Friday, August 2, 2024


 Some information why Christians should object to trans-anything: 

If anyone studies Gen 4:1 in Hebrew, they will soon realize that Cain was a trans-being. He was not an "adam" (the kind) in Hebrew but an 'Is (pronounced eesh). That same word is in use today. We are not technically Adam's kind but Cain's kind. God distinctively marked Cain so that he would remain safe. Cain would have looked like a man but inwardly he was a "beast." 

"If a man (an 'Is) lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and you shall slay the beast" (Lev 20:15). That 'Is is our kind. 

God seems to not want mankind to degenerate any more than they had already. He covered their sins by grace with coats made from death, my guess is so they would always be aware of what death entails. That "coat" was given to Adam and ended up as the coat of many colors that Joseph was given, according to the Book of Jasher and my own research into it.

The coat was not one of many colors but from the soles of the feet to the palms of the hands. It would have covered almost all of Joseph's flesh as it had Adam and Eve's.

Those coats were by the grace of God to cover their shame. It was to cover their rebellious souls because their flesh had failed to do so. 

Then, generations later, the gens of God (Seth's progeny) even coupled with the gens of Cain and the resultant trans-beings became even more degenerated. Noah and his progeny were the exception.

My point is that tampering with our genetics was both the original sin and the genetic sin. The Book of Genesis reveals, not genetic improvement, but degeneracy. Christians must reject the idea that it is okay to tamper any further with the glorious being that He made (Adam). 

If others want to be something they are not, that does not disturb my existence, but it does mankind's. Think about that; trans-things cannot reproduce a make the real thing. That Adam and the woman “adam” died should be obvious; afterward the man named the new trans-kind "Eve" and thereafter she was the mother of all living. 

Mankind did die with original sin when they ceased to be glorious and became trans-beings, as the word "extant" in Gen 4:1 implies. The death was their genetics were altered.

Death may be death as in mortality, but it is also miscegenation. 

This seems to be a mean comment, but it is not. It may be taken down, but it is the truth.

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