Sunday, May 19, 2024



It is time to frighten the reader. A new word that is indeed difficult to understand will be introduced — “quantum.”

A quantum is singular; whereas quanta is a quantity of energy; a quantum is one amount, or packet, of energy.

Before recent times, only energy was understood; it was a quantity of energy. However, the unseen subatomic world has in its realm individual particles with energy — “quantum,” and all together, the sub-atomic particles are “quanta.”

The “world” is the cosmos. It obeys the laws that were discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. It is a world of massive particles that are held together by gravity. Like gravity is invisible, but real, so is quanta.

This “world” was always thought to be a Newtonian World wherein the order of everything is from the force-field of gravity.

The unseen microscopic world is held together by an entirely different means. It is held together by quanta of undefined energy. Like gravity, quanta are mysterious, so do not let the mystery of quanta scare you; it could be the “mystery of God” mentioned so many times in the New Testament.

That God is existence (“The Presence”) is difficult to understand. Quantum Theory may very well explain the M.O. of God.

“Bell’s Equation reveals that photons (of light) become real when we observe them, and they cannot be observed until they are stopped,” according to astrophysicist Jim Al-Khalali.

The “Quantum Coin” reveals that theory. As an example, the Quantum Coin uses light to demonstrate how the dynamics of light reveal themselves as sub-atomic particles.

Photons are massless sub-atomic particles of energy, each particle containing a certain amount of energy.

For this example, the Quantum Coin is like any other; it has a “heads” and “tails” side, and it can be spun in a circular pattern. Although it has six degrees of freedom only four will be used, implying that the coin is stable. The four are: heads, tails, spinning clockwise, and spinning counterclockwise. The vector — the direction in which the spin points (using the righthand rule like a clock) — is either up or down. The same applies to a spinning electron or any other sub-atomic particle.

Thus, spin indicates two degrees of freedom if coins are spun about a vertical axis. Spin is thus an identifiable characteristic of particles in motion. However, until the coin stops, the direction of spin cannot be identified. It is as if the coin is a solid sphere.

Isaiah the prophet had some divine insight; he saw the planet Earth as a rotating circle (Isa 40:22) which it is. Did he know that sub-atomic particles were hard because of their spin as well? Perhaps so!

The spinning coin would have earthly-like characteristics. The spin, if touched, would feel hard and seem to have friction, so a coin makes sense to use for this example.

Let’s say this coin has on the obverse “heads” and on the reverse “tails” as most coins do.

Now, in your mind, spin the coin. It is neither heads nor tails. It alternates so fast if spun fast enough, that the coin seems solid. That is what sub-atomic particles do in their dynamic state.

Then take your mental hand and slap down quickly on the coin; it reveals itself as heads or tails. That seems random, and the probability for each outcome is 50%. Gamblers understand the mysterious uncertainty of chance.

Before the coin is stopped, it is just a “cloud” if allowed all the six degrees of freedom, adding yaw and pitch. That motion would certainly appear as a cloud.

All that can be said, what is dynamic cannot be identified until its motion is stopped. There are three entities of a spinning coin — heads, tails, and dynamics. Heads and tails are real and so is the spin, although spin seems almost invisible in appearance.

The heads and tails are objective, but the dynamics are unseen but real as well. Therefore, the quantum coin has three states: heads, tails, or dynamic, all in homeostasis.

The quantum is the energy in the dynamics of the coin that reveals itself when stopped.

Neither are dynamics intimidating, Dynamics is the motion of things whatever they are.

Hopefully the reader understands that quantum mechanics is not scary at all, and neither is the Holy Ghost, ironically, the literal meaning is “an awful Thing in Spirit;” thusly,  the title of this book, An Awesome Quantum God.

Why would God be an “Awful Thing?” Is it because God is a “Spooky Thing” like Albert Einstein called the dynamics of quantum mechanics?

The Quantum Coin, for this exercise, consists of Light waves and photons. The photons each have spin and many together have a cloud of spins.

As is shown in the figure which follows, the wave of light is much like a cloud, labeled “sunlight” as rays of light.


Figure 2: Source; YouTube

One photon is divided from the cloud with one slit, then the one photon travels in a wave to a barrier with two slits. There the one photon is split into two, each with its own wave.

Then the two waves merge into one and the image of one photon reveals itself when stopped.

If the experiment is repeated many times, there develops a mysterious pattern of photons on the screen, alternating between bright and dark. That mechanism is how God divided the waters from the waters in the genesis of the universe,

The intensity of the light pattern reveals the wave form of the cloud. It is neither particle nor wave until stopped, and the screen reveals both the individual particle patterns and the frequency and amplitudes in wave form. Hence, the Light varies from bright to dark.

That experiment explains the workings of God:

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. (Gen 1:3-4)

God was the Tekton that did the first Youngian Experiments of the Slits.[1] God indeed is great!



Now let me fabricate the “God Coin” from the “Quantum Coin.”

“Heads” on the God Coin is the face of Jesus. In the library of the Vatican, there is said to be a picture of Jesus from the signet ring that Pontious Pilate presented to Caesar. Let’s call the picture in the following figure, the “head” of the God Coin.


Figure 3: Profile of Jesus from Pilate's Signet Ring

Let “tails” be the backside of God — the Invisible Image of a Thing in the following picture.


                                                 Figure 4" Backside of God; Ron Howarth

That is the same Image as Luke saw at the baptism of Jesus: “The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon Him, and a Voice came from heaven, which said, “You are My beloved Son; in you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). “Son” in that passage is Genome.

The Holy Ghost is the Invisible Image of God. The Holy Spirit was like the motion of a dove; its dynamics, and the Power that formed the shape of a Phantom body (Yahweh) that Moses saw. Could the Dynamics of God be the “Glory of God?” Or could the “Ghost” of God be His Glory? Examine the conversation that Moses had with God:

(Moses asked of God) “I beseech thee, show me your Glory,” and He said, “I will make all my Goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the Name of the Lord before you; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.

And He said, “You cannot see My face: for there shall no man see Me, and live, and the Lord said, “Behold, there is a place by Me, and you shall stand upon a rock, and it shall come to pass, while my Glory passes by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by, and I will take away mine hand, and you shall see my back parts: but My Face shall not be seen” (Exod 33:18-23)

It may be that the Glory of God is His Ghost and the Dynamis the movement of His Glory, the goodness (virtue).

Just like at the baptism of Jesus, God was dynamic; He passed by Moses who was standing still. God covered the eyes of Moses when He approached Him, then He removed His hand and there was God, stopped in time just for a moment like one frame of a motion picture.

The passing by was the dynamics of God. Dynamics cannot be seen; it is motion. Motion is revealed in waves. God may have come to Moses in a cloud as He usually did, and when stopped, Moses saw His reverse.

When Jesus was baptized, Luke certainly saw His Face, but He also saw the back parts of God. He saw the phantom Image of God — the “Selem” of Genesis 1:27 and Exodus 33:23.

Likewise, both Moses and Luke saw the motion of God. A cloud passed by Moses, or maybe a fire, and a phantom bodily shape floated in a wave-pattern past Moses.

The God Coin describes very well the “Godhead:”

For the invisible Things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the Things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. (Rom 1:20)

The “Power” in that passage is the Quantum in Him. One side of that “Coin” is the invisible Thing (Yahweh) and the “Thing that is made” was the flesh of Jesus. The phantom of Jesus is the Word, but the flesh of Jesus was a man.

The Quantum Coin very well describes the God Coin! Jesus is the obverse and Yahweh the reverse. There is another substance as well! It is the Dynamics, or the “Goodness,” that Moses saw — the Glory of God.

Not by coincidence, the Goodness of Jesus was translated as “Virtue.” Jesus could detect it going out of Himself to make the woman with the blood issue whole again. That flow was a wave of Goodness because in the Greek, Jesus said “Dynamis.”

The Invisible God is the phantom Image of God, but the Power of God is the Dynamics, or Quanta from God. The Holy Ghost, like the spin of the Quantum Coin, is the “Spin,” or motion of Almighty God in “Herrin’s Theory.”

Ironically, “We ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device” (Acts 17:29). That God Coin is certainly not the Quantum Coin of Al-Khalali, but the Quantum Coin is a simile of the Godhead.

Jesus rejected the Quantum Coin of Al-Khalali when the subject of the Roman Coin came up:

“Whose is this image and superscription?” And they said unto him, “Caesar's.” And Jesus answering said unto them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's” (Mark 12:16-17)

I am not rendering (crediting our coins) for esoteric things, but I am crediting God. The God Coin was only a substance with intrinsic value that could be measured, but the Substance of God is immeasurable.

Some might think it is heretical to compare Almighty God to Quantum Theory, but the latter is just a simile for the Godhead.

Jesus was asking about the obverse image of Caesar and the inscription on the reverse. The “Caesar Coin” is of silver and on the front, it has the face of Tiberius and the inscription on the back part is “Pontifex Maximus” — “Lord of lords” — the head of the College of Roman Pontiffs.

Just as the God Coin that I described belonged to Jesus, the “Tiberius Coin” belonged to Caesar. The latter was of silver but the former of quantum.

The “Quantum” in the Old Testament was the exodus of God from sin and the devil, Pharoah.

The Godhead appeared as a cloud by day and a fire by night to guide them on their way to escape sin and the Devil, represented by Egypt and Pharoah (Ahmose?), respectively.

God appeared to mankind very differently under different circumstances. When creating, God was dynamic. His Image was a “spin” or a “cloud” as He was revealed as Creator (Gen 1:27). His Power was in His Dynamics and everything He made was “very good” (Gen 1:29). His Goodness, or Glory, was the unseen dynamics that appeared as a cloud or a whirlwind in different situations. Whatever, even a pillar of fire, it was the Dynamics of God — His Quantum Energy that created things.

So, when God is in motion, His Dynamics is Almightiness, but when God is at rest, He is revealed as a Phantom Image.

Thousands of years later, God showed His Face. He turned around for mankind. He remained the same God, but His Face was revealed as man’s kind, then they saw the motion of God — His Spirit moving in the world. The Dynamics of God was moving again, and many followed Him to become “entangled” with the Godhead, as you shall see.

With Jesus gone from this realm, there remains one substance in the world to comfort Christians — the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit — the “Cloud” — that is the third “Image” on the God Coin, whose image cannot be seen. Only His motion is revealed by the things God does. The following will be repeated, but it is imperative to understand just what or who is the scary “Holy Ghost.”

When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place., and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2;1-4)

First off, they were of “one accord.” They were entangled (coupled) with each other and with God. The motion came like a wave. That motion was in the form of a wave “as a mighty rushing wind — as a “cloud” that would reveal itself soon.

The wave-form stopped and filled the house. The Dynamics of the “Thing” had stopped just like the spin of an electron and the Quantum Coin. When Dynamic, it was as a rushing wind, but when stopped, that “cloud” was revealed as a Agios Pneuma in the Greek. A “Spooky Thing” ala the Quantum Mystery.

The quantum was in the wind, as pneuma indicates. That wind was the Spirit of God rushing in to reveal, when stopped, the Holy Ghost — the very Phantom Image of God — that which was seen as His back part by Moses.

The Power of God is not the Holy Ghost per se for “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power” (Acts 10:38). The Holy Ghost may very well be the back part of the God Coin and the Dynamics of God the Power that reveals the Presence of the Holy Ghost.

To be truthful, I learn as I go for as I write, I consider the Word even more. I too get confused although God is simple. Whether the Holy Ghost is the Spin or Invisibleness of God is still not clear, but when stopped, God was revealed as the Holy Ghost.

The Godhead may very well be Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and the Spirit of God — the Almighty Quantum Three.

What confuses about everyone is the translation of the Greek word, “Pneuma” as “Spirit” or “Ghost.”

The Spirit is the “Cloud” or “Fire” of the Old Testament and the Ghost the invisible Object called “God.”

(When I write “is” that is my conjecture based on scripture.)

Now consider that even further. It is a quantum mystery. God is a “Cloud,” perhaps with the motion of a wind, and highly dynamic. The energy of God, His “Quanta,” is everywhere in “Existence,” hence that  is what He is called.

Reality is like a “barrier” with two slits. It divides the waters from the waters, or the heavens from the earth, separating unseen things from things that can be seen.

“Quanta is reality,” so says Jim Al-Khalali. Not only was existence divided into two realms, but when stopped, God was revealed as two Entities — A front side (The Word Jesus) and the back side (The Phantom Image — the Ghost, Yahweh). With that said, when Existence was divided, there were both seen and unseen realms, but also an unseen God that could be sensed as well through the “eyes” of the mind.

The Holy Spirit may very well be the Power, or the Quanta, and the “Holy Ghost” the Quantum of God.

(Complete understanding may come later. Bear with me as I consider the Thoughts of God.)

With that background, God is not a visible Image at all. The flesh of Jesus was the image of man. It was the Holy Ghost that was the Image of God.

The Holy Ghost was the Genes of God in the flesh of Jesus; and in His blood as well that was the propitiation for the sins of the world” (Rom 3:25). The propitiation was literally the “Thing” in His blood that would extinguish the sin in the genes of mankind.

Imagine this now: Genes are in every nuclear cell of the body and blood. Even the bones are “storehouses” (batteries) of genetic material. Now take away the cells, thus exposing only the genetics. That is the very Image of God in Jesus, and it is His bodily shape as well.

God is not the coin nor the images on the “God Coin.” However, the “Quantum Coin” and the “God Coin” do explain the homeostasis of the Godhead very well.

There is a quantum theory of evolution as well; that the double-helix of DNA is a “scaffolding” on which life is built.

Reproduction is pairing perfect genetic copies. Hence, the glory of God is the perfect pairing of the genetics of God to the genetics of the person, Jesus, who was paired with both God and man thought the genetics of Mary (Mat 1).

DNA is the basic structure, even the identity, of all organism’s; even man, the dominant of the species because God, in the beginning provided the dominant genes. Genetics is like a binary wave when stopped to yield one individual. It is the epitome of quantum wave theory.

In that case, mankind has two “slits” in their kinds — male and female — that when the sperm passes through the barrier it becomes two, then four, then sixteen and onto a million waves of spermatozoa, each that carries the identical DNA of the other.

When the wave of sperm stops, there is one zygote on the “screens” of the woman’s womb. That action is quantum mechanics.

Now, perhaps it is easier for the reader to understand rebirth. That it literally engendering from (God) above.

That is the case for the man Jesus. He was the last to be engendered from Yahweh. Adam was the first, Abel the second, Noah the third, Abraham the fourth, and so on until the Last Adam was revealed.

Chromosomes are the sacks in which DNA exist. As the name implies, they are translucent. Chromosomes must be stained in the laboratory for them to be revealed.

Imagine now, a body made up completely of chromosomes without any covering. The being would be naked, would he not?

Before sin, they “were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” (Gen 2:25); their chromosomes, perhaps, were showing and they were not ashamed of that.

We all have seen the naked model of a man with a plastic transparent outer cover. That would be much like the quantum chromosomal man whose DNA sacks are transparent.

Imagine a man with nothing but his chromosomes showing. Light would illuminate him as if he was an array of microscopic lights. That is possibly the “Light of God.”

Keep your imagination flowing: When Luke saw the Holy Spirit come on Jesus at His baptism, it was in “bodily shape.” That “Awful Thing” would be the Genome of God.

The good chromosomal man of Genesis (Gen 1:31) was without any bacterial chromosomes at all. All of his chromosomes were from the Genome of God, if that is true. Imagine a man in bodily shape — an  anthropoid — whose Genome is showing. That is the “naked man” and the “naked woman” of Genesis.

God would have shined the Light on them, and they would have refracted the Light of God as if they were themselves God. “That is glorification”! Light would appear to have emanated from them as well.

Sin caused bacterial chromosomes to appear. They would have been ashamed of their nakedness. The man said, “I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself” (Gen 3:10).

I submit that sin stained the genome of the man and the woman, and it was chromosomal. Imagine that; it all makes quantum sense! Their colored DNA was revealed through their naked chromosomes, and they were ashamed that much of their glory was gone!

“Glory,” if that is true, is the Genome of God; all clean and pure. With sin, mankind lost its glory because it was genetic. Because of genetic sin, all mankind has since come short of the Glory, or Genome, of God (Rom 2:23). Paul broke the genetic code.

Some scientists say that God is in human DNA as JHWG. That does come short of the “tetragrammaton,” JHWH; does it not?

The hieroglyph for the Hebrew “H” means praise, and the hieroglyph for the Hebrew “G” means bent. You do the math. Mankind, according to his DNA does come short of the Glory of God. He is indeed bent!

“The Angel of God” was pre-incarnate Jesus. When Jacob entangled with him, God appeared as a man. His DNA was showing through His translucence!

“The Angel of God” who entangled Jacob was surely the Genome of God, or the “Word” that pre-existed Jesus. That man-like Genome, just like a Ghost, entangled Jacob and made him a new creature — called “Israel.” He was a new creature because God had endowed him with His Genome.

The English word “wrestle” (‘abaq in the Hebrew) refers to a vapor. The Angel of God came on to Jacob as a vapor — like the Ghost of Jesus that pre-existed the man Jesus.

Perhaps, the Hebrew writers were using archaic terms to describe highly technical stuff.

With that said, “The Angel of God” from the Spirit of God overwhelmed Jesus from above at His baptism. That, people, was the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and it was not so scary after all because it was God’s quantum Way!

Of course, you got a little more than the knowledge of the “God Coin” but the knowledge of the “Godhead” as well!

Before we move on, everything has yet to be covered. We left Adam and Eve naked with their sin showing. By grace, God covered them, indubitably with human flesh.

“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them” (Gen 3:17). I believe it was with human flesh that we wear to this day to cover our body of chromosomes.” We became like the beasts and Eve was its new kind. We are no longer Adamah in a sense because Eve is genetically the mother of all the living (Gen 3:20).

By grace, we have skin to cover our shame, and the flesh has become the god, just as Satan warned (Gen 3:25).

Now you know the locus of your sin and that God covered it long ago by grace. That is the mystery of God of which Paul wrote.

I don’t know about you, but the quantum theory herein comforts me. Paul said something about that; “That their (mine and yours) hearts might be comforted, being knit (entangled) together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ.” (Col 2:2).

You have learned about the knitting, the Father, and the Christ — they are the “Godhead.” Next you will learn about the knitting together in love, keeping in mind that agape (Greek) is not emotional love but merely goodwill. It is what we think about others to whom we should be entangled, or has Luke wrote, “of one accord’ (Acts 2:1).

 Figure 5: Chernobyl Glowing Man; Microsoft Bing

The phantom man shown in the photo above is a simile of the naked man of Genesis chapter one. Likewise, it is glorified man with his Genome of God showing. That God is Light is not insignificant; that Christians are the Light of God is not coincidental!

[1] Tekton is the Greek word, translated “carpenter.” Jesus was much more than a carpenter, but a Great Technician who did not cut wood, but cut light into particles.

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