Thursday, May 23, 2024


With the advent of the James Watt Space Telescope, “black holes” went from spooky action (theoretical) to reality. It revealed that black holes truly exist.

Of course, black holes cannot be seen, but the absence of light reveals them. Remember what Paul said to the Romans? “The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead…” (Rom 1:20).

That the Godhead is quantum-like has already been shown. There is one visible substance, one invisible substance, and one dynamic substance of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is understood by the things that were made by the “Existence.” His quantum dynamics reveal that God exists.

The Godhead is “Existence” and that Great Entity explains everything just like quantum theory. The “Quantum Godhead” makes God more than theory. Like Quantum, God is real! Can you see quantum? No, but you know it is there by the evidence and the same evidence reveals God.

Returning to the concept of black holes; they are undeniably real and dynamic as well; black holes have spin. The direction of spin depends on the location of the observer. In space, just like in the sub-atomic world, just as time has no direction, neither do black holes nor any object in space.

Black holes are “universes” almost beyond dimension. Like a nucleus of an atom they have things that orbit around them, not due to electromotive force but gravitational. Generally speaking, the electron fields are stable when at equilibrium, but radioactive elements are much like black holes which destroy everything around them by a mega-suction of sorts.

Black holes clean up the debris in space: fragments, moons, suns, and anything that gets near them. The dynamics of black holes reveal great energy, as the darkness overcomes light. If a spaceship got near a black hole, it would perish instantly.

Black holes are the most dynamic objects in space. As such, the cosmos “eats” itself. The cosmos, if it was to consume itself, is still there, but there would be nothing to reveal its presence.

JWST did not see black holes to be truthful! JWST saw the evidence of unseen black holes by the things around them, just as Paul indicated. Just as the cosmos reveals a black hole, the cosmos reveals God as well, not by Objectivity, but like black holes, by His Quantum Dynamics!

The evidence of black holes (as JWST models reveal) is that things move around it in a sort of yin-yang motion. (I am not supporting any pagan religion, but religions often just misunderstand the Dynamics of God.)

                                      BBC: "Scientists pick up shock waves from colliding galaxies"

Black holes have an “event horizon,” where visible things become invisible; there they were, now they are not without wasting anything called “time.”

From wherever JWST peers in space, the light rays it sees reveals a portal from the objective to the theoretical. Because there are things before the horizon, it is assumed that there are unseen things beyond the horizon.

You do believe that do you not? Well, the same idea works for God and Paul understood that because somehow God spookily revealed it to him! He had no space telescope, but God somehow communicated that idea to him from beyond Paul’s horizon.

Eve, in the book, Adam and Eve and Their Conflicts with Satan, revealed that they had bright eyes while in the Garden but not so when they were cast out into the world. Take that to mean beyond their horizon.

Cain was cast out even further, “Cain went out from the Presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden” (Gen 4:16). The Presence of the Lord is always the here and now, just as the cosmos — the “world” that God made in His Quantum-ness.

God is like Kaku’s idea of the universe “where time does not exist;” it is always the present whenever.

Cain went east of Eden. The ancients knew that the Sun seemed to arise from the easterly directional and that the cosmos was geocentric (revolving around the Earth).

Time indeed was the construct of man and was defined by directions on Earth.

There are no directions in space; everything is away from the viewing location. JWST overcame the concept of time but venturing to the other side of space with its space travel and “bright eyes.” It saw things through special filters that had never been seen before.

“East of Eden” was someplace before time. The creation was before Eden and hence before time.

Adam and Eve stayed put on their side of the time horizon and Cain was sent to the “land of Nod” (‘eres nod in the Hebrew). ‘Eres is a firm place who knows where, at least beyond the horizon from the Presence of God.

God was in Paradise in another realm that is called “Heaven.”

Cain went beyond the heaven to the firm, or objective world… right then. He went over the horizon from an unseen world to the seen world.

He crossed over the event horizon with ease and with great haste. The black hole’s periphery is not that event horizon but is much like the dynamics (wandering) of Cain.

Perhaps Cain crossed over from the Presence of God in heaven to the absence of God in the world, because only Jesus is “God With Us” (Emanuel; Mat 1:23).

God passed over the event horizon in the “ark” of Mary. Her womb was the portal from one world to the next, and her ship was clean and safe from perishing. Her womb was like a time-travel capsule, if you think about it!

“Portals” are like the horizon of black holes; wherever a person is right now, he is here on this side of the event horizon now, and in another “now” he could be on the other side.

That seems to be the case with Cain because he was way out there because of the genome of the Wicked One in his own genetics: part man and part angel. He was perhaps cast out of heaven onto this world — the cosmos.

He did so without regard to time… eastward of time. There was most certainly a portal between him and God, and between him and Adam.

Jesus spoke of such a portal! John saw that portal between the here and now and out there where forever is the time — the “eighth day,” according to the Secrets of  Enoch where there is no time; not even a 24-hour-day, but an eternity where time does not exist — a quantum universe.

The Spirit said to the Churches: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Rev 3:20).

That “door” in the Greek is “thyra,” a “portal” from here to where God is present.

Enoch indicated a portal between Paradise in the Third Heaven and Paradise on Earth.

Like his father, the Devil, it seems that Cain was cast out of the unseen world into the objective world, and they were not any distance away and thus required no time. To transport them, the Spirit said, “Behold, I come quickly” (Rev 3:20). “Quickly” from the Greek is without delay. It will be by atomos with time undivided.

Where is that portal to another universe that is very much like this one but opposite? It is always right here for God is with us.

The twelve-year-old girl went through the portal and returned immediately. Her spirit was taken by The Angel of God (The Holy Ghost) through that portal.

“(Jesus) took the (dead) damsel by the hand, and said unto her, “Talitha cumi;” which is, being interpreted, “Damsel, I say unto you, ‘arise.’”  And straightway the damsel arose and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment. (Mark 5:41-42)

 The spirit of the dead girl (her “ghost”) had gone elsewhere, and her body had remained. Jesus spoke to her Spirit; that is known because the dead cannot sense. Her presence was beyond this world, but Jesus spoke to her from the distance of one universe to the next. That is the “spooky action at a distance” that Einstein mocked!

“Straightway” she walked. She was alive again and went the shortest distance from there to here as if there was no distance to travel. She overcame the world because she was spookily entangled with the Savior.

She crossed the horizon from eternity to time in an instant, in the shortest path from there to here. Was it a miracle? Most certainly, but so is quantum entanglement because science has yet to explain how it is done but that it is possible.

A young man in scripture asked how anyone can be saved. Obviously, salvation is crossing the horizon from objectivity to the unseen. Jesus responded, “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Mat 19:26).

Those spaceships that travel into the unknown; it is impossible to pass through the wormhole tangential to the black hole’s event horizon to overcome time and places; it is because gravity would devour them like the “lion” of the Devil (1 Pet 5:8).

However, with God all things are possible! Death will be the dynamics, not gravity, that will overcome objects and time to get to the hereafter. Death is gain for those in Christ because it is safely passing over the event horizon with harm to the soul of the Christian to salvation.

Hell can be likened to the event horizon wherein hellions are hurled to another universe. Perhaps black holes are the “dark places” of scripture, and the portals through time to another universe.

I am not saying that a black hole is the pit of Hell, but I am not saying one is not either. They are, however, a good comparison of the Dynamics of an Almighty God. His “Almightiness” is that He can do things such as that; overcoming time and distance is just part of His quantum-like energy.

Throughout history, God has done different things in similar processes. If He created dark holes, and admit it, some Being did, then He certainly can use dark hole dynamics to perform miracles, can He not?

Jesus overcame the world. He is beyond understanding. He is more than a quantum equation that predicts events, but an All-knowing Entity that has done all things, and the evidence of that is those things!

Wormholes, theoretically, overcome the concept of time. Other universes are as nearby as the event horizons. Could “salvation” be crossing over the event horizon unimpaired by the tremendous heat? Could seven times hotter than fire that Shadrack and his brothers experienced be the crossing of another event horizon to heavenly Paradise? Was Nimrod, with his “rocket-like” tower, trying to cross the portal to heaven, meaning that he knew the fire-hazard of crossing over the event horizon?

Abraham withstood the fire of Ur. He became incorruptible, as the fire of the brick kilns proved (Book of Jasher).

Did Nimrod see hell? Did Enoch reveal his secrets and did Nimrod hear of them. On his tour of the heavens was the Hell that Enoch saw a black hole?

“Paradise,” according to the angels, “is between corruptibility and incorruptibility” (Secrets 8:5).

Cain went from Paradise in one realm to paradise in another, and as it seems, the mark of Cain (Gen 4) was corruptibility. He would perish in passing through the portal to the unseen realm of Hell. He would pass from time unto eternity in one “day” beyond time.

Then Enoch was taken to a place “north” of Paradise; perhaps north was beyond the event horizon. There he was shown another place beyond the horizon: 

AND those two men (angels) led me upon to the Northern side, and showed me there a very terrible place, and there were all manner of tortures in that place: cruel darkness and unillumined gloom, and there is no light there, but murky fire constantly flameth aloft, and there is a fiery river coming forth, and that whole place is everywhere fire, and everywhere there is frost and ice, thirst and shivering, while the bonds are very cruel, and the angels fearful and merciless, bearing angry weapons, merciless torture, and I said: “Woe, woe, how very terrible is this place.” (Secrets 10:1-2)

 The “fiery river” (River Styx in mythology) in Enoch’s viewpoint just might be the event horizon that separates the light of the objects from the darkness of them.

The “men” showed Enoch a place of darkness; not a place without matter but a place wherein things are dark. If that is not comparable to a black hole, what would be? Furthermore, “that whole place is everywhere fire.” JWST showed the black hole by the fires that burn up objectivity. Indeed, Hell is a place beyond objectivity.

Over the event horizon of a black hole are many massive things compacted so densely that even light cannot escape. Darkness infers coldness.

How can Hell — that “terrible place” — be hot and cold at the same time? Only a blackhole has those characteristics.

Enoch also saw, “the angels fearful and merciless” between the hot and cold at the event horizon?

Recall; to where mankind was cast out: “(God) placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life: (Gen 3:24).

If that does not describe the event horizon of black holes, what would? Cherubim are many Cherub. What are “Cherubims?” Just as cherubim are heavenly objects, perhaps God was speaking of the heavenly bodies that are burned to a vapor as the gravity of the massive black hole sucks them in.

Was God revealing black holes or was he using quantum theory to explain the existence of Hell and its portal. Hopefully, at least, some of us will never find out!

The cross had many facets. The footrest was the “footstool” of God and the mast the pointer to the Third Heaven wherein His throne exists. The placard at the top of the cross revealed the authority of Jesus in heaven while the mast points to heaven.

In a sense, the dynamics of the cross, not the cross itself, is the Way to heaven, and the crossbar provides two directions: right or left in a geocentric world, but doubtful and faithful in a spiritual sense. The rock below the cross represents the firm ground (adam in the Hebrew) and the sky the heavens.

The cross is the cross-over (The meaning of “Hebrew”) in the event horizon and points to two places beyond this world. Could it be that the Hindi had the right idea but that the Cheubims were their gods rather than Yahweh. Modern APPs reveal two black hole events as worlds both colliding and at the same time not colliding and made visible by two virtual yin-yang-like black holes spiraling.

God is not the science, but God uses science to create things — to cut both the atom apart and to cut the heavens into parts.

Enoch toured the Ten Heavens with angels whereas scientists tour them with the “eyes” of angels — infrared light filters to see things as Adam and Enoch saw them.

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