Tuesday, May 28, 2024



The word “music” comes from the Greek, “mousike,” referring to the sounds made by the muses. (Oxford Languages, 2024). Muses are the nine sister goddesses of mythology, and the “muse” is to “become absorbed in thought” (Merriam-Webster, 2024). Theoretically, music is the medium of messages from false goddesses.

Satan, as “Prince of the Power of the Air” is essentially the ruler of the thoughts of demonic muses. Of course, music is only called that because of etymology, but there indeed are both good and evil messages in music, either from God or some muse, so great care must be taken whose thoughts you are intercepting, and with whom you become entangled.

Music is just “mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony” (ibid). Sounds, those notes on the sheet of music are orchestrated in a manner that should be pleasing. Noise is unorganized interference to music. If indeed, music comes from demon goddesses, then the messages in the music would come from demons. Music is a way to entangle humans with either God or demons. We must be selective in the sounds to which we listen.

Words are organized sounds. The “Word” is the organized sound from the Voice of God. In harmony with Him is saying and singing things pleasing to God. Singing with unknown entities is in harmony with the unknown.

Adam and Eve “heard the Voice of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day” (Gen 3:8). The “cool of the day” was literally a “wind in time” from the Hebrew. His Spirit was in harmony; perhaps God was singing aloud! Walking would have been pacing, organizing His Words to a beat. That makes sense since the subject of the passage is not a pleasant evening stroll, but God glorifying His creatures, until He stopped, and the glorification suddenly was revealed as questioning.

God seems to have been organizing His Word in song. It would have been pleasing to the ears of Adam and the woman. Perhaps God was saying nothing but dynamically communicating His Thoughts silently. According to the definition, God’s walking would be music to the hearers and would be sound only when stopped at their ear drums. It was their ear drums that were vibrating, thus picking up the organized sound waves from God.

It does seem that communication was speechless. Perhaps God was communicating with His creatures in thought. After all, God was their real “Muse,” was He not?  A “muse” is from whomever the artists’ thoughts emanate. Not truly a perfect “artist,” it is my hope that my Muse is the Lord God, as I write these thoughts.

God is music but also false gods such as Nebuchadnezzar who made himself the “Muse:”

That at what time you hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, you fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up. (Dan 3:5)

 Nebuchadnezzar wanted to be the “Voice” of God and when the sound of music hit their ears, they all in unison would fall down and see that the sound they heard was the false image of God. Of course, the king was not God, but he knew that of the ritual was repeated often enough the repetition of the false claim would become true in the same manner as Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

The repetition of music is essentially repeating the message in the music and if the message is false, then false messages become true with repetition. When the music (sound wave) stops, the music becomes an idea in a very quantum manner. The idea that the king desired to engender in the people was that, not God, but he was the true God.

In the libraries of universities are psychological journals about the messages in music. Many of them reveal how subliminal messages are encoded in the pleasant sounds of music. Music is meant to influence those who listen, meaning that the listener becomes the thought within the music.

Psalms, for instance, present godly messages sang to a tune. The music has been lost but the lyrics and thoughts remain. Even God uses music to spread His “Good News” in sound waves that when heard reveal truths.

Repeat songs often enough and when the Voice stops the words continue in unison with the tune. For instance, if anyone sings Amazing Grace, then when the singers go silent, they have heard the tune so often that the music notes reveal the lyrics. The point is that both words and thoughts can be presented even when not spoken.

For instance, heavy drumbeats can present gloom or excitement depending on the force of impact and frequence. The sour-sounding vibrations from violins can bring tears to the eyes, and the snappy tunes from the same instrument can fiddle their way into our minds and make us emotionally happy.

Sound can control our thoughts and emotions. We are to “be of the same mind with one another” (Rom 12:6); Christians are to be in harmony with each other, and the “Cloud” from whom the harmony comes is the Lord God.

We are to think alike, and like God; and the harmony of music is translated into harmony among men. God targets everyone with His silent Sound. Only those who are entangled with God receive the sound. Everybody has ears to hear but do not hear. To that, Jesus said, “He that has ears to hear, let him hear” (Mat 11:15).  

God sends messages in music but most often people get the beat but not the thought. Thoughts are waves and beats, the sound that stops at the ear drums.

With that said, the thoughts of music continue to pass through the auditory nerves to the brain were they are revealed as thoughts. There it is again… music is quantum dynamics that is not revealed as either waves or thoughts until the brain stops them. Therein each thought is revealed as independently or as a doctrine of truth or falsity.

You are controlled by the music genre to which you listen. The thoughts of the composer become your thoughts.

It is even more obvious now as people walk to the beat of the sound from their new God — the Smartphone. They are doing whatever it is the “word” within them persuades them to do. Music is persuasive, and the listeners do march to the tune of the composer.

As so many walk around with their earbuds in their ears; they block out both reality and do whatever the music tells them to do, good or bad, or generally just apathy. No longer caring is the way to death, and now so many have a non-caring attitude because their music makes them not care what is outside their thoughts.

As I run or walk, I walk in tune to my thoughts. I never listen to music but hear the silent words of God.

The pace is set with my morning Bible study. Whatever the topic, as I run, walk, or ride; I blot out the world as if I have earbuds in my ears. However, I have the words and not the music, but the silence of it all becomes my “music” as I pass time deep in thought and find myself overcoming the influences of the world. My six miles distance is finished in sixty conscious seconds with even me overcoming time, paced by God.

The most important point is that you become what you walk to; whatever it is that captures your thoughts.

I am often amused at how much a person looks like a robot moved by a remote control, and the Smartphone® or dumbphone in their hands seem like a tether to an unknown being. They are indeed under the control or some “Unknown God” like the philosophers of Athens (Acts 17:23).

Your God is who you follow. It is ironic that both Christians and non-Christians follow signals from some tower through the air, and that Satan is the ruler of the airwaves. As the false Creator, the “worm,” Lucifer uses the quantum-likeness from God as his own M.O., desiring to be like the Most High God (Isa 14:14)

Music is indeed from the muses; the issue is to which “muse” do you listen; God or mammon?

"Connections: Science and Music; "The Kennedy Center

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