Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 The "Introduction" comes last because I found out what my book was about as I wrote it. The "Introduction" has to come after esoteric things were revealed. In the beginning, I did not know where I was going, just like Enoch on his tour of the heavens. So, reader, read on. Read what my book, to be published in July, is all about:

You know that you know that you know, you say. Know you don’t! You have doubts; everybody does. That is perfectly normal because only God knows that, and He alone knows. However, you can be persuaded given the evidence and an open mind to consider it.

The faith of God is perfect faith and with that perfection, there is no doubt. A little faith means much doubt. Much faith means little doubt.

I moved from a little faith and much doubt when I considered the evidence that I am about to present to you. Already persuaded to be a Christian, my belief was confirmed. If you need your own faith confirmed, stay tuned.

Most people question religion, but never question science. What if you knew for sure that although the science is not God, that God is the science?

One person was skeptical; he said that “spirit” is in the Bible but not ‘science.” First off “spirit” is in the English VERSION of the Bible; it is not in the textus receptus — the Greek — to which this book will explain is also ancient Hebrew.

Pneuma is the Greek word translated “Spirit.” The Greek word, “Dynamis” is the “science.”

Furthermore, the book of Genesis is about the science of ontology — the metaphysics dealing with the nature of being” (Merriam-Webster, 2024).

Metaphysics is physical science of the foundation of existence. Indeed, Genesis chapters one and two are the “metaphysics” of the foundation of all things. That God did those things is imperative information. The science is not God, but God is the originator of science.

Because one does not understand science does not make science false! My motivation is to reveal to the readers to fear not science, but fear God who uses science to His advantage, especially in the “science” revealed to John in the Book of Revelation.

The beginning of science was revealed in the Book of Genesis: “God created” things.

The Hebrew word, the very Word of God is “created” (bara’ in the Hebrew), literally “to cut down” (Strong, 2006).

Now for the word “science;” it is not in the Bible because it was coined in the 1600s after the King James Version was written in 1611. It should not be expected to be in the Bible!

However, before “science” was named that, it came from the Latin word, “scindere” (Douglas Harper 2001-2023) — “to cut; to divide.”

Therefore, the first verb in the Bible means “science”!

Science is dynamic and ever changing, to be honest, in search of the truth. Religion is on the same journey… it is questioning people searching for the truth, the very meaning of the name, “Saul.”

It took me years of study to find the truth, but in the following pages, I will provide the truth free of charge. You are welcome!

You can soon go to sleep with ease; not that all your worries will be over, but that the truth will make you free.

Truth about any hypothesis is impossible, but reliable evidence does support the truth.

This book is a presentation of the evidence that I found in reality which supports the supernatural — the “Thing” — that is so hard to believe for most people.

This book is a journey through the unknown. God took Enoch on such a journey thousands of years ago and he lived to tell us about it. He wrote a journal about the evidence that God presented to him.

I could just say to you, “Read about the adventures of Enoch,” but you would still doubt. You have read the truth in scripture and heard the very words of God… still you doubt. You can say, “No I don’t,” until the day you die, but you will still have some, however small it might be; it remains doubt.

Lying to ourselves is worse than lying to others. Repetition does not make even one truth! Repeating the mantra, “I know that I know that I know,” may be reinforcing, but do you really know anything about the complexity of the cosmos: about either the heaven or the Earth?

Can you explain what “God is Light” even means? The inquiring reader will learn such things from this book.

I did not, and still do not to a great degree. However, I believe that I have come across something that has mystified humanity since the beginning of time! My desire is to share the mystery of God with you so that it will no longer puzzle to anyone if they only believe.

Before I submit the evidence of the hidden mystery of God, I need to share something — my thoughts are not my own. I wish I was brilliant, but I am not. I have even listened intensely many, many hours to the most brilliant minds in the world, yet even they do not understand what God has shown me!

Throughout my life, I would look unto the stars at night, or the blue sky during the day, and wonder how it all happened; how existence came about. I didn’t know about existence nor even the cosmos, but I knew one thing — what I saw out there was very astounding to me.

How could it be? What was my place among the reality of it all? As it turned out, all I needed to do was die to understand.

Death is not a pleasant thought, so I turned to reading. Maybe others before me knew the meaning of things.

Thoughts are mysterious as well; from where do they come, and to where do they go? Of course, our thoughts are not the Thoughts of God, but they can be.

Whereas temptation is thoughts generated by some evil, invisible presence, vigilance is thoughts generated by some good, Invisible Presence. Either way, whatever thoughts that overcome any of us become our thoughts.

Thoughts are nothing more than the transmission of messages, seemingly out of nowhere, that can entertain, amuse, comfort; or otherwise make us anxious or fearsome.

I took a mental trip once when I was about five and repeated the same virtual trip when in my thirties. I went into darkness and infinity for what seemed like eternity. I traveled billions of miles of dark space in just a few moments. I had great anxiety about what might be! Knowing the Word alleviated that anxiety.

Thoughts are not bound by time nor space. Mentally, mankind can go any place they can imagine in an instant, or as they say, “In the twinkling of the eye.”

There is nothing faster than the speed of light except our thoughts. I have raced light and have beaten it every time!

Somewhere beyond here is the most brilliant and voluminous Mind ever. That Great Mind sends messages through the vacuum of space and wherever those thoughts stop, they belong to the one where they stop.

Now think of all the messages from the thoughts of the billions of people on planet Earth. They are a huge cloud of thoughts, but from that Great Mind some chosen people can separate each thought from the chaotic cloud and consider it. There must be some type of “Separator” between the world and that Great Mind. In the following pages we will find out how chaos is separated to reveal order in a mysterious, even spooky, way.

That Great Mind some vast distance away directs thoughts to all of mankind. It can multitask faster than any computer is possible of doing, and act on each of the thoughts from us cosmopolitans as if we are the only person that exists.

As I sit at the keyboard, I relax and turn my mind toward that Greater Mind and wait for a response. The time lapses so quickly that it is almost immeasurable.

Somehow my thoughts travel mega-distances and answers are returned even more quickly. As quickly as my pointing finger can hit the next unknown key, the Great Mind tells my mind which key to point toward. If God is in the Tenth Heaven beyond the cosmos, then my thoughts go to Him and His answers are returned without me even hesitating about where to point my servant-like finger.

Thoughts can be measured from the brain to the appendages and back, but that is a very short distance. However, the time travel of thoughts through space cannot be measured; it is as if they defy time. That may be true! You shall see.

I just cracked my knuckles and leaned back in my office chair. As I did that, God’s thoughts (I strongly believe) traveled from another realm, or at least another universe, and gave me some supporting information. I need not go there to talk with that Great Mind because He overcame the world so that we could as well.

So, you think instantaneous communication is impossible over such great distances? With God all things are possible. Is that scientific? With quantum mechanics that is possible!

The world is like a prison wherein communication is limited. If we are coupled with God, then distance and time are not even nuisances.

You are now on the road to Quantum Thought.

The moment the word, “quantum” comes up in conversations, people run from it. A quantum, as you shall see, is not a “boogeyman’ to fear but an enlightenment to welcome.

God is Almighty; He is the mightiest Quantum of energy ever. On the other hand, a quantum is not God but a tool that God used to make all things.

Quanta are the bridges between the seen and unseen that appear and disappear in a way and time so finite that they remain unseen.

I remember the endless dark space that frightened me so; it is not space; it is full of things that you cannot, nor can I see.

Now, let us go where only Enoch has gone before us. Let is go into deep space to find God still there alive and well. Our journey to find the Great Mind begins here within these pages but were first written long ago in a language that overwhelmed the ancients… and us!

credit: BlogSpot

I heard a song last Sunday. First read the lyrics and then think about the message. You may get the general message within the song, but when you are finished with the song, you will know that its author, Rich Thompson, genuinely knows God: 

“Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me;” Song by CityAlight


What gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer

There is no more for heaven now to give

He is my joy, my righteousness, and freedom

My steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace

To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus

For my life is wholly bound to His

Oh how strange and divine, I can sing, "All is mine"

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

The night is dark but I am not forsaken

For by my side, the Saviour He will stay

I labour on in weakness and rejoicing

For in my need, His power is displayed

To this I hold, my Shepherd will defend me

Through the deepest valley He will lead

Oh the night has been won, and I shall overcome

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven

The future sure, the price it has been paid

For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon

And He was raised to overthrow the grave

To this I hold, my sin has been defeated

Jesus now and ever is my plea

Oh the chains are released, I can sing, "I am free"

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

With every breath I long to follow Jesus

For He has said that He will bring me home

And day by day I know He will renew me

Until I stand with joy before the throne

To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus

All the glory evermore to Him

When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus

All the glory evermore to Him

When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

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