the world, and inquiring readers might want to know how God has planned their future.

The Word (Hebrew: “Dabar”) of the Lord came unto Ezekiel again (Ezek 23:1). Dabar has many meanings; perhaps foremost is the simple word, “cause.” A cause is anything that produces an effect, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary. The Word is the Cause of all things, to wit: 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1-4) 

The “Word” was the “First Cause;” the Cause that we call “God.” The Word is the Power of God that was the Cause of all things.

The “effect” was many things but paramount The Word was the cause of Life itself for all mankind. Another implication is that you are alive because of The Word of God because The Word is life.

However, since The Word made all things, then He made evil, not for our human nature but to test the allegiance or devotion of His creatures, foremostly mankind who had dominion over all the other creatures including the angelic kingdom. Human beings were “elected” to be the ones superior to the other creatures both in this realm and the invisible domain.

So, don’t be so proud. God did not elect you per se, but Adam’s kind before the foundation of the world. Where should a reader go to find the election process? “He (The Word) has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love” (Ephes 1:4). It is not literally “should be” but “am” — us living creatures. And it was not literally before the foundation of this world, but the cosmos.

We were selected as God’s chosen creatures before any other thing was made, either the visible or the visible existence in the universe. The Word made all things for a certain select group, or kind, and as it turned out, mankind was to have “dominion” over both the angelic or animal kingdom (Gen 1:28), regardless of whether they stand upright or even crawl the earth.

Hence, that is reason or the “cause” of the war between prideful angels and prideful mankind. The doctrine of Calvinistic “election” amplifies pride. It is understood that The Word chose who would be Christians or who would be the damned sometime before he endowed them with His Image.

God endowed only mankind — the male and female Adamah — and not angels or animal kinds other than mankind. God did not elect specific people to be His creatures, but all mankind. We should not be proud of that but feel blessed that of all the kinds, God chose man to be blessed by The Word.

Ezekiel was blessed. God revealed to him what it takes to remain favored and not so favored. As such, mankind was subdivided and The Word revealed that to Ezekiel. Mankind had devolved. Over just a few generations on the new Earth, mankind was filtered again between Shem, Japheth, and Canaan; “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant” (Gen 9:27). Semites were the chosen people, then after they fail with their war against God on the plane of Shinar, The Word chose the Abrahamic peoples, and The Word made the Hebrews favored with the Japhetites sort of “alternates.”

Then Semites were filtered again into the Israelites and Ishmaelites. Each tribe was chosen to inherit the “land of milk and honey” — the land to the Japhetites and the Paradise in Heaven to the Hebrews who were to cross-over, not the river Euphrates nor the River of the Garden (the Jordan), but the Hebrews, under Abraham, according to the Book of Jasher, inherited the “land” in Heaven wherein Abraham was king there (Abraham’s Bosom; Luke 16).

There was a misunderstanding of sorts. The Word knew what He was doing. He caused division time after time to test who deserves a portion of His Estate. In the end, nobody deserves the Estate of God — the one in Heaven — “because all have come short of the glory (Image) of God” (Rom 3:23).

After Abraham, the land was further divided into tribes of Israel, and soon even Israel was separated from the Israelites. Israel had been in sin in Egypt and The Word had cause many to flee the “Satan” pharaoh, but by the time they got to the promise, just a handful of the original Hebrews made it to Canaan to form the nation of Israel.

Jesus, “The Word” said “many be called, but few chosen” (Mat 20:16). The Word, throughout history, called many, but few were chosen. Many walked with The Word when He led them, but few ever finished the course.

Why is that? The Word said to Moses, “Then I will set My Face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people” (Lev 20:5). “That man” in that warning was “the man, when he gives of his seed unto Molech” (Lev 20:4).

What is seed? Semen. Just whose semen was it? Any of mankind. From whom did mankind obtain semen? The Word, God. Dividing the waters from the waters (Gen 1:6) is figuratively, the semen from the semen. That was the “election” before the foundation of the world, when God divided the kinds from the kinds. Mankind were not the “lucky ones,” but all creation was for mankind, and it was planned before much else happened!

Therefore, humility is called for; we are to humble ourselves and let the Lord lift us up (Jas 4:10). The doctrine of election is arrogant! It is as if God made us sovereign rather than Him being the Sovereign. All of Adam’s kind should have retained the seed of God, but Adam threw his seed to the ground as he watched the woman become the harlot-king, “Eve,” with Adam designating her a new kind (Gen 3:20). With original sin, no longer was mankind even chosen, but those who would humble themselves, God would lift them up; indubitably all the way to the bosom of Abraham in Paradise.

You as an individual was not elected. You as the family of Eve — the “mother of all living” — come short of the glory of God. God did not choose you, Eve did that while Adam watched (Gen 4:1).

Adam did not beget Cain; he was of the Wicked One (1 John 3:12) and we are not “sons of God” but sons of Cain. Original sin seems to have included whoredom — The woman became the “whore” Eve, and she is the source of your mitochondrial DNA whether you be male or female. You are of the Wicked One from the seed of Cain, yet you still proudly proclaim that God chose you and specifically before the foundation of the world.

Just who is mankind now? Are we “sons of God” or bastard children of Eve and the Wicked One? Since we all come short of the glory of God, you fill in the blank. Rather than God, the pretender to the throne of God, Lucifer (Isa 14:13-14), divided the waters from the waters, namely the semen from the semen. From that day forward, it has been Lucifer who divided the waters from the waters as if he is God!

That was revealed to Ezekiel. The Word of God revealed to him how the people would be further divided. Both the city of Samaria, a bastard people, and the city of Jerusalem, God’s people, would become the whore and the younger sister of the whore. Samaria, The Word said, as “Aholah played the harlot when she was mine; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbors” (Ezek 23:5), “And when her sister Aholibah (Jerusalem) saw this, she was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she, and in her whoredoms more than her sister in her whoredoms” (Ezek 23:11).

Jerusalem saw Samaria go a whoring after the Assyrians and soon Jerusalem went a whoring after the Babylonians. God used Assyria and Babylon to convert the whores to righteousness. It did turn some of the Jerusalemites around but not the Samaritans.

Ahola, the elder sister, was the “tent woman” and Aholibah was the “tent woman in her.” They were both women of the tent; perhaps referring to tabernacle worship in the days of the roaming in the wilderness. They were not women of the temple but specifically of the tents. They were wandering women, so Samaria and Jerusalem both played the harlot, like Tamar who wore a veil to deceive Judah. Tamar was a woman of the “tent’ — the woman who wore a “tent” on her face to conceal that it was she that was the harlot.

Both Samaria and Jerusalem had temples but even then, they were the harlots.

Who would The Word use for His purposes?

The Word revealed to Ezekiel that the sons of Ishmael and Esau would defile them, and that they did; they were the Arab nations — other Semites.

Then the whores would encounter another tribe: 

And a voice of a multitude being at ease was with her: and with the men of the common sort were brought Sabeans from the wilderness, which put bracelets upon their hands, and beautiful crowns upon their heads. Then said I unto her that was old in adulteries, Will they now commit whoredoms with her, and she with them? Yet they went in unto her, as they go in unto a woman that plays the harlot: so went they in unto Aholah and unto Aholibah, the lewd women. (Ezek 23:42-44) 

I believe that Ezekiel saw the coming of the Muslims — Sabeans that would commit adultery with the two whores: Samaria and Jerusalem. Those two cities would become whores for the Yemeni people.

Yemeni, the contemporary Sabeans at the time of Ezekiel, had an empire that included the Arabian Peninsula as well as modern-day Ethiopia and Eritrea in the eastern horn of Africa. It is better known as the “land of Sheba” in biblical times.  

The Arabs during the pre-Islamic period used to practice certain things that were included in the Islamic Sharia. They, for example, did not marry both a mother and her daughter. They considered marrying two sisters simultaneously to be the most heinous crime. They also censured anyone who married his stepmother, and called him dhaizan. They made the major hajj and the minor umra pilgrimage to the Ka'ba, performed the circumambulation around the Ka'ba tawaf, ran seven times between Mounts Safa and Marwa sa'y, threw rocks and washed themselves after sexual intercourse. They also gargled, sniffed water up into their noses, clipped their fingernails, removed all pubic hair and performed ritual circumcision. Likewise, they cut off the right hand of a thief and stoned Adulterers. (Wikipedia) 

The Sabeans were sort of like the Hebrews but not quite. Their lifestyle was pagan and may have set the example for Islam. The hajj is now the required pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Sabeans had Islamic Sharia Law millennia before Islam.  Since Islam is a synthesis of paganism, Judaism, and Christianity, Ezekiel in 623 B.C. or so is when The Word revealed to Ezekiel the false religion of Islam whose first Hijra was in 622 A.D.

With that said, the cities of Samaria and Jerusalem have become the “harlots” of Islam and have been since 638 A.D. when the Muslims captured Jerusalem. With that background, Jerusalem is surely the “Harlot Babylon” as portrayed in the apocalypse: “Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth” (Rev 17:5). Samaria was the harlot of Assyria, and Jerusalem the harlot of Babylon, and in eventually both would become harlots of the kingdom of Saba’ and in the seventh century A.D., harlots of Islam.

Jerusalem has its seven mountains and Islam its seven pillars. Those should be the seven “heads” of the beast.

Theologians determined the seven heads as kingdoms, including, Babylon, Persian, Greece, and Rome. The first two kingdoms and the seventh kingdom have yet to be identified. However, perhaps the seventh kingdom is a worldwide Islamic Caliphate. The Word as well as said that to Ezkiel. Islam is the last piece of the puzzle, and the cruelty of the great tribulation is very well described by Sharia Law.

We need not fear Rome or Catholicism; we should fear Islam because Muslims have a history of proselytizing by war and with the blade. In the end, it will be little different than that, so the idea that Islam is a peaceful religion goes to Hell! It is the last in a series of very unpeaceful kingdoms that God allows to test His people.

Of course, Roman Catholicism, as well as liberal Protestantism, will hold up their hands and surrender to Islam and it will be finished. The Word revealed that to Ezekiel nearly 2650 years ago.

Chrislam is a symbiosis of Judaism, and Christianity.

The Name “Eve” has several meanings, one being symbiosis: “Interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association” (Oxford Language Dictionary).

Eve’s close encounter with another kind (Gen 4:1) made Cain symbiotic (1 John 3:12) as the offspring of the Wicked One and Eve.

Mankind was once glorious like God but are now symbiotic like Eve — the mother of all living (Gen 3:20) and the Wicked One the “father of all living” (John 8:44). Eve and Satan (the devil) still live within human genetics. Humans are “puppets” of them both; they live in symbiosis (to the advantage of both) within our genomes.

In the beginning, the “harlot” was Eve. Her sin was fornication against God by some type of carnal knowledge with the devil, Lucifer, who was inwardly a cunning “beast.” Was the ante-diluvian Adamic empire the first of the seven heads? Maybe.

This background is from the Word, I believe, to warn mankind just who the harlot might be in the end. It might very well be the Sabean harlotry of Chrislam.

Chrislam was ordained in a ceremony just recently, to wit: 

The meeting with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani came as Francis sought to protect his persecuted flock in Iraq by forging closer bonds between the Roman Catholic Church and the Muslim world. (Horowitz and Arraf 2021) 

Islam has been around in Nigeria and east Africa for years, but the Pope and the Ayatollah essentially established it as a religion more recently. That symbiotic religion is perhaps the religion of the Antichrist. Not to put all the blame on them, but the false protestant church is gradually moving toward Chrislam with their wrong idea that Islam is a peaceful religion. Unitarians are the leaders of that movement; itself a pantheon of symbiotic religions.

The end is near. To whom did Ezekiel turn for a vision of the future? The Word. To whom should we turn for the same view? The Word, “Jesus.”

PICTURE credit:; "Shocking Story of Tamar in the Bible"