Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 I last discussed psychology as a tool for making everyone alike; not equal, but acceptable as if everyone is of the same moral “fabric.” In other words, there is nothing wrong with anyone; some are just different than others. There is no right or wrong, truth is in the mind of the beholder. Nobody is to judge anyone else by their own metric and those with loose moral fiber are as good as those whose minds are tightly knitted.

That there is not wrong extends to the idea that everyone is basically good and that they should not be criticized for having something out of tune with the normative. They believe that to the extent that even hardened criminals should be excused for the crimes they commit. Thus, the laxity of so many prosecutors against the criminal element.

In the religion of psychology, there is no such thing as good and evil. The pedophile even deserves satisfaction as much as the heterosexual. The APA has tacitly approved the degeneracy of man-boy love as just a sexual preference, although, due to the public outcry, a “typographic error,” they said, was made in the DSM-V manual:

The DSM-5 initially described Pedophilic Disorder as a sexual orientation, which caused some members of the public to take offense, and express concern that this would pave the way for reduced criminal culpability (American Psychiatric Association, 2013a). The American Psychiatric Association later indicated the word “preference” was a typographical error, and should have read “interest” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013b). The APA (American Psychological Association) clarified their position on Pedophilic Disorder in response to a statement released by the American Family Association. The APA indicated that they do not “classify Mental Disorders or publish the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as the release incorrectly stated”, the APA holds the position that acting on pedophilic desires is a crime, and adult -child sexually contact is always wrong (American Psychological Association. 2013). However other sources concur that Pedophilic Disorder is a sexual preference, (Harvard University, 2010), and differentiate between deviant desires, and acting them out cognitively or behaviorally. (Porter 2024) 

Typos have become common these days, not fat-fingering and autocorrect, but because people are caught in their unacceptable beliefs. Society still hides the fascination of old men for young men and women. The North American Man/Boy Association (NAMBLA) no longer hides out in schoolyards but executive offices. There is nothing that money cannot buy, and the silence of “professionals” seems to be one!

The APA has a “Bible,” and even fail to admit that the DSM tacitly belongs to them. Judeo-Christians enthusiastically claim their Bible. Perhaps the belief of the APA is not how their fingers do the walking on the keyboard but about how their narrators disregard the stalking.

So far, this commentary has been about the laxity of those in the field of psychology to acknowledge that because so many do whatever, does not make whatever right. Repetition by the many does not make the behavior acceptable.

Somewhere along the way, alcoholism went from uncontrolled behavior to a “disease.” Of course, nobody can help that they have a disease even though behaviors are controllable if enough effort is expended. The disease model for alcoholism forgives alcoholic behavior, thus establishing another class of oppressed people.

Too many good people have been oppressed by the majority. The religion of psychology has a very communistic component: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” (Karl Marx). That alcoholics and others with bad habits are incapable of helping themselves to sobriety, society — the rest of us — must live their lies for them. Alcoholism is not a disease but a series of very poor choices just like any habitual sin. The APA has written an excuse for their failure: they cannot help it, so ignore their insobriety.

Now we are on the way toward making marijuana use the normative just as those with the love of money made tobacco an institution. Finally, some are wising up; they now admit that the continued use of marijuana causes psychosis, but when have you heard that from the media?

Finally, the DSM added cannabis use disorder, but how many young people have they reached? Few, until they have the disorder so strongly that change is unlikely! They are arriving later in the “game” and still expect to win! By indicating that the disorder is limited to only a few prevents the masses from including themselves. Each person is brought to believe that casual use is acceptable, and they surely will not become two very different people in one body!

Any strong desire is dangerous, according to our Bible: 

Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then, when lust hath conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren. (Jas 1:14-16) 

Science has a different definition of death than God. Over the years the scientific definition of death has changed from the cessation of the heartbeat to the decay of the mind’s impulses. In God’s Lexicon, “death” is the dysfunction of the soul.

Now, you might be wondering what the soul might be. It is your inner person that has a compass to direct you through life. Things that disrupt the innate moral compass causes people to die. They may not physically die but just as if dead, and so goes the marijuana, cocaine, and fentanyl zombies. Your name is written on the joint, snort, or pill, so the warning, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet 5:8).

That is not metaphoric or even symbolic. Carelessness of any sort makes you vulnerable to death, both biological and spiritual death. We all know the “pothead” who is as good as dead and the alcoholic who may even wish that he was dead.

Us sane people cannot excuse the insane ones! Knowing that drugs, alcohol, and even overeating will kill you, and continuing to do so, is insanity.

Lust (in the verse above) is that strong desire for something that satisfies. Nothing that is made is satisfying. The only lust that is efficacious is a lust for God and eternal Paradise. Psychology does not offer that, and their textbooks admit that they have no power to fix anyone.

On the other hand, Jesus (the man who is God) fixed a woman with a big problem: 

A woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, came behind Him, and touched the border of His garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched. (Luke 8:43-44) 

The doctors could not heal her of that medical condition, and neither can doctors of psychology heal your abnormality. Sure, they can provide drugs to make you oblivious to the issue and teach you how to ignore what is wrong, but that woman would have bled to death. However, Jesus did not tell her to live with it as if it is normal, but He made her whole (Mat 9:22).

“Wholeness” in Holy Scripture is wellness within both the body and the soul; that the two very different facets of your being live is symbiotic. The body cannot be well and the soul sick, nor the opposite; all can be well with both the body and the soul.

Physicians can often work on the body, but God fixes it. Psychologists can only work on the soul, often messing it up without accountability, but Jesus is the true Fixer of the soul and holds Himself accountable if you only take the remedy.

Psychologists admit they cannot fix anything; only direct you the way to live with it with as little discomfort as possible. For instance, rather than cessation of what makes you feel guilt, many psychologists direct you how to live with your guilt. For instance, that extramarital affair that is stressing you out… learn to live with it if it makes you happy. Why should you feel guilty for only performing the call of nature? Of course, you can get killed doing such a thing, and of course the death of the soul will only come later, if at all in their viewpoint!

Jesus made the woman whole. Whether it was a genetic condition or not is unclear, but even if she had been born that way (hemophilia-C), Jesus made her whole. He dried up her blood by the use of virtue from His own blood.

Psychologists excuse the LBGT+ community as born this way. They were not born queer, bi-queer, flamboyant, nor trans-anything. They were born in inequity like King David (Psalm 51:5), and lusts direct them toward acting out their fantasies. David did not blame his lust on God for being born that way, but himself for behaving that way. The same goes for anyone.

Drug users ar4e generally not born “druggies” but are born with the lust for things to make themselves feel whole. However, drugs and even fornication end making you feel empty; even many times empty enough to make a person suicidal.

Smart people kill others cunningly, even in the manner of the so-called “Serpent.” Lucifer never killed anyone, not even Job. He outsmarted the two non-vigilant humans into trusting him; they ate, and they died, so slowly that they never knew they were dying until they were old.

Drugs work the same way; your drug pusher should not be excused and released either. The pusher is as guilty as his father, the Devil. The “Woke” professionals excuse the infractions of the criminal element because rather than punishment, they should be catered to.

“Wokeness” is “the quality of being alert to and concerned about social injustice and discrimination” (Oxford Languages 2023). Note that the writers were biased; they wrote of it as a “quality.” For most, wokeness is far from a quality but an impedance to their own well-being. Wokeness is a Marxist initiative, and that narrative comes from operationalizing the DSM.

What is injustice to those who are woke? That things are not diverse, equitable, and inclusive enough. DEI is Marxist. The media, educational, and business sectors, as well as the military and industrial have been convinced, or provoked, into believing that everyone can benefit their organization however bizarre they are and that those institutions have the obligation to make sure that even abnormal people be given, not the opportunity, but the objective, just because they exist. That is the religion of humanism, and its “preachers” are psychologists whose “Bible” is the DSM.  

Who brought wokeness to the world? The religion of the world — humanism — is the agency of human beings rather than by the sovereignty of God. The annunciator and mediator of that new religion is the APA which promotes so many of the woke objectives. However, humanism is as old as time itself, “You shall be as God,” (Gen 3:5), said the Devil. speaking to the first two humans.

Psychology cannot be questioned! Right now, many of you are seething because you only want to help people, and I am criticizing your avenue. Indeed, helping your fellow man is a noble idea, but not the way God had in mind.

The rich young man of the New Testament was a humanist. He did so many things for his fellow man, but he had not done anything for God (Luke 18:18-23). He was an early “Marxist” and his religion, like Marx, was humanistic.

Psychology is a humanistic religion without God as well, or at least some “unknown God” like the philosophers of Athens (Acts 17:23). Psychology is the derivative of humanistic philosophy and in Athens there sat the “doctors” trying to fix the minds of those who were lacking wholeness.

Now for some comparison of sameness and contrast between religions and psychology (to be continued).


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