Saturday, August 3, 2024


God revealed to the “son of man” (Ezekiel) about the utter destruction of Israel and the dispersion of its people. That did happen very soon. Obviously, Ezekiel prophesied that while still in Jerusalem although he may have written it down after he was taken to Babylon. He may have thought this happened just as it was revealed to me. The destruction of the Temple happened very soon after Ezkiel saw the vision. His warning from God follows: 

Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, “The vision that he sees is for many days to come, and he prophesies of the times that are far off.” (Ezek 12:27) 

 God referred to Ezekiel as the “son of man.” That has great significance for by then “mankind” had degenerated; Adam’s kind to another existence called “’Is” in the Hebrew. Consider that kind as sons of Eve and the wicked one, according to the lineage of Cain who was of the wicked one (1 John 3:12).

Ezekiel remained purebred because he was from the house of Israel, or the genetics of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel when he was engendered by God long before as he “wrestled” with a “man” (‘Is) that turned out to be God (Elohim). That being was Jesus, not in the flesh, but in a vapor (Gen 32:24) from the Hebrew word ‘abaq.

How did Jacob wrestled a man who was nothing more than vapor — a phantom — you ask? It was not a wrestling match at all but pre-incarnate Jesus changing the genetics of Jacob. Think about that; God changed Jacob from a devious and sinful man into a righteous man. God removed the “beast” within Jacob and made him glorious. Ezekiel was of the House of Israel, and Buzi his father is thought to be the prophet, Jeremiah.

God had corrected the genetics of Jacob and Ezekiel was of the House of Israel, or the gens of the former, Jacob. In other words, Ezekiel was worth God talking to because Ezekiel was, in a sense, in Christ, the same as the man (adamic) Israel.

Because Ezekiel was of Israel (the man), God revealed to him the fate of the House of Israel. It would mostly perish as the Temple was destroyed in the House, or gens, of Israel, reseeded in Babylon where they would grow enough to be replanted in Israel seventy years later.

The seed of Adam could be planted and replanted just as the original man, Adam. Again, in a sense, God put the Israelites, by then only the Jews, in a “hothouse” in the Babylon. That brings to mind the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

It is believed that King Nebuchadnezzar established the hanging gardens to please his Medianite wife. There has never been any evidence that the Hanging Garden ever existed. Perhaps (and this is me speaking) that the Hanging Garden in Babylon was not trees at all but Israelites, and that the planting of them in Babylon was one of the Seven Wonders of the World!

The Israelites were a “garden” that God planted in Canaan, perhaps the true Garden of Eden, and would in the time of King Jeconiah, be replanted in Babylon where the Hanging Garden was said to exist despite the lack of evidence.

Note that Adam was planted in the Garden of Eden: 

The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. (Gen 2:7-8) 

God had made Adam in phantom (in His Image) then put him in the soil of the Garden to grow. (I believe that the Garden of Eden was not like any other garden, but a Garden of Living Souls, and that the Hanging Garden of Babylon was much the same; without proof of course, just like the Hanging Garden itself.)

Throughout scripture, men are likened to trees. The blind man said, as Jesus approached him, “I see men as trees walking” (Mark 8:24). Perhaps the blind man in his vision saw Jesus as the Tree of Life walking toward himself.

I see Adam as a “tree” planted. I see the Jews, the remnant of Israel, as the best plants that God replanted in a type of hothouse until the fertile crescent was made new ground again. I believe that much of scripture is esoteric in nature and that perhaps the Jews planted in Babylon could have been the proverbial Hanging Garden of Babylon as the time fits perfectly with the diaspora.

When God revealed the destruction and diaspora to Enoch, God knew that the Jews would believe it would be in a distant time (Ezek 12;27 above). It was not distant; it happened very quickly; perhaps that same year or at least within a few years. Who would have thought the Kingdom of David would disappear to the world, but it did! Even to this day, just like the Hanging Gardens, the evidence that there was a Davidic Kingdom is almost non-existent. That Jesus was the “son of David” (of his genome) is evidence enough and that even His enemies called Him that is provenance of King David.

Perhaps because the Jews appeared contiguous with the Hanging Garden of Babylon and disappeared with it is provenance that they could be the wondrous “hanging garden” that God planted there for a time, and that God used Nebuchadnezzar as the husbandman to plant His Garden again.

You may not buy into that but indeed God is mysterious. Who would have believed that Ezekiel really saw living creatures with wheels. Perhaps he saw something in the future that he described in that manner, but they were machines from the distant future that he saw!

Whether the Jews were the Hanging Garden of Babylon, or not, is not significant, but what is significant is that God knew that the Jews would not expect it to happen soon… but it did, and so it goes with the end-of-time prophecy that God will destroy the heaven and the Earth and replant it anew with the living souls of dead people.

 Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Wikipedia)


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