Monday, June 24, 2024


This was hard to explore and harder to write. Make it worth my while; consider if there are giants of old.

Who was the first giant? Let is consider the time that blind Lamech killed his grandfather, thinking that he was a thief out to steal his herd.

In those days lived Lamech the blind, who was of the sons of Cain. “’As for me,’ (said his son, Atun) ‘I cannot feed those cattle alone, lest one rob me of some of them, or kill me for the sake of them.’ For among the children of Cain, there was much robbery, murder, and sin. Then Lamech pitied him, and he said, ‘Truly, he when alone, might be overpowered by the men of this place.’”

   “Meanwhile Cain, ever since God had cast him off, and had cursed him with trembling and terror, could neither settle nor find rest in any one place; but wandered from place to place.”

Cain came looking for his grandson who was out protecting his flock. Thinking that he was a thief…  “Then Lamech shot at Cain with his arrow and hit him in his side. And Lamech struck him with a stone from his sling, that fell upon his face, and knocked out both his eyes; then Cain fell at once and died” (1 A & E 13).

First off, Cain was from Nod, just as the Bible indicates (Gen 4:16). Nod is not a specific  place, according to the Hebrew, but “wandering.”

Cain had some type of psychosis: “trembling ands terror, unrest, and wandering (Nod)” Cain surely was afraid of the demon that was in himself. “Cain, who was of that Wicked One, and slew his brother. And wherefore (why) slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous” (1 John 3:12).

Cain was the effect of original sin. It is called “original” because sin is genetic. All the “sons of Cain” even to this generation “come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23).

The curse was fear of himself, according to the Book of Adam and Eve. His psychosis was genuine for he had had the genetics of the Wicked One (Satan, the Serpent, the Devil, Lucifer) in him. Eve had done that, not God (Gen 4:1). She apparently “knew” the “Serpent” of old.

Forget that the Serpent seems to be a mythological snake but was the cunningness of Lucifer (Strong 2006). To be blunt, Eve committed adultery against Adam who watched her sin with the Wicked One, producing Cain.

Cain was not a “man” in the sense of Adam’s kind (adam in the Hebrew). For the first time the word for man was not Adam but ‘Is (pronounced eesh). Cain was not Adam’s kind but an “extant” being (ibid), alien to the world.

The curse of God was apparently psychosis due to guilt. Cain’s own works were evil. However, God had grace upon Cain just as He had with Adam and Eve on whom He put coats of skin (Gen 3”21).

“Cain said unto the Lord, ‘My punishment is greater than I can bear’” (Gen 4:13). His punishment was guilt, and the curse was psychosis.

Because he had sinned greatly, Cain was afraid, “I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the Earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that finds me shall slay me” (Gen 4:14). Fear of the unknown is a classic symptom of a psychotic person. To allay the fear of the unknown spirit within a psychotic person only requires trust in God to provide safety from those that might harm you.

Cain was endowed with the genome of the Wicked One. His was the first case of born in sin, or as David called it, “shapen in iniquity” (Psalm 51:5).

So far, giantism has not been mentioned. Before further miscegenation (mixing of genetics), “There were giants in the earth in those days…” (Gen 6:1).

The Book of Jasher reveals that Grigori giants came from the Fifth heaven to Earth in those days and had sexual relationships with the daughters of men. The Grigori allowed the “sons of God” (Seth’s progeny) to watch them copulate and after seeing the porno, the sons of God also wanted to copulate with the women on the plain below Mount Hermon where they were isolated from the world.

Both Matthew and Mark wrote about sexual intercourse and angels, “In the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven” (Mat 22:30). When Christians are glorified, they will be like Adam was originally. There will be no copulation in Paradise in heaven.

Implied therein is that angels in heaven cannot copulate. However, the lead angel Lucifer did copulate with Eve. How was that done? It was done on Earth in Paradise where it happened. The angel Lucifer, as the Books of Adam and Eve reveal, shape-shift to do sexual things and become sexually oriented beings. Sometime the angels appeared as beautiful women, handsome men, and even as giants.

Cain got his sexual prowess, like a beast, but he may have gotten something to identify that he was also one of us.

Cain begged God for protection, indicating that he was afraid of what he had wrought. God spoke to allay his fear, “Whosoever slays Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him” (Gen 4:15). God had grace on Cain just as he had on Adam and Eve. Perhaps he would have the flesh of a man but the soul of the demon. He would look normal like Adam, but his actions would be demonic.

Blind Lamech could not see him, but he sensed danger when Cain got near him and his servant. To the servant, Cain may have looked like any giant that was there in those days, but blind Lamech could sense the evil within Cain in the same manner as the blind man saw Jesus as a tree walking (Mark 8:24).

Blind Lamech had senses that only the animals have, and he himself as the grandson of Cain could sniff him out like a dog can sense dangerous species. (Sure, this is speculation, but it does make sense.)

So, part of God’s grace was making Cain look normal. However, he was alien to this world within his person. God revealed to Enoch those alien beings — Grigori giants from another realm.

That giants were on the Earth in those days makes sense, since the progeny of Cain could be giants. Perhaps even blind Lamech was a giant! Even if he was, if he could see, that would be another reason not to kill Cain.

Cain was killed by his grandson because Lamech sensed evil within the likely giant. Consider the “men” (angels) who took Enoch on a tour of the heavens: 

The men took me on to the fifth heaven and placed me, and there I saw many and countless soldiers, called Grigori, of human appearance, and their size was greater than that of great giants and their faces withered, and the silence of their mouths perpetual, and there was no service on the fifth heaven, and I said to the men who were with me: Wherefore are these very withered and their faces melancholy, and their mouths silent, and wherefore is there no service on this heaven? And they said to me: “These are the Grigori, who with their prince Satanail rejected the Lord of light, and after them are those who are held in great darkness on the second heaven, and three of them went down on to earth from the Lord's throne, to the place Ermon, and broke through their vows on the shoulder of the hill Ermon and saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and giants are born and marvellous big men and great enmity.” (Secrets XVIII:1-3)

 The sons of God were indeed Seth’s progeny who were well-tutored by Grigori. No longer in heaven, God allowed them to couple with women while on Earth. He released them from their countenances (vows) as a means of testing mankind. Would they or would they not conjugate with beings from another realm — with beasts!

Mankind failed. The women of Cain’s progeny would have carnal knowledge with anyone, and soon the progeny of Seth (the “sons of God”) joined in, leaving only Noah who found grace (Gen 6:8), and because of that his entire household were brought to safety on Mount Juda in the Tauris Mountains of areas of Ararat.

From The Book of Jasher, it was revealed that the grace that Noah found was gloriousness in the manner of Moses coming down from the mountain after entangling with God: 

The wife of Lamech (not blind Lamech but the progeny of Seth) conceived and bare him a son at that time, at the revolution of the year. And Methuselah called his name Noah, saying, “The earth was in his days at rest and free from corruption,” and Lamech his father called his name Menachem, saying, “This one shall comfort us in our works and miserable toil in the earth, which God had cursed.” And the child grew up and was weaned, and he went in the ways of his father Methuselah, perfect and upright with God. (Jasher 4:13-15)

 God above provided His Spirit into the body of Noah. He was like a Savior — an antitype who would save mankind.

Note how evil mankind had become: 

And all the sons of men departed from the ways of the Lord in those days as they multiplied upon the face of the earth with sons and daughters, and they taught one another their evil practices and they continued sinning against the Lord.

And every man made unto himself a god, and they robbed and plundered every man his neighbor as well as his relative, and they corrupted the earth, and the earth was filled with violence.

And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals. (Jasher 4:16-17)

 Not only were children hybrids of demon angels but their “geneticists” had the knowledge of animal husbandry; they mixed bred the beasts to be like themselves, and God had to save the animals from human tampering as well. (Now the same wicked men are making imitation meat by biogenetics as in the days of Noah.)

Those “giants” in the days of Noah were nepil in the Hebrew, from napal which means “fallen.”

 They were giants in more senses than size. They were fallen messengers (angels) and their “messages” were apparently in their genetics; some were huge creatures and others great inventors since they had the very knowledge of God.

They invented biogenetics as Jasher points out. The children that came from miscegenation, “the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (Gen 6:4) — men out to make a name for themselves.  Foremost among them was Genun who was the great inventor who understood sound waves so much that he invented musical instruments to speak to them messages from the spiritual realm: 

After Cain had gone down to the land of dark soil, and his children had multiplied therein, there was one of them, whose name was Genun, son of Lamech the blind who slew Cain.

But as to this Genun, Satan came into him in his childhood; and he made sundry trumpets and horns, and string instruments, cymbals and psalteries, and lyres and harps, and flutes; and he played on them at all times and at every hour.

And when he played on them, Satan came into them, so that from among them were heard beautiful and sweet sounds, that ravished the heart. (1 A & E 2-:1-3)

 As such, some were giants and some great inventors. They were all “giants” either physically or mentally. Using that metric; Einstein, Bohr, and even Stephen Hawking were mental “giants” who knew the dynamics of the universe.

That idea may explain the unknown origin of the pyramids.

The first pyramid was built in the Old Kingdom of Egypt circa 2500 BC. The deluge of Noah’s time was circa 2500 BC. With that said, the pyramids were pre-diluvian and certainly were of an “old kingdom” — the old world. (That could explain the erosion of their outer shells.)

It took great knowledge and power to build such a building. Nobody understands from the  engineering of whom that the pyramids arose nor how massive stones could have been stacked so highly.

The location, position on the globe, the dimensions and shape are precise to the Sun and even to the celestial axis in Jerusalem, some say.

Also said is that the relative positions of the oldest pyramid (Cheops) and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem may be a sacred number. It is 273.5 miles or 84,0793.8 royal cubits, according to my calculations. I see nothing sacred about that, but the size and position is almost exactly according to the coordinate positions.

Some believe their positions were based on the position of the Sun at a certain time of the year: “The corners of the Great Pyramid of Giza also align well with the cardinal directions — north, south, east, and west. Researchers have spent years trying to understand how the builders were able to align the pyramid so precisely, and most accept that the ancient engineers used the motion of the Sun” (Betz 2023).

Without further ado, the construction of the pyramids does seem beyond the science. Not only are their positions and sizes precise and that stones of that size in that age could have been transported and places seems superhuman.

Now consider Genun: After making things of pleasure, “Then Satan, when he saw that they (the sons of man) yielded to Genun and hearkened to him in every thing he told them, rejoiced greatly, increased Genun's understanding, until he took iron and with it made weapons of war” (1 A & E 20:7).

Genun was Satan’s “Tekton” who was an antitype of Jesus. Of course, Genun may have not been the one who built the pyramids, but with Satan in him, Genun would have known how to and he was extant at that time. Furthermore, Genun had giants readily available. Could it be that Genun superintended the building of the Great Pyramid?

1500 years after the building of the Great Pyramid the Hyksos acquired power in Egypt. Could they have been there as advisors and slaves long before? They were believed to be Semites from western Asia. Had the seed of Genun been planted in Egypt after the flood and continued the work of Satan there? 

If you study “fake news” from ancient Egypt, you would consider the Hyksos a band of nasty, marauding outsiders who invaded and then brutally ruled the Nile Delta until heroic kings expelled them. In fact, the Hyksos had a more diplomatic impact, contributing to progress in culture, language, military affairs and even the introduction of the iconic horse and chariot. The story of these two competing explanations reveals much about ancient Egypt and this mysterious group.

As a word, Hyksos is simply the Greek version of an Egyptian title, Heka Khasut, meaning “rulers of foreign lands/hill countries.” While much is misunderstood, we know the Hyksos comprised a small group of West Asian individuals who ruled Northern Egypt, especially the Delta, during the Second Intermediate Period. These rulers were recorded as Egypt’s 15th dynasty in the Turin Royal Canon, the only known king’s list that documents their existence. (Candelora 2023)

 Genun was the inventor of purple, the color of choice of royalty. It makes sense that the ante-diluvian “giants” along with the demonic intelligence of Genun could have built the first and greatest pyramid. It could have been sfter the flood when the seed Of Mizraim of the Hamite branch of Noah (Hyksos?) could have continued with the building after the flood waters had receded?

Could the purple of Genun become the purple of the Hyksos Pharaohs who were so progressive in their building project?

Provide a better explanation… I am waiting!

We are looking for giants metricized by their sizes but were there giants with the intrinsic knowledge of Satan in them. Were giants also big in the sense of intelligence? Genun indicates that there was at least one “giant” with the capacity to understand the esoteric knowledge of the universe from the angel, Lucifer, himself. Could that explain why Egypt always represents sin and Hell from which the Hebrews had to flee, and that Pharaoh represents Satan?

Now consider the royal cubit. It was used to locate and build the pyramids of Egypt. The standard Hebrew cubit was variable, depending on the size of the people at that time. If you wanted big buildings, you desired big people of both size and intelligence. You would turn to “giants” like Einstein and ante-diluvian beings of great physical stature.

Mankind is “Adam’s kind” are they not? The “mighty men” (gibor) that were the hybrid children were literally, “powerful” and were giants. In the earlier verses of Genesis chapter six, the Hebrew words ben and bar are used for sons and daughters, respectively. They were the children of Adam; they were his kind. Perhaps the giant gene was already in the daughters of man (Adam) because of the curse of Cain who had obtained, at the least, cunning from his father the Devil. He was a “giant” in the sense of deception if that is true.

However, after miscegenation with giant Grigori from the Fifth Heaven (according to Jasher [1]), no longer were they call “adam” in the Hebrew, but “‘Is.” They were no longer of the genetics of Adam which bar indicates, but extant beings (Strong 2006) — aliens to this world. They were of a different existence than earthlings.

The flood was to extricate aliens from our world and reproduce offspring from another “Adam,” called “Noah,” whose genetics had been corrected at his birth.

Noah had sons. They would have carried the genetics of the first Adam and of God since they were not Kenites of Cain.

Their wives, however, may have been from Cain. Their names are known in sacred literature, but their genealogy remains unknown. The only way that giants could have made it through the flood is by the recessive mitochondrial DNA of one or more of the wives. Indeed, Satan has slipped through the flood waters in the genome of one of the women. 

In the Book of Jubilees (160–150 BC), considered canon by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church as well as Beta Israel, the names of the wives are given as Emzara, wife of Noah; Sedeqetelebab, wife of Shem; Na'eltama'uk, wife of Ham; and Adataneses, wife of Japheth. It adds that the three sons each built a city named after their wives.

According to the Sibylline Oracles, the wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth enjoyed fantastically long lifespans, living for centuries, while speaking prophecy to each generation they saw come and go. According to the preface of the Oracles, the Sibyl author was a daughter-in-law of Noah: the "Babylonian Sibyl", Sambethe — who, 900 years after the Deluge, allegedly moved to Greece and began writing the Oracles. The writings attributed to her (at the end of Book III) also hint at possible names of her family who would have lived before the Flood — father Gnostos, mother Circe; elsewhere (in book V) she calls Isis her sister. Other early sources similarly name one of the Sibyls as Sabba (see Sibyl in Jewish Encyclopedia). (Wikipedia 2023).

Whichever wife she was, Sibyl is a great candidate for the giant genome. Her “giantism” was at least in her inherited knowledge from her father Gnostos whose knowledge would have been esoteric and beyond the known science of that age.

We keep looking for giants and science fails to see them even when they are in full view.

Look for “giants” in the rulers and principalities of the world. Look for giantism in the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. Look for giants in artificial intelligence and biogenetics! We keep looking for giants in caves and basketball courts when all we need to look for to find giants are great inventions that have the propensity to destroy life as we know it.

Now consider the intelligence to build the pyramids. It seems so simple that even an Egyptian royal knows of it (see the figure #1 below). The positions of her hand and marker represents the relationship shown in figure #2. All the figures from (Donald 2005-2024).






Without getting overly complicated the 1:SQRT 2 ration introduces the sizes and positions of the Sun and Moon (figure #3). How would the Egyptian’s have known that without either divine or alien (Satanic) knowledge?

The Egyptians, antithetical of demons, knew the cosmos enough to build the pyramids. The question remains, did the seed of Genun have anything to do with it?

Names mean things. “Genun” means something. There is no accepted etymology for that name but allow me to propose one: gen is genetics and un usually means “the reverse” in Mediterranean languages. I propose that Genun was born to reverse the genetics of God in man (Adam) and his kind. It makes sense that since Genun had Satan enter him, that Satan got into him by genetics just as Satan got into Cain by genetics.

Genun, regardless of his unmentioned size as a “giant” in all other respects; inventing hard liquor, the instruments of hard music, and instruments of war. Genun, in a sense, split the Adam, making a hybrid being from Adam’s seed from God and from demonic angels from the heavens.

Some giantism is genetics; that cannot be denied. I am tall because my progenitors were tall. The Scandinavian and Balkan people are the tallest while the dark races are the shortest. That is genetic and it came from some ancient ancestors. Comparatively speaking most of us are giants!

Take for instance a man of renown, Peter the Great. He stood 6’-5” in stature while all those around him were 5’-6” or so. He was not only a huge person but a great scholar who learned many trades including anatomy, geology, and construction as he built St. Petersburg in a swamp, even bringing in earth to do so. Of course, he did not have giants like himself to do the work but he made men into giants by their numbers. He used the lowest caste of people to make a few giants. Giants can do things like that.

Were their giants in those days? There are giants in these days; so, from where did their genetics come? I am a fairly tall person with above average intelligence. I have giantism in me from my ancestors, but perhaps after thousands of mutations, I am not recognized as a giant at all, but just a little larger than average.

Where are the giants? Where are the aliens on Earth? We must look at ourselves; mirrors and success in pecuniary matters identifies the aliens within us.

[1] Jasher is italicized because it is the book of that name. It means the Book of the Righteous.

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