Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Jews, according to scripture require a sign and Greeks, us Gentiles, require wisdom (1 Cor 1:22). They both can reveal God. God found a way to reveal Himself both to miracle seekers and scientists.

Hundreds of "coincidences" perhaps do make one truth just as Huxley said nearly the same thing, "Sixty-four-thousand four-hundred repetitions make one truth." No, it does not. Verbal repetitions make zero truths. In fact, repetition reveals sinister lies that are the "narratives" which we hear each day. On the other hand, repetition of actual events perhaps does make one truth.

Existence is infinite numbers of significant characteristics. In nature, there are perhaps billions of "coincidences." That word is within quotation marks to question whether things that seem coincidental are some higher-level of Intelligence at work.

That we are who we are is credited to adaptation; it is not evolutionary, but strictly environmental conditioning. Perhaps even the color of the skin of people is them adapting to the Sun. Is it merely coincidental that most dark people reside where the Sun is the most direct and of the longest duration? They have probably adapted to their environment. That is not evolutionary!

Today, let's focus on the Sun. Do not look directly at it because it will create a solar eclipse for you. You may even learn something about science, but you will also learn much about the reality of God.

First off, God is the Creator, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen 1:1). If you do not believe that, then there is no God for you. That there is a heaven and an earth defines a "god" and if truly a god, then "IT" requires no assistance. (God is not male nor female but Existence itself. He Was, Is, and always Will Be).

How could anyone know in truth that there is a "God"? (capitalized because there is only one true God). Paul revealed the source of faith that there is a God: "The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead... (Rom 1:20). 

For now, focus on the Power. (Don't do that in a real solar eclipse.) 

It takes power to do any type of work. That is scientific. Things cannot come from nothing. To believe that is alchemy. 

Einstein perceived that mass came from energy of which power is its dynamic: m=E/c2. The letter "m" is mass (firm things), E is energy (dynamic non-firm things) divided by the speed of light squared. Note that that equation defines the Godhead. God is Light (1 John 1:15), Jesus is the "mass" from the Light of God to the world (John 8:12), and E is the Power, or Dynamic of God. 

Note that the "trees" of the Garden, taken literally from the Hebrew, means "firm things" and that His Image literally means "phantom things," or even a "Shadow" like the penumbra in the figure below. 

The umbra in that figure would be symbolic of Lucifer in whom there is darkness that is falsely presented as the "Bringer of Light" (Lucifer).

The Godhead is defined in Einstein's equation, but there must be evidence of that, not just because I said so!

We need something that demonstrates both the Godhead and the equation of general relativity, E=mc2.

A solar eclipse is a perfect example; the Sun is the Light and its affect on our planet is the Light of the world. Scripture says that in God there is no darkness at all. In the figure below, there is no absolute darkness and for a very profound reason which we shall examine. 

The dark triangle between the Moon and the Earth is its "umbra." It is a cone of darkness that is represented in the figure in 2-D. There is darkness in space, but note that due to the position of the Earth, Moon, and Sun; there is no absolute darkness at all just as Paul wrote, "That God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). 

Jesus Himself said, "I am the light of the world: he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life." (John 8:12). 

A solar eclipse verifies those two statements. The only ones who have walked in total darkness were those who walked on the Moon's surface. Indeed, it was totally dark there because the rays of the Sun were blocked. 

The penumbra of the solar eclipse seems dark but it just lesser light. Nobody, even during the darkest days (solar eclipses) walk in total darkness just as Jesus said unless their eyes are closed tightly or that they are blind to the things of the world.

Is it coincidence that God through the mouth of Jesus explained what He had made in the beginning? How would Jesus know that? Speaking of Jesus, John wrote this:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1-3)

Jesus said that He is "The Light of the World" because of one idea -- He IS God.  He understood the positions of the Sun. Moon, and Stars because it was revealed to John somehow that each were placed precisely in the right relative positions described in the New Testament. That should excite you!

The positions and comings and goings of the bodies of the cosmos is evidence that there is One God and that any sane person should see that by the things that He made.

Why is there no utter darkness at all on Earth as both scripture and science says? Because the ratio of the diameter of the Sun to the diameter of the Moon is right at 400:1, while the ratio of the Sun's distance from Earth to the Moon's is also about 400 :1.

"SOLAR ECLIPSE" (Rice University)

Are the positions and sizes of the Sun, Moon, and Earth merely many coincidences or were they planned by some Higher Intelligence? Did they just go there by themselves, or was it because of the "Dynamic" that is the Power of God?

Those positions and sizes, as well as their orbits that make eclipses, validates scripture. The only "scientist" that knew all this stuff was Enoch who the angels of God took through a tour of the heavens to explain what He had made. However, Jesus was not a mere carpenter as it is translated, but the Tekton. He was the Intelligence and Craftsman who made all things.

How did Jesus understand light, darkness, and even eclipses? He set them in their places and made them just the right sizes. 

God's Substance may not be Light. Indeed, the Sun is not God. However, the Creation Process -- the Dynamic of God -- was of the same Divine Design. 

That "God is Light" should be understood that He is the entire Existence because there was nothing before Him; He was "IT." Light does coincide with His Dynamic -- how He does the things that He does.

Many put on their special glasses and stare intently at solar eclipses. They see the darkness of the umbra, and maybe even the dusk of the penumbra. However, those with "bright eyes" should see God because that Dynamic is His handiwork. 

When God created., that was a once ever action. It was a Dynamic process performed, not by itself, but by precise measurements, thus implying a "Measurer." 

We can expect solar eclipses regularly and we know well in advance when to prepare for it because everything has its time; there is "nothing new under the Sun" just as Solomon wrote. He saw the same solar eclipses that we see and when that ends, as revealed to John, it will be the end, except for those who are prepared to meet God.

Paul knew that what you see identifies the unseen God (Rom 1:20). The solar eclipse is one way to see the Dynamic of God who we cannot see. It is in His mathematics that requires Intelligence and in His Dynamics that requires Power. 

God issued a warning for His people to avoid misunderstanding; that the things we see are just things, but behind those things there was God:
And lest you lift up your eyes unto heaven, and when you see the Sun, and the Moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, should you be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the Lord thy God has divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. (Deut 4:9)

People assemble all over the world to witness solar eclipses, and the darker places (the umbra) the better. The see the things and even the light, but few see God during that seldom occurring experience. 

Even as a youth, when I looked at the cosmos, I saw God. Why me? Because God for some reason picked me. However, it can be you. If you have enough sense to see that God did those things and that Jesus was there in Power, then you are well on your way to eternal life.

Solar eclipses are cyclic and predicable and are made possible because the apparent size of the Sun and the Moon are the same from planet Earth. "That is silly," you say, "because any fool knows the Sun is larger than the moon!" That is true, but due to their distances from Earth, the appear to be the same size. A solar eclipse reveals that the apparent sizes of the Sun and Moon are the same. Some Divine Intelligence distanced them in their orbits so when they are both at the same celestial axis from the Earth, they appear to be the same size. 

Enoch saw that from his vantage point in the heavens. He wrote about that scientific fact even before the time of Noah. He wrote the following:

And that which (thus) rises is the great luminary, and is so named according to its appearance, according as the Lord commanded. As he rises, so he sets and decreases not, and rests not, but runs day and night, and his light is sevenfold brighter than that of the moon; but as regards size they are both equal. (The Book of Enoch, Section III, chapter 72:36-37)

"The Great Luminary" is the Sun. Science says that "The apparent size of the Moon is roughly the same size at that of the Sun" (Wikipedia; "Moon") because of their sizes and respective distances from the Earth. Enoch, who was given a tour of the heavens wrote that "as regards to size they are equal." He is speaking of apparent size. He had just described their motions and ellipses, so he knew their sizes from their distances apart. Enoch may have been the first astronomer. He knew his mathematics as well. 

In the second century B.C. Hipparchus of Nicaea calculated the relationships of the Sun and Moon to Earth. Enoch knew about it 3000 or so years before but did not calculate it. Hipparchus got it wrong by over one decimal factor and only years later was it made right. 

Who revealed to Enoch the truth? Angels showed him the Dynamics of God in The Book of Enoch, Section III.  

Paul would have read that book! Even if he did not, "I (Paul) knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows; such an one caught up to the third heaven" (2 Cor 12:2). Paul, if not himself, knew of someone who had been caught up to The Third Heaven in the manner of Enoch. He would have seen the heavenly luminaries first hand and revealed it to Paul. 

The Godhead is one head of three substances. Two are easy: (1) The Son Jesus and (2) The Holy Ghost of Jesus. The Third "Substance" is more difficult; it is "The Word" of God... His Voice, or Speech. It is the Dynamic of God that is neither visible nor invisible, but like quantum, Dynamic in Power. It is who God is before he rests at a stopping point. In the Old Testament, the Creator God was Dynamic, but when stopped, He appeared as a cloud by day or a fire by night. In the New Testament, when God rested, he appeared as a Man -- Jesus. (For more about this refer to my latest book, An Awesome Quantum God.)

How can we know God? He measured the cosmos and unrolled it out:

Have you not known? have you not heard? has it not been told you from the beginning? have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He that sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in... (Isa 40:21-22)

John, seeing Jesus in a vison, wrote, "He that talked with me had a golden reed to measure..." (Rev 21:15). God measured the Sun and Moon as well and their distances from the Earth. Indeed, Jesus was not a mere carpenter but a highly knowledgeable Technician; even an astro-physicist who knew His Quantum Mechanics!

Note that the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size only at a solar eclipse. That was what Enoch saw and seems to be to what Paul was referring.

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