Friday, September 6, 2024


People still pray but express disappointment that their prayers are not answered. Are you just talking to God without reaching out to Him, or are you really reaching out to Him through the Power of Jesus, as you should?

As I wrote in my latest book, An Awesome Quantum God, God answers prayer, not verbally, but by His actions.

For instance, the woman with the issue of the blood, perhaps hemophilia-C was made whole by the loss of virtue from Jesus. “For she said within herself, ‘If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole” (Mat 9:21). She said nothing aloud, she had prayed silently without doubting that her prayer would be answered.

Note that she did not pray a lengthy prayer or even an audible prayer to be heard, but just thought the desired outcome and she would be made whole.

Something within her was amiss and she knew that Jesus could do something the doctors could not do. Jesus knew here thoughts. Jesus knew who had touched Him; He lost Virtue and virtue had gone toward the woman with such immense faith.

He acted as if He did not know, but soon discovered the source of that immense faith and the woman’s fountain of blood dried up. Jesus said, “Somebody has touched Me: for I perceive that Virtue is gone out of Me. (Luke 8).

Jesus discovered the source of that lost Virtue. Her faith was like an arrow that pointed Jesus toward the woman. Her faith had directed the Virtue from Jesus toward her. Her faith had entangled her with the God Genome in Jesus and the two, for a few moments, had become one. Jesus had shared some of the Power of God that was in Him to her. That “virtue,” in the Greek, is “dynamis.”  The “Tekton” Jesus, translated “carpenter,” had shared His inner being — the God within Himself — to her.

Jesus had delivered to the woman the very Dynamic of God… His wondrous creative Power to be shared with her just as Yahweh had made Adam whole so long ago. The woman had sensed the Godhead: the Person of God, the Holy Ghost of God within the Man and the Almighty Dynamics of God in action. She knew the three states of God and because she saw and felt what others could not detect, the understanding of how God works, made it work for her.

She believed that Jesus was God. He did not say, “I AM,” but shared powerful knowledge to her. He was more than just another doctor but a highly advanced Technician who knew all things and had Power over all things, just as John wrote (John 1:1-14).

Do you believe that Jesus created all things? She did. She prayed a simple prayer silently to God and it was received because she had unquestionable faith. She did not question Jesus with, “Can you, or will you make me whole?” She only thought I shall be made whole! That is the simple and powerful way to pray; with the understanding that your faith will make you whole, as Jesus responded: “Your faith has made you whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour” (Mat 9:22).

Jesus audibly said that her faith had made her whole because He was there in the Person of God.

However, only the Virtue of God is with us — His Dynamic. Jesus had said to her “Be of good Comfort.” Within Himself was the “Comforter” that would remain in the world when both Him and the Holy Ghost had gone to heaven, “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever” (John 14:16).

The “Comforter” (“He”) is another substance of Jesus, not material and not a phantom, but the Power of God.

Peter, after Jesus had arisen to His Ghost that had preceded Him to Heaven, said to Cornelius, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38).

Note therein was God in three substances: Jesus, the Person of God; the Holy Ghost, the phantom of God; and thirdly; the Power of God who goes about doing good (virtue). Peter identified the “Godhead” to Cornelius. God was still with them, not in Person nor Spirit, but in Dynamics — Virtue.

God left His Virtue — His Dynamic and good action, on Earth to Comfort Christians. When a person, like the bleeding woman prayed, Jesus answered audibly and with Power, making her whole again. It is that “Holy Substance” — the Dynamic of God that remains behind to answer our prayers. Jesus called that Dynamic “He” so in a sense, the Power of God is another “Person” that is as real as Jesus, but unlike the invisible substance of God, “He” can be seen by His actions.

Recently, I could have been killed. While riding my bicycle, out of the blue, I hit a rut and was thrown into traffic in the middle of the highway. It took only seconds, but in my mind, I had a great amount of time. I thought about the traffic, my upside-down position in space, and God in heaven. I asked God, not out loud, but in my mind, “God, is this it?” referring to my death.

I was silently asking God if He had no further purpose for me. Shortly, my silent query was answered. The traffic stopped short of me in both directions, I was injured all over my body, but my soul was preserved. I remained whole: I had my person, my soul, and my mobility. I was alive!  I quickly arose and felt immensely relieved. I knew that God would take care of me without even questioning whether He would or not, and my prayer was answered by the Action of God who delivered me from peril.

People complain because their prayers are not answered. Apparently, they are listening for some inner Voice to respond to their every whim. The woman with the blood issue heard both Voices of God: the audible Words of Jesus and the Actions of God.

Jesus is no longer here in Person, but His Dynamic remains here to Comfort (tharso); to be courageous, not with our own power, but the Power of God who remains with us. That “Power” of God is as much “God With Us” (Immanuel) as Jesus Himself. In fact, the Virtue of God is God With Us as much as Jesus is God With Us.

God still speaks to us, not audibly, but with Actions. He does good things if we have the courage to reach out to Him as the woman with the hemorrhage. She did not need to touch Jesus, not even His garment, but when she reached out to God, God responded with the Power to recreate her.

The woman was unclean. She was bleeding. The Law for that was isolation so that Jews would not be made dirty: “If a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening. (Lev 15:19).

The woman with the issue of the blood, whether it be vaginal hemorrhaging or anything else, would have made Jesus an unclean Person.

She was courageous but was still Comforted. She could have contaminated the Godhead by getting so close. Her place was not near Jesus, but in isolation.

Jesus may have sensed the issue of the blood and sought out the Person that should have stayed away from Him. Rather than yelling the Law to her, Jesus did better than the Law.

The Law would have carried her away, but Jesus just fixed her discomfort. It was easier for him to fix the breach of the Law than to enforce the Law. That was the Law of Jesus that made the Law workable.

With the Law, she would have remained broken, but with new understanding, the Law could be enforced by fixing the root cause. The woman was not unclean, only her blood, so Jesus fixed the flow of her blood. He did something rather than let her wait it out. That is the visible Dynamic of God; the same Dynamic (“The Word”) that made all things good (John 1).

picture credit; iStock!

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