Friday, June 21, 2024


 The Word of God ceased speaking for four-hundred years. Only the prophets and patriarchs had heard the Word; to everyone else, the Word had remained silent. The prophets were the “mouthpieces” of God; their words had been the inspired Word of God: 

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (1 Tim 3:16-17)

 The gospels and the Pauline letters are not “scripture.” That does not mean that they were not inspired by God, for they were, but that Paul was writing to Timothy about the Old Testament wherein the invisible Word spoke to the prophets who in turn spoke to the Israelites.

Many fail to understand the concept of the “Word.” The Word is the Truth whether it is written or not. The best definition of the “Word” is that it is the “Thoughts” of God before His Face was exposed to speak those divine Thoughts. Rather than the prophets, Jesus came unto the world to Be the Mouthpiece of God. Why is that? Were the prophets no longer inspired? We shall see.

Jesus, before He assumed form like a man, revealed Himself as the “Angel of God.” Of all people, Hagar the Egyptian servant of Sarai was the first one who heard the “Angel of the Lord” called that. Before, it was the “Lord God,” the “Voice” and “God said.”

God, in the beginning, did not necessarily speak audibly but literally “uttered” — He sent forth a wave of some sort, whether it was a sound wave or any other dynamic. Based on the concept that it was “good” (Gen 1:31), then it was Virtue (Dynamis) — the same Dynamic that Jesus used to make the sick and infirm whole again.

The Word was making the whole Creation, and it was not likely by speech (sound) alone. God ushered forth all things by His utterance… some great Wave that He sent forth. That “Dynamic” whatever it was, was the “Word” of God. The first time God “spoke” was to make the whole cosmos.

That is what John meant when he wrote: 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:1-3)

 The “Word” was the utterances of God, not necessarily in speech, but in Power that God emanated.

So, when it is said that God was silent for 400 years, He no longer spoke, nor did He act upon the cosmos — at least in our world. In a sense, in the four-hundred years before Christ, mankind was left on his own with no intervention from God. That coincided with the Hellenistic period of Judah; when the Hebrews became “Greeks” inwardly, and sometimes even outwardly, as some Jews somehow concealed their circumcisions to perform in the Olympiad with the Greeks.

By the time of Jesus, the Hebrews were essentially Greeks in nature and spirit.

Micah even spoke of the silence before the “four-hundred years of silence” began with the last prophet Malachi. The Book of Micah was written in the mid 700’s BC. God had inspired him to issue a warning, and the warning came to fruition in a little over 400 years before Christ.

The following was what the Word told Micah to write as the “world” began to fall apart: 

Thus said the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth, and cry, “Peace;” and he that puts not into their mouths, they even prepare war against Him. Therefore, night shall be unto you, that you shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you, that you shall not divine; and the Sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them. (Micah 3:5-6)

 The inspired “Word” would become “dark” unto the prophets, “Said the Lord;” the Word of God was speaking but not necessarily audibly. He was perhaps inspiring Micah with His Thoughts.

The Word said to Micah, “Behold, the Lord comes forth out of His place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the Earth” (Micah 1:3). The Lord God warned Micah that He would come in the flesh, and that was what John was writing about. Because the prophets were no longer inspired by God, but another “god,” they no longer would have visions about the One True God. God gave a warning, and sure enough, for four-hundred years before Christ came, God left mankind to their own devices, and they did little else but war with those to whom they paid tribute.

God let the Greeks have their way with them whereas in the time of Malachi, the Babylonians had their way with them. Jerusalem first became the “harlot Babylon” and then fornicated with the Greeks.  In both cases, they fornicated against God and their natures changed to be like the pagans.

Fast forward to this age. The Church of God that was to endure forever; it is fornicating with the world. No longer do Christians hear and obey the Word of God; thinking that the Word must no longer be heeded. Many Christians believe the Word of God to be “legalism,” but it is not. The “finger of God” — Jesus — wrote the Word on stone for perpetuity. As it turns out the Commandments are not “commandments” at all but standards for a long-life. They are things that Christians are to do to please God and things we ought not to do to others to please God. Rather than Commandments, they are God’s Will for the heirs to His Estate.

Just as the day would be darkness over the prophets, this age is darkness over the Church. The prophets were “playing” the role of prophets and now Christians are “acting” the role of Christians, all the while neglecting the Word of God that was written on stone.

I believe the Ten Commandments were the first use of an alphabet to make words to transmit ideas. I believe that the Words on those two tablets was “Jesus” in stone, not His Person, but His Dynamic that was put onto the first “Bible.” The tablets were in a sense, the Image of God.

They were “Bible” in the sense that the stone was the medium on which the Word was written. By denying the validity of the Ten Commandments is taking the Lord’s Name in vain — that Jesus did not write them!

There was a pall over Judea and there is now a pall over the Church. A “pall” is a dark covering over a casket. Too many are pall bearers, and the dead is the whole Church. It is not the Dynamic of God that is perhaps so active but false prophets.

Casket Pall

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