Saturday, June 1, 2024


Communication with God seems miraculous to some and futility with others. However, prayer is scientific!

In the beginning, the “Godhead” was Dynamic. God worked for six eons and rested. The “Cloud” stopped, and then the Voice was heard. God was there, perhaps verbally but surely in Thought. When the Quanta Power came to equilibrium, the Image of God was Selem — a Phantom Presence.

Now consider the trees. Trees have canopies that shelter the inhabitants. In the middle of the Garden of Eden was the Tree of Life — the Vine that would spread so long as the Garden was kept.

The Tree of Life is descriptive of Jesus, the “Vine” (John 15:1). That Tree is portrayed as Jesus (Rev 22:14). Of course, Jesus is not a tree nor a vine, but that describes His genetics. Luke chapter three enumerates the Family Tree of Jesus. That “Tree” would be a genetic tree. Genealogists understand a family tree as a genetic tree.

Men are indeed as trees, according to the blind man of the Bible who saw the approaching Jesus as a Tree walking.  As the Son of God, the Father is the Root of the Tree and Jesus the Vine. Where is the other substance of the Godhead? Within the Tree. It is the Dynamic of Growth, the “Living Water” that emanates from God, the “Root,” to the fruits of the Tree, and the leaves of that tree are for the healing of the nations (Rev 22:2).

The point therein is that the Tree of Life is sort of a Quantum Cloud from which, when stopped, the Tree is seen first as Yahweh and lastly as Jesus.  The Dynamics is the life of the Tree and as such, the Dynamics emanate from the Root because the Light of God shines on the leaves and by photosynthesis nourishes the Tree.

In a sense, the Garden of Eden was like a Tabernacle but also like the universal Church.

The Garden, as we find out, is a “Garden of Living Souls” (Gen 2:7) in which God planted Adam (Gen 2:8).

In the middle of the Garden was the Tree of Life. That one Tree was the “Husbandman” of John 15:1. That One Tree represented the “Cloud” of later years that when stopped, revealed the Phantom Image of God on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of God: “And there I will meet with you, and I will commune with you from above the mercy seat” (Exod 25:22).

That was Tabernacle worship. Like the Garden long before, the Dynamic — the moving Tree — was the Cloud in the Central Tabernacle, or Tent of Meeting. That Tabernacle represents the Tree of Life with its canopy, and God was the Invisible Presence within both the Tree of Life and the Tabernacle of God. In both places, or anyplace they would later go, God communicated with them.

The Tabernacle in the wilderness was surrounded by the tents of the Hebrews. They were as trees surrounding the “Tree” in their midst. There was silent communication between themselves and God as if they were the priest that was within the Tent of Meeting who engaged God.

Communication is both ways; God communicated with them, and them with God. Worshiping in prayer is two-way communications; Christians ask and God answers. His answers are not audible, but by His actions — His Dynamic.

Note that the Tree of Life was right there in the middle of everything in the beginning. The communication was immediate and in proximate. The same applies for Tabernacle worship. God was with them, even when they moved around. Note that God is everywhere as a cloud, but when He stopped at the Mercy Seat, His Presence was real!

That is not so spooky is it?

However, prayer is spooky! God is on His throne in Heaven and His Presence there is both the Phantom and the Body of Christ; “The Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God” (Luke 22:69). The One True God is Jesus with the authority of Yahweh within. That is two substances of the One True God; where is the remaining Substance? That question has an answer: “Being by the right hand of God exalted and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which you now see and hear (Acts 2:33).

What they saw and heard on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem was the Holy Spirit of God that Jesus gave up. His Dynamic remained here on Earth and that Dynamic is the same “Voice” as in the beginning. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Dynamic define the “Godhead.”

 Unfortunately, modern English versions have also given up the Ghost with only the King James Version keeping it.

The Tree of Life and the Mercy Seat is now in another realm. It may be distant or close; who knows? My bet is that the realm of God is in this realm and even the JWST cannot detect it. There indeed is a great abyss between NOW and the hereafter. Only death can bridge that gulf.

Time in that realm does not exist, just as Kaku says about the origin of the universe. If time does not exist, neither does distance because time is warped much like the black hole graphic. God is nearby and distant at the same time as if he is everywhere at once, just as the Creation was everywhere simultaneously. God is indeed a “Quantum God,” because that was the process that He used. He could have held all things together by gravity, but quantum states were even more powerful!

Just like the “spooky action at a distance” of quantum mechanics, communication with God is indeed quite mysterious, especially when He is both so far away from us and the “Ancient of Days” (Isa 51:9).

Time and distance do not define God. He is as close as the time warp of a black hole. There is no time in heaven, every day is the “eighth day” (infinite) as Enoch saw in the heavens. Every look at anything is always NOW. There was no yesterday in quantum theory, and certainly no tomorrow.

If two waves come from one, there is a spooky connection. That connection is Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” that has been validated. If things are entangled, regardless of time and distance, they remain a spooky connection between them unless something impossible happens.

If Christians are truly “in Christ” — entangled with Him — then they can communicate with God, regardless of distance or time. The reply can be immediate — in the twinkling of the eye — or long after.

How does God answer? By His Dynamic — whether He fulfills or rejects the request.

God “speaks” to me often, I think a question, and He returns His Thought. Indeed, we communicate, and I know that, because I go to scripture, test my thoughts, and usually His answer is the good that I should hang onto, just as it should be. He responds by His actions.

The answer to prayers is the “spooky action.” The manner of quantum prayer is given: “When you pray, say, “Our Father which is in heaven, hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, as in heaven, so in earth’” (Luke 11:2).

Praying is spooky action. You acknowledge first the one to Whom you are entangled, “Our Father.” Think of the “Father” as the Cloud of Light. He is the Father of all by the “quantum uncertainty principle” (more on that later; hang onto that idea).

You acknowledge the distance — you are here but He is way out there. You bequest that His Kingdom come, or appear to the one praying as if it is nearby. That is more of the spooky action!

The Name is to be “hallowed” (hagiozo in the Greek).  It is to be holily rendered in the manner of the Holy Spirit, the Hagio Pneuma. That is not a coincidence.

Of course, the “Name” is Ha Shem, the Invisible God that was made visible, and called Emanuel. “God With Us.” The Christian praying must be a Christian and entangled with God. Then God is as close as if He is within you. He is the new type that replaces the archetype of the Wicked One.

It is a key point that communication with God is only for those who are quantumly entangled with God, to wit: 

Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear, but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His Face from you, that he will not hear. (Isa 59:1-2)

 That implies that not once entangled; always entangled. Entanglement may cease unless communication and spooky action exist. When He calls, you must act. In the beginning of entanglement, the Thought comes from Him, but you must answer with action to be heard. You work out your salvation in thoughts, and if it works out correctly, then you are “entangled.” The Word keeps the entanglement safe.

“His Face” — the Person of God — is Jesus. His Dynamic remains but the obverse of the God Coin is the side you’ll never see! The Way is not by any other than the Name, so if the Name never comes up, then the Godhead is corrupted, and communication is lost.

It indeed is remarkable that wherever you are and how distant God seems to be, He is right here with you. He hears you speak, knows the hairs of your head, and what you do! That “spookiness” is the Presence of God. However, He is not an ankle bracelet restraining your every move, but a Presence to keep the entangled ones safe until their soul is saved.

Indeed, you can be separated from God; and there goes “eternal security” out the window for it has conditions; that you drift not beyond the entanglement

My bet is that cosmic bodies are not always entangled. It is theorized that all matter came from the explosion of one black hole, producing many more similar black holes with opposite spins.

JWST shows two black holes entangled with each other. The mathematical model reveals them sharing their energy in a spiral pattern as if they are somehow connected. The theory is that one black hole or the other would be devoured by the other in the manner of a hungry lion.

That should ring a bell, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Per 5:8). The walking and devouring is the dynamic. That corresponds to the sucking and devouring of a black hole gobbling the Light from cosmic bodies into their ravenous “stomachs” — the “bottomless pit”?

Yes, prayer is spooky, but just as entanglement works in quantum theory, prayer works as well. Just as spooky action reveals that entanglement exists, answers to prayer prove that there is communication between our “Father” to whom we are entangled, and His “sons” and “daughters.”

Picture credit: Harrison House

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