Monday, September 30, 2024


This commentary is a little lengthy but teaches a vital lesson for us today; is America beyond destruction and are we Christians secure within the “hedge” (Job 1:10) that God has around us?

The city of Tyre was on an island a short distance from the mainland of Lebanon. The “hedge” around Tyre was both rockiness and the sea itself. Since its origin, none had ever penetrated it because it was naturally fortified.

The Bible, to be Truth, must be accurate. One of the most obvious “inaccuracies,” it seems, is God’s prophecy to Ezekiel that the city of Tyre (Tyrus) would be destroyed by king Nebuchadnezzar II (Ezek 26). The king did attack, but the destruction enumerated by God to Ezkiel did not happen. Nebuchadnezzar’s armies did attack and lay siege to Tyre from 586 to 573 B.C., but they did not utterly destroy that fortification as God revealed it to Ezekiel. Had God erred? We shall see!

Tyre was an island city cut off from the mainland of Lebanon. It was a fortification that not one nation had ever penetrated. That God would tell Ezekiel that Tyre would be destroyed was laughable because it was impregnable.

God specifically said that Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon would destroy Tyre, but it did not happen. Tyre still existed after Nebuchanezzar was long gone. That made God out to be either a liar or weak. When Tyre remained fortified, that diminished the LORD GOD as it seemed that even He was unable to destroy Tyre.

Imagine how arrogant the people of Tyre became after Babylonia failed the mission of God. Their own god, Melqart, had kept them safe from destruction. To them Melqart was stronger than Yahweh. Melqart was the Lebanese version of Hercules whose strength was believed to even hold up the world. When God was down, Hercules in Melqart was still standing. Could God defeat Hercules? His plan was to use Nebuchadnezzar to build an access to the island and break down the walls of Tyre.

The people of Tyre expected Nebuchadnezzar. The LORD GOD of the Hebrews had never been wrong, so they prepared and fended off Nebuchadnezzar.

What if God had not spoken to Ezekiel who then issued a warning to “Tyrus”? Then Tyrus would not have prepared. They already thought of themselves as invincible but were cautious because they were warned. Ezekiel had credibility because of the accuracies of his predictions.

Was God wrong or was He pragmatic? Why did Tyre prepare so well to fend off the powerful Babylonians? It was no accident. If they had not been vigilant, they would have been destroyed. Did God cunningly outwit, outlast, and outplay Nebuchadnezzar to save Tyre; Tyre whose leader, Hiram, had been an ally of King David?

Indeed, Tyre was a sinful city, having a pantheon of gods of which Melqart (Hercules) was the titular god. Tyre deserved to be destroyed because of their blasphemy.

According to legend, Tyre was founded circa 2750 BC by Melqart as a favor to the mermaid Tyros. (Beyer 2022).

God was not only speaking about defeating the people of Tyre, but Hercules and Tyros herself. Defeating them then would have been less daunting, but God seemed to have chosen to defeat Melqart and Tyros in His own time.

God outwitted Tyre by delaying His plan. The siege ended concurrently with the change in leadership from Ithobaal III (meaning “with Baal”) to Baal II. Was that only coincidental or a delay? Would God still do as He said He would?

Note that generals, especially in ancient times, did not win wars alone. They won by the auspices of their god. Wars proved whose god was the stronger.

It seemed to the world and to Nebuchadnezzar that Melqart was stronger than Yahweh or even himself. He was a self-proclaimed God (later) but at that time Marduk was the god of the Babylonians. Perhaps Nebuchadnezzar made himself a god because Marduk could not defeat Tyre!

Marduk was the god of creation, and Nebuchadnezzar even resembled Marduk as ancient statues reveal. Nebuchadnezzar may have even seen himself as Marduk. Tyre humbled him when Hercules proved stronger than his god. As it turned out, the nobody god, Hercules (Melqart), weakened Nebuchadnezzar and God humbled him. Nebuchadnezzar ate grass as an ox (Dan 4:25).

So, Nebuchadnezzar, as the god of the Babylonian Empire, was defeated when he saw the son of God (Jesus) in the fiery furnace. His failure in Tyre had weakened his self-esteem, so Nebuchadnezzar demanded that the people worship him — the same king who had failed to defeat Tyre.

So, rather than diminish Tyre, perhaps God’s priority was to diminish Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar. If he had not been defeated in the attempt to capture Tyre, then Marduk would proven to be stronger than either Melqart or Yahweh. Marduk was the Babylonian creator God — their version of Yahweh. Marduk was an image of God, not the real Thing.

“To everything there is a season (a time), and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Ecc 3:1). Time is a construct for man, but God is the setter and author of time. It is His to do with as He pleases. He set the time for Nebuchaddnezzare; it would be done on his watch. The clock slowed down remarkably for Nebuchadnezzar.

This brings up the concept of free will. Time is the order of God’s Will. He can set the time and change the time.

However, mankind, made in His Image, also has free will. God does not make mankind do anything; not even obey Him. Nebuchadnezzar was not a robot king. Because God knew what Nebuchadnezzar would do — attack Tyre — did not mean that he would win the battle.

However, Nebuchadnezzar set the clock for the destruction of Tyre. God uses unrighteous people for His initiatives. God could have destroyed Tyre His Way by natural causes or miraculous powers, but His desire was for man to destroy what his own hands had made. In this case Nebuchadnezzar failed to destroy what Ithobaal III had made.

There are several places in scripture wherein God “repented” of what He had done (e.g., 1 Sam 15:35), “The Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.” He had not erred but changed His Mind. God is sovereign and He alone can change the events of time! Just as God was sorry that He had appointed Saul, He was also sorry that He had given that tough assignment to Nebuchadnezzar. God never errs!

In the process of time, the city of Tyre (Tyrus) was destroyed exactly as God revealed to Ezekiel. The only change was the time and hand by which it was destroyed. The time would not be the interval of 586–573 BC — Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, but 332 BC after a seven-month siege. God revealed that event to Ezekiel: 

For thus says the Lord God; “Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and many people. He shall slay with the sword your daughters in the field: and he shall make a fort against you, and cast a mount against you, and lift up the buckler against you. And he shall set engines of war against your walls, and with his axes he shall break down the towers.  By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: your walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into your gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach” (Ezek 26:7-10) 

Alexander the Great did just that! His army built a long earthen and rock bridge to the island city and breached not only its walls, but the entire island. Alexander defeated Tyrus just as God had appointed Nebuchadnezzar who failed his task. For the first time in history, the impossible was done, but by Alexander from “the north” not Nebuchadnezzar from the east!

Now examine time itself in modern terms. Nebuchadnezzar was the “root cause” — the fundamental event that causes a reaction. Nebuchadnezzar, as king of Babylon, was the fundamental event. His reign caused much turbulence in the middle east. Because of his cruel reign and humiliation, Persia, under Cyrus the Great, defeated Babylon, and then Alexander defeated the armies of Persia. There was a chain reaction. Nebuchadnezzar was not the direct cause, but the root cause.

Compare that to a chain reaction. I could use about any chemical process but rather consider a traffic jam. All the traffic stops when one car stops suddenly, and perhaps it even impacts the one before it; the one that braked suddenly.

Did the event occur because the driver of the front car braked? Indeed, that driver was the direct cause. What was the root cause? Some driver much earlier slowed for some reason, perhaps to gawk at something. When that driver slowed, all the cars behind that one driver slowed as well with each successive driver more abruptly. The car that slammed on the brakes that directly caused the collision was just reacting to all those before him. The root cause was long before, perhaps a hundred cars before; however, the car that applied the brakes last would be held liable. The law makes no attempt to look at videos of traffic movement to determine who first slowed down.

God is fairer; He did not give Alexander the Great the glory. He looked upstream in time and events and provided Ezekiel with the root cause of Tyre’s destruction. Nebuchadnezzar paved the way for Alexander. He attacked Tyre and failed. That convinced the city that they were impregnable. Indeed, Tyre was attacked from the east, surely by both nations — the Babylonians and then the Greeks. However, Babylon came from the east and the Greeks from the north (Macedonia). God knew all along that Alexander would be the direct cause and Nebuchadnezzar the root cause down to the point that He told Ezekiel the attack would come from the north.

Why did God not just say that Alexander would defeat Tyre? Ezekiel, nor anybody else, would have known of whom God was speaking. Substitute “Alexander” in the immediate passages above; “I will bring upon Tyrus Alexander….”  That would mean nothing to Ezekiel or anyone else, so God provided Nebuchadnezzar as the root cause.

In a similar recent situation, illegal immigrants were crossing the borders to the U.S. in California, Texas, Florida, New Mexico, and Arizona. President Biden made V.P. Harris czar to find the cause. As czar, she was the assigned authority; she was “king” or president in that problem/solution analysis. Harris overlooked the direct cause — our laws being broken — and went to the Northern Triangle countries of Central America. She went upstream to find the root cause of immigration. Any fool would have known that traffic stops because some fool(s) long before had gawked at something, perhaps a policeman with radar.

Any fool should have known that the root cause of illegal immigration, was the law of several countries in Central America. Rather than go to the direct cause of illegal immigration — the U.S.-Mexico border which Biden could fix, she went upstream where it was impossible to fix.

God, in the same manner, provided the root cause of the future collapse of Tyre rather than the direct cause — Alexander. If Nebuchadnezzar had been righteous, Tyre would have failed then. Nebuchadnezzar is the king that made the People of Tyre think they would never perish.

In like manner, Adam is the root cause of our direct problem. He sinned, and one sin became the root cause of our own sins. Although, we are the direct cause, it is rooted in the woman’s attempt to “drive” the male Adam where he was told not to go!

In the beginning, the woman was gawking at the lustrous forbidden tree and possibly the bright angel Lucifer, within the branches of the tree. She slowed down, looked, and Adam slowed with her. They both gawked at the fruit of the tree in a short chain reaction. Soon, Cain was born, and he too gawked. As he wandered the land of Nod, they all gawked, and the book of the generations of man (Gen 5) is about the chain reaction. By the time of Noah, all the “traffic” had stopped, and God cleared the ‘wreck” by removing the “wreckage”from His Way.

When the world collided with God it was not suddenly. One man was not the direct cause; the root cause was the original sin which is passed down to all who came after!

We cannot change the outcome ourselves because the root cause came six thousand years before us. Our works are lame. Only God can clear the Way because we have no power to change our genetics from all that came before us. The only way that we can help is for us to change the paths that we go. We are not to go the way of Satan but take the “bypass” — the Way of God, so that we need not collide with the inevitable!

When we sin and collide with God and His other pedestrians, we are the direct cause. We are to have self-control (2 Tim 1:7), vigilance, and sobriety.(1 Pet 5:8), knowing there will be a “crash” and for us to avoid the traffic of the world so that we are not one of the many possible direct causes of the destruction of the world.

God could have placed the blame on the root cause — man’s encounter with the other kind — that began the final catastrophic event, but each of us can do our parts to not be there when the world collides with the heavens.

Just as it is the driver in the car in front of us to be sober, vigilant, and non-careless to avoid our collision with him; we must do the same. In fact, none of the drivers in the chain of traffic are wise to even tap the brakes of their vehicles. Why? Because all the foolish people down the chain will tap theirs until the last one collides, and soon many will cause a collision chain.

Satan is the root cause, and in His time, God will deal with him. For now, however, we are to motivate His Way for us to avoid our own blame in the Court of God. We know for whom we drive and it is not the way of the World, so Christians are to move cautiously and bypass the way of the world, knowing that long before us, one person (Eve) gawked too long until now all the world gawks at the shiny object, Lucifer, even unwittingly looking at his things.

Us humans usually look at the direct cause. We get angry at each other and even kill to avoid stress. We must not kill each other because the root cause of our stress is our “father the Devil” (John 8:44). It was the Devil’s fault, but we are part of his genetic chain. So, the family of Satan is just as responsible as its patriarch for the things that we do, unless we change “lanes” (our genetics — “born again;” John 3:7).

Nebuchadnezzar started the mission with Tyre, His role was to make them think they were safe. They thought so until Alexander came from the north and perished them who believe that they were so safe that they would never perish.

That is the same perception that Lucifer provides to Christians; that they will never be in peril because they have falsely assumed that they are already saved.

Was the city of Tyre saved from destruction? No, God kept them safe until their time was up, then they perished because they thought that they were invincible. Do you think that way?

picture credit: ABC27



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