Monday, September 23, 2024


It is election time and for the Democrats, the critical issue is that women should be able to abort the reproductive process. Both participants did indeed begin the reproductive process, due to either bad choices or a moment of lust. They both had the capacity to avert conception by facing reality; that they are not just pleasuring but beginning a long process. Conception lies entirely on both the man and the woman; they both caused an outcome for which they may regret.

It is not the business of the government to prevent their pleasure, but it is the business of the government to protect human life. That is the purpose of good government; it must even prevent wars and mob action. It is also responsible to maintain order by preventing negligent people from doing whatever it is they want to do that would infringe on the rights of others.

Government's sole purpose is safeguarding the individual and his/her inherent, inalienable rights; each societal institution that does not benefit the nation is illegitimate. (Thomas Paine; Rights of Man, I, London, 1795, pp. 125–126).

That needs some clarification because society today does not like big words. Inherency comes from the constitution or essential character of anything. The “constitution” of any individual is their birthright, not to be first but the right to exist.

Paine said that human rights are to “safeguard the individual” – a distinct existence. In practice Paine was writing about a person’s right to exist, not just for a moment but a right to a life.

Next to be addressed is “inalienable” — the right to not surrender what belongs to you. Inalienable refers to essential rights that cannot be debated. They are rights just because you exist. That brings up the question; When do individuals come into existence?

The renowned philosopher, Rene’ Descartes, wrote, ““I think, therefore I am.” Hence, any human existence is cognitive and if there is neurological action, then a “thing” exists and has rights as a human.

So, when does the individuals’ brain waves begin to function?

When does a fetus have brain activity? The first synapses in baby's spinal cord form during week 7 of pregnancy. By week 8, electrical activity begins in the brain — allowing your baby to coordinate his first (spontaneous) movements that doctors can even see on an ultrasound! (de Bellefonds 2021)


Figure 1: Unbotrn Baby; (ibid)

 Scientifically, a “fetus” is a “baby,” according to the above, when it is able to communicate. An ultrasound measures that ability. So, science says that a fetus is a baby when its brain begins to control its movements; hence the inherent sucking desire that will remain in the baby even after its birth. The babies’ own brain takes that thumb to the mouth. The babies’ own brain is what causes it to reel when the womb is invaded from the outside; that has been called a “silent scream” in fear to live on!

Cognition and behavior define human rights. Of course, the “rights” are not for animals, but for humans, belonging to mankind (sorry PETA). A human moves. It does what “it” thinks, therefore it is a human.

Even the science of philosophy and medicine agree; that a human exists at seven weeks in the womb after coitus. “An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a test to record the electrical signals in the heart. It shows how the heart is beating” (Mayo Clinic). The babies’ brains are communicating with their hearts — they are alive human beings in a stage of development that can be measured. Objects cannot move on their own. To believe that the unborn, after seven weeks of rest, are objects is refuted by scientific evidence. Hence, abortion is not terminating an object (merely a fetus) but a life that should have rights as any human being.

So far in this commentary, the scientific evidence is that the unborn become human beings when they think on their own, even if it is inherent and just a natural response. Organic objects cannot respond unless they are alive. A piece of coal is organic but not alive. Discarding an unborn human to the garbage pile is much more than throwing out the ashes of coal. Inhumane abortionists don’t think so!

If the unborn were just material objects, then discarding them would not be an issue, but it is because they exist as living organisms who depend on a female human being for nourishment.

Unborn babies each have their own heartbeats. Their own heart responds to the messages emanating from their own brain. The mother does not direct the heart to beat nor the life-giving blood to flow; the babies’ own vital organs do that and it is measured by instruments of science.

It is not as feminists say, “My body; my choice.” Scientifically an unborn human being is not the body of the woman, but a separate existence that moves on its own. It is because it thinks!

Now for some theology, which just happens to agree with the science. “Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?” (1 Cor 6:19).

Women, even your body is not your own if you are human. Your bodies belong to God. They are the “vessels” that house your souls. The human soul is not like the others in the animalia kingdom. You exist because God breathed life, not into your nostrils, but literally into your minds, to wit: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen 2:7).

The dust was from the “Estate” of God. You all were formed by some other being; “chance” has no power to do anything! The LORD GOD fathered you and therefore within any person lies the now dormant essence of God. Humans, even after sin, has the residual genetics of Yahweh. The God breathed life unto that body that He made.

Theologically speaking, the bodies of humankind come from God, both the outer person and the person within, which we call the “soul.” Scientifically and theologically the unborn existence is not the body of women but a part of the Person of God and His Substance. The dust is objective man (or woman) and the soul the spiritual man that is God in you.

However, sin eroded the dust from God, and it was filled in by the Wicked One, making us depraved and imbued with iniquity. That “dust” could have been the carbon-DNA that is the identity in each person.

You never made yourselves, so how could you make what is within you? You did not even cause that life within you for as God said, “I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jer 29:11; NKJV). That “piece of coal” that you think is within you — that organism — has a purpose, according to God who gave you “a future and a hope.” What God has given, women want to take it away. They defy God.

So, what if women do not believe in God? You are from His body, and it is His call to decide your future. God will judge you! If you don’t buy into that; then that is quite chancy and arrogant. It is as if you created yourselves but you inherently know that is not true!

Eve said to Adam after sin, “I have gotten a ‘man’ from the Lord.” That reasoning made her the goddess. She had no power to create anything. Cain was begotten, not by the LORD GOD, but here new “lord” Satan. That “man” was a being not of God, so humble yourselves.

That a human life exists as early as seven weeks duration is the acceptable, undeniable proof because nobody should argue with an electrocardiogram (EKG, or ECG); they are a fool to argue with the science. Only an insane person would argue that an EKG does not measure movement of some sorts, and that it detects life. An EKG is the evidence that the object within the mother exists and that it measures even the thoughts of the little human within.

However, life is not just electromotive but dynamic. Anything that moves of its own accord is life.

Right before ovulation, the egg inside the follicle detaches itself. The follicle starts to release chemicals that encourage the nearby fallopian tube to move closer and surround the follicle. The follicle swells until it bursts open, ejecting the egg and fluid into the abdominal cavity. (Women's Royal Hospital 2024) 

Women do not move their ova; some Thing with Dynamic Power does that from above. When the time comes, Virtue from God above moves one egg into position to attach itself and then it seemingly bursts all by itself and moves into position, ready for one of the many sperm to detect it and attach as if they have a will of their own. Most of that occurs oblivious to the females and they have no part in what is going on within their wombs. That is “the science.”

That is also the “miracle of conception” because it happens without aid from either the man or the woman. Without brains to think on their own, both ova and sperm are directed in their movements to make a life. Conception is a miracle, and life is the product of that miracle

Eve thought that she was the goddess; that she provided the dynamics within her body. In her innocence (ignorance, or even arrogance) she gave credit to herself. The cries of ignorant women are an ancient scream, “My body; my choice” is the Lilith within every defiant woman.

Just who is Lilith? Not another wife of Adam, but the succubus within women. Lilith is the dominant gene, or spirit, from the “shadow” of Lucifer that lies within every woman. Feminists worship Lilith rather than the LORD GOD. Lilith is the dark shadow of the Wicked One that is in the genomes of so many women. 

She (Lilith) also appears in Kabbalah as an evil reflection of the feminine aspect of God along with Samael. Jewish feminists, seizing upon her assertion of equality, have reclaimed Lilith as a symbol of autonomy, independence, and sexual liberation. (Lesses 2009)


Figure 2: Lady Lilith (ibid)

 Lilith was called a “screech owl” by the prophet Isaiah (Isa 34:14). In legend, she is known as the creature of the night that robs the nest of its young; hence she is the muse of abortion. She is not a feminist woman that sought independence from the man in the beginning, but the spirit of sin from the dark angel, Lucifer. She is the muse of evil, yet modern feminist women worship her!

That little being has more than substances and electro-motion, but a soul as well. When an infant is born, it has a personality — something that distinguishes it as an individual. The newborn baby is not just like the mother but has characteristics of its own. Certainly, the newborn is not the body of the mother because she expels it; it moves on its own, thinks on its own, and behaves on its own. Women have their own EKG because they are alive. The unborn have their own distinct EKG that differs from the mothers to be. That same instrument can be placed on the baby, and it detects another EKG! To even say, “My body; my choice,” is insanity!

The soul, however, cannot be measured. It is because we think, as Descartes indicated. Those who think it does not exist, to them it does not. For those who think the soul exists, it exists.

Everyone is born with an instinct, and that is to survive. The unborn have that in the womb.

Birth itself is the survival instinct when the baby senses the mother’s body can no longer stand it. Mothers in general instinctually want the baby out of her body, and usually the sooner the better.

Some mothers cherish the unity between herself and her unborn child. Such mothers instinctively desire that their unborn children survive both within and without their own bodies! They are rational mothers compared to the insanity of some women who care little whether they end their own gene pool by cutting off just a “limb” at a time of it. The unborn are more than branches to be pruned from trees but are budding “trees” themselves!

This applied to Jeremiah and to you as well, God said, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you” (Jer 1:5). God’s purpose and plans for Jeremiah existed while he was still within his mother. God got into the soul of Jeremiah before he was ever born; he became a person with a unique personality! His personality was his alone, and yours is yours alone. Jeremiah was literally made holy to be put in the womb. God endowed him, and you, with a soul before you were ever placed in a woman’s womb!

Referring to marriage, Jesus said, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder” (Mat 10:9). Of course that applies to holy matrimony, but Jesus made that a general statement: “what” is not just marriage, but anything. God joined together our souls and our bodies in the womb, and mankind, even women, are not to put it asunder. People abort their children as easily as they abort their marriages. The marriage is sacred and so is its activity and outcomes.

Married people think of sexual activity as recreational, but the purpose is to multiply; for them to multiply their own genetics. Sex is for much more than pleasure but for creating little human beings that have their own personalities and existences. Casual sex for pleasure was not the command!

So, when does the heart begin to function? When the brain does. According to Giselle’s “growth gradients,” all systems grow at the same rate to support each other. Personalities began at the same time as the heart is developed. When the heart began to beat, the unborn child had its own personality, and as the heart grew, so did the personality. All babies are born with fully intact personalities that began development the instant that the sperm of the father fertilized the ovum of the mother.

Then God clearly provided the vessel for incubation — the placenta — on loan to the baby from whom? The mother? No; from God.

The placenta is the “tent” that is on loan from God to grow the unborn baby. It is the tabernacle (tent) that is the “temple” provided by God which makes your body His, as the verse says in the passage above.

The placenta is the “temple” of God that is the vessel that holds your own little “tabernacle” — the human soul which the other kinds do not have!

Once you need it, God erects the placenta, and once it is no longer needed, God vacates it. Once a temple is required again, it is God that provides it, not the mother. Think you can do it as long as you please, women, but it is not you who makes the placenta just when needed. In fact, you are not even aware of its existence until after birth!

The blood of an unborn baby is not the mothers. The placenta is like a tabernacle that keeps the rain out. The blood of the mother does not mingle with the blood of the unborn; its blood is uniquely his or hers and the science of blood typology confirms that.

Not only is that little body not the mother’s but neither is its blood. The blood of an unborn baby can be tested, compared to the mother’s and reveal scientifically, that the child’s blood is not the mother’s blood. That is the science, yet millions of women scream that we should share their fantasies — that their unborn child is just their bodies, or at least some object to be tossed.

Sane people are expected to go along with their fantasies, and to vote their insane thoughts. They really know that abortion destroys a living soul but insist that you deny the truth as well… both the science and the reality of it! For them despite the truth, they still believe that the unborn are something less than an existence that should have human rights — “his/her inherent inalienable rights” — the right to exist; or as our Declaration of Independence states; “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Partially due to Thomas Paine, a war was fought for the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Men died that others could live, yet fickle men and women would give up what the patriots fought for and believed in; that life is endowed by the Creator, and that it belongs to Him and Him alone.

What patriots fought so hard to preserve, deceived women seek to throw it away! Abortion is not a “human right” as Kamala says, but the right to life is. Not only that, but abortion is unpatriotic as well. Those who would abort the American idea, are as seditious as Benedict Arnold!

However, there is hope that can be provided by a gracious God. We can cease the alienation from God and become His again, just for the asking.

As Paine wrote, it is the “Government's sole purpose” to preserve human rights, not to preserve the insanity of those who would even murder their own!






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