Sunday, August 11, 2024

TODAY'S HEADLINE -- The "Word" of A Science

 Science continues to catch up with the Divine; today's headline:

"Death Doesn't Exist And May Just Be An Illusion, According To Quantum Physics."

According to God, the soul is immortal (Rom 2:7). "Immortality" is beyond the flesh. It is when the carbon in us has passed its life. Because the carbon within us is depleted, does not mean that our non-carbon soul is gone.

That does not mean that the soul cannot suffer after death. That is what redemption is all about - the salvation of the soul (1 Pet 1:9).
The salvation of souls is beyond suffering, pain, and death. Souls only die in the sense that they may suffer.

Science has not got it right; the soul never dies, and death is an "illusion."

God said to Adam and Eve (basically), "Deny Me and die;;" and then they ignored God but lived on! Was God jesting?

Death is an illusion. Adam and the woman did die, but in the world, it went unnoticed. Their chain of carbon-based DNA remained intact, but their souls lost their place in Existence. Meant to exist only in a heavenly Paradise, they were cast out into the world where their souls were tested by all types of tribulations, according to "Adam and Eve and Their Conflicts with Satan."

Even after 930 years, Adam's life expired, but it was only illusory. His bones were saved by Shem and Melchizedek until the time of Jesus, but the "Place of the Skull" revived those dried bones (Mat 27:53).

The death of Adam had been an illusion. His soul had remained alive throughout the ages. Adam finally stood erect again as Jesus died for him. He had not been dead at all but safely preserved in the bosom of Abraham (Luke 16) who was king in another realm, not of this world.

Many believe "Quantum Physics" and the writer of that article credited the science. God is THE SCIENCE... quantum physicists are just now believing what God revealed to Christians of all ages. Science is slow to come to the truth, albeit "God is Truth" (Deut 32:4)

You will always exist, and it is up to you how you will continue to exist even after you seem gone!

Death is just an illusion. You will never die. You will continue on in another realm whether it be in joy or agony depends on whether you trust God or the science. Jesus is God; the science is not. Science cannot save your soul, albeit Jesus can! The thief who repented went to Paradise along with the Holy Ghost of Jesus that same day.

Jesus overcame the world; and when He did that; it was very quantum-like. Science translated neither Him nor the thief to safety in another realm, but the Power of God did that. So, in whom do you believe? the theory or the truth

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