Monday, September 16, 2024


Today’s commentary is not political, but it is about politics. Nobody is really one thing or another. There are shades of gray in about anything. For instance, the German Workers Party is called “right wing.” It was the parent party of the National Socialists that was said to be even more right wing.

“Politic is characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing” (Merriam-Webster 2023). Yes, you ask what something is all about because it may not be what you think it is.

Shrewdness is cleverness. It is using intelligence for an advantage. Politics is a contest about who is most effectively the cleverest. However, shrewdness in politics has direction: it is “in managing, contriving, or dealing” (ibid) ostensibly with other people.

The first, or “original sin,” was political. The cunning snake in the paradisical garden manipulated the entire population. Because a clever device — deception — was used, the only woman in the world fell, due to the shrewdness of another being. A snake did not persuade her that the truth was a lie; it was a cunning being, posing as something he was not. In that case, inwardly the being was serpent-like in his dealings but outwardly angelic — Lucifer — “The Bringer of Light.” As such, the image that the woman saw was truth but inwardly, the creature was a liar from the beginning (John 8:44).

So, the original sin was a political act. It is okay to be shrewd, but shrewdness for wrong motives is the root-cause of sin.

Perhaps, the idea of politically “left” and “right” was introduced into the world right then! The rule of the Law was rightness, and the Law of sin was wrongness. God’s command was right — do not eat or you shall die, whereas Lucifer’s rule was, “no you won’t.” God’s Law was truth and Lucifer’s deception. Deception is making wrongful things appear to be right and right things appear to be wrong. Does that sound familiar?

Isaiah revealed the thoughts of God down for posterity, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa 5:20). “Woe to them” is the death of the soul in Hell. Those who do such things would be of the Devil in the manner of the “Serpent” of old.

In my lifetime, right and wrong has been confused time after time to the point that it is hard to discern the truth at all. However, Christians have Christ in them (if they are truly Christians). Christians can discern good from evil for they test all things and hang onto what is good (1 Thes 5:21).

The first sin included the woman’s failure to test the premise of the Wicked One, and the male’s first sin was falling for a façade. He accepted the evidence that since the woman did not seem to die, the Law was wrong. God’s thesis was that they would die of they ate. The Wicked One countered that with no you will not. The deception was based on two things: (1) What is death in truth? and (2) when will death occur?

The great politician, Lucifer, was not what he seemed to be. He was not even human nor a god; he was just a shrew! Adam and his mate fell for the narrative of some being they did not even know. Politicians depend on people not knowing who they are within and present to the public a false persona to hide who they really are. Many, although left, want you to believe they are right, and so forth.

In practice, honest Christians are not political. They should use their wisdom to do what is right transparently with not hidden motives. They admit they are imperfect but endeavor to improve their image by doing right things. That is true “transparency.”

When two candidates present themselves as the best, citizens should use some type of metric to reveal who is just a politician and who is not; or at least who is the least political. (Generally, to be where they are requires some degree of politics.)

Christians use the standards of God for they are right.

How do parties reveal their inner selves? Party platforms; they are the “constitutions” of the parties. Which party platform when measured is the best, not for you alone, but for the most?

Adam and Eve sought what was best for them, or so they thought, but never considered what was the best for all of mankind. Due to their failure to use the Word of God, all of mankind became lost.

To be honest, all politicians are “lost” outside the Garden, and it amounts to who is wise enough to want a way back. Therein comes the concept of Utopia. Christians want to go back to glory by the hand of God to His place and non-Christians are satisfied with a place that governments build. The Garden is “Paradise;” whereas Utopia is a copy of Paradise without a God to “ruin” the place.

“Right” is desiring what is best. Is Utopia truly better than the real thing? Christians should realize that making things great again or building back better are merely dreams. Only God can do that. The best candidate would be those who understand that men cannot make us great again and that mankind has a history; even with good intentions, they seldom build back better.

So, Christian must turn to the one of two imperfect candidates that should more than promise but have a record of performance. Anyone can perform, but do they perform the will of God or what they themselves think is right.

There is a lesson from Israelite history: “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Jud 17:6). Israel was lawless; neither good nor evil but whatever each person wanted to do. Chaos ensued; they needed a king because they failed to perceive what the real King in heaven desired for them to do.

Christians are called, “right wing” because they desire that proven institutions should remain extant because “imaginations” are just that. In Israel, even those who knew God, just like those who did not, “neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Rom 1:21).

If a candidate promises, but knows it cannot happen, unless by deception, then that is politic. Whoever it is who promises good things without hurting others is political.

The origin of left and right, like I said, was in the beginning; the Wicked One in the Garden was the “Politic” that sneaked in.

Dismus and Gestus were the two thieves on the cross. Dismus was believed to be on the right and Gestus to the left side of Christ. Dismus was the repentant thief who perceived the truth before the Truth was revealed. He was to the right of God.

 Gestus, as it turned out, died. He saw the same event — that God was in Jesus — but never accepted the truth and he died because of a myth. He died, died. He suffered physical death, and unlike Dismus, that day the soul of Gestus went to Hell. His lack of perception about what is truth killed, killed him; he “surely died” in all respects just as scripture says about the fruit of the wrong tree (Gen 2:7).

Christians should want to do what is right. God used a crooked man, Dismus, to demonstrate that doing the hard thing in the face of death is the right thing to do. God uses crooked men, like King David, to make things happen.

So, what is “right wing” in reality? It is the pursuit of truth and rightness. Rightness is not subjective; Jesus laid out the case for rightness very clearly; it is essentially denying things for yourselves to sacrifice for God and others. It is a thing of the heart, not a mandate. God does not desire your dollars but your hearts. With that said, Christians are expected to be “right wing” because the standards of God are the “Constitution” of God written on stone for perpetuity. Desiring things that have worked so well is “right wing.” That is reasonable and to risk what works for promises is insane! So, we test all candidates, not for the best promises, but for the will of God be done, as Jesus indicates we should pray.

Ask yourselves questions:


·         Are the promises the will of God?

·         Does the candidate overpromise?

·         Can you really afford to pay for their promises?

·         Is the person or party good stewards of your money?

·         Are the promises what the voters need or what the candidate or party wants?

·         Does the candidate hold the metrics of God as priority?

·         Is the candidate focused on all the people or just divisions of people?

·         And my own first standard, Does the candidate respect all lives?


Those are just a few of the many questions about how to test all things and hang onto what is good. It seems that “right wing” Christians are despised and ridiculed because the standards that we promote are not our own, but the very metrics of God. Being accused of “right wing” is a badge of courage because standing for what is right reveals character.

So, let’s end where we started; Is Nazism right wing? Is even communism left wing? No, they are both crazy people with their own version of a Utopian world that both groups know cannot be achieved without war and taxing the populace to death. Nazism and communism are so identical that it is nearly impossible to distinguish between them; they just have different names for their Utopia on Earth — The Fourth Reich and a New World Order, respectively.

The crazy French people coined the notion of right and left in their own war of independence. The left wing was the “Mountain” in the Estates General of the first French republic. They were initially led by the Jacobians who had a great idea in theory but a disastrous one in practice. Anybody, even their own leader, Robespierre, who either differed with their approach, or even spoke their own minds were targeted. Millions of dissident heads floated in the river because they did not go along with the flow. Left wingers were originally arrogant, murdering politicians that schemed, they thought shrewdly, to have things their way. Rather than build back better, they ended up destroying their own republic.

Benjamin Franklin knew that the left had not learned their lesson, when he described our new government as “a republic, if we can keep it.” He knew that republics such as our own protect the minority from the cruelty of the majority. He knew that the mob of the masses would prevail over individualism. The United States Constitution is a “right wing” Christian document, because our government, unlike France’s, was founded upon the tenets of God; whereas the French Republic created their own God, “The God of Reason” — the Roman Goddess Libertas.

Most of our patriots were right wingers. However, Thomas Paine was the left wing of the revolution. He imbued within so many a new “god” when he wrote the pamphlet, “The Age of Reason.”

The left is always those with a different idea of who God is and those who fail to imbue the tenets of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

In practice a Christian cannot be left wing, what is deceptively called “progressive.” Change has direction and in France, the change was stupidity; they worshipped the God of Reason in the Cathedral of Notre Dame and made their God alive by dressing up a whore to look the part of a goddess!

The most idiotic thing the left did was to recreate time, even renaming the months and days of the week in pursuit of tearing down everything to build back better, or so they thought.

According to the Russian Opera star, Galina Veshnevskaya, the Stalinist Soviet government had an “insane ideology.” [1] Indeed, Marx was in pursuit of Utopia, but both Germany and Russia had to sacrifice millions for the benefit of a few, just as Marx encouraged: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” so both Nazism and Communism did just that… by force.

Neither beheaded in the manner of the left wing of the French Republic, but they had their holocaust and holodmor, respectively, wherein they sacrificed human beings as if they were parasites! The left, by definition, has little if any respect for human life. Ask yourselves before you vote, Which person or party respects life?

So, who were the “right wing” of the French Republic?  The Girondons; “They consisted of the right-wing of the Jacobins and were staunch defenders of the rights of man and popular sovereignty against a centralized state governed from Paris” (Wikipedia 2024). That is the very identification of “right wing;” they favor the rights of mankind. Why is that so offensive to the people? Defending what is right and wrong?

The way to confuse is to redefine right and wrong. The modern concept of that is to “reimagine” things that may be better… but better to whom?

The Estates General, as the name infers, united everybody, but everybody ended up divided into classifications: Jacobian, Girondon, royalist, Montagnard (The left wing “Mountain” that arrogantly sat higher in the Estates General), the “Plain” or “Marsh Dwellers” (Maraisards) who sat lower and had less status, Society of 1789, Dantons (right wingers of the Mountain), Cordeliers (radical leftist religionists), Feuillants (center right — centrists) that favored their Constitution, et al.

So, a government was formed for their people, and what did they do? Divided the people until none could get along with the others. As it turned out, whoever was in power guillotined everyone else. They had created chaos because of their good intentions.

The point is that many well-meaning people divide human beings into sub-beings or factions. French politicians used the thoughts of men to divide and conquer. The Roman Republic divided by religion and sub-groups of the white race. The Germans divided their republic into two parts based on nationality and religion. They took the Jewish Christ out of Christianity while the communists took any concept out of God from their government.

Dividing the nation in any manner is a construct of Satan. Because Ishmael and Esau were divided from the progeny of Abraham and Israel favored, still leads to war.

How does the Wicked One work? By division.

Wickedness most often copies God who divided the world into two groups: the righteous and unrighteous. The righteous have standards: to love (goodwill) God and others. Goodwill is not favor toward some and disdain or even neglect of others; it is always doing what is right, not for yourselves, but for all who do right. And if they do not do right, to govern in a manner that changes hearts.

I confess it: I am a “right wing Christian” because right is better than left or wrong. The left is permissive; they call it “progressive,” but as Adam and Eve proved, permissiveness leads to death, and it was so slowly that neither even knew they were dying!

How to kill humanely?


1.      For the victims to have no anticipation of death.

2.      Killers distance themselves from the killing.

3.      The dying having a peaceful and even gentle death..

4.      That death is instant, obviously to lessen the pain of it.


The Nazis tried to do that. They did have humane intentions, but human nature is misunderstood. The Nazis most often used deception and gas (holocaust) to murder whereas the communists used starvation (holodomor). They both were left wings of Marxism, only their methods were different. Now the left wants us to believe that the communists are humane and call them “left” and the Nazis were inhumane and called them “right.” They changed the nature of the ideologies for their purposes!

Remember that the “right” of the French Republic were “liberal” — they truly desired human rights. Remember that the left’s actions were decapitation, regardless of what they said.

Liberals have flipped the ideological coin; they have made the left, right and the right, left. They have taken out the center and divided the nation. As it turns out the center was the “right wing” in the Estates General.

In this day, the center has been made the right wing and the extreme left have been made the centrists. How insane is division!

If doing what is right in the sight of God and that makes a “right wing Christian,” so be it!




[1] For more on that see my book, Galina; An American Story.

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