Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Many still do not get it! “The Word was made flesh,” (John 1:14), indicating that before He was of a different substance than human beings. Jesus, as the “Son of Man” (Mat 8:20) is of the genetics of mankind, and Adam is His progenitor — He was from the genetics of Adam and was an anthropoid like the first man.

The flesh of Jesus was like Adam, and He was Adam’s kind. On the other hand, Jesus was the “Son of God” (Mat 4:3). He was also called the “Son of David,” meaning that David’s genetics were in Him via Mary of the family of David. As such, Jesus was of the generation of God — of the same age (Aeon) and genetics. The Word was entangled with Yahweh God since before time.

Jesus, addressing His genetic “Father” said about Himself, “May (they) behold My glory, which you have given Me: for you loved Me before the foundation of the world.” That love was Him being entangled with Yahweh — the Lord God. Divine love is not emotional, but an entangling. The thoughts of one person are from the Thought is One God.

The flesh of Jesus was not manifest in the beginning. The Word was the entanglement that tangled in the beginning.

Thousands of years later, God revealed the method of entanglement when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary. What was Jesus before that before the conception? He was the “Word” — the Voice of the Garden. He sent a message to Adam and Eve, asking, Who are you?  

Jesus sent the same message to mankind, He said, You are not God, I AM.

If not flesh, what was the “Word” before Jesus was born? He was known as “The Angel of God” by the translators. He was the “Angel” — the Phantom-like Being who spoke with Jacob as the “Voice” (Gen 31:11). 

Jesus was The Angel of God that Jacob mistook for a man, who wrestled with him unto the morning. Evidentially, the Light revealed that He was not a man at all but a spiritual being.

Luke saw The Angel of God enter unto Jesus in bodily shape (Luke 3:22) in a wave of light that resembled a dove.

When the wave stopped at the body of Jesus, the quantum God revealed the “wave” as the Tekton of God who would recreate in the same manner as the Father created.

The "Word" of God was the Image of an Angelic Figure that identifies as God. The Word was the invisible "Selem" whose Image was the Glorious Identity of God. In modern terms, the "Word" was the Genome of God whose substance was chromosomal. The "Word" was the luminescent "Shadow" of God that now wears flesh. The "Word" is the tetragrammaton (JHWH) in the DNA chain of Yahweh. Each are adequate descriptions.

Samuel the prophet said to King Saul, "Stand you still a while, that I may show you the Word of God (1 Sam 9:27). Then Samuel gave Saul directions how to find the Word of God. At the end of the directions, the Word was revealed, "The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you shall prophesy with them (the other prophets) and shall be turned into another man" (1 Sam 10:6). The "Word" is indeed the Spirit of the Lord God. The Word, when stopped on Calvary, revealed the Spirit of God as the "Ghost" of Jesus!

Literally, the “Word” is the “Matter” of God. Indeed God is Substance, but a very different Substance than human matter.

The Father is the Parent figure. He is the One God with whom Jesus was paired with in the beginning.

How can the Word be God? He is the Phantom Image of God that God put on flesh. As the “Last Adam,” He was the quickening Spirit (1 Cor 15:45) that was in both Adam and Jesus; the Spirit that gave them both life!

“The centurion, which stood over against Him, saw that He so cried out, and gave up the Ghost, he said, ‘Truly this man was the Son of God’” (Mark 15:39). You are thinking biological son are you not? The Ghost that Jesus gave up was the Genome of God. Jesus was the “Son of God” in a genetic sense in the same manner that He was the “son of David;” it was a genetic entanglement in both cases.

Jesus had the genes of David in Him but also the full Genome of Yahweh. That man-image with whom Jacob wrestled centuries before… that was the Ghost that Jesus gave up. Jacob had been wrestling with “The Angel of God” — the one that vacated the flesh of Jesus when He died.

Imagine how forlorn Jesus was when He gave up the Ghost; why had his “Father,” His entanglement “Parent” ceased to be entangled with Him? Jesus had lost the virtue from within… all of it, as the entire Genome (the “Angel” of ancient times) seemed to have abandoned Him. The entanglement seemed to have left Jesus.

Soon, The Angel of God came back and recoupled with His flesh. The Angel of God rolled back the stone of the tomb and glorified Jesus. The entanglement had never ceased after all, according to Matthew, to wit: “There was a great earthquake: for The Angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it” (Mat 28:2).

That mysterious Angel of the Lord was the “Word” from ancient times. It was always the shared Genome of Jesus and the Yahweh that made Jesus the “right hand” of God, not in position, but authority. Jesus could act on behalf of His Progenitor because He and the Father are one!

In a sense, God died when Jesus died. It was a spiritual “marriage” of sorts, even genetic, and half the couple suffered death. Jesus and God were even more one God than any conjoined twin set acts as one person.

When one “Head” slept, the other “Head” was dynamic! That is the “Godhead” for God did have a front side as well as a backside even in days long gone by! It was just of a very different substance.

God often revealed Himself as He was — a cloud of Light that appeared as fire in the dark. That was the same “tongue of fire” as the Spirit of God that appeared to the people at Jerusalem after Jesus arose, the “Word” came down again (Acts 2). That cloud was a cloud of Light.

“The Cloud that Goes Before Us,” Historical Bible Society

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