Monday, June 3, 2024


The Garden in Eden was the “Church,” at least in its spooky action — the holiness wherein they were to glorify God. It is likely that their language was not a known tongue but only a congruence in their thinking and the Thoughts of God before time even began with onset of sin. Adam and the woman were joyful — content — in associating with their “Father,” the One with whom they should have been forever entangled. Sin detangled the two and Eve became entangled with the “Serpent.”

That is not to say that she coupled with an animal, but that she entangled with the spooky spirit within Lucifer. She entangled with the “Beast” and their devilish child, Cain, became depraved since his Genome was from Lucifer. Thereafter, just as Cain was of the Wicked One (1 John 3:12), we all were born of the same evil “father” (John 8:44).

“Church” — entanglement with Father God was broken. To mend the broken entanglement, each of the so=called “stones” (1 Pet 2:5) must be made alive again through engenderment with God.

In other words, “Church” is an assembly of people entangled with God and with each other. In a sense, Christians are all the right hand of God in power. That is the Invisible Church with Christ as its “Cornerstone” that God revealed to Isaiah, “Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation” (Isa 28:16). The Cornerstone is the long-enduring quantum action of Yahweh that is the “foundation” of the Person of Jesus.

The original Church in Eden was built with two alive people in a curious, but glorious, union with God. The modern “Church” is built in the same manner. We are “the ancient Garden” in a genetic sense since the Invisible God is its foundation and Jesus the ‘Stone” on which it was built. It was not Peter, whose name means “Pebbles.” He is just one of the many spiritual “particles” that is part of the foundation.

Isaiah, if you missed it, was talking quantum mechanics, and it built the eternal Church.

What’s more, Tabernacle worship was the foundation of the modern but ancient Church. The beginning and ending ‘Church” are much like a space-time warp. When God is worshiped anywhere by even just two people; that is the “Church.” Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there Am I in the midst of them” (Mat 18:20).

Within that passage is much hidden meaning. “AM I” is Yahweh. Where two or three meet in the Spirit of God (the Invisible backside), God is with them. They gather in His Name — the “Word” (Jesus) — and He is the “spooky connection” between God and man… “There is one God, and one ‘mediator’ between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim 2:5). Jesus was the Voice in the Garden and His Ghost the “spooky action” that mediates the prayers of those with whom God is entangled. (Hopefully, you are beginning to understand the scientific basis of the Holy Trinity.)

Gathering in His Name (Jesus) is quantum entanglement. Luke called it “with one accord in one place” (homothymadon; Acts 2:1). They are in One Mind alike; and all like Yahweh with His Spirit within.

The modern Church was founded the day that people from all over the world came to be imbued with the Spirit of Yahweh during Pentecost in Zion (Jerusalem) just as Isaiah had written!

Right then, “They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4). They were speaking the language of God whatever it was so God could reveal that He had in fact entangled Himself with each one of them and that made them all “sons of God.” That was because they were commonly entangled according to the quantum uncertainty principle. (More on that later.)

If you remember, God answers prayer, not in words, but actions. That day, He answered someone’s prayer, perhaps mediated by Jesus, and voila, God came into action. The Holy Ghost came in Power… that was quantum action.

They were all imbued (pimplemi) with the Spirit of God. JHWH had entangled them from far above in another realm. That was the quantum “spooky action” that was proven as real by Neils Bohr’s equations. Apparently, the only prayer that God hears from sinners is to be entangled with Him and ‘working out your salvation” is praying in Jesus’s Name for entanglement to be in accord with YHWH.

“Speaking” in that sense was not in a language but an utterance (laleo). That was the “action” that validates entanglement. They uttered strange sounds. They were speaking the Thoughts of God after He had entangled Himself with them. The Jews needed that miracle for them to believe; “For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom” (1 Cor 1:22).

The Jews needed the spooky action of the Quantum God; us Gentiles seek after wisdom. A Quantum-like God is that wisdom, and God validated my own entanglement by allowing me to understand how He operates. It is in our minds.

I cannot shut God off. He speaks to me from a great distance as if He is standing right beside me.

I am part of the “Church.” He has told me that by some “spooky action” that I even fail to understand completely, but it is for real, just as Al-Khalali said about quantum mechanics.

In a sense, God operated on my mind by telepathy from way out there wherever lies Paradise, as if He is at my right hand in the same manner as Jesus, in Power… in quantum-like Power!

Picture credit:  Adobe Stock; "Haunted Church."

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