Sunday, September 15, 2024


A hard thing to understand about the name Adam: “And so it is written, ‘The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit’” (! Cor 15:45).

It is written points to scripture. At the time of this writing, the Old Testament was the only Holy Scripture. There were many writings by Hebrews, gentiles, and even pagans; but Paul was referring to the Word of God wherein that was written.

Therefore, It is written should be found in the five books of the Law, the prophets, or even the psalms and other sayings. Where is what written? “The first man, Adam, was made a living soul”? That comes from Gen 2:7, to wit: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”

In the Hebrew, It was ‘adam (an upright man); not ‘is but ‘adam. There is a difference. God created an ‘adam whereas Eve said that she created an ‘ish (Gen 4:1) which is wrongly translated as “man” in the English. So, in context what is the difference between an ‘adam and an ‘is (pronounced eesh).

Adam was created by God. However, the woman said that she had erected (qana) an ‘is for the Lord (Yehova). Not for the LORD GOD (Yehova ‘elohim; Gen 2:4), but just the lord (yehova).

Who pretended to lordship? Lucifer (Isa 14:13-14). It appears that the woman, only recently  had she been reclassified in kind to Eve (Haua; Gen 3:20), having been only a “woman” (‘issa) before then. (Note that ‘issa is only the feminine of ‘is.) Hence, the new man that Eve brought forth was not an ‘adam at all but a product of her unusual encounter with another kind.

Whereas ‘issa is for a female of ‘adam kind, ‘is derives from ‘issa and the so-called “man” that Eve presented to Adam as his own was not. Cain was a mutant — another kind of existence, as the word ‘is indicates; it means “extant” (Strong 2006). “Extant” means still an existence  (Merriam-Webster 2023). Cain was not an ‘adam but according to Eve, Cain (qayin) was still an existence. Of course, God is the Existence who had created them both, and Eve was apparently deceiving Adam who saw (knew; yada) what she was doing.

Eve was trying to convince Adam that Cain was of God like both the male and herself were. Lucifer had beguiled her, and shortly the woman became as cunning as the so-call “Serpent” who was not viperous at all but just another cunning being.

Cain was of the Wicked One (1 John 3:12), according to John, who somehow was revealed the creation (John 1).

Adam, Eve, and Cain were not the names of the new creatures, but only their kinds, or species. Adam was an anthropoid. That is known from the Greek word anthropos, used for “man.” Adam was upright man without a tail whereas vipers are creatures with no body but only a tail that is upright in neither mobility nor moral status.

The other being was not a snake at all but a cunning deceiver with no moral standards. The provocateur under the Tree of Knowledge was not animal kind, but the dark angel, Lucifer, a being alien to God.

Stop now and get it; we think of ourselves as humans — Adam’s kind — but what are we really? Because Eve is the mother of all living (Gen 3:20, we are half her kind and half the kind of the Wicked One. Our kind is “qayin” which means “possession.”

We are all of ‘issa and the Wicked One who is called “Lucifer.” We are not “humans” (belonging to man, Adam) at all, but qayins possessed, with guile (Gen 3:13) in us from the Wicked One. We are possessed, even genetically, and as such infant baptism (pedobaptism) is an exorcism of the Wicked One, according to Catholic catechism wherein Satan is renounced before the water is applied to wash the flesh clean. That perhaps is meant to drive the Devil out of the soul before the body is washed.

Catholics believe that Satan is in newborn babies. Not in their person, but their souls. That implies that the genome of a child has the genetics of the Serpent within them. However, that would also imply that because the first woman was of God, that children are worth saving; they are not totally depraved but mostly so due to the many cases of miscegenation between dark angels and Qayins (Kenites) throughout the history in the Bible. (For example, in the time of Noah; Gen 6).

So, the first Adam would be the “last Adam” if it had not been for Jesus. The purpose for God coming in the flesh was for God to pass His own Image — His Divine Genetics — to Cain’s kind to make them “whole again” (sozo) as in Matthew 9:22. Note that the Greek word “sozo” is used for making whole, making safe, and saved. Context matters! Wholeness is replenishing the lost genetics that was in Adam. That process is “born again” which literally means to be engendered from above.

The question is, when is the regeneration completed? I submit that regeneration begins at rebirth and ends when it is finished with the second coming of Christ when, “the dead in Christ shall rise first” (1 Thes 4:16). The quickening Spirit of God will come to regen those who are dead and in Christ and they will be made new creatures. No longer will so-called “mankind” be Cain’s kind with the genetics of both God and man but the ‘is gene in Christians will be replaced wholly with the Image (Selem or maybe Genome) of God.

I have interpolated the substance of the Invisible God. The Image of God is metaphorically a “Phantom” (Strong 2006). If God engenders from above, that Phantom, or Spirit, is the Genome of God. Think of that Image as the translucent chromosomal-DNA, whatever it is, of God, and in the shape of a man just as Luke wrote (Luke 3:22). The first Adam was given the Genome of God in the shape of a man, and then flesh was put onto him.

Jesus was the “last Adam” and in Him was a “quickening spirit.” He carried the Image of God within His person with the Power to engender Cain’s kind to make us Adam’s kind again. That is the entire process of “regeneration,” and I believe it is done over time just as in the generation of Adam’s kind. Jesus was there in Spirit then and will be there again to regen those who are kept safe from the wicked ones (1 Pet 5:8) until that occurs.

 Credit Bible Art, "Quickening Spirit"




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