Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Memory is the historical account of what has passed.  Remember Young’s screen that revealed the past of the electron? First it was a wave, then it was not; it was two waves; then it was not. Finally, when stopped, one electron revealed it was a particle and not really a wave. Firing many electrons revealed that together they are neither waves nor particles but organized patterns. The spookiness of the electrons was recorded on the screen. That experiment made itself a picture of all that became before.

In the same manner, Adam is more than our kind. He is a genetic memory from ages ago. Another “Young” — Karl Jung described our origins as archetypes; that they are patterns of behavior. Young’s screen revealed the pattern of the behavior of electrons and recorded it in a memory of sorts. The electrons were neither waves nor particles but patterns of behavior. That experiment revealed the archetype of quanta. They were never quanta at all but individual particles — quantum — that behaved in a certain way that can now be predicted.

The film of cameras are not to reveal the film, but to record memories. That is what cameras are for; one way of revealing and keeping memories. When people look at the recorded past, they become emotional. Memories are recorded activity.

Einstein called entanglement, “spooky action at a distance,” and that bothered me. Entanglement are memories from long past, many so engrained that they are instinctive.

We need not think how to behave civilly, for most of us, but Adam is engrained in our minds. The problem is that Lucifer is as well. His, or should I say, “Its” memory is inborn and genetic. King David said that we are shaped in iniquity (Psalm 51:5). That occurred, according to “Herrin’s Theory” with the first sin. Sin is a memory from days gone by that is perceived as good.

Now for a short recess from the technical. I was just eating a bacon sandwich. It occurred to me that bacon is good, but a pig is dirty. Is the pig evil or is it as good as bacon? It depends on whether you see the pig as bacon or just swine.

The mind must sort that out and make a judgment. For me, when I see and smell bacon, it is good, but when I remember its origins, I think of an ugly pig. The same goes for eating eggs.

God still calls us by grace: “You should show forth the praises of Him (God) who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous Light” (1 Pet 2:9). God is just a genetic memory to us anthropoids.

The “photo” was recorded in our genetics. We are “sons of God” because there lingers a faint memory of Him recorded in our genes. However, that was more recently over-recorded. Lucifer — the Serpent — recorded himself (itself) in the memories of mankind as well.

Indeed, we are born depraved, but not totally. God still calls us to return to our genetic Parent with whom He paired Adamah. The message is sent from the memory in our genetics from one of our two archetypes.

“Mammon” is how Jesus referred to our evil archetype (Mat 6:24). Mammon are the memories of the original sin recorded within our minds to the extent that they are instinctive.

That things are as we perceive them seem shady, do they not?

The movie, “Shades of Grey,” played havoc with that, I have heard.

Whether pigs are bad or good depends on how they are perceived. Jews perceive them as bad because God recorded it in their genetics. Not being a Jew, that was not recorded in the memory banks of my own DNA.

Now back to Einstein as we try to forget bacon!

It bothered me that he said, “spooky action.” Entanglement did not seem to be action at all. It was just that the nature of one thing was sort of like the nature of another thing. Somehow two entities communicate through time as if it is not there,  and beyond distance.

There are no cables for transmission between the two, and if there were, then distance would have soon impeded the message or interference scramble the message.

Time can be bent, so distance was not the problem. God, in His foresight, bent time with the time-space dimension, making far things closer and compressing time.

However, there was still no cord between paired entities. It is as if the far distant object is right here, and now, regardless of how distant and how ancient.

The message would need to travel through space, from God beyond the cosmos, to earthlings here. How would He do that?

The universal language is thoughts. The transmission of messages is by cognition. Thoughts are transmitted mental telepathy. “Electric neuronal impulses as we know now can travel at around an average of 120m/s” (Smotriscz, 2024), “Where the brain beats even modern computers is in its massive parallelism, i.e. doing a lot of computations in different places at the same time. That gets some results pretty quick.”

However, the most modern computers are quantum computers; they compute all paths at the same time. The human brain is basically a God-provided quantum computer! So, how can thoughts be messaged from here to God with no delay? God is a “quantum God” and we are “quantum machines”!

Physicist, Sean Carroll, said “The unseen in quantum mechanics is mysterious until it stops,“ then, of course it reveals itself.

The quantum “uncertainty principle” says, “It can never be certain that the exciton is in one specific place. Instead, it behaves like a quantum wave smearing itself out across the cell.” (Don’t worry about what an exciton is for now; that it is an excited particle is enough).

That describes the Greatest Exciton every known; the Being that can be two places at once, or everywhere — the omnipresent Presence of God. He is the “Now” that appears anywhere and everywhere as if physics cannot contain Him! He is “God With Us” all the time and even beyond time.

However, an exciton doesn’t just move between A and B, it is heading in every direction at the same time,” according to Jim Al-Khalali.

Jim pointed to a television screen with a now antique antenna. On that screen was static. It was history — the memory of things long past even before the foundation of the world. It was still interfering with TV’s as if time has stood still, and Kaku believed that time did not even exist; that all the days of the creation were just one, “now.”

In quantum theory, all one needs to do is untune a tuned television, and voila, the ages of creation are revealed on the screen. Fleeting time has been stopped as if it never existed. 2024 A.D. is as if it is before time. Of course, TV’s are for us and so is time.

As a child, I was the antenna adjuster. I had to aim two long tubes to point toward a signal. Now they are omnidirectional whereas then they were unidirectional.

Oftentimes when no signal was present, my family watched the creation of the world on the screen of the TV as if it was happening right then! That fuzzy history on our exciton receiver was just a “quantum memory” that our TV screen recorded to our dismay.

Think of men as trees. The blind man who spoke to Jesus did just that (Mark 8:29). When the Voice of God speaks, the “Word” is an “Exciton,” heading at each of us all at the same time.

So do messages from the fake Christ, Lucifer. He is the “Prince of the Power of the Air” (Ephes 2:2).  He too acts the exciton.

He is the “Archon Exousia Aer” in the Greek. He is the original exerciser of mental power in the heavens. It is Lucifer who was the “archetype” that interferes with good thoughts since the beginning of time.

The Thoughts of God, unless tuned in completely, are disrupted by the broadcast of evil. The thoughts of the Archon, Lucifer, from before time are received right now as if time stood still. Quantum time has done just that while Sun time for us has been nearly six thousand years — six “days” within eternity.

In the beginning, man was entangled with God and the thoughts of the Adamah were the thoughts of God who was always Present. God is still with us — He is Emanuel — “God With Us.” The thoughts from God are fresh as the age in which they were written.

Satan is no longer in man. That alien being, called “Satan” goes “to and fro (Job 1:7), seeking who to devour with his thoughts. His “antenna” is unidirectional, pointing at one person at any given time.

For instance, Satan entered Judas (Luke 22:3). How did he do that? He entered Judas via his mind. His thoughts got into the thoughts of Judas.

Satan is in each of us as well. His is the “interference” of the cosmos that is received and prevents us from tuning in to the Word of God. The Word acts much like Young’s Slit Experiment wherein the static from the past is tuned to God and on the screen of your Bibles; it is all in order and makes sense.

Satan is tuned in to all of us, but his signal is rubbish like the static on a badly tuned television receiver. His word is not the present, but from ancient times as if it is now.

How was that done? Lucifer got into the genetics of Adamah. His signal is nearby in our thoughts. Genetics, as explained by Al-Khalali, is the “cable” that passes messages through the generations. It too may be the pale twisted thread of which Solomon wrote.

King David said that he was shaped in iniquity (Psalm 51:5). He was speaking of the depravity in which he was born; he was speaking of genetics.

Our signals from the past are stored in the mind’s memory banks as if they are now. They are the archetypes, archons, if you prefer, whose thoughts are our thoughts from the past to the present. As such, people have built-in antennae that makes the original sin, our sin.

The demon within has always been within us. Demons are quanta (power). They get into us by our thoughts, The messages of ancient times are perhaps recorded in our DNA to be retrieved at will. The Beast within us is in our DNA and the Beast is always in us. Satan is not omnipresent, so as such, as the Archon within, his messages from the past are always as if in the present. Very cunning of Lucifer, eh?

Mankind has been forever coupled with Satan since the beginning of time. As far away as he gets, it is as if he is always present. That pairing exactly describes quantum entanglement.

There is a solution to entanglement. Wrestle with God awhile, and He will sort out your thoughts.

Picture credit: Batronix

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