Sunday, May 5, 2024


 God, still describing the end of time to Isaiah saw today; he saw the young under attack: 

I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. And the people shall be oppressed, everyone by another, and everyone by his neighbor: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honorable. (Isa 3:4-5; KJV)

 Let’s examine that contention more closely. I do not particularly care for the New International Version, but it is in plain, modern English. The same verse reads the following: 

I will make mere youths their officials; children will rule over them.” People will oppress each other— man against man, neighbor against neighbor. The young will rise up against the old, the nobody against the honored. (Isa 3:4-5; NIV)

 Of course, that refers to the city of Jerusalem in Judah, but also to the people in general. The end-of-time times are for the entire world, not just for the middle east. What goes for Israel, goes for everyone — the “people” in the NIV and the KJV… “everyone.”

Sin and rebellion are not only a Jewish problem but a people problem. Germans had a “Final Solution” for the Jews and Jesus a “Final Solution” for both Jews and Gentiles. Jesus finished the Final Solution on the Cross; it was either to choose death or life. The Cross is  a “Decision Tree” whether to choose death or life. It is indeed the “Tree of Life” of Genesis: “He placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the Way of the Tree of Life” (Gen 3:24).

God placed to the front of the Garden, guardian angels and a flashing tool of some sort to guard the journey to the Gallows of the Living Thing. (My words from possible translations; Strong’s Lexicon).

The Cross was the "gallows” that made Jesus immobile. The Holy Ghost was literally the “Awful Thing.” Jesus was God who was still alive.

As you can see, the so-called “Tree of Life” was the beginning of the journey to a return to Paradise. Not by coincidence at the Cross was also a flashing sword: “One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water” (John 19:34). All that was missing from the scene at Calvary were guardian angels. You can be sure that they were there as well!

Jesus, therefore, is the “Final Solution” (John 19:3) to mankind’s ancient problem.

Isaiah defined the lingering problem; it is us; we are the problem! We are the “thorns” in the brow of Jesus. We are the agony of our Lord and Savior.

Isaiah was just a messenger of God. He revealed only what God showed him. The gist of human problem-making was spelled out: (1) I will make mere youths officials. As can be seen today with the various autonomous zones established by the young on college campuses in big cities, even wise elderly men and women in government bow to the whims of naïve young self- appointed leaders. That we even listen to their cry-baby demands disturbs God. Who made them leaders? Anybody that gives them credence.

(2) Children will rule over them, meaning the adults. In this age, parents are afraid of their children. Children do rule their elders. Why? For fear that their young will no longer love them! Parents, in this age like never before, allow their children to rule over them. Taking away their cars for a week is admission that parents fear the children. That is not disciplinary but accommodating; the parents then drive them wherever they want to go. Parents become unpaid chauffeurs!

Worst of all, spoiled children never mature. The cry-babies will soon become the crying giant buffoons to whom the bells toll to their whims.  They ring the bells, and their parents respond with savory goodies or other nice things.

Jesus is the “Thing” to cherish, but children are pacified by the most unholy things. Taking them to church would be a holy thing to do, but holiness antagonizes both children and those adults whose natures are childish! Church is a precious privilege that parents present as a strong punishment. Church as become a means of punishing unruly children.

(3) People will oppress each other. What are all the riots about? People of all nations each oppressing the others. The youth, and even adults disguised as such, oppress even the ones whose job is to provide for them safety — the police. The police are the guardian angels that sacrifice their own safety that others may live.

Soldiers were even at the Cross ensuring that mob did not oppress the onlookers nor murder the apostles and family of Jesus. The centurions were the likely “angels” that yielded the sword to satisfy the crazed crowd. Longinus, the centurion, did not kill Jesus, but pierced the side of the man to show the crowd their bloody deed was finished. Were they the guardian angels that protected the Cross, or were they demons that killed Him? It was the chief priests, the guardians of the Temple, who were the demons (John 19:11)!

The world is full of the oppressed in this era. Everyone is a victim and even looking at them is oppression of some sort. The “Woke” mentality is the new rules for oppression. People are taught how to be victims of oppression. Never before has victimization been so majestic. Those who see themselves as victimized become the oppressors and brain-dead leaders.

The people do in fact oppress one another in a magnitude never seen before.

(4) The oppression will be man against man, neighbor against neighbor. Isaiah made a distinction therein — man against man. He knew the difference. Men did not oppress women in those days like they do at this time. Man has solen feminism from th4e feminine gender. The worst oppression against women is men acting like women when they are not. Transsexualism is the worst oppression that has ever existed. Jesus was mocked for being a king while wannabe kings surrounded Him. Now women are mocked for being women by men who wannabe women.

Neighbor against neighbor is friends against friends. At one time, neighbors were neighborly. Now, even I have had many friends and neighbors unfriend me on social media and their lack of contact reveals that even many close friends have unfriended me! What is the reasoning behind that? Because we think differently, hatred is just fine and dandy. “It is “cognaphilia” — fear of the minds of others and hating the thoughts of those who should be loved.

Children even dishonor their parents and grandparents for their “thought crimes.” Youths think differently, so rather than explore their own thinking, they attack or shun their much wiser elders.

(5) The young will rise up against the old, the nobody against the honored. There is a generation gap and each generation have become the chosen and peculiar people rather than Christians. The mobs who are fomenting insurrection are whom? College students and those who hang around colleges because of the gullibility of the young. Those protests are not just protests against civilization, but protests against God. They are akin to the mob who performed their manner of justice on Jesus who said, “They know not what they do” (Lule 23:34).

In like manner, the youth destroying campuses no very little about what they are doing; all the while they desire to preserve freedom and democracy, they are tools (and fools) of wicked ones that seek to destroy democracy. As most of them are women and progeny of Eve, the natures of many are as naïve as Eve’s. Women have hit the streets and led the mob because genetically, Satan found them the easiest to deceive (Gen 3:13).

The mobs on the street, just like the mob at the Cross, are “nobodies.” None of the mobsters that shouted, “Crucify Him; crucify Him!” have made a name for themselves. They were “nobodies” and in like manner the mob is strictly a venomous crowd of nobodies — faceless masked fools puppeteered by the unseen strings of wicked ones.

God showed Isaiah today way back then. He saw the mobs all over the world, choosing Nazism over freedom. He saw hatred operationalized globally like no other time in history. Hatred is now in vogue so long as God’s people are the hated! That is the Nazi way to their “Final Solution” that contrasts greatly to the final solution of Jesus — to love Him and your neighbors without regard to their genealogies.






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