Wednesday, June 26, 2024





Today, let’s focus on the English word “star.” The Bible, especially the Book of Revelation, uses that word quite often. The stars may be just that, they could be some alien entities, or they may be even planets.

Jesus is the “bright and morning star” (Rev 22:16). According to Strong’s Lexicon that is the Greek word aster when combined with “morning” alludes to the planet Venus whose light is so bright it was mistaken as a star.

Now consider Lucifer about whom Isaiah wrote, “How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, ‘son of the morning’! how are you cut down to the ground” (Isa 14:12). In heaven, Lucifer was something else, but here in the world, he was cut down to the “ground.”

Usually “ground” is Adam in the Hebrew. In this case, the “ground” is ‘eres. Lucifer was not like Adam after he was cast down but just made firm. His angelic image like God’s (elohim) was made firm. He became non-chromatic and visible whereas Adam (the living “ground”) was glorious (chromatic; Selem) within. [1]

That one place is the only mention of Lucifer, at least in the English, in the entire Bible although he (or it) is all over the place by different names.

Mr. Wikipedia, one of their 120,000 experts, wrote this about Lucifer, it is the name of the Devil: "the morning star", "the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing". It is a translation of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל, hêlēl, meaning "Shining One".

Venus, in ancient times was thought to be a star (Venus: Facts – NASA Science). It was believed to be both the morning and evening stars. Throughout history, the dawning of the Devil was Venus showing itself in the morning. The name “Lucifer” means the “bringer of light.” He is the “shining one,” or Venus.

Lucifer is genderless in heaven, but on Earth, he (it) is called by a masculine name. He is called the “father, the Devil” (John 8:44), not because he is a male but because its gens are the genome of our kind.

Genesis 4:1 implies that the “Wicked One” (Lucifer) is male; that he is the “father” of Cain (1 John 3:12). That also implies that although Lucifer is genderless in its domain, in the world he indeed is a “bringer of light” via his sperm (the serpent-like little creature that attacks the ova like a snake in the striking position; figure #1): 


                                               Figure 1: Sperm Fertilizing an Egg: MS Bing

 There is your ‘Serpent.” The Serpent was not a large creature entwined around a tree but the first account of carnal knowledge. So thereafter, us human creatures have procreated like the Devil does its thing very unlike how the Lord God produced the man Adam and the woman Adam.

With that said, Genesis was just removed from mythology and placed squarely in the realm of science. Cain is the “father” of us all via his father the Devil.

Lucifer was not the “bringer of light.” Jesus is the “bright and morning star” and the true “Bringer of Light.”

“God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Therefore, “the Devil is a liar from the beginning” just as John wrote (John 8:44).

Now let’s get scientific. What can women do that men cannot? We think of menstruation and childbirth, and that is correct. However, there is something that women can do but a man never can; that is to pass along mitochondrial DNA; their dynamics are different.

The Bible is scientific about that, not ever saying that Adam is the “father of all living,” but that Eve is “the mother of all living” (Gen 3:20). Therein, theology agrees with science.

Men can pass along their chromosomes. Women only pass along their mitochondria. The mystery is in the meaning of the two words; chromosomes are translucent colorless vessels that must be stained to reveal them, hence the “chromo” in the word.

Mitochindria have numerous colors depending on their oxidized state — what oxygen does to their color.

Technically, God is Light in the sense that He is the “Father-figure” that brings forth invisible light (Chromo) to engender Adam-kind. On the other hand, Lucifer is the father-figure, perhaps whose sperm brought forth mitochondria in Eve’s kind.

As such, Jesus is the Bringer of Light as the “Bright and Morning Star” and Lucifer is a “dim-wit” of a “shadow” of Jesus. So, biologically, the chromosomes may also be the “stars” of the Bible.

Not to forget that Lucifer is a “shape-shifter” (Books of Adam and Eve); it can appear as either a he or a she or even as a beast.

God just IS. He is not male nor female but a Creator.

Sexual intercourse was not used to create Adam’s kind. God breathed unto the mind of Adam through his nostrils (Gen 2:7). The male Adam thought He was a man and as such he was a man.  His gender was encoded in his chromosomal-DNA.

Likewise, the man breathed unto the mind of the woman, and she knew that she was Adam’s kind but opposite in “spin” (or gender). Her identity was recorded in her chromosomes. Since God did that by the Word, and Jesus is the “Word,” Jesus is therefore the “Bringer of Light.” God seems to have put chromosomes in the man and man entangled with woman and she also received chromosomes.

Chromosomes are the vessels in which the very identity of a person is encoded. From the beginning, man was man and a woman was a woman. The object of carnal knowledge was for the Serpent to make the two Adams think differently than their gender assignments. The Serpent successfully did that: As soon as the two were removed from the Garden Paradise, things changed. Sin modified their thinking and behavior of the glorious creatures and made them like the Beast.

Lucifer did bring “light” to mankind, but it was not chromosomal but colorful. The color of mitochondria is not translucent but colorful. Colors are frequencies of light and even though they are light, they appear as darkness.

Infrared light, for example, is darkness that can only be seen by special filtration. Albeit darkness was in Lucifer, in Jesus, there was no darkness at all. That could imply that mitochondria are from Lucifer, and indeed scripture implies that.

Most people look at scripture abstractly, but words mean things. There were no “chromo” and “mito” scientific words in the beginning, but there was science. How else would the “Tekton” Jesus describe DNA?

How else would the “Bringer of Darkness” be called “Lucifer” unless God knew that darkness was only higher frequencies of light? How else would a Bringer of Darkness change mankind but by carnal knowledge.

Was the “Serpent” really a viper or was it a spermatozoa? You be the judge while admitting that the outcome of sin was a new kind that Adam named, “Eve” because “she was the mother of all living.” (Gen 3:20) and thereafter she became the dominant kind!

Now, geneticists focus on mitochondrial-DNA to identify the mother of all living. Almost forgotten now is that Adam was meant to be the “father of all living;” his likeness was to have dominion over the other kinds even before the new kind came about (Gen 1:26).

Now for some more speculation. The origin of the word “star” has many language sources but many of them sound alike. It occurred to many, including myself, that Astarte and star sound alike in their root verbs. Astarte is Ishtar — the goddess of Venus and fertility. She may have been the female version of Lucifer in Babylon. Perhaps she is the “harlot Babylon” that is the fake “morning star” of the Apocalypse.

Remembering that Lucifer is an angel and neither a male nor a female in heaven (Mark 12:25) that in this realm Lucifer can be what he needs to be to undermine God. He was a “Serpent” in the Garden, obviously to slither in,” but an angel before that.

Lucifer may also be the “Lilith” of Isaiah’s “screech owl” fame that steals the young from their nests, and as such, she is the muse of radical females whose sole thought is to abort their own offspring — abort their own DNA to spite God.

Venus is neither a star nor the Bringer of Light. It is a mere planet that the ancients worshipped as either the son or daughter of the Sun. The real Bringer of Light is Yahweh the “Emanator of Light.”

Those “stars” of the Revelation are indeed angels and Astarte the Luciferin “star” that fertilized the woman, portraying itself as a man.  

[1] I have speculated before that the Image of God “Selem” in the Hebrew was the chromosomes of God in the man as if there was no flesh on the person, but merely a form of a man revealed chromosomally. That would be the human soul and those who would biogenetically alter our DNA are tampering with our soul. Jesus even called Himself a “cup” (vessel). That is exactly what the chromosomes are — vessels for the Genome of God.

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