Friday, June 7, 2024


Now, I will look at the Garden of Eden with the bright eyes of the pure woman that God squeezed through the “slit;” I will look a the Garden through “quantum eyes,” and perhaps see the vision that the woman had before sin. She would have understood quantum mechanics very well because she and Adam were coupled with God via His Spirit.

God breathed life into the man (Adam) that He had formed and put him in the Garden (Gen 2:8). God gave Him a dose of His Genome, if I have it correctly. He breathed, not into the nostrils of Adam, but into his mind. The Thoughts of God became the thoughts of Adam, and that divine Breath was quantum entanglement. Adam was as God in thoughts and actions before sin got into him.

I had always thought that the Garden of Eden was a garden of metaphors, but it seems now that it was a Quanta of quantum.

Allow me to explain: “Formed” in that passage is not “created,” nor even generated. Literally, Adam was “narrowed” (Strong, 2006). God squeezed some of His Image through some type of quantum slit, and there before time began was the soul of the man. “Time,” as Al-Khalali said, “is a construct of man.”

 It is sort of like God squeezed His Quanta and out came Adam, in the same manner as the Golden Calf. Aaron’s excuse was that the people wanted a god, so he told them, “Whosoever has any gold, let them break it off. So, they gave it me; then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf” (Exod 32:24). That was akin to the way God created mankind… it just happened, or so it seemed, in a very spooky way!

Making the calf was a mystical process. Aaron ground the gold into dust, melted it, and curiously enough, out came a golden calf. That was alchemy until recently, but now it is a very quantum process.

For God, he took the carbon dust from the ground, put it through a similar process, and out came a man in no time. Aaron was trying to use quantum mechanics with its very dynamics of God.

Then, God put the man that He had fashioned into the ground of the Garden. The word “put” in the Hebrew has many connotations and among them would be “planted.”

God planted the man in the ground, and the ground (also ‘adam) was another substance with which Adam was entangled; hence man is doubly entangled, and the ground is as much our archetype as God. Man always feels a kinship with the soil of this world, and that is the substance that interferes with our entanglement with God. How much clearer could it be? that we must overcome the world in us.

But the Garden had trees did it not? (Gen 3:2).

“Trees” comes from the Hebrew word, ʿasa, meaning “to close,” or stop firm things. The “trees” were the firm things from the Cloud that was God. They were objects, and Adam was one of the many kinds of objects of the Garden, and all that God planted in that Garden were firm things in accordance with quantum mechanics.

Genesis 3:2 was handing the reader quantum mechanics on a “platter”!

So, there were two trees in the midst of the Garden (Gen 2:9). There were two “firm things” that were revealed when the action stopped. They would be the genetic “Parents” of the kinds, according to the quantum slit experiment.

They were not trees at all, but perhaps “genetic trees” of DNA particles… firm things within chromosomal sacks of two different kinds: the Y-chromosomal haplo-group in one, in the Tree of Life, and the X-chromosomal haplogroup in the mitochondrial DNA of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, of which Eve ate first, then passed to Adam in the same action as mitochondrial DNA. [1]

Haplotype (X or Y) is a group of alleles, or allelomorphs. Where am I headed with this?

The forbidden tree apparently morphed the chromosomal DNA of the woman and made her kind an “Eve” with much different characteristics than before. She was “symbiotic,” and not by coincidence; another meaning of the name “Eve” is “Symbiosis.” Eve was first identified with that nomenclature after the woman sinned. Her Y-chromosomes had added an “X” component and perhaps one single chromosome was “slit” again into two. [2]

“Adam called his wife's name ‘Eve;” because she was the mother of all living” (Gen 3:20). All the living there would be symbiotic; “Any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two biological organisms of different species, termed symbionts” (Wikipedia, 2024). The so-called “Serpent” had made her a symbiont, so Adam called a “spade a spade.” That long-term relationship has endured to this time!

Her encounter with the third kind made her symbiotic with Lucifer and the proof of that is the mitochondrial X-chromosomal DNA. That she is the mother of all living, and not Adam, the father of all living, is validated by the dynamics of the female’s genetics; only the female can pass along mitochondrial-DNA.

God appeared on the scene. He did not ask, “Where are you?” (Gen 3:9), but literally, “What are you?” God knew that the female Adam had changed and passed the symbiosis along to her mate. That was a fatal error!

The passing along genetics was meant to be from God to the male to the female (Gen 1), but it became mutated. The mitochondrial DNA, if I am correct, was passed from Lucifer (the “Serpent” his “Image,”nahas,” or genome) to the female to the male. Thus, the mutation of similar but unlike substances. The Devil had used God’s own quantumlike process to undermine both God and His favored kind.

Lucifer had sowed discordance in the Garden, being there in thought alone. The “Image” was not actually a Serpent as the translators interpreted it but “cunningness” as Strong’s Dictionary reveals it. It appears that rather than God, the Devil entangled the woman from above and she soon entangled the male with herself and since that spooky action at a distance, mankind has been brutish in countenance.

As I observed my small garden this morning, I saw something that just happened as if there was no time. Among my beautiful plants, the seeds sown by the wind took root, and voila, there were weeds whose roots were choking the life out of the good plants.

That is a quantum process, is it not? and Lucifer used that same process to choke the life out of mankind. By the time of Noah, the entire Garden of Living Souls had withered, and the Garden was as good as dead.

So, what would God do? He sowed it again with the seed of Noah who found grace. The “Cloud” had blown His Seed near Noah and Noah took a particle of God into his own mind, and then the Garden grew again.

The generations of mankind are not each forty years, but any amount of time it took for each of God’s Gardens to wither and fail to be sown back again with the Genome of God. This immediate “Garden” is the Church.

Picture credit; "Man and Woman Lovers in Each Others Arms;" Museumize


[1] In my book, On the Origin of Man and the Universe, I speculated that divine DNA is Y-chromosomal and alien DNA was X-chromosomal. That does make sense now!

[2] One linguist, named No, identifies Eve with the name ‘Serpent.”  As the mother of all living, then everyone ever born has the ‘serpent” in them, not the animal, but the animalistic instinct (cunningness).

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