Sunday, May 26, 2024


Prayer is communicating with God in our thoughts and only those “entangled” with God can communicate in that manner with God.

The “Word” is the quantum entanglement of thought speech — the “Logos” in the Greek. The Logos is just the Dynamic communication of and with the Invisible God.

Jesus, the Spirit of God that was  manifested in the flesh is the mediator (1 Tim 1:5), or thought messenger — the Angel of God — with whom we are entangled.

Jacob had not wrestled with God but was absorbed with the “Word” who was described as a “Vapor.” Jacob was in a vicarious wrestling match with pre-incarnate Jesus whose Image at that time was as a vapor. Jacob was wrestling with the Thoughts of God until daybreak when the truth occurred to him; that this “man” was indeed the Spirit of God, in the same manner as Pilate. Like Jacob, even Pilate saw it at the breaking of day after the light had came back on!

The darkness to light in both cases pointed toward quantum-like activity. Just as the Light waves, so does the Truth in the Thoughts of God to the minds of men!

Thoughts are the impulses, or waves, between individuals.

God is the “Cloud” of Thought, that is the Divine Impulse when it occurs to mankind.

The "Word" of scripture is the Thought of God in a sort of "Cloud" by day and a "Fire" by night. Either way, whether cloud or fire, the Word is the bodily shape of the Spirit of God.

Just as with your computer’s Wifi network, there is no cord. The communication of the network is through the air. The bits of communication, just like the “Parent,” is invisible, and with no physical, or Newtonian, substance. With that said, there must be a Quantity of Quantum Substance.

Communication, like Light, would emanate from God. That communication would be the Illumination of Truth. God is not just Light but Existence. He is the “Voice” which, like light, comes in waves of invisible sound, and in the same quantum manner as light, must be stopped to hear it.

Where the Bible says, “God is Light,” that essentially means that God is “Reality” in all respects, and that His Dynamis is quantum-like.

Jesus, referring to the seed by the wayside in the parable said, “When any one hears the Word of the kingdom, and understands it not, then comes the Wicked One, and catches away that which was sown in his heart... (Mat 13:19). Seed, therefore, must be sown by thought. The individual “seed” are the discrete impulses and the Quanta of “seed” the “Divine Spark” which is ignited by the Dynamics of the Godhead.

An idea is planted into the mind, and it must swell in the sense that the person gets it.

When Jesus died, Pontius Pilate got it. He sought the truth, and Jesus revealed the Truth. The Logos was the Dynamics of the Holy Ghost leaving Him.

There was no longer any entanglement between the Parent and the Child — the Godhead and Jesus. Jesus died and “gave up the ghost” — the Breath of God was expired (aspirated) from Him. Pilate saw the Dynamis of Jesus, a “Good Breath” leaving Him — it was “Virtue,” or the “Dynamis” in the Greek.

The ”Breath” was the Invisible God and the giving up the quantum process. Quantum mechanics was reversed in a very irrational manner, and by His death, Jesus did overcome the world in a very un-quantum-like manner!

Jesus spoke of them hearing the Word — literally “perceiving” the Thoughts from God. It need not be audible to hear but understanding the communique. The Word stops not at the ear but on the gray matter of the brain wherein it is absorbed and revealed as neurons. Thought is a very quantum-like activity. “Like the “spooky antenna” of the previous chapter, your hair should by now be standing upright to the Word of God!)

Ironically, when anyone hears (or reads) the Word of God, the mind receives it unless there is interference, just as Jesus said in the parable. The interference is not so much the dynamics of Satan, but “noise” from the world: things like sultry music, immodesty, avarice, self-over-estimation, carnality, and such — the other “fruits” of the world (Gal 5).

I submit that you cannot love both God and mammon (Mat 6:24), just as scripture says, because one will indeed master you!

“Mammon” is trusting the things of the world called “avarice.”

Take for instance, the media. It is of the world, and they make that very clear with their mockery of Christianity. They are the source of misinformation, and there are vast quantities of it that “clouds” the world. The air is full of deception, and all that mis and dis-information is absorbed into the minds of the unwitting. Thereafter, you believe the false narratives and the truth, just as Jesus said, has severe interference. Then you believe the lie! Deception is so simple that Satan uses it in everything. Even the Church has turned into a “den of thieves” (Mat 21;13) like the Temple of Jesus’s day. The disinformation of the acceptability of homosexuality has become the false “truth.”

As an example, the narrative of 9/11 was that “Islam is a peaceful religion,” albeit their M.O. is to intimidate to proselytize in a very Muhammadan way. It was repeated, perhaps billions of times, and ultimately it became the ‘truth” in a very Huxleyan manner. A “cloud” was over the world, and before long the churches were repeating the mantra as if it was the truth.

Did you see Muhammad give up the ghost? Was he the Prince of Peace? No, to them, Jesus became the angra mainyu — the destructive evil spirit — rather than Muhammad! Muhammad, unlike Pilate, got the signal, but it was interference from the Wicked One; he saw the Phantom of Jesus on the cross, but failed to see the Person, Jesus.

Islam is one of the main sources of interference of which Jesus spoke, and it is like a quantum wave overpowering the world in an angra mainyou way. They call that wave of anger a “Global Islamic Caliphate.”

Vapor in Bodily Shape; credit Freepik

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