Wednesday, June 5, 2024


If Creation was according to quantum mechanics that would reveal that it was before time existed. That has been my own contention for several years now. The “days” of the Creation is before time existed, then God rested and came to homeostasis — in equilibrium with all things, even the dimension of time. When time ceased, sin evolved and the genetic carbon clock started — mutant DNA in the light sacks of the new creature, Eve.

Her chromosomes were hidden in non-chromosomal organelles. Two children were conceived and born before time began. “Then in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord” (Gen 4:3).

Abel was righteous and like his father Adam and had the Genome of God within him, satisfying God in his manner or sacrifice.

On the other hand, Cain was of the Wicked One (1 John 3:12). Both had the same mother, but if they come from the same egg or not would depend on time. Abel, whom God loved, would be loved before time began (Ephes 1:4) and likewise his brother Cain because God loved them both before the foundation of the world.

I don’t know the mechanism of insemination, but Cain was not an adamic “man” but an extant being (‘Is Gen 4:1), His father was the Devil.

Abel, like his father, Adam, was a keeper, since Adam was to “dress and keep the Garden” (Gen 2:15). Both walked the Way to the Tree of Life, but Adam did not keep it; therefore, it appears that since God honored Abel, he kept the Way.

So here we have two brothers, both of whom God loved before the foundation of the world, and the two, when stopped outside the Garden, were revealed to have opposite spin: one righteous and the other unrighteous. They were of the same mother, but very different fathers; hence they were two very different kinds of existences. They were so much alike outwardly that God marked Cain so that nobody would mistake him, indubitably, for the dead Abel.

If time did not yet exist, then Cain and Abel were the first set of twins, but like sacred writings indicated, there were four “elements” of the Creation process: Cain, Lulawa (twins) ,Abel, and Aklia (twins) who were all weaned at the same time. (A & E LXXV). Implied within that chapter, was that there were two sets of twins: Cain and Lulawa were identical twins except for gender, also that Abel and Aklia were identical accept for gender. Hence, each twin was from the same egg, but the sets were from different eggs.

Abel’s twin was planned for Cain and Cain’s twin was destined for Abel. Cain disrupted the plan of God by marrying his identical twin, and thus committing incest with his own likeness of the Wicked One, Satan.  He married his twin from the same egg, if my theory is right. (I know the science; now identical twins are always the same gender but was that always true.)

The four were the “elements” of life, or so it seems. God had two elements from Himself and Lucifer two elements from himself. Then, just as quantum wave theory, they identified as four genomes but when they joined together again there were two: the sons of God and the daughters of men. Of course, not the son (ben) of God Himself but the genetics of God, and likewise not daughters (bat) of men. They were opposite in genetics. Lucifer used the same quantum slit activity as in Young’s Experiment.

Abel and Cain apparently were twins of different spin and likewise Aklia and Luluwa.

Cain gained the birthright (primogeniture) although Abel was apparently his twin, and he did so by murdering the heir of God by the Law of Primogeniture. As it turns out, the same activity coincided with Ishmael and Isaac because they shared the same father (God with the Abrahamic and Ishmaelite Covenants) so they were spiritual “twins” but opposites.

Soon came Jacob and Esaw who were fraternal twins, as their degree of hairiness revealed, but were much different.

Even Saul and David were “twins” in a spiritual respect because God ordained them both as kings, perhaps as a test. However, because David was a man after God’s own heart, it was him that would be king.

The Bible is full of sameness but opposites in dynamics. Each set of twins, whether biological or spiritual, offered different perspectives.

Jesus and Judas were the ultimate dualistic pair. One had as his father, the Devil, and the other, His Father, Yahweh. They were much alike in form, but much different in “spin.” Jesus, however, got the birthright since Judas killed himself. It was not the “Last Supper” of Jesus but Judas’s last supper, if you study scripture in detail (Jesus did not eat of it.)

Twinning is very scientific. Psychologists and medical doctors use twins to determine health issues. Twins share at least one parent and in the case of Christians, the adoptive “Parent” is God.

If twins are identical, from the same egg and sperm their genomes are clean. They each would be like both parents because by Quantum Mechanics that is so. Theoretically, each twin should be a replica of the other and each like both sets of parents. The parent/twin child relationship replicates quanta division quite well into two alike but somewhat different persons. In the case of Cain and Abel, they were surely much alike and quite different at the same time.

Cain went to the land of Nod (Wandering), and therefore Cain was the father of the daughters of men. His seed became the “godless-cloud” that would end up deep in sin by the time of Noah. Then, according to the Books of Adam and Eve, blind Lamech of the seed of Cain killed his parent, then Lamech and the offspring of Cain died out.

My friends, Stan and Steve, are identical twins. They somehow often communicate without speaking in any manner. One seems to know what the other is thinking. That type of communication is both twinning and quantum division with entanglement. Stan and Steve look alike, but it is easy to identify them by their behaviors! They fit the quantum mechanical stereotype.

Stan and Steve are always together when apart. Steve told me, since he is single, “At least I have my brother.” He knows how closely entangled they are both coming from the same egg from the same mother, and from the same sperm from their same father. That is the basis of quantum entanglement.

Because they are twins, they also share time; not just when they are together, but apart as well. Studies have shown that what happens to the health of one twin might happen to the health of the other. That’s why they study twins. They are examining the quantum-ness in them. Not only born together; they often die together. They share time because they are alike but different. The difference in behavior — their actions — like quantum mechanics may disrupt their time metric. If they even eat differently, that will overcome what God has planned for them, and if one is a Christian and the other not, they will in the end be separated.

There were twin trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden. They were created simultaneously from the same Parent, but each with a different spin, albeit much alike. One Tree was the Tree of Life (and Goodness} and the other the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Maybe they were the same height, the same species, and the same whatever; but there was something genetic that was different about them.

One was a righteous tree and the other a scientific-minded tree. The Tree of Life was filled with fruits of truth and rightness (Gal 5:22-23) and the forbidden tree with forbidden fruits (Gal 5:19-21). The two trees, in a very quantum manner, were very much alike but opposite in “spin.”

They had the same Parent (God) and should have had the Image of the Father in both, but an invisible interloper tampered with one tree and changed its sub-kind, adding to it evil, the same “stain” that was in the mitochondrial chromosomes of the new kind of woman, Eve. Somehow, she got a bacterial infection in her discreet DNA and now mitochondrial DNA has both human and bacterial DNA. Coincidence?

Quantum theory has just too many coincidences not to be the truth about the Almightiness of God!

Genetic differences and likenesses fit the quantum model precisely.

Credit: Israel Media Ministries; "Jacob Holds Esau's Heel in the Womb"

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