Thursday, May 16, 2024


The so-called “Serpent” interfered with the woman’s entanglement with God. As Adam was split into two parts in opposing directions (the female and male genders), each became entangled with God, and then each became entangled with the other (Gen 2:21). Woman was taken from man. She was from the male gender but was female. Again, DNA is highly significant in quantum mechanics.

God was an exceptional “Mechanic” as the Tekton. He designed the male to fit into the female. They, like quantum electrons, were alike but opposite in ‘spin” — the direction of their dynamics. The male was to be the exciton and the female, the receptor.

A man is a male “Adam,” in the Greek an “anthropos” — an upright creature who walks without a tail to counter-balance their bodies.

His manliness is like the electron gun of Young’s Experiment; his was a “DNA gun” — a “seed shooter,” so to speak. The womb of the female is like the screen in the experiment wherein the seminal fluid is divided by impregnation (two fallopian tubes) wherein two particles when the process stops, reveals two very different, but similar genders. The genders are exactly what quantum mechanics are all about; the male and female even think differently, so God assigned each specific roles and functions.

The male was to be the giver-of-life and the female life itself. They would be forever linked wherever they would go in the realm of Paradise.

However, sin separated the two, firstly from God, and then with each other.

Firstly, the two came short of the glory of God — His Divine Attributes — then with carnal knowledge, they came short of each other. No longer would the male and female be entangled with either God not each other because of the “static” from the ancient “Old Creature.”

Time began with sin. Thereafter, man would die, not right then, but with time. That stardust from which the DNA of the two were woven by God, mutated with sin. Goodness and evil were the “slits” in the Tree of Knowledge that when the excited state stopped, Paradise was left with two types of beings — “sons of God” and “daughter’s of man” (Gen 6:1).

What is a woman? Some think a “wife-man” but that comes from ancient pagan German. That better describes a transsexual than it does the monosexual.

Some even buy into that a man who thinks he is a woman is a woman. God differs with that perception!

A woman is an ‘Issa in the Hebrew (pronounced ish-shaw').

Anybody should know what a woman is to be on the Supreme Court of the United States.

A woman is the female of the kind, Adamah. She is like man but much different in image (nashiym), not imagination. — a woman is the image containing the genetics of a female.

Making another  “image” of a female was not possible until recently, and with gene-editing that is now a possibility. Surely, God is distraught that others would have the audacity to change the identities of His creatures!

Mankind was to have dominion over the other creatures (Gen 1:26). They were to think and act like God, ostensibly with the Good Knowledge of God. [1] They had the mental capacity, being paired with God, to rule those kinds that were not paired with God. The animal kingdom was created by God, but they had not the Image (Selem) of God in them — the soul.

Mankind was elected to have dominion, even before the foundation of the world!

The Image of God entangled mankind with God wholly. Hence, being re-entangled with God is to be “made whole again.” There are shades of entanglement according to quantum theory and the creation exemplifies that.

Wholly entangled with God is sharing the complete Glory of God. Complete entanglement is as God in our countenance, and to be made whole is to be glorified.

Glorification is of the mind. It is in the thoughts of Christians. Re-entanglement is cognition. Paul persuaded others to become Christians and persuaded Christians to remain Christians Acts (13:43). He put the spark into their neutrons to understand Jesus is God!

That brings up the subject of the “grace of God.” Grace is unmerited favor. God does bias His Power toward others who are thinking His Thoughts.

“Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen 6:8). Noah did nothing himself, but God guided His thoughts. He obeyed what God commanded. Was it because God commanded it, or was it because God was graceful to him?

It depends on how commands are received. Are they as the “swine” as in the earlier example, or are they “bacon.” The grace that Noah found was that he saw God’s Will be done as the divine “bacon” that to him seemed so good. God biased the experiment by favoring one outcome in real time because he saw potential (trust) in the mind of Noah.

God to this day guides us by thoughts. Reading the Word of God is the Way to eternity — the “eighth day,” or age, according to Enoch; that in like as the beginning is without time.

Generation is infinite, so it makes sense that regeneration is not finite. There is no time on either end of the world. That means “time” is just a measure of the rate of decay of organisms. Time is indeed simply the decay of carbon-14 that is in all organisms, man included.

Theologically, time surely did begin with the decay of the first of that kind. When the female of the species became the “exciton” rather than the man and found the nearest tree, just as excitons are known for! Is it merely by chance that Al-Khalali, in describing the quantum uncertainty principle, used trees as the example?

The first sin was a case of the “uncertainty principle.” All routes must be explored, all at the same time.

The Ruler of the Power of the Air — the Serpent — sent his thoughts (temptations) out into the Garden of Eden and his excitons struck Eve squarely on the forehead. He found her as a “tree,” just as the blind man did with people.

That being emanated alien thoughts (alien to God) and Eve obeyed. That is the uncertainty principle. It struck Adam as well because he was just another “tree” to which an exciton went directly.

If the other trees represented living souls, then by the uncertainty principle, all souls were defiled at what time, hence all come short of the glory of God.

Mankind’s thoughts are what mutated the species. It was a choice.

Choices are much like Young’s barrier with slits. The brain acts very much like the Slit Experiment of Young.

So, you now know what a woman is, as well as the importance of gender. Gender confusion is from the ancient thoughts of mankind. Could it be that the man learned carnal knowledge from the asexual Beast as well? Did our ancestor turn bi-sexual? That is unknown and hopefully not so, but we do know how cunning the Devil can be.

In the days of Noah, there was miscegenation between mankind, what was left of it, and aliens from heaven. Ancient literature reveals that there was also male-to-male pedophilia. Nothing is too outlandish for the Devil in the minds of mankind.

God imaged the world, then man reimagined it to suit his fancy. That is the basis of the New World Order and the “Great Reset;” they think like the Beast and it is in the genetics of mankind to do the will of their ”father,” the Devil (John 8:44). It is not a father biologically, but our genetic parent; the one with whom we remain entangled since the original sin. It is genetic that we think like beasts — instinctively — rather than with good judgment.

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[1] I wrote in my book, The Skull of Adam, chapter one, that before time speech was not in words but thoughts.

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