Monday, June 3, 2024


Years ago, theaters would insert a video clip into a movie. For instance, while watching any movie within the movie would be popcorn and cola. The clip would be just an instant compared to the length of the movie and it would pass unnoticed. People were unaware of the advertisement but soon would for some reason want popcorn and cola. (The profits were not so much from the movies, but from the subliminal suggestion turned into actions.)

The people at the theater never noticed that some invisible thing was controlling them!

Sin works in the same manner. As the day goes on nearly everyone gets “commercials” from the Wicked One. It is not without a reason that Satan is called the “Prince of the Power of the Air.” Temptation can be operationalized either visually or subliminally. The action from temptation is called “sin.”

The photograph of a scantily clad woman, for instance, is the bad fruit (Gal 5) of an evil spirit. The exposed flesh suggests investigation and the action is trespassing against both her and God.

A Christian may not even consciously notice that same woman, but the idea of action is transmitted to the mind of the man. Before long the man has committed adultery, not physically, but mentally. The beautiful flesh was the “bait” and the act the “catch.”

All day long unless restrained even Christians get subliminal messages from somewhere out there. However, the messages are not from out there but within. That the “father” of humans is the Devil implies that sin is genetic. Our messages come from the archetype, the “Old Man” that Carl Jung presented to the world. As such, subliminal messages come from before time began.

Was the so-called “Serpent” really in the Garden of Eden? It was a glorious place without evil. Lucifer and sin got into Paradise through the mind of Eve who transmitted the suggestion of the Serpent to Adam.

“The Serpent said unto the woman, ‘You shall not surely die” (Gen 3:4). The Hebrew word does mean “say” but before time God said many things, but nobody was there to hear what God said, and the same would apply in general. A “thought” is an unspoken action; God Thought and things happened, in God’s case the creation. He imbued mankind with His Thoughts.

I believe the same might apply to the Serpent. Perhaps he did not say anything aloud but tempted them very telegraphically. [1]

The Serpent was cunning (subtile; Gen 3:1). He surely tempted Eve and she was excited by the idea of having the knowledge of evil for indeed that was the fruit of the forbidden tree. [2]

The Serpent, therefore, was likely not in the Garden but as the Prince of the Power of the Air, it used thought waves to trespass against God, and those thought waves would have been entangled with Eve’s who transferred her thoughts to Adam. Since then, Lucifer’s kind thinks like Lucifer, and it got into Eve’s genes so to speak.

Genes are of the flesh. They are real particles on a microscopic level. Eve was entangled with Lucifer genetically, just as Al-Khalali said about genetics in general.

David was of both God and the Wicked One. He was “a man after His (God’s) own heart” (1 Sam 3:14). The Hebrew word for “heart” indicates the Will, or Thoughts, of God. God was seeking a man with Goodwill from Himself — someone with whom to entangle with the matching of the wills. Lucifer interfered with that. Somehow David thought to go upon to the roof to see naked Bathsheba. That inclination was genetic; that is know because David said that he was “shapen in iniquity” (Psalm 51:5).

Satan is not omnipresent, so he got unto mankind genetically in a very quantum way. If he did copulate with the new kind, Eve, it would have been by “knowing” him in a very biblical sense. Lucifer would have gotten into the mind of the woman rather than her pudenda. Hence, adultery is of the heart or mind, according to Jesus (Mat 5:28).

At birth, or souls belong to God, but our minds are inclined toward Lucifer. Just as he desired to have the woman, most men desire the Eves. Even at birth there is spiritual warfare in the manner of Jacob and Esaw (Gen 3:25). People belong to Satan even in the womb because of genetics. That should be humbling. To overcome that, entanglement with God is the Way. “We must be born again” (John 3:7; entangled with God).

Satan gets into us by our thoughts. He suggests and sinners obey as if we are controlled remotely, so, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

The “chains” that make sinners prisoners to sin are our two strands of DNA in every nuclear cell of our flesh and blood. Obedience to the law of sin is in every cell of our bodies because the woman associated with the Serpent, and henceforth, because she is the mother of all living (Gen 3:20), at birth we are all genetic sons and daughters of Eve. The science of that contention is that a man’s mitochondrial DNA is passed down only by the females of the species. It is excess DNA, not in a chromosomal sack but in the organelle of mitochondrion, literally a thread of little granules. The mitochondrial DNA from Eve would be the genetic source of our wicked thoughts. If that is true, then the Serpent got unto the daughter of man by quantum-like genetics, meaning that his mind is our mind and his thoughts are our thoughts in contrast to what God said about the same subject, “’For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My Ways,” says the Lord” (Isa 55:8).

As such, the “Serpent” is not a slithering animal at all, but the image (nahas) of Lucifer in the auxiliary DNA of mankind. With that thought, the “Serpent” is transformed from an animal to a wicked mind. Indeed, according to the Bible and sacred literature, angels are transmutable whereas God is immutable (Heb 6:18).

According to quantum object-oriented (OO) theory, “an immutable object (unchangeable object) is an object whose state cannot be modified after it is created” (Wikipedia, 2024). Of course, God pre-existed but He remains immutable. The Book of Adam and Eve and Their Conflicts with Satan, present Satan as mutable. As such, Lucifer could have mutated the Genome of God in the woman to make a new kind that Adam called “Eve.”

The ”Quantum State” of God is the Godhead, which compares quite well with the Quantum Coin of quantum theory. God can never be changed, but Lucifer has the opposite “spin.” He can and does change to suit his purposes.

The beautiful woman, in my example, might be a “Lilith” within — a female “demon” not in angelic form but the “shadow” within Eve’s kind. She is, in theory, any succubus that consummates union in dreams.

Our DNA is our identity and sin may have changed the identity of the female from Adam’s kind to the Eve kind. Sin seems to be the “spooky action” of the Devil whereas the Dynamics of God is the quantum science. Sin, therefore, is in the mind just as Jesus said. It is whatever man wants to do, in contrast to what we should do for survival in the hereafter.

The action of the mind is in patterns of thought in a cloud of confusion. The left brain removes the indecision from the cloud of thoughts that are flooding the mind. It sorts out from the mess what should be good, and the right brain acts, or behaves, the way the left brain “says.”

That sorting process is very quantum-like activity, according to Young’s Double-Slit Experiment wherein the cloud must be transformed into a single wave before being split into two waves then one particle. In my “mind analogy,” the thought comes from the cloud, passes through the brain in thought waves, and lands on the right brain as a thought that is done!

I hope that you get the idea that our minds are very quantum oriented. 

Picture credit; "Brainwaves;" Linked In

[1] In my book, The Skull of Adam, I proposed that there were no audible speech in the Garden of Eden but the Voice and such were divine thoughts, not tongues of any sort, either human or angelic.

[2] Note that because of the awkwardness of using the word “it” for Satan, like everyone else I use the word “he.” Lucifer was an “it” since it was an alien being without form in the Garden.

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