Thursday, August 1, 2024


The first king of Israel was Saul. The successive kings could have been the dynasty of Saul, but David was made king because he was a man after God’s own heart. When King Saul was losing the battle, there was an appointed time for Samuel to come to offer sacrifices, but Saul could not wait and had the audacity to do the priestly function himself, saying that he wanted not but was forced to sacrifice to God. With that one act, the dynasty of Saul was never to be.

Samuel said to Saul, “But now your kingdom shall not continue: the Lord has sought Him a man after His own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because you have not kept that which the Lord commanded you.” (1 Sam 13:14). That “kingdom” was the Davidian Dynasty that existed for many generations. Whereas Saul had been after victory, David was after God. Let’s explore that further:

“A man after His own heart” is figurative speech. There was not any adamah, so God had to be satisfied with an ‘is (pronounced eesh in the Hebrew). He was to pick the best of the “beasts.” David would be “the lion of Judah.”

Now consider apocalyptic scripture: “One of the elders (in John’s vision) said unto me, ‘Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” (Rev 5:5). The moment David was chosen by God to become king, first of Judah, then the entire Kingdom of David, the Davidic Dynasty was set in motion as an everlasting dynasty stretching unto the heavens.

Jesus, as “the root of David” is metaphoric for the progeny of David. Jesus was born to be, not only King of the Jews, but Lord and King of the Universe as both Royal Priest and King. No wonder God would not accept the audacity of Saul as both priest and king!

So, what is a dynasty? It is “a succession of rulers of the same descent” (Merriam-Webster 2023). A dynasty is lineage. Just as David was the “lion of Judah,” all the kings of his line should have been, but many were not. Most of them were sloths of Israel and even vultures. Only about one-third of them and only in Judea carried the lion-like gene of David.

The Root of David would have the power of David; enough power to loosen the seven seals. (What they are is insignificant for this commentary because the focus is on the power that emanates from a God-ordained dynasty.)

That Jesus was the “Root of David” would indicate to the Jews that he would have the power that David wielded.

What was the power of David? He killed the giant Goliath, but it was not David, but through Christ in him. God guided the stone to the forehead of Goliath and killed the giant and weakened the adversaries. If God could do that using the person of David, He could do that even better using the Person of God, Jesus.

Jesus, as it turned out, was the root of David. His genealogy through His mother is enumerated in Matthew chapter one. That specific chapter is called, “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Mat 1:1). Therefore, Jesus “was the son of Adam, which was the son of God” (Luke 3:38).

Gone unmentioned in scripture was that Abraham was a king as well. The Book of Jasher reveals that the Canaanites honored Abraham as king, but he was not king there. His kingship was in another realm. Like wrote about that kingship as the “bosom of Abraham,” obviously in heaven (Luke 16). So, Jesus had two claims to kingship, both king of the Kingdom of David on Earth and the Kingdom of Abraham in heaven (Paradise).

Jesus was the root of David but the root of God through Abraham. In other words, Jesus had a symbiotic ancestry; He was both ‘Is and Adam. Adam was in the Image of God and had within the Genome of God referred to in scripture as the “Image of God” (Gen 1:27). As such, Jesus was both God and man and His Essence is both the shape of man and the shape of God. Luke saw that when he wrote, “The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon Him, and a Voice came from heaven, which said, ‘You are My beloved Son; in you, I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22).

Of course, as John explained, Jesus was not the biological “son” of God but coexisted in Power (John 1:1-14). Power is the dynamics of things.

Both the words, “dynamic” and “dynasty come from the same root; the Greek word “dunamai” which means “I AM able.”

So, it appears that the Davidian Dynasty began with King David. However, the book of the genealogy of Jesus began with King Abraham.

Jesus was the “son of Abraham” whose realm was in heaven. Jesus was the rightful heir, therefore, to the Kingdom of David on Earth and the Abrahamic Dynasty — Abraham’s Bosom in heaven.

If Jesus was dead, then He would have no claim to be “King of the Jews” and if His Ghost had not lived on, His claim to King of the Heavens would be made invalid. However, He remained “The Son of God,” so Jesus is rightfully Lord of Heaven. John saw that when he wrote when speaking of the Lamb of God, Jesus: 

And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His vesture and on His thigh a Name written, “King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.” (Rev 19:15-16) 

Even when Jacob “wrestled” with the man-God, his thigh was marked, but he was not the first: 

And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, “Put, I pray you, your hand under my thigh: (Gen 24:1-2) 

God had blessed Abraham. Apparently, God had marked his thigh with the Name. When Jacob wrestled, it was not a physical wrestling match but God endeavoring to change Jacob wherein “wrestling” could as well have been translated “vapor” (Strong 2006).

The Spirit of God, as a vapor, changed Jacob inwardly, and he was marked with a withered thigh whereon God had touched him. It never went away. “Israel,” his new Name was written on his thigh as “he that strives with God” (Abarim Publications 2024). Not he that stives against God but with God! Israel was intended to strive with God but many times that nation “limped” while striving against God.

Abraham had received the Dynamic of God when he withstood the fire of Ur, it is learned from The Book of Jasher.

Isaac had received the Dynamic of God when he was born to God and the barren woman, Sarai.

Jacob received the Dynamic of God when he strived with Him. Like his grandfather, the Name was written on his thigh, thus he is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and Jesus shared their genetics (Exod 3:6). Not only that, but Israel shared the genetics of God!

The mitochondrial DNA of Jesus came from Eve. He was ‘Is because of her and was the same kind as Cain (Gen 4:1).

Jesus was fully man in a genetic sense, but only John provided the evidence that he was not the biological “Son of God” but the real Genome of God. Yahweh is the Substance of the Man Jesus, and like the “Father” who He is within, Jesus has the Power of God. In the English, when Jesus emanated virtue, in the Greek; it is “dynamis.”

Therefore, the Godhead is the Genome of God in bodily shape, the man, and the Dynamic — the “I AM able” within the Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost of the man, Jesus.

The name of the Third Part of the Holy Trinity might very well be “I AM ABLE” in some language. The name, “Israel” — “Strive With God” — certainly implies that for Israel, he was able because he was engendered, or “born again” (John 3:7) by God above who appeared to him as a vapor in the shape of a man.

Considering that both dynasty and dynamics have the same Greek root (dunamai), then it makes sense that a dynasty is the dynamics, or power, of those kings whose genetics flow through the generations.

The Dynasty of Jesus did not begin with David, nor even Abraham, but with Yahweh Himself. The angel said to Mary, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon you, and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow you: therefore also, that Holy Thing which shall be born of you shall be called ‘The Son of God’” (Luke 1:35).

The “Holy Thing” was the material body of Jesus — a thing. The “Holy Ghost” could have been translated as “Holy Spirit” be it in bodily shape when it stopped at Mary. Therein are two substances of the Godhead, or Holy Trinity — the Person of Jesus and the Phantom Image of God.

 (I believe that phantom Image is the Genome of God and that God was revealed by what we call the invisible but real, “chromosomes.” The third “substance” of the Holy Trinity is revealed there as well, it is the “Power” of God “His “Dynamis” in the Greek.)

As I described in my book, An Awesome Quantum God, the Holy Trinity is the Father (Yahweh), the Son (the Genome of Yahweh that put-on flesh), and the Dynamics of God (His actions in both the heaven and the earth.)

Now it should make sense; a dynasty is the dynamics of the rulers descended from the same king. David was the biological son of Jesse, but in his “heart,” he was the son of God.

Abraham was the biological son of sinful Terah but in his “heart” he was the son of God.

Jesus was thought to be the son of Joseph, but He was the Son of God in a genetic sense. He was also the “son of David” in a biological sense.

That Joseph was only supposed to be the son of Joseph has great significance in a Roman world. As an example, Tiberius was “Caesar” because he was the stepson of Augustus Caesar. He was of the Caesarian Dynasty although he was only an adopted son.

Likewise, Joseph may not have been of royal blood, but Mary was. Although Jesus was the stepson of Joseph, He would be royalty via the blood of Mary. He would pay taxes in Bethlehem because of Mary. His bloodline was from David who was from Bethlehem.

Even Caesar recognized that Jesus was the son of David, albeit not the Son of God. Joseph would have paid taxes on David’s inheritance to Jesus, not because of his genealogy, but Mary’s. Could it be that Joseph’s dowery was some property that once belonged to David for him to be taxed in David’s hometown?

Could the gold, frankincense, and myrrh have been used to pay taxes on some highly appraised property? Did it not just disappear? Was Jesus not just a poor carpenter but a highly respected technician (Tekton in the Greek) who could do all sorts of things with ease?

Jesus was the ruler of a dynasty for He had the Power of God! It was not so on Earth, as He revealed to Pilate, but in another realm. The Davidian Dynasty was meant to be eternal, and it remains so through the Davidic and Abrahamic blood.

Indeed, there is Power (Dynamics) in the blood of Jesus for He still reigns in the Dynasty of God — the Heavens and Earth that He created in a very quantum manner!

picture credit; iStock





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