Monday, June 17, 2024

EPILOGUE: An Awesome Quantum God

No, it is not the ending! As I walked my path today, further thoughts entered my mind… a wave of sorts of information. I like to think, whether it is or not, messages from beyond.

Today’s episode began with the twelve-year old girl who died. Her father, Jarius, brought her dead body to Jesus. She was certainly dead. 

They laughed Him to scorn, knowing that she was dead. And He put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, “Maid, arise.” And her spirit came again, and she arose straightway” (Luke 8:53-55)

 Matthew wrote that the girl was made whole again: “Her daughter was made whole from that very hour” (Mat 15:28).  Her “errors” were corrected (Strong, 2006). She had been divided into two! Upon Jesus asserting His Dynamis, her spirit came again. She was re-assembled in the same manner as Jesus at the Resurrection. The little girl arose… “Arise,” from the root word agora. She was “assembled” again (ibid). With science that is impossible, but with God “all things are possible” (Mat 19:26). Jesus overcame the world… He overcame science!

She was assembled “straightway” (instantly). The spirit of the young girl had been transported from the Third Heaven to the world instantaneously, overcoming time. The spirit had been made free and it was not imprisoned by the confines of the world that mankind had constructed to imprison her. Indeed, “free spirits’ are not bound by time nor distance!

Now for an analogy. Jesus called them “parables” — This is my “Parable of the Neon.” The element neon has ten protons, and thus appears on the periodic table with an atomic number of ten. That implies that neon also has ten electrons that orbit about the nucleus. We think of them as ten shells containing all the possible paths of each electron but there are only two orbital “shells.”

Neon is a great model for the Ten Heavens of the Secrets of Enoch, down to the first “electron” the Earth and the second electron “the prisoner” of the Earth. The remaining Eight Heavens are all in the same orbit, but the orbits are more like a cloud than paths.

Likewise, so are the most outward eight heavens of Enoch. Therefore, neon is a very precise model of the Ten Heavens and likewise the Third Heaven is as invisible as the other seven heavens.

Just as all other elements are beyond the ten electrons, God — Existence — according to Enoch, is beyond the Tenth Heaven.

“Neon” comes from the Greek neos, meaning “newly, for the first time.” The name also implies the number “ten.”  Thus, neon is appropriately named for the new heaven and earth (Rev 21:1). Neon was discovered in 1927 but Enoch saw its elemental construction before time began!

Not only that, but neon consists of colorful gases in a cloud just like Creation.

That is not to say that Creation was the gaseous state of neon but that it models heaven and earth quite well.

One thing people have found out; when the “firmament” of the neon is broken, it is gone forever. So it is with science, but with God all things are possible. He will create a Neos, and firm it up again… forever.

Electrons, given enough power, can jump from one quantum state to another. Now, apply that to daughter of Jairius.

Note that the young girl took a quantum leap from the Third Heaven in Paradise back to the First Heaven and did so instantaneously. That is only possible when one electron jumps from one quantum state to another, and the little girl did that. And when she did, Jesus did the impossible; He restored the young girl to her natural quantum state here in the First Heaven.

The young girl had been dead for some time, but her spirit in heaven never experienced time. Time was constructed for her body to decay and while it was decaying, the girl’s Phantom still lived.

Heaven was as near to the girl as death. She was no longer confined by time, and as such, death made her free. She had escaped time, and Jesus said she was asleep (Mat 9:24). The root Greek word reveals that she had not been “asleep” but freed from time (ibid). (That supports my hypothesis that time is a construct of God for man whereas Kaku said it to be a construct of man for man.)

In no time at all, the young girl took a “quantum leap” from one quantum state to another and so it will be when the dead in Christ shall arise from the grave to the Third Heaven.

The Third Heaven, as Paul revealed, cannot be discerned between there and here (2 Cor 12:22). Neither could Enoch discern whether the Third Heaven was there or here because their coexistences are as if time does not exist.

If anything, the Garden of Eden was a construct of God for man where time did not exist until the two were on Earth! Or could it be that Creation was in the heavens but were so much like the Earth that translators missed the difference.

The writer of the Books of Adam and Eve perceived the difference — that Paradise on Earth was the same Paradise in heaven and were so close that walking the invisible hedge between the two (Gen 3:23-24) took them to Paradise on Earth — the land of Canaan. They were alike but opposite in quantum spins. Genesis chapter three reveals the opposite “spins.”

As I close out the book again, I will think of many more quantum ‘coincidences.” However, numerous coincidences may make truth. I don’t believe that the Bible is nothing more than millions of coincidences but One Truth — that there is a God.

picture credit: Good News Unlimited; "The Raising of Jairius's Daughter"

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