Saturday, May 11, 2024


Truth is reality. Most people see only reality from their own eyes. In effect, most people have a great scotoma; their vision is blocked by the confines of their minds. In a manner of speaking, human beings are held captive, not in  a prison with real bars, but things that bar the mind.

Let’s examine Adam’s viewpoint:

There they stood (Adam and Eve) and prayed and besought God to grant them forgiveness of their sins. And after their prayers Adam began to beg God, saying, "O my Lord, my God, and my Creator, You commanded the four elements to be gathered together, and they were gathered together by Thine order” (1 Adam & Eve 33:3-4)

 Adam did not say what the four elements were, but he knew three things for certain: God is responsible for order, He is indeed God, and that He created elemental things.

God’s do that; that is their expertise. On the other hand, Adam said, “My Lord.” He recognized that the elemental things came from one God.

Adam understood quantum mechanics, but to him it was not a theory, but absolute truth.

Thousands of years passed. Pontius Pilate, standing over Jesus with authority, asked of Him, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). Jesus never struggled to find an answer; He showed Pilate what is truth!

Recall that God said (The Secrets of Enoch), “Become undone, Adoil, and let the visible come out of thee” (Secrets 35:2). Soon God, “’Summoned the lowest a second time, and said: “Let Archas come forth hard;’ and he came forth hard from the invisible” (Secrets 26:1).

Adam knew the truth naturally because of his bright nature and bright eyes, Enoch was told the truth, and Pilate saw the truth.

Enoch saw the elemental things come from the invisible.

Professor Jim Al-Khali was taught the truth, but with dim vision, truth was hidden by a scotoma. Knowledge got in his way.

If Al-Khali had been the first Adam, he would have not seen the Tree of Life for the forest that obscured his view. The point is that although knowledge is a good thing, Al-Khalali should have added two plus two, so to speak: Christians should have the bright natures and visions that Adam had before he sinned.

Paul alluded to that when he wrote, “The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead” (Rom 1:20).

That special verse is repeated because it is the basis of both quantum mechanics and Christianity.

What you, or Al-Khalali, sees is evidence of invisible things.

The James Watt Space Telescope has exceptional vision. It is the “bright eyes” of glorious Adam-kind that could see unto the heavens.

Along with the bright nature of Adam and his woman, they had bright vision to see unto the heavens. Satan took that away when he tempted them: 

Peace be to you! Be glad and rejoice! God is favorable to you, and He sent me to Adam. I have brought him the glad tidings of salvation, and of his being filled with bright light as he was at first. (1 A & E 33:5)

 Sin took away the bright nature of Adam. Among many trees, Adam saw only one — The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He was attracted to knowledge all the while not noticing the Tree of Life was right there! Who or what was the scotoma that attracted their attentions? The bright nature of Lucifer, “The Bringer of Light.”

Point made: Once they had bright eyes but lost their acute vision. The James Watt telescope has brought back lost vision. Operating in a field of infrared light, it can basically see “darkness.” The photos of the cosmos taken through the eyes of the JWST reveals the entire glory of God, even the black holes that Adam could never see.

What the JWST sees is indeed glorious. We are privileged, even sinners, that God gave us a view of what Adam and Eve could see naturally without the aid of technology. Few astrophysicists see God from the eyes of the JWST. Michio Kaku may see God as the Creator, but fails to understand that Christians of years past saw God with their very eyes.

Jesus is God. He is God in our reality. Kaku may have seen God out there, but something blocked his view; he did not see that Jesus was right there as God doing all those quantum things!

Adam had better vision that JWST before his vision was blocked by new knowledge. He saw that the visible elements came from the invisible. (That was written a few paragraphs ago.)

God showed Enoch the same thing, but in early “quantum language.” God showed Enoch Adoil as the true “Bringer of Light, to wit: Become undone, Adoil, and let the visible come out of thee.”

Adoil compares well to Quantum Energy.  

Then God commanded, ““Let Archas come forth hard;’ and he came forth hard from the invisible.” Archas is perhaps the Creation of the “earth” from Genesis 1:1. That is not to mean, planet Earth, but hard elemental things.

Adam had seen four elements from the invisible. Of course, science has a table of 118 elements. Adam saw four. He saw something that we could not see. I would guess that he saw down to the atomic level, to the most elemental particles.

The atom is the building block of matter. All things are atomic. Even Adam was composed of atoms… coincidental or not! Just as Adam was the building block of mankind from the ground, the atoms of the ground are the building block of the first man. Both mankind and the ground have the same elemental composition in the same quantities. Hower, thousands of “coincidences” point toward the truth.

Was everything planned in the beginning, or is the cosmos and life just billions of billions of coincidences that came together to form the most intricate mechanism ever?

Adam saw four elements, and that seems to be false. Atoms have three elements: electrons, protons, and neutrons. However, just as gravity is elemental to the cosmos, quantum fields are elemental to the macro-universe. Just as gravity cannot be defined, quantum fields were only defined in this century.

If Adam was speaking of the elemental substances of the atom, did he include quantum fields? They are indeed elemental, even though they cannot be measured directly, nor do they have predictable movement. (Quanta can only be measured when stopped.)

Adam would have had the knowledge of God before the knowledge of evil obscured his viewpoint. He would have known for sure that the “Dynamis” of God, His divine Virtue, made all elemental things good (Gen 1:31).

Again, not to be preachy, but there is continuity in the workings of God.

Consider the encounter of Jesus with the woman with the issue of the blood. It could have been genetic since it was of the blood. Perhaps she had hemophilia and was a bleeder. Jesus said, “Somebody has touched Me for I perceive that virtue is gone out of Me.” (Luke 8:46).

Virtue is quanta and some quanta of energy had left Jesus to make the woman “whole.” She was missing something — some thing that was supposed to be in her genes. Jesus used quantum energy to repair what was broken in her DNA chain.

How is that known? From the Greek. The Greek word, “Dynamis” was translated as “Virtue. Dynamics is the motion of particles, even sub-atomic ones. Jesus used a substance — an element — from Himself to add to her composition. That substantiates that the missing fourth element may be the quantum energy that is in all things.

When Adoil came undone and Arkhas came out hard, that was the Dynamis of God — His invisible “Almighty Packet” of Quantum that was the dynamics that were not missing.

The truth has been discovered! JWST saw billions of things in the cosmos that had never been seen. The eyes of that machine saw the darkness wherein light cannot escape in the nucleus of a black hole.

“God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness” (Gen 1:4). Black holes are a great example of the dynamics of God. With bright eyes, perhaps Adam saw black holes.


                                                        Figure 2: Black Holes; Wikipedia


Black holes were always there, but since the nucleus of a black hole is so massive that gravity overcomes even light from escaping. Nobody had ever before seen black holes until JWST. They were invisible, but there all the time.

How did scientists know of invisible black holes before JWST? “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.” Scientists saw black holes that could not be seen by what? They were understood to be there because of things that are made — the objects that the gravity of black holes cause to be attracted to the unseen things.

In many places, specifically in Luke chapter sixteen and the Book of the Secrets of Enoch, the third heaven is divided into two realms. God made the heavens (Gen 1:1), but Luke and Enoch described them as two distinct places.

To this day, most people do not believe in heaven. That may be because they do not want it to be there. If there is no heaven, then there would be no Hell. The two distinct places in heaven are Paradise, also called the “Bosom of Abraham,” and Hades, called “Hell.”

If there is no other realm, then certainly nobody would go there. Silly creatures that we are, almost everybody will give up their chances of eternity in Paradise because Hell is in the way. Hell is another scotoma, something that is there, but something people fail to see as real.

The premise is that there is another realm and real places in that realm. A realm is a “domain” under a king. Domains are realms wherein three types of life exist. All those domains are thought to be on planet Earth, albeit scientists dream of life in other realms.

There is life in another realm, not of this world. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). His is the Kingdom of God in the heavens. The “world” of which Jesus spoke is the visible cosmos. God Himself is not of this world, so said Jesus, and Enoch saw that. God existed, and he was shown in the tenth heaven beyond the cosmos.

The archangel, Michael, led Enoch to the tenth heaven beyond the outer reaches of the cosmos. “On the tenth Heaven, Aravoth, I saw the appearance of the Lord's face, like iron made to glow in fire, and brought out, emitting sparks, and it burns. Thus, I saw the Lord's face…” (Secrets 22:1-2). He saw the appearance of God as fire, and the Christians at Jerusalem thousands of years later saw the same object.

Avaroth is the tenth heaven. Averoth means “crossing over,” or “order.” Ironically, the word, Hebrew means the same thing! Just what or where is the crossing over? From the invisible heaven to the visible cosmos. (It also means a crossing over from sin to righteousness, or gloriousness.)

Somewhere out there beyond the visible cosmos lies an invisible realm. It is as real as this one except its substances are very different. [1]

What Enoch saw on Avaroth was the Face of God. The One God was divided into two parts: the invisible “Adoil” and the visible “Arkhas.” Enoch was shown the coupling, or “entanglement” in quantum terms of the Godhead — how God is both Light and Real in one Entity. Averoth is the order that is uniform throughout real things.

What is truth? Jesus (God) revealed the truth to Pilate. He came undone! “The centurion, which stood over against Him, saw that He so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, ‘Truly this man was the Son of God’” (Mark 15:39). When God revealed His invisible existence at his death, His substances were revealed to all who could see.

The repentant thief saw the unseen, and so did Pilate, the centurion, and the apostles who wrote about it. They all saw that the man they had seen walking, talking, and otherwise dynamic was the same Dynamis that Created.

The Holy Ghost — Spirit if you prefer it — was the Dynamics of God that made all things. He IS the missing quantum element. The Holy Spirit, in theology, is the “Power” of God.

God said to Micah, “Truly I am full of Power by the Spirit of the Lord” (Micah 3:8).

What science believes is a “quantum,” God claimed that it is His Spirit.

With Jesus gone, His Spirit made a grand entry: 

Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting, and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost… (Acts 2:2-4)

 The “rushing mighty wind” reveals dynamics. “Sound” reveals an invisible wave form from “heaven,” so it says.

It stopped on them, in a very quantum way, and revealed itself as “fire.” Once stopped, the wave of wind became a visible object — the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost of Jesus was revealed first as dynamics, secondly as a wind, and thirdly as the object. It was Young’s “Double Slit Experiment,” that time in reality.

One premise of quantum mechanics is that quantum theory is reality. The Holy Ghost is the “signature wave pattern” of God. Reality, in quantum theory, is both the seen and the unseen. We indeed have a “Quantum God” whose Way is quantum mechanics, whether anyone likes it or not.

God is truth. His creative ability is truthful. That Jesus is the Image of God is truth, and it is truth that Image emanated from the Light of God in a very quantum way.

[1] In my book, Adoil Come Down; Arkhas Came Undone, I compare the Secrets of Enoch to the spookiness of quantum mechanics.

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