Saturday, June 1, 2024



Not only are there two domains but two similar but very different worlds that exist, perhaps one in the interstices of the other, like the protons in an electron field and similar but opposite in polarity.

That is not to say that heaven is on Earth but that there exists two realms that may very well co-exist and are as close a death.

The “Real Estate” of God is both; His “world” exists of both the unseen matter and the seen matter, and one is as real as the other with one difference: whereas the seen is Newtonian in structure, the unseen is more like the atomic world.

The Newtonian world is what can be seen. It is “Newtonian” because gravity holds all things in their places. It is an unseen force-field that causes all things to move through space while smaller bodies orbit large bodies.

Gravity is the “dynamics” of the seen world. Enoch saw the real world as the objects of the “Fourth Heaven” (1 Enoch 11-17). That is the Newtonian world where gravity is the force of that orders and holds things in place.

There, however, exists a microscopic world as well, but therein gravity is just a weak field. Electrons orbit and are held in place by a strong force, called “quantum mechanics.” For electrons to jump from one place (energy level) to another takes much energy — atomic energy.

Heaven and Earth are much like that. God created the heaven and the earth. “Heaven” was not a place or even outer space, nor was “earth” this planet. God created the particles of the seen and the unseen. Heaven and earth are very different but like substances that are entangled as one cosmos. One is like the other but with very different characteristics; the earth is visible things and the heaven invisible things. Within each world exists dimensional things.

I hypothesize that just as world (the ‘cosmos”) is Newtonian with gravity in control that heaven is Quantum wherein God is in control. As such, God overcomes gravity as simply as scissors cut paper.

Imagine a world without gravity! That is the Quantum World wherein gravity is almost useless compared to quanta. As such, God is not, but can be likened to Quanta and His order of things can be compared to quantum theory.

Gravity hinders things. It would have no place in Paradise in heaven. God is in control there, making heavenly Paradise a quantum realm whose control is by quantum mechanics.

The quantum world of God does not consist of bodies of mass with weight as on planet earth or even any other planet. “Planet” Paradise would have Phantoms as the bodies, and as it turned out the Genome of Jesus was a Phantom in the bodily shape of a man, according to the apostle Luke.

The “Neutrino” of Jesus would be like an atomic neutrino with only very slight, even insignificant mass. Neutrinos can pass through masses as if they are not even there. Not only that, they are invisible to the eye but are still there.

Perhaps that was the “nakedness” of Adam and Eve in Paradise (Gen 2:25).

(That is not even an implication that Jesus was a Neutrino but God who could function analogous to one. To call Jesus a “Neutrino” would blaspheme the Holy Ghost.)

Jesus showed Himself, not only by passing effortlessly through solid objects, but time and distance as well. When Jesus arose, His quantum state was “glorious” (John 7:39), and as such when He arose, Jesus overcame the gravity of the world. No longer did Newton’s Law hold Him down, but His new quantum state overcame the gravity.  

The ascension of Jesus was indeed a miracle, but it is also very scientific as you might now see.

Paradise is not a Newtonian but a Quantum World where the Almighty can change who you are. The “new creation” of which Jesus spoke was a new creature alike, but different in substance than before.

The “new creature” is revealed when those dead in Christ arise. Until then, the new creature is within the old one! We say it, but without meaning, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor 5:17). That new creature is a regeneration of the original creature — Adam — whose inner person (his “shadow”) was the Image of God (Selem) and without material substance.

It is not the flesh that is saved, but the soul that is that new creature. The soul is not Newtonian at all but in total control by the Power of God. In heaven, souls are held in place, not by gravity, but the Almightiness Quantum-like Energy of God.

It is the Invisible God that provides the grace for you, “Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls” (1 Pet 1:9). When is it that the soul is saved? NOW is the time of salvation (Rom 13:11). Not that NOW is salvation, but that time does not exist in the cosmos. It is always NOW, and time is not for God who is always Present.

Salvation is the event, an unknown undefined time (Mat 24:36), when the Son of Man (Jesus) shall come to save the souls of the dead.

When is salvation? Not anywhere in time, but beyond time. Even Christians fail to understand that time in the quantum-like world of God is meaningless. Just as He created all things at once, in the ending, everyone will be made a new creature simultaneously the quantum way!




The mystery of God is many but the most mysterious of them all is, “I AM the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the Ending… which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Rev 1:8). The Lord God (“The Almighty “I AM”) said that; He revealed His Presence to John the beloved.

In theology, God is “The Presence.” In quantum theory God is “The Now.” God is “The Existence” at any given moment of eternity. God showed John that He is the NOW! How blind are we humans that we cannot see God even when JWST reveals God to us?

Many of the Judeo-Christian faith say, “Almighty God,” having no idea just how Almighty God is!

God split the atom — the mass that was thought to be the ending of the ability to be cut. Again, cutting is an extremely important concept in both physics and theology. Scientists cut the atom using very intense energy, and God cut atoms using Almightiness. God was the first to cut the atom, and ironically, the product of His Power, he called “Adam;” He called the ground (mass) “Adam”! The ground is just a solid mass of atoms, and Adam — the dominant kind — has the exact same substance as the ground, even in the same proportions. God did that!

Gone unnoticed before is that when “created” in the beginning it is not just bara’ in the Hebrew but bara’ ‘et.  That just occurred to me, and right now, I am astounded! Bara’ ‘et literally means that God “cut a particle.” That is the epitome of atomic physics and the meaning of atomic energy. Cutting a particle is nuclear fission.

Cutting the nucleus sub-atomic particle of a neutron produces gamma photons; intense but invisible rays (waves) of light. That “God is Light” (1 John 1:5) therefore is scientific. That claim is truth. Now you know what it means when you say it so flippantly!

God cut matter into lower atomic states, the last state is cutting the neutron at the center of an atom. That makes God “Atomic,” or as Christians say it, “Almighty,” because He cut the matter of the universe into particles of different levels of energy; hence the “Power of God” causes the various quantum states.

Skeptics were questioning Jesus about marriage in the resurrection; Jesus set them straight, “Do you not therefore err, because you know not the scriptures, neither the Power of God?”

Scriptures are the Old Testament. Genesis is the first of the scriptures. The first knowledge provided in the scripture is that God cut the particles and divided them. That was the Almighty God that did that, not just atomic energy. The atom did not split itself nor did it further split itself by itself. The Almightiness of God did that! It took the Highest Intelligence to cut the atomic particles to make two heavens with two distinct but opposite “spins” that Jesus while on earth called “heaven.”

Was Jesus referring to entanglement between two people, male and female, or was it two worlds, alike but different. I submit that what He had cut apart, nobody could put back together. That is the lost power of atomic fission, and indeed nuclear fusion is impossible naturally without intervention.

(Remember that Jesus was certainly no mere “carpenter” but a Tekton. He was a “nuclear scientist” of the highest order.) Maybe He was referring to heaven as a different quantum state!

A black hole is a good example of quantum states and energy levels. Once over the “event horizon” of a black hole the quantum state symbolically goes to Hell!

If any object is caught on the periphery of a black hole, the momentum of the mass is believed to hurl them beyond the speed of light to let’s say, “the twilight zone elsewhere,” perhaps another unseen “world.” (Nobody has seen that world but the physical evidence for it is there, just as Paul said about the invisible world.)

That is not to say travel to heaven is through a “wormhole” to another quantum state, but that a wormhole does well describe the “door” to heaven (Rev 3:20). That “door” is literally a “portal.” A wormhole is a portal to another unknown theoretical world.

I am not implying at all that at death you will be hurled to another place by a blackhole, but that God uses common processes for all the things that He does. It is a comparison and only an analogous process.

According to Wikipedia about “wormholes:” 

A wormhole is a hypothetical structure connecting disparate points in spacetime, and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations. A wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in spacetime (i.e., different locations, different points in time, or both). Wormholes are consistent with the general theory of relativity, but whether wormholes actually exist remains to be seen.

 As such, wormholes overcome time, space, and distance. In the time warp of space, not only does time not exist, but it is assumed that distance does not exist as well. So, that “spooky action at a distance” of Albert Einstein may not be as spooky as it seems but only a warped space.

Consider a wheel: The spiral of a black hole resembles a wheel, or any other circle. Consider the wheel’s point that touches the ground, again using a bicycle wheel; it is stationary relative to the ground unless there is slippage. Any other point is dynamic but that one point is theoretically stationary. What if rather than the wheel rotating its circumference that the wheel slips on the smooth surface? Then, very quickly a new point becomes stationary, so rather than traveling the circumference, time jumps and so does distance. That compares very well to a “quantum leap.” That may very well describe the theoretical wormhole. Enough now about quantum theory, let’s focus on the wormhole.

If a wormhole does exist, then at one time, perhaps even now, there must have been a worm to tunnel the hole, in this case, tunneling through time and space. That’s a little harder to do than tunneling the ground! A black hole has immense, even almighty power. It sucks suns into its atmosphere and sends them all to a fiery, then dark, “Hell” that remains unseen to this day. Hell is surely not a black hole but perhaps has the same quantum state.

Scripture provides the “worm” that drilled the hole: When Jesus was dying, He began to quote the 22nd Psalm (Mat 27:46). He never got past the first stanza. If He had continued, Jesus would have identified Himself, “I AM a Worm” (Psalm 22:6) — God IS the “Worm”!

Jesus was likely referring to a previous time in scripture, perhaps the croccus ilicis from which scarlet dye comes; the same “scarlet” as in the scarlet thread (cord) of Rahab (Josh 2:18) that was used to save the spies from their death. Jesus was that “worm” as scarlet comes from the same worm.

Now quit your thinking that Jesus is a worm, but He is the Cutter of the worm hole from Rahab to the crucifixion in that Rahab was His genetic thread; her mitochondrial DNA was His source since it is passed down by the mother. That “scarlet thread” most assuredly represented the DNA of the Person, Jesus. No wonder Rahab is mentioned in the DNA of Jesus, albeit it was mitochondria and not paternal. (Mitochondrial means “a thread of little granules”)

That scarlet thread represented the DNA particles in the blood of Jesus! That cord represented time, and Jesus was the “worm” that preserved Joshua then and would preserve Joshua (Jesus) over a millennia later. Joshua was not Jesus but in a manner Joshua, antitypical of Jesus, went through time in a metaphorical “worm hole.”

Jesus referred to Himself as a “Cup,” praying to His “Father” — the Genome of God within Himself. Jesus asked of Him: “Let this cup pass from Me” (Mat 26:39). The cup was His literally a “vessel,” that would be passed, indubitably to save Christians from Hell. Was He implying again that He was the “Driller” of the passageway from one realm to another from one quantum state to another? He indeed was the “worm” that overcomes time and distance as if a wormhole!

Indeed, if Hell is like a blackhole, and Enoch described it as such, then the event horizon would indeed go from one quantum state to another. Not to say that Hell is a “black hole,” but that Enoch saw a black hole in the heavens and used it as a metaphor for Hell.

Jesus was one type of worm, tola’ in the Hebrew, whose identifying characteristic (DNA) is scarlet of the same color as the croccus ilicis.

However, Lucifer is also called a “worm” by Isaiah who saw him as another kind of “worm” (rimma in the Hebrew). His worm is not the genetics of Jesus — scarlet — but of another type. He thought of himself as the scarlet “worm” that was the genetics of Jesus, but his “breeding” was of a different sort. He projected himself as the scarlet worm that could overcome the world — time and space — but his “wormhole” led to Hell. 

                                              SCIENCE NEWS EXPLORES; "Wormholes."

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