Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Previously, how the couple came about was presented. In a sense, just as the man and the woman were married and became one, so is the cosmos. Heaven and earth are married to each other, not in some type of ritual, but married in the sense that their common “Parent” is One Entity.

This section includes the word “forever.” Coupling is forever. Just what is forever? Scripture answers that:

The Lord God said, “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever… (Gen 3:22)

First off, it is not “the man” strictly but ‘Adam in general. It was man’s kind; not just one person but all the seed of mankind. It would be both the man and the woman — the genetic quantum split — that would become gods; and the genetic wave of them that would come about through the generations. (Therein is an example of a barrier being erected that splits glorious kinds into the inglorious kinds. Sin was the barrier that not Young erected, but the “Old Man” Lucifer.)

Becoming one of us has great significance. They would not be gods as Lucifer intimates but timeless, unless they did one thing — trespass by eating unworthily of the Tree of Life, just as Judas would do millennia later (John 13:26).

Time began with sin. Before that, there were just aeons in one eon. Before sin the present was somewhere within forever. God alluded to that when He said, “I AM THAT I AM” (Exod 3:14). He was never “the was” nor “the will be,” but “The Presence” at any given “time.” Since God created the universe, the Creation was always the Present and time never existed, just as Michio Kaku theorizes. Therefore, I AM THAT I AM has a very significant meaning! The creation by His Power was always the Present, and time never passed.

It was not that God wanted mankind to die but feared that He would live forever unworthily.

God fixed that situation. Rather than unworthily being as God and always be present — forever — man would have to fade-off into the distance. Hence, the two Adamah withered for around 900 years and were gone; they died.

Time began for them, and sin was the barrier. God separated even the time. The “Parent” was always the Present, sin the barrier, and choice the slits, represented by two trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. As such, Adam’s kind was split into two types of beings: the righteous and the unrighteous.

As the “mother of all living” (Gen 3:20) Adam — the very Image of God — became one kind of anthropoidic being and Eve the other kind. (Man is even called “anthropos” in the New Testament.)

As it turned out, sin was the barrier that split the kind of God into two kinds and Lucifer was to blame. He was not a “Serpent” but a invisible image (nahas) who was cunning. He put up the barrier with two people not even seeing the “slits” in it — eternal life and eternal death from the Eternal One.

Abel was quickly rewarded with eternal life, for him to die was gain, just as with Paul who entangled with God centuries later.

The Hebrew word for “eternal” means to fade away. Time stopped for Abel. He became as God — “Righteous Abel.” Abel is always in the Presence of God.

On the other side of life is the same as before life — time does not exist — just like Professor Kaku indicated with before time.

The other selection was knowledge, with two slits as well, “Good” and “Evil.” That is said to remind us that God uses quantum actions in just about everything, even for the crucifixion, wherein the Holy Cross represents two “slits.”

The idea is that once coupled always coupled. However, that was not the case with mankind. The problem arose when the woman disrupted the coupling by carnal knowledge, not with Adam who watched her (Gen 4:1), but with Lucifer — the angelic “Beast” that was alien to this objective world.

Was the Serpent even in the paradisical Garden, or did he entangle the female from another realm? Quantum theory might do that!

Entanglement should be forever. However, what if some invisible thing blocked one of the slits in the barrier. That is what happened with sin. One slit, “The Tree of Life” was somehow obscured. Some shiny object blocked the view in a classic case of scotoma. That shiny object was Lucifer, the false “Bringer of Light.”

God had separated the dark from the light, but it remained there. Lucifer was the “darkness” that obscured the slit toward eternal life. It was the Way to the Tree that was blocked. After that two kinds were cast out of the Garden, and the Way remains blocked to this day, “(God) drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life” (Gen 3:24).

The Way remained there, but God blocked it and afterwards Eve’s kind could not pass through that one “slit” until it was unblocked. That was “finished” when Jesus was crucified (John 19:30). Now all may go in, in a very quantum way — by the Holy Ghost of Jesus.

“Cherubim” is the plural of “cherub.” That it is translated in the double plural must have some significance. As it turns out, what cherubims are, is unknown. According to Strong’s they are “imaginary figures.”  I suppose those imaginary figures are the mysterious, even spooky, quanta.

That introduces the idea of “entropy” of the Second Law of Thermodynamics; that once there, you cannot go back; it is lost in time.

With that background, entanglement is time independent and as time is dependent on distance, then distance entanglement is independent of distance.

Once two particles, or anti-particles, are entangled, even close by, given any distance, even in another universe, they remain entangled.

If two particles are entangled because of one Parent, then they have the characteristics of that Parent forever.

The electron gun in Young’s Experiment of the Slits were like the “husbandman” and the one electron was like the “God.”

The “God” cut Himself in two as I wrote before, and thereout came the “Word,” Jesus, who would become flesh (John 1:1,14). The Word of God (Hebrew; Debar) are divine thoughts expressed in some manner. The Word is nothing more than the expression of divine thoughts.

Since our thoughts are not God’s thoughts, nor our ways His Ways, then to change that situation, God speaks to his children in Divine Thoughts.

Like quantum entanglement, once entangled with God, that regardless of distance and time there is a long-distance “telephonic” connection. Albert Einstein referred to that mysterious quantum communication as “spooky action at a distance.”

That God is the “Presence” has great significance. Once entangled with God, distance and time is no barrier. Just as the creation was always the “Now” according to Kaku, God is always “Now” because of that invisible “cord” between Him and those with whom He is entangled.

Solomon, the wise, spoke of that cord; it may mean DNA, but it could be that spooky connection between God and the children of God.  Speaking of death — the end of our time — Solomon wrote, “Or ever the silver cord be loosed” (Ecc 12:6). The Hebrew word translated “loosed” is literally afar; even though God is far away, the silver cord is always connected. Solomon knew of quantum entanglement and its spooky action!

Not only spooky actions, but the “silver cord” (literally the pale twisted thread) transmits spooky thoughts beyond the limits of time. In this case, time is no barrier if entangled with God, but it is if not entangled with the Divine Thought.

The pale twisted cord is like a fiber optic cable, but not. It is not synthetic material but an invisible “fiber” that is as mysterious, or more so, than a fiber optic cable.

Just as the fiber cable must be shielded, so does the “silver cord” between us and God, to wit: “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephes 6:16).

                                         Fiber Optic Cable; credit All_Tech Communications

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