Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Years ago, I registered people to vote. Our obligation was to register voters to any party. Many did not even know the names of the parties! Other’s either did not know the current president nor even his party. Basically, Jonathan Gruber was right when he said, “We depended on the stupidity of the American voter.”

Voters need not be stupid. Rather than to vote stupidly, I challenge you to consider, even people you hate, intelligently. Put your antipathy aside of a change and consider doing what is right, not for you alone, but for our country and its people.

Never vote just because of the opinions of the majorities or those who you admire, but for what is right for the nation and its people. If you are not informed it is unfair to yourself and others to even vote! I will not discourage you from voting but encourage you to vote informed and with wisdom.

Election day is nearing. Although I have my own preference among the two, this commentary is not about candidates who do not even know my name as the propaganda machine claims; it is about what is right and what is wrong.

What most people do not know is that Judeo-Christianity throughout is political. It is about who would be king. You see, there was one king but many, many pretenders. Regardless of how many contenders to the throne there was, there was only one “Pretender” — the Devil.

Everyone wanting to rule was the way to usurp God’s rule.

To be honest, there is corruption in all political parties, leaving voters left to vote for the least offensive or the most right. However, even some Christians have cognitive dissonance: “a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time” (Villines 2024).

For instance, a Christian who accepts the command, “You shall not murder” and yet supports the party whose main platform is murdering the most innocent. If they are truly Christians, if guilt does not ensue, them they suffer from cognitive dissonance and they are not right in the head. Their thoughts are not the Thoughts of God (Isa 55:8).

Christians are encouraged, or even measured, by how much their thoughts parallel the divine Thoughts of God. That activity is what Paul called, “In Christ” wherein the thoughts of Christians are symbiotic with the Thoughts of God. Christians must be in unity with God and with each other… “in accord” (Acts 2:1).

Why, then, do Christians vote differently. Are both party platforms the same, are both candidates the same; or are Christians different. Neither Democrat nor Republican Platforms are perfect. However, they can be tested by scripture. I could do that for you, but only you can get your mind is order with the precepts of God. “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thes 5:22-23). You have the responsibility to inquire, not just to accept promises as if they were already done!

Proving to yourself to the standards of God is testing your own myths. You have a predisposition (bias) within your mind that is natural due to original sin. That is the “scotoma” that blocks you from the truth that is the genetics of the Wicked One in you.

As the “Serpent” indicated, “God knows that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:5). In fact, due to sin, people think they know more than God.

Not that abortion is my own litmus test for politics, it is for many. Now, even Christians accept abortion because so many, even church leaders, think that mankind cannot not live without freedom from the precepts of God. Somehow, many have worked into the commandments that you must not kill has exceptions. Abortion essentially punishes the child for the offenses of the mother and father.

Even more examples can be used to excuse people from following the Law of God. For instance, homosexuality is an abomination to God.

The excuse is that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, so the absence of condemnation rationalizes the sickness of the mind. Many Christians think that they can diminish God yet belong to God. That is not only cognitive dissonance — not right in the head — but spiritual dissonance — not right in the soul. The psyche of the person who thinks that they can have things both ways may cause their own demise in that they are spiritually sick and in need of wholeness with the flesh subject to the spirit.

God calls homosexual behavior “disgusting,” but people condone it. Condoning what God condemns, makes your authority greater than God’s.

The way to hang onto what is good from the body of knowledge (and behaviors) is to test it to scripture (the Old Testament wherein the Law is found.)

There is a cause for both your cognitive and spiritual dissonances; you have two sets of laws in your mind. You must always accept one or the other to be normal, but so many accept conflicting thoughts. Jesus said, “He that is not with Me is against Me” (Mat 12:30). Added to that, Jesus also said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other” (Mat 6:24).

People must make up their minds and go with what is most right. The Word of God is ALL right, but again I write, we are not God. Political parties all come short of the glory of God; and it is up to us to go with the one that comes less short of the glory of God.

One idea that should be examined closely is division. The purpose of Christianity is commanded: to love God and others: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself” (Luke 10:27). That is the greatest commandment. It is for us to avoid division and do what is best from everyone. It is putting selfish interests aside and having empathy, not sympathy, for those less prosperous. Equality is empathetic while equity is just guilt ridden sympathy.

Divine love is not emotional; it is having goodwill for God and others. Having goodwill for others is having good laws.

Defying God in any manner at all, as it turns out in scripture, is not good law because mankind is inherently evil.

Admit it; what goes on in your minds would impress the demons. Even if you are a Christian, demonic thoughts enter your mind. That is not for me to say, but Jesus referred to “your father, the Devil” (John 8:44) That is not biological but the content of your thoughts. You think like Satan and the only correction from cognitive dissonance is the Word of God — the “helmet” that shields our minds from deception from anything that can get into our minds. Our minds are our own worst enemies; for so many, it is not so important what God thinks, but what we think, according to the law of sin.

What is it that Satan (Lucifer) thinks? “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High (God)” (Isa 14:14). His thoughts are not the Thoughts of God. When we elevate our own internal moral code above the standards of God, then that is prideful and even arrogant. However, that is the way so many think! For them, it matters not what God thinks but what they think. They have within their foolish minds the fantasy that the world is egocentric wherein it is the people that everything revolves around. Egocentricity is that we are the true God and that the “Ego Eimi” (I AM) is not.

People often ask, “What do you think about whatever?” It matters not what we think but what God said about any topic. Our minds are not the Bible; the Mind of God is the Bible!

Remember that it is not what people say they will do, but what people have done. With the first sin, the Serpent did not sin himself; he got others to sin at his suggestion. He deceived two naïve people, and they took the bait and essentially “voted” for Lucifer to be their “King” over God Himself.

Their sin was violation of the first commandment: literally to have no other gods with my face (Exod 20:3). Lucifer as the “Bringer of Light” had the “face” of God who is Light.

The point therein is that things are not what they appear to be. Lucifer may have appeared to be a star but inwardly he was a creepy, crawly worm. So many politicians wear the face of good, but inwardly, it is power that they want just like the creepy, crawly Serpent.

You must never look at the outward man or woman, but the inward person. You must look into their souls to see who they really are.

King David looked into his own soul and did not like what he saw. He was a murderer like his “father” the Devil and an adulterer like Eve (I believe; Gen 4:1), but as God left the flesh intact He changed the nature of the man within. David became a new person with the same ugly exterior (to God) and so it should be with any political leader.

Voter, you must see into the soul of the candidate. There is a “window” of sorts to see within a person. You cannot look only at outward appearances and status, or even gender or the color of the skin. As Martin Luther King put it, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” It is not the skin, the clothing, the smile, the beauty, the age, or even the status of the person that should be examined. The standard of fairness is the content of their character!

What is character? “It's their motivations, desires, fears, quirks, and personal history that dictate their actions and reactions” (Greene 2023).

Consider two choices; and ask yourself:


·         Why do they want the office? Is it for their own empowerment or for the people?

·         What do they want to accomplish? To elevate themselves, or to elevate the lifestyles of the general public?

·         Who or what do they fear? Competition? The Constitution? The other party proving themselves better, or is it the fear of change that may turn out to be downward? Do they really fear the people, or do they fear just the loss of their own power?

·         About quirks: Are they consistent in their ideologies, or do they change when people notice how weird they are to the rest of us?

·         About personal history: Have they done things beneficial for the people or things that constrain them? Do they protect freedoms or regulate behaviors, or even thoughts? Do they want to lead or do they seek to control? Is their history what is best for them or best for the people? Do they always go with the party or with the people?

·         Do they seem rational or are they crazy? Do they behave normally or artificially? Would you want to be like them?

·         How do they react to questions or policies? Do they laugh at good ideas and denigrate the idealist, or do they thoughtfully consider what is best for the most, not forgetting that we are all in this together?

·         Are their actions consistent with their promises? Do they promise prosperity while proposing regressive policies?

·         Is the candidate genuine” Are they able to admit that their party has sometimes failed the people? Do they twist the truth or admit what is true? Do they claim success in the midst of failure? Can they really obtain what they propose? Will they even try to be who they say they are?


Hopefully, you get the idea. Elections are not popularity contests or ways to obtain equity. We are not to break glass, or any other ceilings, but do what is right for the most people.

Some need not suffer for the gain of others! There must be ways around that wherein all can prosper without hurting anyone. Does the candidate propose to grow the economy or rather to commit usury by taking away from one to advance the other?

Test all things. Use their history. Which party has ALWAYS been on the side of good?

Hopefully you get the idea, and if you are not motivated to test the candidates, perhaps you should not vote because of a name or any other outward characteristic.

“Ask not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country” (John F. Kennedy). Do you not love your country? Or do you despise it so intensely that you would risk the loss of our republic? If you think an amateur can do the hardest job in the country, perhaps you have cognitive dissonance yourselves.

If you test those things and prefer one over the other, then good for you. In your test, test by asking, “Is this only good for me, and people like me, or is it best for everyone.”

Nowadays politicians forget “we the people” and see America as a conglomeration of diverse people wherein each segment of the population must get more for them to prosper.

People deserve to keep what they have worked so hard to obtain… “Know you not that they which run in a race run all, but one receives the prize? So run, that you may obtain,” just as Paul said. (1 Cor 9:24). So many do not run the race, but expect others to run the race for them to get the rewards.

The best candidate has a plan for all to run, not just stand there at the finish line with their hands out to receive what the others have worked so hard to obtain. Paul was speaking against Marxism long before Marx was ever born.

With that said, don’t vote your minds but your conscience. The mind can be easily deceived but the conscious is more genuine. Good voters vote with God. Since God is not running this year, or any year, then we must vote for those who best manifest his principles.

Imgflip; "Eddie Murphy"

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